posted on May, 16 2011 @ 09:16 PM
Love the pictures in the post. The way we treat this world and take every thing we have humanly possible for granted ( not everyone, but in general
most of us in all reality), nothing will surprise me.
Volcanos, earthquakes, tsunamis, a horde of super hurricanes through one season that destroys the entire south/east coasts, infections, war, the lists
is endless of what ''could '' happen and possible.
Will it, some of it will yes, but hell now I don't know I'm not even going to try to know, 4 months ago if you would have told me Japan would get
demolished and Mississippi would get it's first F5 tornado in history followed by a historic flood where they had to flood others to save more, I
would have told you that your bong must have been blessed by Jesus.
All you can do is throw caution to the wind, accept your going to see some serious destruction at some point, and continue to survive in the present.
Survive, key word.