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What knife do you carry??

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posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Why would anyone carry a knife around? I guess only in the USA, next to your guns.

I disarm people with wit and humor. No need for knives.

No one ever wins a knife fight. Don't get me wrong. I OWN a sword - an original 1930's British Naval Dress Uniform Wilkinson Sword inherited from my grandfather, but would NEVER think about carrying it around.
edit on 24-5-2011 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

Good lord, these ignorant posts keep on coming.

I have carried a knife for 20 years. I use it every day, usually more than once. I have only had the thought to use it as a weapon once, and just the sight of it de-escalated the situation.

Knives are not weapons, silly, silly people. They are a tool. And possibly the most useful one a person can own.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Dont see the point in carrying a "weapon"

If you are carrying a knife and someone attacks have to be prepared to use it....and be prepared for the They disarm you and now have the knife....not good.

I personally believe your asking for trouble if you carry a knife. ( in the UK definitely )

Its got to be an American thing...this whole needing a weapon all of the time for protection against terrorists, muggers, rapists etc. Why soooooo much fear?????

A nation full of hate and fear....spreading your hate and fear everywhere....not nice

( i dont dislike American people per say....i dislike some of the things they do )

Again, get educated. Most do not carry them for protection.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

Your mistake is in assuming that people carry knives strictly as weapons. That's usually not the case. I didn't start carrying a pocket knife until a few years ago, but I wouldn't go without one now. The thing makes an excellent multipurpose tool and I really don't consider it a weapon at all. Granted, the one I usually carry is a Buck 371, which, being a traditional slip-joint, is about the least tacti-cool knife you're going to find. Its basically a work/utility knife.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:38 PM
The state I live in has the 3" knife law, so my everyday carry is a CRKT mo'skeeter. It is discontinued now but was a great find. It was cheap at around $20, reasonably strong, and holds a decent edge. If i could carry what I want it would be my cold steel ultimate hunter. To the person who is against daily carry of a knife not everyone sees a knife as a weapon, mine is a tool. For a weapon I carry a handgun with the proper permit. It sounds like to me you have you need to read up on the differences of wolves, sheep, and sheepdogs. Most of my friends and family are sheep, and like you me carrying a firearm makes some of them uncomfortable. However there are alot of wolves out there. I am a very protective person by nature and adopting a sheepdog lifestyle just fit me. Don't get wolves and sheepdogs mixed up, it may be a concealed carry holder that saves you or a loved ones life one day.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 04:49 PM
reply to post by PrinceDreamer

Really? I don't what part of the world you live in, but I can promise you everyday there is someone around you at some point who has a knife or gun. With most of those people, you will never know it. You won't hear their mouths running, and you won't see them showing off. Those are the people who have the know how and the ability to save your ass when someones wants to ruin your day. Just because someone carries doesn't mean they cant back up what they say. Go ask a cop to disarm and I'll bet a buffalo nickel they still warm ya up if you need it. With or without their piece.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:04 PM

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Dont see the point in carrying a "weapon"

If you are carrying a knife and someone attacks have to be prepared to use it....and be prepared for the They disarm you and now have the knife....not good.

I personally believe your asking for trouble if you carry a knife. ( in the UK definitely )

Its got to be an American thing...this whole needing a weapon all of the time for protection against terrorists, muggers, rapists etc. Why soooooo much fear?????

A nation full of hate and fear....spreading your hate and fear everywhere....not nice

( i dont dislike American people per say....i dislike some of the things they do )

Again, get educated. Most do not carry them for protection.

I think its you who needs the in the uk knife crime is climbing. In 2006 163 thousand knife crimes were committed...thats more than double your gun crime in the same period....and you have considerably more people in your country.

We dont have people use knives. Most of the people who carry knives like you have shown do so as a weapon.

Who needs a 10" hunting knife to cut open a cardboard box?? Doesn't your employer provide the tools to open boxes?

