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The Enlightened Ego - Solving the Problems of Awakening pt.1

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posted on May, 26 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by princeguy

thank you for your input, it makes sense. I really try hard to take a step back and look at things from a distant perspective. I've literally had difference in perspective for a week or two and i already understand its going to be VERY HARD, but maybe not. I hope im one of those rare people that skips 100 steps and goes from question straight to answer. But I dont know if im just making this up and pretending to understand something that doesnt exist.

Living in a house where everyone is like everyone else makes it very difficult. But like I said im just beginning this journey that may or not exist. Its almost like everyone speaks a different language and I cannot understand them. Like a baby that cannot get across what he/she is trying to say, they cry in frustration. This is what I want to do, but i'd look foolish to the material world if I would cry.

Im either "on to something" or crazy. I have no idea. Hopefully one day it will be clear.

Trust me, I have many more questions. Please lets keep this thread alive.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 08:59 AM
reply to post by itsJUSTzo

Check this out, It blew me away the first time I heard it. James Allen

Listen to the first couple chapters and tell me what you think, you might have to listen to each one a couple of times till you understand it.

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:46 AM
Thank you soooo much prince for caring about someone you will never meet. Im baby sitting my nephew right now lol with my mom and grandma, so I will be checking your link a little later. I just wanted to thank you in helping me to a better understand. I from the deepest of my heart, appreciate everything you and everyone else does that genuinely wants to help, knowing there is no reward for themselves, but more than likely, there is. =) I will respond later to what you have sent me. Thank you again!

thank you

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Im sorry life, I didnt see your post until now. Obviously at the time I "should have" seen it I didnt. I didnt have the time to read it and really understand it and I will attempt to do so later tonight. Thank you so much for caring, there is much I want to respond to just by reading and not really contemplating. So after I really contemplate what you have wrote I will respond. Thank you Thank you THank you thank you I cannot say that enough.

Thank you

posted on May, 27 2011 @ 11:30 PM
S & F, this is exactly what I was looking for and finally found it. I am in a state where I am discovering the true meaning of my life, I used to meditate (not since a couple of days tough) and yes I now understand that my ego had been an obstacle to my development. The crazy part out there is that knowing this will help to reach the next step in my understanding of life, my consciousness which is going up day by day by day, etc.

Thanks to you on this one my life will become improved because of these valuable informations,



posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:39 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by 1Starman
Dear leovirgo,All beings in the lower dimensions are there to learn and to grind off their impurities and other reasons.. It is hard for those in this lower dimension to make sense off,or comprehend it That is the ego making them feel and think that they do not have bad vibrations and that they are here do do things that their mind is presenting. As you evolve you intelligence will mature and you will make sense of,comprehend and understand what has been said.Read what has been said and chew on it before saying things about what you think we are feeling. Misunderstanding and jumping to the wrong conclusion about others state of consciousness is a growing problem in forums and keeping what you think others are to yourself is the kindest thing that you can do.

Hello Starman

Dont get me wrong...I love feedback and love to see what other people feel they understand.I am able to appreciate that we all have our own reasons for understanding what we do, and what we do not.

You have reasons you feel that we have impurities and that is why we come here...and I have reasons to not agree with that. Just because I share that, as you have shared also what you feel...should not make either one of us feel that we should not share with others, what it is we understand from our own limited point of view. I can admit, and know, and have no issues with...that understanding things while in the flesh body, limits us.

I would love for you to share why you think we come here mainly due to being impure...and maybe that can challenge my own understanding and Im open to that and welcome it.

I guess to me, suggesting impurity before incarnating here...suggests that we made some wrong choices. My issue with that is...there really are no wrongs. For all things lead us to where we need to be.

It makes no sense to me that we were of higher dimension....and then came to lower. For we are 'all'. We are the Spirit in the seen and we are the Spirit in the unseen.

I feel you are saying to focus on trying to raise the vibration of the self, so we can return to this 'higher dimension'....and where Im at with understanding things...its not about the 'self' at all, after you understand certain things. And you too...have said this to...that once you understand, we are everything, there is no concern about the 'self'.

So maybe that explains a bit where I see a little contradiction in what you say...maybe we have middle grounds we can stand on.

As Spirit emanates into its own expression of being....there is 'cause and effect'. The effect, of Spirit thinking its in separate bodies, separate forms, individual consciousness with a whole span of different personalities...'causes' certain things to happen. Those things can be 'pride, greed, competition, basically, your common duality...and its all meant to be. So the process a conscious being arises in the see's itself as being separate from all things in this 'dream expression of being'....and that illusion of separation...causes the human nature. Its natural that the human nature, will long for the self it thinks it is...long for individuality. But before incarnating, emanating, into the 'human nature'....from what I personally understand...'before' there are no impurities.

