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This is a question for all you single women in a shtf....

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:19 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Lethal crazy eyes! LOL Us ninja girls might spare you from the boiling cauldron.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by PaganArchangel

If TSHTF I feel real sorry for the youngsters (anyone younger than 35)..they grew up on all the internet stuff and creature comforts..I wonder how they are going to handle that. OMG

Some will do fine, others not so much so. I have a 16 year old son, runs rings around me with most things technological. He was somehow communicating with me across the internet through an ipod this evening. Don't ask me how, it's all some kind of Black Arts to me. Anyhow, he's right now out in the country, learning how to fend for himself in the brush, and tan hides, drop his own dinner, that sort of thing. He cut a bowstave for his next project a few days ago, and I'm coaching him along on how to season it out before he starts whittling and what not. He really should have cut it earlier, before the sap started rising in the spring, but this is how we learn, I reckon. My point is, he's got all this gadgetry under his belt, but he'll do fine if TSHTF too, assuming it waits long enough for him to learn his business, which he's doing now. He's already able to find his own supper, drop it and dress it - as long as he's got a rifle handy. Next step is learning to do it with less, and he's on his way to that.

So, as with every generation, there will be some who can make a go of it, where others fall apart because they don't know what to do. For my part, my dad taught me a whole lot of things that can be done with less technology, like plowing with horses, laying in fire wood for the winter without a chainsaw or a tractor or even a truck, what you can eat, what you can't eat, and how to fix it without a stove or electricity. made sure I knew how to blacksmith, that sort of thing, and always told me that you just never know what might happen to cause you to be glad you knew how. Once, he told me to empty my pockets, which I did, and he handed me a bundle tied into a shop rag, which contained an onion, a tiny salt shaker (like for picnics), and a pocket knife. He pointed at a mountain in front of the house, and said "see ya in a week. Don't come back skinnier."

I never knew until a lot later that he was up in that mountain the whole time too, making sure I didn't get my dumb ass all corpsified. He was sneaky like that.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by curlygirl
reply to post by CranialSponge

Me too, fellow ninja. I live away from the city and I have an extra property in a 3rd world underdeveloped country for when S REALLY hits the fan. You can never be too prepared. Buy land, any type of land, as much as you can afford, away from the cities. The best defense is going far away: Once you are in the midst of the chaos, the lower your chances of escape.
edit on 5/21/2011 by curlygirl because: (no reason given)

I agree.

That's one benefit of living in wild country Canada... neverending undisturbed bush up here.

And not too many people can handle our winters, so we're not exactly going to be their first choice when it comes to a survival situation. Not to mention our summer skeeters are big enough to pick you up and haul you off to their vampire den of death !

Non-Canadian wussies.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:28 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by PaganArchangel

If TSHTF I feel real sorry for the youngsters (anyone younger than 35)..they grew up on all the internet stuff and creature comforts..I wonder how they are going to handle that. OMG

Some will do fine, others not so much so. I have a 16 year old son, runs rings around me with most things technological. He was somehow communicating with me across the internet through an ipod this evening. Don't ask me how, it's all some kind of Black Arts to me. Anyhow, he's right now out in the country, learning how to fend for himself in the brush, and tan hides, drop his own dinner, that sort of thing. He cut a bowstave for his next project a few days ago, and I'm coaching him along on how to season it out before he starts whittling and what not. He really should have cut it earlier, before the sap started rising in the spring, but this is how we learn, I reckon. My point is, he's got all this gadgetry under his belt, but he'll do fine if TSHTF too, assuming it waits long enough for him to learn his business, which he's doing now. He's already able to find his own supper, drop it and dress it - as long as he's got a rifle handy. Next step is learning to do it with less, and he's on his way to that.

So, as with every generation, there will be some who can make a go of it, where others fall apart because they don't know what to do. For my part, my dad taught me a whole lot of things that can be done with less technology, like plowing with horses, laying in fire wood for the winter without a chainsaw or a tractor or even a truck, what you can eat, what you can't eat, and how to fix it without a stove or electricity. made sure I knew how to blacksmith, that sort of thing, and always told me that you just never know what might happen to cause you to be glad you knew how. Once, he told me to empty my pockets, which I did, and he handed me a bundle tied into a shop rag, which contained an onion, a tiny salt shaker (like for picnics), and a pocket knife. He pointed at a mountain in front of the house, and said "see ya in a week. Don't come back skinnier."