Knife crime may not be a major problem where you live...but it is here.
Our opinions will be different, people carry them here for the USA they carry them encase they cant work out how to open a box

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by PrinceDreamer
What on earth do you walk around carrying a knife for? Are you really that scared you have to carry a weapon with you all the time?

I personally find that most people that carry weapons around are just scared little cowards, same as those that carry guns all the time, just afraid, then feel "MANLY" because they have a weapon to back up their big mouthes

If you need to carry a weapon with you all the time, you really need to look at your life style seriously

You would be amazed at how often a pocket knife comes in handy throughout the course of a day. Maybe you live in lala land or fairy world. But some people have jobs that require having a knife on your person, some people live in areas where it is not safe to walk to your mailbox let alone down the street, some people understand the importance of a good knife even if they only use it twice a year. Get over yourself and climb out of your clam shell.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:33 PM
CRKT M-16 Big Daddy Tanto tac fldr... Badass knife.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:42 PM

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy

Originally posted by captaintyinknots

Originally posted by loves a conspiricy
Dont see the point in carrying a "weapon"

If you are carrying a knife and someone attacks have to be prepared to use it....and be prepared for the They disarm you and now have the knife....not good.

I personally believe your asking for trouble if you carry a knife. ( in the UK definitely )

Its got to be an American thing...this whole needing a weapon all of the time for protection against terrorists, muggers, rapists etc. Why soooooo much fear?????

A nation full of hate and fear....spreading your hate and fear everywhere....not nice

( i dont dislike American people per say....i dislike some of the things they do )

Again, get educated. Most do not carry them for protection.

I think its you who needs the in the uk knife crime is climbing. In 2006 163 thousand knife crimes were committed...thats more than double your gun crime in the same period....and you have considerably more people in your country.

We dont have people use knives. Most of the people who carry knives like you have shown do so as a weapon.

Who needs a 10" hunting knife to cut open a cardboard box?? Doesn't your employer provide the tools to open boxes?

Knife crime may not be a major problem where you live...but it is here.
Our opinions will be different, people carry them here for the USA they carry them encase they cant work out how to open a box

You MUST be a city boy. Out in the real world we use knives to cut rope, cut open bags of feed, slice off a piece of leather, remove splinters(you wouldn't understand that because I'm sure you don't use your hands for more than typing on your keyboard), pry things open, and many other things that need done now. I know... you just go ask mommy for the scissors.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:50 PM
I carried a knife when i was 15 and insecure. i used it for everything, eating, bravado and intimidation.. i guess it made me feel more secure indeed. It was quite handy i must admit.. Havcing said that i grew up in a very rough neighbourhood. though, when confronted by man aged 40 who was simply trying to intimidate me i pulled it out and though I can not remember the incident, somehow that mans pinkie and ring fingers ended up on the floor.

It was a deeply disturbing occurence for a boy of 15 to endure. And surely so much more for that poor man to lose his fingers. He jumped up and down screaming and crying holding his hand, blood gushing out.

I have not carried one since. Though i have been in altercations since, i am happy to let what may be, be.

The good news is i am still here. ( now 38 )

The bad news is.. If you use a knife on someone and your mortality is not really threatened ( and you will if you carry one around ) you will have to live with that evermore.

Good luck in your choices.

edit on 24-5-2011 by Lansky because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-5-2011 by Lansky because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:59 PM
Day to day, a Gerber Profile, tend to stick with fixed blades no mechanism to fail when you might need it.

Trail or camping, small arsenal of the bladed variety.

There is a difference between being prepared and not needing it vs hoping nobody puts you in a situation where you should have been packing, it's not being a tough guy, it's just being smart.

reply to post by renegadeS

Thanks for that, now I know how to blow the next couple of hundred dollars, lol.

