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This is a question for all you single women in a shtf....

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 08:53 PM


posted on May, 21 2011 @ 11:02 PM

Originally posted by hotbakedtater and Envious
posts removed by staff

Honestly, with the tone used and the choice of words, I get a mental image of Cartman... "You WILL obey mah authorit-eye!"

Or maybe a Borg, imperiously declaring "RESISTANCE IS FUTILE!" just before Janeway shorts him out with a paper clip or (GASP!) a bobby pin. SPARKS! SMOKE! EXPLOSIONS! ultimate result: premature decommission.

edit on 2011/5/21 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

edit on Sun May 22 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 11:08 PM
I have more faith in women to survive than men. Why? Because while us men are trying to prove our ego is bigger, the women are planning the next five steps in survival. They're prone to stick together and work as a unit more than men are. It's the natural mindset. Men are more the individualistic "I can do it myself" types while women know they can't do it all on their own. There's a strength in numbers, and no offense to women, but that strength in numbers will make up for the strengths they don't have.

That's why I'm going to surround myself with level headed women. All for the survival. Nothing else...

Oh and to those even bothering to respond to Envious, here's a little picture for you:

edit on 11521 by Echo3Foxtrot because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 11:36 PM

Originally posted by saltdog
How many women here are without a man in a SHTF? I mean you have no husband, dad, grandpa, uncle, or guy friend that will be there for you ...if times get tough?
I ask because the way this world is headed, it could be a bumpy road ahead....I know that some of you ladies don't need or want a man...thats fine, but do you have a group or support network to help you when the chips are down?

I ask this because there seems to be a lot of guys out there that seem to be jerks and for your safety I would hope that you have someone that you can count on....

I just read lights out today and it got me thinking about women going to get items needed from the store or even if you have to go out into a unsecure area in a SHTF and what extra precautions you might need to take if your at it alone.

How many here have thought about these things or are wishing that they had a male to be that protection or rock in which you can stand in times of trouble?

It is called a gun, it kind of leveled the whole gender-strength-protection-security thing. There are a few gal's I know I wouldn't want to cross(not that I would want to either way) because they spend a wee bit too much time at the gun range.

Also it is called chauvinism, because of your chauvinism you probably set men's/boy's rights back a few decades &^%*&^%$.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 06:56 AM


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by JAGx1981
Sorry I haven't replied alot to posts, although I wanted to get in the discussion more, just letting everyone know Im not a troll, just my mom is in the hospital, only getting 91% of the required 98 of oxygen into her lungs. Stayed up all night in the hospital, I came home to reboot and let my dad take a turn, she's doing better though, she's a fighter. ( I will knock on wood a sickening amount of times now for saying that.)

Just wanted to stop by and skim through the posts and just wanna say our fellow female posters on her are beautiful, wow.

Yall keep it real, and shout out a prayer if you don't mind, and even if you don't believe in God, a good karma shout out, would be awesome.


Sorry your mom is ill... I'll pray for you and your mom and your family. We all need our moms no matter how old we are. Hope everything turn out ok for your fsmily.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by tinker9917

Originally posted by JAGx1981
Sorry I haven't replied alot to posts, although I wanted to get in the discussion more, just letting everyone know Im not a troll, just my mom is in the hospital, only getting 91% of the required 98 of oxygen into her lungs. Stayed up all night in the hospital, I came home to reboot and let my dad take a turn, she's doing better though, she's a fighter. ( I will knock on wood a sickening amount of times now for saying that.)

Just wanted to stop by and skim through the posts and just wanna say our fellow female posters on her are beautiful, wow.

Yall keep it real, and shout out a prayer if you don't mind, and even if you don't believe in God, a good karma shout out, would be awesome.


Sorry your mom is ill... I'll pray for you and your mom and your family. We all need our moms no matter how old we are. Hope everything turn out ok for your fsmily.

