Originally posted by Damian-007
If any of you believe that something "Earth Shattering" is going to happen in 2012, you're also going to be very disappointed. Same as this latest
"Earth Is Going To End" Hoax.
You may be right for now, but eventually something will happen. Maybe not 2012 or 2013 or 20-anything, but something will happen and someone will
likely be trumpeting about it right before it does. Doesnt make them a prophet or anything; I'm just sayin'. There'll be an asteroid or comet
collision, massive volcanic eruption; whatever, but something will happen. There's plenty of evidence suggesting ELEs in the Earth's past. Why is it
so incredible to believe it will happen again in the future or possibly the near future? Hasnt been an ELE in, what? A few million years or more?
Sounds to me like the time may be ripe...
I can't believe so many people actually thought it was going to happen.
Why do most of you believe all this crap without any Evidence? Why do most of you believe the word of one looney person out there that says the world
is going to end?
He had evidence. Albeit shaky and largely unfounded, based on biblical misinterperetations, but he didnt just pull it from thin air. And on a personal
note, I wouldnt lump the religious in with "loonies". Oh, and I dont think most of "us" (assuming that means ATSers) believed it. In fact, no one
I know at all believed it.
It's no wonder this planet is in trouble. You just have to look at the state of people. They're willing to believe in anything without an
inkling of proof. Even when there is proof debunking something, most of you still won't believe the proof and go with some story that sounds
True, but the only real "proof" we can have is in the here and now, or at least, in recent documented history. Personally, I'd rather believe in
something extraordinary than to believe that life is as mundane as the daily grind, and will be until the end. Nothing could possibly be more
depressing than that; that theres nothing in the end. That we live out our miserable lives working our fingers to the bone within our self-created
three ring circus systems for our self-created monetary treasures which ultimately mean nothing at all. Call me a cynic I suppose.
Theres no proof that HAARP has anything to do with changing weather and causing earthquakes. But most of you believe that HAARP is doing evil
things to the planet and there is not one little piece of evidence that HAARP is responsible. That doesn't matter though, does it? You all would
rather believe some story that maybe one person made up and others latched onto it and started spreading it.
HAARP is a scientific endeavor aimed at studying the properties and behavior of the ionosphere, with particular emphasis on being able to
understand and use it to enhance communications and surveillance systems for both civilian and defense purposes.
The IRI will be used to temporarily excite a limited area of the ionosphere for scientific study.
HAARP Website
In the last decade or so, we have undergone a massive media onslaught telling us that the fumes from our tailpipes are changing the atmosphere which
will have catastrophic effects on our way of life in the near future. Is it really a jump to believe that a machine specifically designed to change
the upper atmosphere on purpose could bring about similar changes? Personally, its the "defense purposes" that raise the red flag. All people see
right now is a rapidly changing world both ecologically and societally and those changes bring with it a fear factor which leads to radical ideas. But
Im not so sure those radical ideas are always wrong.
I thought Intelligent people would believe in things that had proof associated with events and not just heresay from one or more people. Then
again, when there is proof that doesn't agree with most of your beliefs, you choose to ignore it.
This is a loaded statement. It implies that your beliefs in specific come with hard proof and that anyone not accepting your specific beliefs is
unintelligent. Id be interested to hear about some of your beliefs and the proofs that go with them. Id bet that some of the proof you claim to
believe in is merely evidence grounded on theory, as all world views truly are. But evidence backed by theory is hardly proof. Im a Christian, and I
wouldn't dare say that the Bible is proof of God's existence. I believe what I do because I have weighed many options and found what I believe in to
be most credible. And I continually weigh more ideas in as they come my way.
I believe truth to be absolute, but rather elusive at that.
This website is for exploring for evidence of that which we do not see. Perhaps 99% of theories on here are wholeheartedly wrong. I'm interested in
the 1% that could be right. This place is a marketplace of ideas. I always scratch my head at those who shoot others down calling them loonies or
inferring unintelligence because they propose an idea which seems far-fetched to the masses. Yet these same enlightened few continue frequenting the
site they clearly think is crazy. Dude, take a look at your signature. Nibiru? Wheres your proof sir? Please, dont be so quick to judge others.
All that said, OP, great thread, I tend to agree mostly. Im not necessarily sure any PTB "allowed" the ad campaign for any real reason other than
freedom of speech and good old currency. Many economies are hurting right now and the cash flowing through advertising probably was welcomed. But who
really knows? Maybe there is an alterior motive for allowing these antics to be carried out.