What model is that? I really like the fact that it has that point on the end, great for busting out a window on a car (NOT to break in, so you don't drown if you go over!!!)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 05:59 PM
I've been attacked with a knife twice, both times when some idiot tried to rob me...and I wasn't impressed. The thing is, it gives the carrier a sense of power and security that simply isn't there. Most of the time you actually could use a knife, you are facing someone you don't know...which is a problem, even with a knife. You don't know how good of a fighter your opponent is, and a knife might not actually save you, but cause you more harm. Running or handing over your valuables is ALWAYS the better option unless you're 100% (or 99%) sure you can take the other guy down. And no, size and muscle mass isn't the deciding factor. I'm less than 75kg and look pretty skinny, and I regularly take down heavier guys in training. I've been Thai boxing for years, and both of the guys attacking me with knives were hitting the floor before they could even swing a second time.

Unless you are trained in knife fighting, you're far more likely to hurt yourself...and the same goes for guns. And no, going to a gun range isn't proper training to use a gun for self defence!

Obviously if you carry a knife for something else than self-defence, it completely depends on the situation...but I still don't see a reason to carry one on a daily basis unless you regularly need to cut or slice stuff

edit on 24-5-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Mactire

Oh, now you've said that they do
second line

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by zirazira

A Cold Steel Gunsite Folder in my right front pocket and a Cold Steel Culloden in my rear pocket,with the sheath inside the pocket...

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:12 PM
I carry a Leatherman daily, it has been the greatest gift anyone has given me. I use it almost on a daily basis, I've used for emergency maintenance on my car as well as strangers stuck on the road, fix small things around the house, I screwed back in an elderly mans glasses once in a restaurant when the tiny screw fell out, used it to repair sewing machines, and a plethora of other things.

On camping and expedition trips I take my Leatherman and accompany it with a beautiful Fallkniven A1. This things is literally indestructible, it'll hack through anything and feels great in the hand.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Soldier of God

Nooooo not a city boy at all. I live in the countryside

So you work on a farm? That explains your personal need to carry a knife.
A 15 year old kid doesn't need to carry a knife for that...even if they are working on a farm there's no need for it to be taken in public...who needs a knife when shopping??

Do you open many things when you go shopping? How many ropes do you cut in the grocery store?

I dont need a knife to walk to my friends....its not often my way is blocked by rope, boxes and bags of feed.

You don't need a knife for any of the time your not working, or doing something that doesn't requires a knife.

Dont try and talk down to me....dont get personal this is a forum not a playground....i dont live with my mum thanks, i probably have underwear older than you

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by zirazira

What is the need to carry a knife when your in a city environment, and even in a park, where most normal people would take a football or some other form of item for entertainment purposes....

Only time I use a knife is in the kitchen when slicing bread.... plus carrying a knife here will be a prison sentence regardless of the bs excuse you come out with.

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:41 PM
I dont understand why there is so much angst against people who post what kind of knife they carry.The way I understood the thread,the asker wanted to know what kind of knife people carry and/or prefer....not start an argument or person bashing about the idea of carrying a knife?...Why all the anger?

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Homedawg

I gave an bashed me

You gave me reasons why you needed a knife, i answered honestly.

I see hunting knives in shopping malls, cinema, walking the streets in a gang, as weapons not tools.

EDIT: Im a foe haha, cheers
Its nothing personal, its just different beliefs for different reasons

edit on 24-5-2011 by loves a conspiricy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 24 2011 @ 06:49 PM

Originally posted by Homedawg
I dont understand why there is so much angst against people who post what kind of knife they carry.The way I understood the thread,the asker wanted to know what kind of knife people carry and/or prefer....not start an argument or person bashing about the idea of carrying a knife?...Why all the anger?

Good point...and it seems that the knife has been around since forever as a tool for all sorts of neat stuff (like skinning animals and such). I doubt seriously that the ancient ancestors left their knives at home until they needed them. Now of course skinning animals is less of a task these days, the knife still has it's place and is a very useful tool for all kinds of neat suff...why argue about it?

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