You pray just like how people pray for those 1,100 or so women in the Congo that get raped everyday? Illusions my dear. Reality is a cold shallow place and nothing will save anybody except for themselves.

Btw Hope isn't real. Just stop with the "OMG I care for random internet user" fake crap just so your ego feels good.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 12:43 PM
reply to post by Envious

You know what.....It seems like the only reason you are here is to try and get someone angry with rude and outrageous comments. If you can't be civil, maybe you would rather visit some Japanese sites. This thread is obviously not for you if you don't like women....since that is the topic of this thread. I am very sorry you don't believe in hope or anything of that nature.....but for those who do, you woun't change them with insulting or inflammatory words.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 12:59 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

Seriously, stop feeding the troll. He's just jelly that he'll be alone forever because no woman blind, dumb or otherwise would even touch him.

On topic: is there an organization dedicated to women who are survivalists? This seems like a good idea. Mainly because as I said women prosper in larger numbers. Plus it's a good setting to trade ideas and teach women who don't know as much about survival. It would be like the boy scouts only for adult women... I call scout master! Oh, wait, I'm a dude...

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:07 PM
reply to post by StealthyKat

I agree with echo, stop feeding the troll
He's fat as it is. While the troll does have one bonus in liking Japanese women, that is all hes brought to this thread
anyway, I would like to think I could work a long side a woman without those urges that people think men have so much, I mean seriously I think in a SHTF situation you would be thinking about survival not how many women you can f*** in a day.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:20 PM
reply to post by David291

Of course you are right. Officially ignored.....biting tongue HARD!

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by Echo3Foxtrot

Thanks for the reminder.....I lost it for a second. But I still meant what I said.

edit on 5/22/2011 by StealthyKat because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:24 PM


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:27 PM


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 01:33 PM


posted on May, 22 2011 @ 02:25 PM


Here's the topic.

This is a question for all you single women in a shtf....

Please discuss it, go back to page one if needed.
Further off topic posts will be removed and continued efforts to derail the thread can result in temporary posting bans.

YOU are responsible for your own posts

--Off Topic, One Liners and General Back Scratching Posts--

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 02:47 PM
I have someone I "see"..but it is nothing serious..if a SHTF scenario happened I would probably lose contact with them as I would more than likely end up wanting to kill them in I had to spend any extended period of time with them.

People get on my nerves quickly, I like my space.
Human relationships with the mind set that most people enter them in do nothing but complicate things, add in two to four more females that are heterosexual in a survival group and there is going to be issues.
Weird things happen when in stressful events, people do and fancy things they typically wouldn't.
The need for sex will be stronger, you'll quickly get sick of your partner and most will seek the unattainable or the forbidden to make up for the lack of control they have with the event at hand.

I think for survival groups the dynamic has to be just right either by breaking it down by psyche/personality or separating the sexes.

My ideal survival group , two gay guys and me and a lesbian, it would be perfect for my situation.
Physical and mental stimulation needs would still be met, but the chance of any betrayal/paranoia/jealousy would be less likely.

Don't flame me..please..I know it's not the most "conventional" way of approaching this question.

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Echo3Foxtrot
I have more faith in women to survive than men. Why? Because while us men are trying to prove our ego is bigger, the women are planning the next five steps in survival.

We need the individuals, woman as well as men...
edit on Sun May 22 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: shortened quote

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:13 PM
reply to post by DontTreadOnMe

Truth is in a SHTF scenario like a superasteroid then it really doesn't matter the gender. In another SHTF scenario, which is far more likely, that of civil unrest or political upheaval, I certainly wouldn't want to be a woman without the company of a competent man.

I'm sure there are women out there that are capable of defending themselves with firearms as well as having the requisite skills to survive a wilderness-type scenario, but IMHO the closest analog we can find in the political upheaval type of scenario is in the former USSR's westerly republics.