Being of the very much tied to the whole 'seen' of the whole universal expression of Spirit. Of the Sun, Moon, this solar system, the earth, the air, water....we are of all of these things in a very direct way.

I will say...I do believe in different vibrations of energy. I would not call any higher or lower, but just different states of being. Maybe one more of Spirit vibration then of flesh...maybe more of the vibration of being one with all things then being restricted to just the 'self'. Im sure you could agree that using words like higher and lower...create issues.

I dont think its about us being individuals before we were here or after we are here. I think we are one and if we long for being a self before or after, past or future, then that only shows a reflection of what we are still living for, in the present.

I wish you well and no ill will

Dear leovirgo, Sorry about this late reply as we are very busy .The impurities that we refer to are spiritual .It is hard for a human to comprehend that there are karmic and all kinds of behaviour,thoughts, actions, beliefs contributing to the buildup of spiritual impurities that attaches to the soul(self). The impurities cannot be easily removed.The only way that those who do not believe is for them to learn the truth themselves when they return to their true form.
In answer to your question(quote/"I would love for you to share why you think we come here mainly due to being impure...and maybe that can challenge my own understanding and Im open to that and welcome it." ) Entities do not necessarily reincarnate in a human body because they are impure. Impure is not the correct word to describe the impurities that a soul is covered in. The impurities is like an unseen and invisible coating of particles( something like dust) that builds up while other old coatings are melting or being rubbed off when you are suffering in ways that has an association with that sort of impurity.Impurity around your soul is what causes most of the toxins and poisonous material in the human body.The mucous that you cough out is the toxins from the tissues of your body and much of it is cause by the melting down of the impurities around your soul.Do you know that the mucous is so poisonous that it can kill birds and other smaller lifeforms if they eat the mucous(thick saliva) that you spit out.When you removed your impurities through multiple lifetimes through correct attitudes in your existence and do not accumulate any more impurities,you are an elevated soul and as your soul vibrations vibrate faster and faster you rise into a higher plane of existence where beings of similar vibrations exist.
Higher beings vibrate in higher vibrations and exists in higher planes of existence. Lower beings vibrate at lower speeds,so they can only exist in the planes of lower vibrations.

quote/"I feel you are saying to focus on trying to raise the vibration of the self, so we can return to this 'higher dimension'....and where Im at with understanding things...its not about the 'self' at all, after you understand certain things. And you too...have said this to...that once you understand, we are everything, there is no concern about the 'self'" quote/
There are no words in the material dimension to describe the spirit dimension and the process that that it works on. As you evolve your intelligence will mature and you will make sense of,comprehend and understand. As your vibration spins faster and faster you will see things in a different light.
We suggest that you copy all of what has been said into the windows notepad so that you can view everything that has been said instead of looking for them in the many posts of the thread. With all of them side by side in the notepad you can read and understand more clearly.
We are not telling you to believe,but to keep your mind open and try to research and learn. Do not expect to find answers quickly as it may take years or even lifetimes to see the truth.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 12:51 PM
If you try hard enough to turn off your thoughts and let you subconscious thoughts flow and control your active mind,you will start viewing things in a different way. The subconscious thought and feelings are the ones that comes from deep within you.Reflect on the experiences in you life and you will find memories of such experiences.
You will learn as you go along and experience new feelings.

posted on May, 28 2011 @ 04:59 PM
There is no individual soul, that is a construct of the individual-self/ego. God/Self exists alone, so to say "I have an individual soul" is a separation from the absolute 'soul'. It is a duality, thus a construct of the ego, so therefore it is not real but rather only an imagination that arises out of the ego's fear of being transcended. The belief in reincarnation is only for the layperson or the one who remains attached to the ego, and is meant to put fear in the egoic mind so one strives to become virtuous in this lifetime. One who transcends the ego has no concern for the concept of reincarnation, past or future lives, for they have already attained liberation here and now in this lifetime.

Also, you cannot forcefully rid yourself of thoughts, to do so is a thought in itself and thus the cycle of thoughts arising will continue as long as one is attached to this thought of 'killing the mind'. This may bring temporary stillness during meditation, but after meditation is done thoughts will 'pop' back up as they did before. You can however concentrate deeply or meditate deeply on a single object which will quiet the mind to the point one can then have the opportunity to let go of the mind all together. For some this may be a more suitable approach, especially for those who have built up a lot of conditioning in their life thus far, but ultimately it is the 'long way' of attaining liberation and takes much practice and time. The 'short way' or direct path is straight through the ego to its source, God/Self. When one asks who is the "I", or who is the meditator, or who is the thinker, the ego will vanish and they will be led directly to the source. This takes little to no effort.

