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Who is going to take your guns and place you in a fema camp?

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posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:23 PM
Have fun getting past my dog, if you do then they will have to deal with me. Good luck.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:27 PM
Interesting topic and many ideas bandied about here!
Lets entertain some other facts that people ignore that think it will be a field day for the government and it's lackeys!

The ratio for present military to those that are now out of the military is roughly 1-4 in favor of the mustered out!
There are approximately 330 mi people of which 3/5ths are of adult age.
There are approximately 90-100 million gun owners in the country, 20 million more than there were before Obama came into office! (thanks Obama for that)
The average firearm owner has more than just one weapon. Many have between 3-9 according to most I know personally! Plus an abundance of appropriate cartridges for those implements!

Now, you (being a former military person or retired cop) see your neighbor being dragged off and you know that your next. Do you decide to just give in or do you prepare with your family to duke it out with the authorities knowing you're going to loose no matter what that outcome? Most likely, if it were me, I would fight to protect my freedom. I'm a 3%er in the parlance of today's political idealism! many others would do the same even though so many think that they would not. Most of us have proper training and are excellent marksmen and women!
The attrition rate among the military and the LEO population would be horrendous. Unsustainable and basically illogical for the PTB to maintain.
The biggest problem in a war situation are those that are considered "captured combatants'! Should the military just start shooting the survivors of these skirmishes the outrage would embolden the other citizens even further to fight rather than surrender knowing that they face the same outcome either way!
You start shooting woman and children you're going to scare hell out of the rest but you are also going to enrage those same folks into reacting!

I just don't see how this Republic would fall should this doomsday scenario take place! There are just too many of us out here that know how to react and know how to fight back. We are NOT Europeans who have been taught from birth that the State knows all and is the Be all for governance! The populace has been armed for too long and engrained with the freedoms that come with that fact!

Just a thought from a different perspective!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Once the economy collapses it will be every man for himself.
Killing others for their supplys , once the stores are empty and gas is not available, will be the norm.
There is no need for police or an army, when the PEOPLE reduce their own numbers. Those left will go willingly to the camps and surrender their guns, for a secure place to live, a bed and three squares a day.
The numbers left trying to survive on their own will be few and easy to track down.

Why make it harder than it is ?
There are too many people and too many guns, LET THEM KILL THEMSELVES OFF !

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by brokedown

damn good answer
right the fizuk on

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:41 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

those are my thoughts kinda...

how many deaths due to this do you think?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:44 PM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

order out of chaos

divide and conquer

you are on the ball man

it is their motto

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:44 PM
To answer the question, no one because I don't have a gun and FEMA isn't active here.

In light of the OP though, scary thought itsn't it? I sure hope it doesn't happen because to take away people's civil liberties and force them into camps the way the Nazis did to the Jews during WW2 is just an unthinkable act of extreme measures.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by curious7

where are you from?

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:50 PM
reply to post by violence=answer

That's a very difficult question! Nationwide? Wow, thinking on that begs the question, how badly are the Americans who aren't given voice by the Media really feel about this government? It seems that from their perspective the majority thinks that we are mostly liberal in the progressive sense rather than conservative in the old idea of a free Republic. I truly believe that the majority is NOT happy with the progressive movement in this country and will fight the idea of a socialist progressive and oppressive government in the future!

2-3 million most likely, should this takeover of our nation be undertaken by what is known as the NWO or 'One Worlders' and a UN form of governance! It's is an idea that sounds nice but is completely unattainable. Sovereignty among nations and ethnicity of those citizens precludes this novel idea! It won't work without absolute tyranny of the ruling classes of the differing nations.
Just my thoughts on your question!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:02 PM
reply to post by ZindoDoone

The thing is, the authority will round you all up in FEMA camps before it all gets out of hand.

Not every state will encounter problems at the same time. The authority will make sure that they can take care of the states that get out of hand.

Under Hurricane Katrina 45 000 armed soldiers were deployed to control the situation.

Survivalists will probably be labeled by the authority and media as armed criminals for stealing from government property and being a threat towards lawful citizens. This way the people of the states that haven't come to a crisis yet will be sympathetic to the governments use of lethal force against the people in need, because the survivalists will be portrayed as criminals.
The people wont know what hit them until its their turn to be rounded up in FEMA camps.

They will round you all up in stages, state by state, Not all at once.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by spy66

You again underestimate the probability of all those Ex- military and those within the military who are already discontent with the way the government acts. Try talking to some of the military that are now still under oath and see what they tell you. You might be surprised that your 'fatalistic' idea is wrong!


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
reply to post by spy66

You again underestimate the probability of all those Ex- military and those within the military who are already discontent with the way the government acts. Try talking to some of the military that are now still under oath and see what they tell you. You might be surprised that your 'fatalistic' idea is wrong!


