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Police goes brutal on a guy, crowd gets angry and beat the hell out of cops

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Good. I honestly wish this happened more often. I don't think that we should just mob up ANYTIME we feel an officer is abusing their power but it sure is nice to watch that bacon fry.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:23 PM
I got thanked for the little translating I did before, so that motivated me to quickly transcribe the video
Don't hesitate to ask, for Portuguese, Spanish and French, if no one else is available.



(something about an incentive to the referee)

He only wanted to say that his family supported José Fonseca, the Portuguese referee for this game.

That's when security entered the field.

Out of their natural habitat, the four men, dressed in black, started pumelling the one dressed in white.

(scene with security punching the guy)

Suddenly, blue, red and green joined with white and the situation turned black (portuguese expression, meaning turned into hell).

(Public lynching scene)

For ten minutes, security got the other side of the coin (medal, in Portuguese)

Some sensible supporters and the quick intervention of the players managed to somehow abate the problem.

(scene where violence seems to abate)

(unconscious security guy)

This security guard stayed unconscious for several minutes.

He later managed to exit the stadium, walking, although with some help.

(scene with football players congregating around an old white haired guy)
Benfica Players, tempers also high, and Giovanni Trapatoni listening to the different versions of the many supporters that invaded the field.

In the end, there were no detentions, what followed instead was a party from the supporters of Benfica and a trip to the hospital for the security guys.


de incentivo ao árbitro

Ele só queria dizer, que a familia apoiava José Fonseca, o árbitro Português do jogo.

Foi então, que entrou em campo a segurança.

Fora do habitat natural, os quatro homens, vestidos de negro, começaram a espancar o vestido de branco.

De repente, azuis, vermelhos, verdes, juntaram-se ao branco, e a coisa ficou preta.

Durante dez minutos, os seguranças tiveram o reverso da medalha.

Salvou-se o bom senso de alguns adeptos, e a intervenção rápida dos jogadores para tentar amenizar o problema.

Este Segurança ficou inconsciente durante alguns minutos.

Pouco depois, saíu pelo próprio pé, ainda com ajuda.

Com os jogadores do Benfica tambêm de cabeça perdida; e Giovani Trapatoni(sp?) a ouvir as explicações dos muitos adeptos que invadiram o relvado.

No final, não houve detenções, houve sim a festa dos adeptos do Benfica, e a passagem dos seguranças para o hospital.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

wow those cops just left their buddy. Never would have happened in America....mostly because we have guns and the crowd wouldnt have gotten that far lol

but really awesome how people can stand up for an injustice, even though the guy getting beat was a D-Bag who ran onto the field during a soccer game.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:33 PM
This site saddens me at times. I have said before, i am a frontline officer in England, and have been for over 20 years. I have never had a complaint against me by a member of the public for excessive force. I have dealt with countless offenders, some armed with weapons, under the influence of substances etc. On the basis that some other people in my job don't do things right you will be delighted for me to get a kicking.....thanks.

Could you show a video of an ethnic minority person doing something bad and call for all members of their race to get a kicking?

I've said it before...the police come from members of the public. Therefore you might aswell go an assault a member of the public aswell. Having policed english football matches, i would ask if you fancy facing a mob of hundreds armed with a stick whilst they lob bricks, bottles, darts and all manner of things whilst they are braveley high on coc aine etc?

We had a football player assaulted by someone running onto the pitch and the same nearly happened to celtic's manager in scotland recently. I'm sad at the vitriol expressed on here. I don't supposed your bothered about videos of YOU...the public doing vile things. If you want to tar all police with the same brush then it's only fair the police should do the same with you. YOU the public have kept me busy with your murders, rapes, etc. I am holding you to account and would be happy to see you get a kicking for what all your fellow members of the public do......i am of course not wishing that. I have friends and family who are members of the i know your not all bad !!

All i know is never trust a member of the public......bunch of thieves, rapists, murderers......can you see my point?

You can hate me for the job i do...fair enough.....i don't hate you. I'm also a member of the public....and a human being.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:35 PM

No, I don't notice that at all. I didn't see the cops kicking anyone's face in.

