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Originally posted by gwydionblack
So now that May 21st has come and gone for the entire world, we can finally put to rest the prophesy of Harold Camping that the rapture would sweep all the righteous away. The man has disappeared, but the wake he has left behind him is astounding, and in my opinion - a controlled deception.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
There is a reason for it all. There is a reason that the powers that be allowed the message of May 21st to become so widespread; that they allowed the main stream media to report on it and subsequently pass it off as a bad joke. What has happened with the date is not just a failed prophecy, but the painting of a picture that is intended to last within the minds of all for years to come.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
"Anyone who believes in such wacky ideas like this - is a complete loon."
Originally posted by gwydionblack
I feel that October will be the second of the days to discredit those who have ever called for something drastic to happen to the world - to silence all the purveyors of 2012 and anything that might come.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Regardless of what government are doing behind close doors to prepare for some kind of event, regardless how many signs point to some kind of change in the woodwork, and regardless of how chaotic this world comes or how many lies the people finally figure out - those who spread possibility, who spread information, who preach about the end of an age - they will all be lunatics, the same fringe who believed in May 21st and the rapture. They will all become Harold Camping's.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Not that many aren't already. To some people the theories of the "end of an age" and the countless 2012 possibilities are all sure signs of a lunatic. Some people will refuse to believe the lessons of the past and many will continue to believe that the world and humanity as it stands is invincible. Some people will remain ignorant to the proven underground bunkers and supplies that government have prepared leading up to SOME event. The ignorant ones will be deemed sane. The ones spreading warning will be Harold Camping, will be the fringe, and will be ignored completely.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
To me, and and I daresay to many others, we recognize the changes in the world over the past couple of years.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Some will try to rationalize it under science, even though it does not do justice to past evidence.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Some will try to subject it to coincidence even though to them - there is no coincidence.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
The world continues to change, and at a quickening pace.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Some will try to tell me that natural disasters have always been this bad in the past.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
They are lying to themselves. Some will try to tell me that mass animal die offs are a common occurrence, even though only a handful can be found for any given couple of years prior.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Some will tell me that the economies of the world are recovering, and the the powers are NOT suicidally jumping headfirst into everything. They only make me laugh.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
The world is changing.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Regardless of whether it has to do with 2012 or any other man proposed prophesy,
Originally posted by gwydionblack
there should be no doubt in anybody's mind that we are entering into a new age of humanity, of our planet.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
But do realize that no matter how much truth there is to that- you will have to stay strong. If you think you were ridiculed for your beliefs and your observations before... just wait until now.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Not only out there in the world, but here on ATS - ridiculing for the believers of such things is going to grow exponentially, and the entire time the powers that be are going to be watching and laughing while they prepare to hide in their shelters for whatever it is that is coming.
Originally posted by gwydionblack
Mark my words. This is only the beginning.
You wanted the noun "prophecy". The word "prophesy" is a verb. I see you got it correct below.
The "powers that be". The phrase is first found in Tyndale's translation of the Bible. Romans 13:1 to be precise. The context is the authority given to the Government and other ruling authorities by God (to rule). I assume you are referring to the Government and other ruling authorities, in absence of any other identification of who you are talking about.
I rather think that the reason Harold Camping was allowed to continue preaching is that the US constitution protects his free speech and guarantees freedom of religion.
That is probably not true. Most of these people were probably gullible, not lunatic. Most likely a majority of them were perfectly sane individuals. However, they had never been taught how to analyse information and check it for themselves. They needed to be told what to do by someone else. This is a clear case of the blind leading the blind. Harold Camping on the other hand was certainly unhinged.
You've stopped making sense. What happens in October? Which day in particular?
Where is this going? What event?
"Change in the woodwork"? Did you mix metaphors?
"spread possibility"? What does this phrase mean? Do you think that somehow the Government is trying to clamp down on people "making conspiracies up"?
So you are arguing that your crackpot theory should be accepted, even though it rings of the same hollow unsubstantiated dribble that Camping was coming out with. And you make this special pleading on what grounds? Because it is you? Well, who are you?
I can't help but notice the lack of detail in your claims. You don't specify what event. You don't say exactly when it will happen. You just have a general feeling that something *must* be going to happen, based on some stuff you read on the internet about some underground bunkers. Your conspiracy theory seems to be based on nothing more than unsubstantiated rumor, circumstantial evidence and your general feeling of mistrust.
It's hard to have any conception of how to answer you, given that you did not specify what you were talking about in the first place.
However, let me take a wild stab. You have in mind a coincidence that you wish to interpret as something conspiratorial and wish to resort to special pleading to have your conspiracy admitted as valid. I thought as much.
The flow of information (and ignorance) is quickening. This does indeed bring about an increase in change in some areas.
When were natural disasters not bad?
Your personal ignorance of past animal die-offs is not admissible as evidence.
In what way? How would you characterize this "new age"?
So now I find myself at the end of your entire post, and you have not once justified your claim of a "controlled deception". I was looking forward to reading what you had to say on that and weighing the evidence you provide. Instead, what I read was unspecified, rambling and not really worthy of starting a thread, in my humble opinion.
Did you actually have something new to tell us, or were you just wanting to let us know about your general anxiety about the future.
reply to post by gwydionblack
It does not matter how many false alarms their are. What matters is the recognition that one day, the alarm will not be false, and no matter how much people avoid it or deny, this will not change the fact of it all.
Originally posted by Damian-007
If any of you believe that something "Earth Shattering" is going to happen in 2012, you're also going to be very disappointed. Same as this latest "Earth Is Going To End" Hoax.
I can't believe so many people actually thought it was going to happen.
Why do most of you believe all this crap without any Evidence? Why do most of you believe the word of one looney person out there that says the world is going to end?
It's no wonder this planet is in trouble. You just have to look at the state of people. They're willing to believe in anything without an inkling of proof. Even when there is proof debunking something, most of you still won't believe the proof and go with some story that sounds fascinating.
There's no proof that HAARP has anything to do with changing weather and causing earthquakes. But most of you believe that HAARP is doing evil things to the planet and there is not one little piece of evidence that HAARP is responsible. That doesn't matter though, does it? You all would rather believe some story that maybe one person made up and others latched onto it and started spreading it.
I thought Intelligent people would believe in things that had proof associated with events and not just heresay from one or more people. Then again, when there is proof that doesn't agree with most of your beliefs, you choose to ignore it.
Originally posted by TheDeadFlagBlues
Well i was thinking it but you put it into words, i think we were all thinking something like this... thank you OP, good show
Originally posted by sigung86
reply to post by Alaskan Man
Great post. It's hard enough to bring these types of "events" down to common sense. You have done a great job. I hope that if the final thing happens and we're all gone that you and I can take a second on the other side, greet one the other, and shake hands... If there is a recognizable other side, and if we have hands.