The first major battle lines to be drawn in the general population during an empirical collapse, a free-for-all, if you will, seem to always break along ethnic lines. By the time this happens the worst is over, and that is the period in which there truly is an every-man-for-himself situation. That's the scary period. When it turns into race war that means that at least some level of coalescence has taken place.

So let me opine on that first period.... In a heavily industrialized society the first period of total anarchy is moderated by the civil infrastructure already in place. There may be hardened headquarters of police or military that a new or former group will use as a base to secure larger and larger zones around it. In a pre- or deindustrialized society the total anarchy will last longer by the same reasoning.

So what disadvantages are there for women in total anarchy?
1.) First and foremost are the responsibilities for others, namely children. Men have these as well but I'm sure the argument doesn't need to be proven that women on average have more children to care for. Care of a child in SHTF adds an order of magnitude of difficulty in survival.
2.) Health. Women have more chronic health problems, including both physical and mental health problems. These would add as well to difficulties in survival.
3.) Strength. Survival in SHTF isn't primarily about marksmanship, it's about survival. Forcing open locked doors for example. Another example off the top of my head would be entrenchment.
4.) Brains. Sure, women are smart. The argument has been made that women are as smart as men, but this is total BS because "smart" isn't a definable measure. There isn't a scientific quantifier for "smart." Intelligence is a quantifiable measurement, however, and although there are many different theories on how IQ relates to overall intelligence there isn't a scientific consensus against intelligence measurements correlating to specific abilities. Sorry ladies. You might be as "smart" as men but you definitely are not as "intelligent," and severe discrepancies exist in SHTF weighted skills like spatial reasoning and problem solving. A larger vocabulary will not help you build booby traps.
5.) Value. Here is the final area IMO that women have a disadvantage in when compared to men. Women are more highly valued as servants because of the practicality and ease of enslavement. Servitude would include a litany of tasks from the most mundane to the banal...I'm purposely not going to describe the most common servitude women are forced into but it's pretty evident. Because of the difficulty to physically restrain a man, in a SHTF scenario men are likely to be killed outright. Children are more likely as well, but not women... for reasons I've already alluded to.

This might be a long winded reply, but I think it's important for me to state my piece on this. In likely SHTF scenarios women will ally themselves with a man whether they choose to or not.

More important than this diatribe on sex issues and survival I think is survival in general. It's important to have a multifaceted individual plan, and a backup plan, and a backup to the backup plan for different scenarios. In order to REALLY be able to survive you have to think militarily, that is to say the concept of full-spectrum dominance in modern military theory.

Take food and water for example. Everyone should be able to agree that they need a food supply in the case of an emergency. But what about an emergency where there are armed groups of 10-50 thugs going from house to house in your neighborhood robbing anything of value and killing everyone. In this instance, your food supply will not help you because A.) You can't defend it, and B.) You can't take it with you. You would have already have to have had an alternate supply pre-staged off-site that you can obtain.

You can extrapolate this further and further down the rabbit-hole of societal disintegration so that you have different levels of survival that you can guarantee.
-Level 1 would be a shelter-in-place and defend situation.
-Level 2 would be a limited escape with return, as in the case with most civil unrest. A grab-and-go kit would suffice, but IMO a pre-staged offsite longer-term survival kit would be necessary. You can't physically carry enough food, water, and shelter for 90 days. Once thugs determine that there is nothing of value in your house and nobody to kill or capture they would move on, while you would be riding it out in the woods with your waterproofed, preburied trunk full of additional supplies, like ammunition, food, tools, etc.
-Level 3 is a total escape. This is when it's so bad that it's obvious that there will be no return. You will have to make your home elsewhere. My suggestion is a 24'-38' fiberglass sailboat if you live near the coast (you can always "commandeer" one) or my suggestion for inland folks is to escape to wilderness first. Bear in mind that during a North American Union Martial Law Security Grid type of thing you may have to escape the continent.

Individual plans can be tailored by myself for a small fee......LOL. Good luck if you're a single woman....

posted on May, 23 2011 @ 12:21 AM


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