You're right, I just saw the cops punching his face in

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by WayfaringStranger

if youre being serious than you obviously have X-ray vision because you can't see what the guy is doing. like someone else said, how do you know he wasn't biting the cop? like I've stated repeatedly, I'm not saying the cops were justified, but neither is stomping someone's head in. weak people react in pack mentality. the cops and the fans showed that.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:42 PM
Two wrong's don't make a right. Not to mention they got the wrong officer.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by gabby2011

I dont see how you know from watching this video that the violence was unneccisary. Was he fighting back? Spitting? Biting an officer?

Human bites carry more risk of infection that any other animal.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by servant2

Hey man I think you're taking this the wrong way. There are good cops, and good servants of the public. If you do your job with respect you get respected. Same goes with anything. I personally don't bunch every officer into one group. There are ones who abuse, and then there are ones who stay true to their oath.

But c'mon, when you see stuff like that it doesnt matter if you are a cop or not, you intervene and help. If you were on that field beating the guy in the head than you would deserve a swift kick in the face. Badge or not. You should be sticking up against this behavior as much as any citizen because like you said you come from the public just like us.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by servant2

As a citizen of the United States, I can honestly say that 'many cops are egotistical jerks'. While dating a female officer, I had an opportunity to meet an entire precinct. I also have two friends who became officers. After going to various police barbeques, I concluded that many of them are pompous fools. Not all of them, but many of them.

edit on 5/26/2011 by Section31 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:52 PM
I hate football.

Therefore anyone being beaten at a football match who is aged between 21 and 60 is something I always enjoy watching.

Any adult over the age of 21 who wears a football shirt with another mans name written on that shirt, deserves to be beaten.

Football is for kids and old people.

The fact that grown men pay to watch a game where two sides of overpaid morons in shorts kick a bag of air around a pitch for 90 minutes, hug and kiss each other when they kick that bag of air into the back of a net, and then at the end of the game they get into a nice, frothy bubble bath and get naked with each other in a 'Honestly I am not gay, but I am really enjoying being wet and naked with you mate' way - ensures it is not a game for real men.

Real blokes play rugby - and I dont mean that silly American game where they wear body armour.
Football fans are a blight on the human species.

The bonus was the police being beaten as well.

A win as far as I am concerned.

The more footage of cops beating football fans, and then foortball fans beating brutal cops that goes on Youtube, then the happier I am.

edit on 26-5-2011 by leejohnbarnes because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:52 PM
There are scumbag cops, who'd be scumbags no matter what their profession was, and there are decent cops. It's not whether they're bad cops or good cops. Because even a "good" cop can "lose" it under pressure. I blame most abuse cases on a lack of proper training. They are not being trained to defuse. Every time a cop shows up, the situation escalates. I can think of very few situations where calling a cop is even necessary. If someone was breaking into my house, and I hypothetically couldn't defend myself, I'd call a fireman. All we really want is a lot sirens and flashing lights showing up. Plus, depending on where you live, firemen will probably get there faster. The "confusion" can be sorted out later. Paying for the expense of sending out a firetruck is better than calling the cops. Call a cop for help, they get there, start snooping around, next thing you know you're being arrested for not sorting your garbage. It's in their blood, and training. It's all gone military, so it's bound to get worse before it gets better. Instead of spending money on new tools to oppress the masses, get these guys some anger management training.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:53 PM
I'm not a policeman and I have no relatives in the police, however what this video shows is a policeman doing his job, you can clearly see that everything is fine for a while and then after a while he jabs the person a few times, for all we know the accused person was biting or doing something he wasn't meant to. I believe that when you have been caught by the police, just surrender, if you believe you have been abused or incorrectly charged, you can take it up at a later stage.

Policeman deserve our respect, If you have done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about. I accept there is police brutality out there BUT there is also loads of abuse getting thrown their way.

I myself have been held up by police with their weapons drawn, ready to act (they thought I was a car thief) in the end it was fine, like I said they just doing their job, if you nice 9.9/10 times they will be nice back.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 12:57 PM
I just wake up and this make my day.
I wish American people have European's -hooligan- "gut" ...... and things will hit the fan real short.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:02 PM
reply to post by stumason

Yes, it was Portugal.
No, they were not policemen, they were private security.
One thing about the portuguese: we have some violence in the stadiums but not as much as in England, but one thing that make the portuguese boil and become violent is gratuit violence (that may give you a hint why the english hooligans never cause much problem in portuguese stadiums ...).