Being under oath means you have to fallow orders. Being under oath to serve the people means just what i said in my last post.

The Army will be framed to think they are doing the right cause to serve the sustainability of the government. The media will make sure that you and your friends get the point and act accordingly. All they have to do is display the right images and the right text to go along with it.
edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by spy66

NO, being under oath means you follow 'Legal' orders and not those that contradict Constitutional and Human right mandates. Besides, who, other than the progressives that follow lockstep with the elites, ever listens to 'Lame Stream Media' anymore?

edit on 5/22/2011 by ZindoDoone because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:57 PM
Sad that most can't see outside the box.
And make it harder than it really is.
Once the economy collapses, the gov. will shut everything down. No planes,( they did that after 9/11). No busses and no trains or boats.
Next, stop all commerce, no more deliverys of gasoline, food or meds, the essentials.
Next, shut down all utilitys, no more power, natural gas or water.
None of that takes an army.
All water, power and supplys will be diverted to safe havens for the elite, military bases and fema camps.
Again no army needed. Why put your troops in a combat situation ? Just protect and maintain what you already control.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by OLD HIPPY DUDE

All that is long before the people take matters into their own hands and take from the Elites? If you think they are immune I truly believe you are wrong! There are WAY more of us than them! If they choose to leave the country then maybe they will survive but history says otherwise!


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:06 PM

Originally posted by snowspirit
The thing I don't understand about the fema camps, is, how can "everyone" fit into a camp?

There's about 330 million people in the USA, and there's no possible way for them to all fit into these camps, unless they're going in one side, and turning into soylent green, or into a big firey pit or something just as perverse.

There's just not enough room. I don't understand the concept...

Think about all the largest supermarkets in every city in every state all over the country. When they are empty of food/products that is a lot of "convenient" empty space to store a lot of people. Just something to think about, ready made storage facilities everywhere.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
reply to post by spy66

NO, being under oath means you follow 'Legal' orders and not those that contradict Constitutional and Human right mandates. Besides, who, other than the progressives that follow lockstep with the elites, ever listens to 'Lame Stream Media' anymore?

edit on 5/22/2011 by ZindoDoone because: (no reason given)

NO, being under oath means you follow 'Legal' orders

Well that has been proven to be a failure. Iraq and Afghanistan has proven that you fallow orders rather than legal orders. Because you dont know the difference between them (legal orders and orders) because they are given to you by the authority which you have sworn your oath to obey.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:20 PM

Originally posted by OLD HIPPY DUDE
Sad that most can't see outside the box.
And make it harder than it really is.
Once the economy collapses, the gov. will shut everything down. No planes,( they did that after 9/11). No busses and no trains or boats.
Next, stop all commerce, no more deliverys of gasoline, food or meds, the essentials.
Next, shut down all utilitys, no more power, natural gas or water.
None of that takes an army.
All water, power and supplys will be diverted to safe havens for the elite, military bases and fema camps.
Again no army needed. Why put your troops in a combat situation ? Just protect and maintain what you already control.

They would still have to kill off a crapload of people, or they couldn't maintain them - food, water, toilets.....
And that crapload of people would all have to be buried, or burnt. And for what, to have a bunch of people in prison camps? They would still need feeding, unless everyone is killed off, they're no longer productive. More bodies....

This would have to be worldwide, unless they're planning also to put up the Great Wall of the USA.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by snowspirit

They wouldn't have to kill of a crap load of people.
The majority would die of starvation. illnesses and crime within a year.
The majority of Americans are not prepared mentally to live like developed nations do.

309 million people needs one hell of a support structure to maintain and sustain.

edit on 27.06.08 by spy66 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by spy66

Originally posted by ZindoDoone
reply to post by spy66

NO, being under oath means you follow 'Legal' orders and not those that contradict Constitutional and Human right mandates. Besides, who, other than the progressives that follow lockstep with the elites, ever listens to 'Lame Stream Media' anymore?

edit on 5/22/2011 by ZindoDoone because: (no reason given)

NO, being under oath means you follow 'Legal' orders

Well that has been proven to be a failure. Iraq and Afghanistan has proven that you fallow orders rather than legal orders. Because you dont know the difference between them (legal orders and orders) because they are given to you by the authority which you have sworn your oath to obey.

As usual ,those who condemn all our men and women military for the transgressions of the few see only the wrong and not the good that our troops do! I would only ask that you might cease denigrating those that volunteer as a whole group and understand than MANY have not ignored their oaths nor committed any crimes that you may believe you know about. The many accusations have later proved false when light is shown on facts. Even if you are not willing to believe in the court system. Not all accusations are true but political in nature!

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