I never knew until a lot later that he was up in that mountain the whole time too, making sure I didn't get my dumb ass all corpsified. He was sneaky like that.

That was the best gift you Pops could have given to to care for yourself with out technology - so much of that knowledge is lost to so many

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge


Your too normal looking. You don't have that freaky homegrown inbred-from-the-hills-of-kentucky thing happening...

Time to ugly yourself up !

Quit cutting the hair, stop shaving, grow out the stache until the hairs get stuck between your teeth, carve an "x" between your eyebrows (actually if you can grow a unibrow you'll really have it made), eat a ton of chocolate so you break out with humongous zits all over your face (folks will think you have some kind of contagious disease going on), and you're good to go !

Do these work better? I can always go back to this:



And just crazy the hair up with the industrial strength hair spray trick....

Oh, and the "out of the city" thing - great idea. 2 hours drive is about 100 or 120 miles. Most seasoned folks can walk 20 to 30 miles a day, and the folks you should worry about for the most part (the urbanites) considerably less. A good rule of thumb is to be far enough away that hungry folks can't walk there in 3 days, which is 60 to 90 miles for a hardy walker. You'll likely be ok. Most folks won't make it that far, and those who do will be few enough to be manageable.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge

Originally posted by curlygirl
reply to post by CranialSponge

Me too, fellow ninja. I live away from the city and I have an extra property in a 3rd world underdeveloped country for when S REALLY hits the fan. You can never be too prepared. Buy land, any type of land, as much as you can afford, away from the cities. The best defense is going far away: Once you are in the midst of the chaos, the lower your chances of escape.
edit on 5/21/2011 by curlygirl because: (no reason given)

I agree.

That's one benefit of living in wild country Canada... neverending undisturbed bush up here.

And not too many people can handle our winters, so we're not exactly going to be their first choice when it comes to a survival situation. Not to mention our summer skeeters are big enough to pick you up and haul you off to their vampire den of death !

Non-Canadian wussies.

I grew up in Anchorage, Alaska....And right now I'm not far from the Canadian border..I could do the cold, probably would'nt be too happy about it but I know how to stay warm if push came to shove, lol.
The nice thing about a climate like that is people aren't going to act out near as much as they would in a warm climate because they are concentrating on staying warm in addition to all the other issues.
Plenty enough to keep folks busy

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by curlygirl
reply to post by nenothtu

Lethal crazy eyes! LOL Us ninja girls might spare you from the boiling cauldron.

Thanks for that! A hot bath like that might wash off all the caked on mud, which is an integral part of the crazy camo... dare I call it "crazyflage"? TM - you heard it here first!

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:44 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge

That's one benefit of living in wild country Canada... neverending undisturbed bush up here.

You're Canadian? Ever considered relocating to the Nahanni Valley? I mean, seriously, who's going to follow you into the Headless Valley?

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by PaganArchangel

That was the best gift you Pops could have given to to care for yourself with out technology - so much of that knowledge is lost to so many

He grew up in West Virginia during the depression, had to feed 11 brothers and sisters on next to nothing for ammo, so he was a stickler to hammer it into my head that "it can too happen here", and you'd best be ready if it does. He used to count my shells before I went hunting, and I'd catch hell if I came back with less game than shells were missing. Always insisted on one shot, one kill.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 01:59 AM
reply to post by PaganArchangel

Yes, if you're close to the Canadian border, you need to push yourself as far north as possible... most of the population here is near the US border (it's a wee bit warmer). The farther north, the less people, the more bush, and the more wildlife.

I laugh at these threads where everyone is talking about mating up like as if there's going to be any time for that kind of crap. Chopping wood and stocking up on food to last the winter is a full time job up here. With the kind of temperatures we get, you do not want to be out in the bush for hours on end waiting/hoping for a buck to saunter by.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:08 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by PaganArchangel

That was the best gift you Pops could have given to to care for yourself with out technology - so much of that knowledge is lost to so many

He grew up in West Virginia during the depression, had to feed 11 brothers and sisters on next to nothing for ammo, so he was a stickler to hammer it into my head that "it can too happen here", and you'd best be ready if it does. He used to count my shells before I went hunting, and I'd catch hell if I came back with less game than shells were missing. Always insisted on one shot, one kill.