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:03 PM
I love the way they bail when they realize they don't have the power over numbers.
Thumbs up to these football fans.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by servant2
This site saddens me at times. I have said before, i am a frontline officer in England, and have been for over 20 years. I have never had a complaint against me by a member of the public for excessive force. I have dealt with countless offenders, some armed with weapons, under the influence of substances etc. On the basis that some other people in my job don't do things right you will be delighted for me to get a kicking.....thanks.

Could you show a video of an ethnic minority person doing something bad and call for all members of their race to get a kicking?

I've said it before...the police come from members of the public. Therefore you might aswell go an assault a member of the public aswell. Having policed english football matches, i would ask if you fancy facing a mob of hundreds armed with a stick whilst they lob bricks, bottles, darts and all manner of things whilst they are braveley high on coc aine etc?

We had a football player assaulted by someone running onto the pitch and the same nearly happened to celtic's manager in scotland recently. I'm sad at the vitriol expressed on here. I don't supposed your bothered about videos of YOU...the public doing vile things. If you want to tar all police with the same brush then it's only fair the police should do the same with you. YOU the public have kept me busy with your murders, rapes, etc. I am holding you to account and would be happy to see you get a kicking for what all your fellow members of the public do......i am of course not wishing that. I have friends and family who are members of the i know your not all bad !!

All i know is never trust a member of the public......bunch of thieves, rapists, murderers......can you see my point?

You can hate me for the job i do...fair enough.....i don't hate you. I'm also a member of the public....and a human being.

I feel extremely bad ,if we have made you feel like you are not respected for the job you do.

This is not what I was trying to convey in my posts. What I was trying to say ,is that often the ones in uniform, abuse their power, with little or no regard for the injuries they are giving to another human. (c'mon the guy ran out onto the field with a flag)

When you say seem to imply that there are no murderers,thieves,and rapists ..within the police forces.
How stupid do you think WE are.

If you honestly believe you should never trust a member of the public are not doing your job of serving and protecting.

And remember that serving and protecting also includes crimes committed by law enforcement.
edit on 26-5-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by mblahnikluver
reply to post by Vitchilo

Two wrongs do not make a right

yes they shouldn't have been hitting that guy like that in anyway. There were plenty of them where they could restrain him. I don't think he was going anywhere.

However when they did attempt to get away and were mobbed that is where I do not agree.

yeah well, one wrong (in the cops cases) is never a lesson learned. If this doesn't happen, they get a free card to keep doing this more and more. The cops have protection, the people have no protection from them. In general two wrongs don't make a right...but when the one is doing that kind of wrong and they won't stop and it keeps getting worse and worse, do you suppose we just use your ideology and let them keep beating everyone when the government is only on their side? I have an addage for you. "When in the case of abuse of power.......some laws are ment to be broken." Here's another for you. "Live and Learn,...the crowd let them live..and I betcha they learned something that day as well. I will bet that they will do their jobs proper from now on. I don't know if this is Greece or Italy or what but it won't stop here for it has been written......



edit on 26-5-2011 by Phenomium because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:14 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

This, isn't the correct thing to do, in that situation. Yes, the police were WAY out of line, and I, dislike police brutality just as much as the next guy, but in a violent uproar like that, neither parties shall have the right side. The people, I suppose had the right to defend their fellow brother, but violence, wasn't a needed course of action. This is going to push the Feds into a corner, pull on their strings, until they snap, and things become worse, and then when 40,000 people form into a violent mob.. 80,000 feds with enough firepower to take out an army will arise, and take care of the problem accordingly. Im just saying this makes our side look alittle bad, but hey it is satisfying seeing the cops being put in their place.

posted on May, 26 2011 @ 01:19 PM
I loved how that one particular "upholder of justice" beat that guy with the flag with his baton of justice.

I loved it even more when he started running away at 0:38 once he realized theres an angry mob after him.

At around 1:04 he wants to stop "playing" because there were a ton of ticked off people after him.

Too bad that clip doesnt show what happened to him after that.

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