Peace friends.

posted on May, 29 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by 1Starman

Hi again

Thanks for your reply. I dont doubt that you feel that what you say is a deep truth or knowing and there is deep personal reasons why you call it truth.

Your posts suggests that there is individuality beyond this expression of being.

The only way I can agree with you there is that if you also speak of how eventually, all individual phases of being come to a point where they at their own will, abandon the illusion of individuality.

I do think there are cycles...but I think these cycles filter the phases of being through to know the true self that we are all of, that we are all 'one'. In that...the cycles are not serving purpose for the individual to be a individual...but for our true nature, our true self, to discern what it really is and what it really is not. The main thing that it comes to find it is a individual.

So for those that are striving to still hold on to individuality after this still needing to hld onto the illusion of what they are not. Its not wrong or bad...but just shows what they are in need of. Its a very natural cycle and order of filtering.

My best to you

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 07:27 AM
Since you humans think the way you do, there is just no use to try to bring you to the path of truth. You will experience and know which is the truth when your intelligent matures to that point.Other than waiting for that time when you are in the right senses to see,nothing else will convince you. You base your knowledge on what you have learn,but you do not have the intelligence to research into it thoroughly with an open mind. Most of what you learn from what others say are misinformation, pseudo truth and misconceptions of science and misguided writers who mixes up untrue information to try to make it seem true.
The biggest problem with you impatient people is that you want the answers immediately.There are things that you have to patiently endue to see the truth. Why do beings from the higher dimensions refrain from communicating with man ? IT is because you will not believe them and you want proof,but even when proof is given, you claim that is is a trick. Put yourselves in their place(shoes) and think how you will feel when you are treated the same way. There is a limit to what the higher beings can show to man so you cannot show the powers of the higher beings. Beings from one plane of reality can never bring themselves to believe things from another reality. This applies to mankind especially.
edit on 30-5-2011 by 1Starman because: correct typing mistake

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by 1Starman
Since you humans think the way you do, there is just no use to try to bring you to the path of truth. You will experience and know which is the truth when your intelligent matures to that point.Other than waiting for that time when you are in the right senses to see,nothing else will convince you. You base your knowledge on what you have learn,but you do not have the intelligence to research into it thoroughly with an open mind. Most of what you learn from what others say are misinformation, pseudo truth and misconceptions of science and misguided writers who mixes up untrue information to try to make it seem true.
The biggest problem with you impatient people is that you want the answers immediately.There are things that you have to patiently endue to see the truth. Why do beings from the higher dimensions refrain from communicating with man ? IT is because you will not believe them and you want proof,but even when proof is given, you claim that is is a trick. Put yourselves in their place(shoes) and think how you will feel when you are treated the same way. There is a limit to what the higher beings can show to man so you cannot show the powers of the higher beings. Beings from one plane of reality can never bring themselves to believe things from another reality. This applies to mankind especially.
edit on 30-5-2011 by 1Starman because: correct typing mistake

Im sorry starman, but I think it is you that is caught up in your own little ideas for what ever reason, they comfort you or feed the self of you.

No one told me, what I told you in my last post-about oneness.

If you understand this is really an illusion, like a dream...being projected by the dreamer/creator....then you can understand, we are all only phases of this Spirit.

These are not things that you or anyone should learn through the mouth of another. They are not things you should accept from me or from any other. They are not things you will understand through any books....OR even, from a higher dimensional being. They are things that YOU MUST learn through yourself. Then you must learn about it, through all life around you. Its at the core, harmonics at its best. It is about vibrations...but not as you suggests in a higher and lower sense. Its more like....different radio stations all have a different frequency...and we are just that, different (but this difference is only a effect from the cause of being IN EXPRESSION of our true self which is THE EXPRESSOR/emanator/creator/infinite eternal energy.

This such not something you or I have to learn from books or other beings. The design is made in a way that if you are learning through something outside of you...then there will be limited understanding and there will not be proper discernment. Only through your own instrument, you as a phase of being, can discover this oneness and the illusion of 'self' and only when you are ready, will you do such. There is no time limit for understanding...its not wrong or bad if people still need to fulfill the 'self' with their ideas and beliefs or ways they understand...if fact...the design is so perfect that you will only understand...what you are in need of at that time.