Both sets of my Grandparents migrated to Chicago during the Depression where both my parents were born. I'm sure my Grandparents knew a lot about living off the land but I guess they figured since they were in the city, very little about what they learned down South was passed on. My Dad taught me how to fish and use Morse Code (many moons ago), but I've never hunted. They are all gone now and I'm sure if they were still around they would be absolutely horrified to see what is going down now with the gubmint and all and the possibility that TSHTF.
I'm pretty much on my own in the SHTF knowledge gathering department, lol
edit on 21-5-2011 by PaganArchangel because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:15 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge
reply to post by PaganArchangel

I laugh at these threads where everyone is talking about mating up like as if there's going to be any time for that kind of crap. Chopping wood and stocking up on food to last the winter is a full time job up here. With the kind of temperatures we get, you do not want to be out in the bush for hours on end waiting/hoping for a buck to saunter by.

Yes I think it is amusing as well..
They have no idea how busy they will be...doing the 'wild thing" isn't going to be what they think it will be, lol

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu

Originally posted by CranialSponge

That's one benefit of living in wild country Canada... neverending undisturbed bush up here.

You're Canadian? Ever considered relocating to the Nahanni Valley? I mean, seriously, who's going to follow you into the Headless Valley?

Actually, we've talked about heading to the Northwest Territories... but once we thought about it, it makes no sense. Where we live now, it's only about an hours drive north on dirt road to literally hit the end of it. From there it's only winter ice roads that truckers take to reach the fly-in only indian reservations and small settlements.

So it's nothing for us to hit instant isolation.
And besides, we know where there's plenty of abandoned hunting shacks, snowmobiling warm-up shacks, etc.

I've been hunting and fishing these parts all my life. And trust me, the fishing here is unbeatable... people fly-in from the US all the time in hopes of catching a king sized Canadian walleye or musky. Hundreds of isolated lakes to choose from.

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:27 AM
In a SHTF, how long do any of you think you might be able to stay continuously awake? As one who experiences habitual insomnia..I am curious. The longest I have ever stayed awake was three days. How about you guys?

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by PaganArchangel
In a SHTF, how long do any of you think you might be able to stay continuously awake? As one who experiences habitual insomnia..I am curious. The longest I have ever stayed awake was three days. How about you guys?

Wow, three days... I've lasted 2 days and then my brain shuts down.

I'm a night hawk and I have a hell of a time trying to keep my hours straight so I usually end up staying awake for 24 hours or so to get back on track to normal days... and then I eventually fall back into my usual vampire mode... and around and around it goes.

I've been like that all my life.


posted on May, 21 2011 @ 02:49 AM

Originally posted by CranialSponge

Originally posted by PaganArchangel
In a SHTF, how long do any of you think you might be able to stay continuously awake? As one who experiences habitual insomnia..I am curious. The longest I have ever stayed awake was three days. How about you guys?

Wow, three days... I've lasted 2 days and then my brain shuts down.

I'm a night hawk and I have a hell of a time trying to keep my hours straight so I usually end up staying awake for 24 hours or so to get back on track to normal days... and then I eventually fall back into my usual vampire mode... and around and around it goes.

I've been like that all my life.


I can emphatize...
It brings to mind this DJ during the 50's (Peter Tripp) who stayed awake for 8 days doing a radio stunt and purportedly was never the same after that.( Others have since broken his record). He was seeing and hearing things after a few days. That would be another problem with TSHTF - people who are extremely sleep deprived and having auditory/visual hallucinations...

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 03:00 AM
You know, talking about this whole isolation situation, etc, there is one thing that seriously worries me if TSHTF... it's my daughter.

She's 19 and lives in the city going to University.

When the time comes, I'm going to be driving like a wild woman down the damn highway to get to her so I can get her the hell out of there !

That in and of itself, could very well be my downfall.

There's no way in hell I'm not going to go racing to the city to rescue my baby from the chaos and danger !

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 04:23 AM
Well according to Bear Grylls, if I drink my own piss, I will be A-OK!

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 06:59 AM

posted on May, 21 2011 @ 07:07 AM


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