You say that it is us that has gotten such information from others....I ask you kindly and every so look in the mirror. Where has the information that you understand...came from-

Please, I mean no ill will
Love LV

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 01:39 PM
True happiness only comes about when one philosophizes about the authentic existence which is not subject to decay like matter. This enlightenment confirms the existence of the immaterial as the mind itself. Upon death the act of philosophizing is no longer necessary and one simply is the nature of that Self.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:37 PM
reply to post by filosophia

Hmmm... but if the mind is bound to the limits of time and space, and the absolute/eternal is beyond the limits of time and space, then how can the mind ever "philosophize" on the absolute?

Peace friend.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
reply to post by filosophia

Hmmm... but if the mind is bound to the limits of time and space, and the absolute/eternal is beyond the limits of time and space, then how can the mind ever "philosophize" on the absolute?

Peace friend.

Because the Self is originally pure, but through ignorance the mind descends into material form, however the Self remains above the mind and body. The mind realizes it has never been cut off from the Self, which is how it can obtain the perfection of the Self. The mind recalls the Self.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by 1Starman

I refer you to the first "hindrance" of awakening exemplified in the OP, that of Superiority. As was said, the very fact that one feels superior over others because of a strong sense of awakened attainment shows just how un-awakened this one is, for, true awakening is awakening to the Oneness not the Duality.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by filosophia

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
reply to post by filosophia

Hmmm... but if the mind is bound to the limits of time and space, and the absolute/eternal is beyond the limits of time and space, then how can the mind ever "philosophize" on the absolute?

Peace friend.

Because the Self is originally pure, but through ignorance the mind descends into material form, however the Self remains above the mind and body. The mind realizes it has never been cut off from the Self, which is how it can obtain the perfection of the Self. The mind recalls the Self.

Ah, now I see what you are saying. But still, can this be done through "philosophizing", through thought, or must it be done through complete awareness/attention, that which comes before thought?

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 08:06 PM

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy

Originally posted by filosophia

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
reply to post by filosophia

Hmmm... but if the mind is bound to the limits of time and space, and the absolute/eternal is beyond the limits of time and space, then how can the mind ever "philosophize" on the absolute?

Peace friend.

Because the Self is originally pure, but through ignorance the mind descends into material form, however the Self remains above the mind and body. The mind realizes it has never been cut off from the Self, which is how it can obtain the perfection of the Self. The mind recalls the Self.

Ah, now I see what you are saying. But still, can this be done through "philosophizing", through thought, or must it be done through complete awareness/attention, that which comes before thought?

As soon as you know the body to be impermanent you lose attachment for it in exchange for that which is permanent, the unborn. All things emanate from the one, and since the one is unborn, it is free from suffering. It becomes a logical choice, do you take that which is impermanent and subject to suffering, or that which is permanent and a source of infinite bliss? So long as you have faith that the permanent is real, the choice becomes easy to make.

posted on May, 31 2011 @ 09:57 PM
reply to post by filosophia

So then are you saying that enlightenment is a form of faith? Is enlightenment just recognizing that all forms are impermanent and having faith that there is something else 'out there' that is permanent, even when you can't actually see or empirically "philosophize" about it? Surely this cannot be. Surely those saints/gurus in the Upanishads were not merely just having faith in the absolute, or were they? Did Ramana Maharshi simply just come to the conclusion of the Self through a process of neti-neti (not this, not this) and a strong presence of faith? .

Peace friend.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:26 AM

Originally posted by LifeIsEnergy
reply to post by ChaosMagician

I feel what you are saying, you speak a lot of truth and offer a lot of honesty in this post. But I worry you are focusing on everything but your Self, be it; concepts, ideas, other people's projection, trying to enlighten others who aren't willing or ready... all of this seems to be distracting you and creating anger and frustration for you. Passion can be a good thing in moderation, but too much can quickly throw you off balance and delude your original intentions. You seem to have a good heart, maybe you should just let go of the whole idea of awakening, of what is intrinsically right and wrong, of these deeper concepts for awhile and find some inner peace, then you might clear your mind of these problems. Try not to think to hard about anything for awhile. If that is too difficult, and it is for many of us, try focusing in on your breathing, or go outside and just listen to the birds and the wind without judging it, just listen. There is no rush to save yourself or others my friend, rushing will only make things harder.

Peace my friend.

You are instructing someone to abandon awakening and to "try not to think to hard about anything for a while." To Chaos Magician, don't listen to this nonsense. Don't ever let someone try and tell you to give up on awakening or thinking for yourself.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 09:27 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Enlightenment can be seen. It is the light within. It is directly perceived by the mind, and the direct realization of this light is called gnosis and this frees the mind.

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