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British woman beheaded in Tenerife supermarket

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posted on May, 16 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by Suspiria
The Pious amongst you may carry on with your assumptions that finding humor in the darkest places of this life is wrong, but some of us don't carry that false air of soul superiority and are just happy to be human with all it's dark wit & foibles

Star for you!

Couldn't agree more. The increasingly superior attitude of so many in this country today stinks. I will offend where I want to offend and show compassion where I want to show compassion.

Begone with your mock indignance!

@ Mr Peter Dow

Are you being serious? That is one of the most incoherent, rambling, nonsensical posts I have ever tried to read on this forum. Trust me, that accolade does not come lightly.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:21 AM

Originally posted by Suspiria
My word, the thought police certainly ARE having a field day with this one aren't they?
Some of you in this thread seem more interested in picking apart my character & indulging in a bit of psychological assassination than you are the murderer himself.
Yes, the murder was shocking. It was terrible the women didn't get any help but she obviously spent a great deal of time there over ten years & must have known of Deyanovs notoriety. Seem's all the local's knew yet the authorities did nothing to make sure this paranoid schizophrenic was adequately kept an eye on since they turfed him out of hospital in Feb. I've yet to be convinced though that Mrs Mills-Westley was picked at random.

The Pious amongst you may carry on with your assumptions that finding humor in the darkest places of this life is wrong, but some of us don't carry that false air of soul superiority and are just happy to be human with all it's dark wit & foibles

You are actually being pious, ironically- knock yourself out with your "humour"

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by cheesyleps

Originally posted by Suspiria
The Pious amongst you may carry on with your assumptions that finding humor in the darkest places of this life is wrong, but some of us don't carry that false air of soul superiority and are just happy to be human with all it's dark wit & foibles

Star for you!

Couldn't agree more. The increasingly superior attitude of so many in this country today stinks. I will offend where I want to offend and show compassion where I want to show compassion.

Begone with your mock indignance!

How the hell do you know if it is mock, and ifyou want to act billy big balls about offending when you want to offend, dry yer eyes when people comment on it, how about that

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:33 AM
I'd like to know a bit more about the medical treatment this guy received previously. Basically , the way the health system works in Spain - if you are resident here and aren't working and paying into the tax system you are not entitled to free treatment in hospital. Thats fine, it's perfectly reasonable.
But does it mean that people who have serious mental health issues are being turned away because they can't afford to pay? It says this guy was unemployed right? So maybe he wasn't given enough assistance.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 07:37 AM
@ Blueorder

Because I come across it most days. Usually some trivial bs or other where people "take offence" on behalf of others. Usually on behalf of another culture or lifestyle they have no experience or contact with who generally would not be offended in the first place.

I'm not being billybigballs at all. My phrase comes across much more hostile in text than it would in speech. My point is simply that I just get on with my life without worrying about all the little trivia of whether you are hurting someones overly delicate sensibilities.

A woman got beheaded. It's not nice. Her family will be absolutely devastated. Tourism will possibly take a very slight knock in the area. It doesn't affect me. I will shrug, possibly make a joke and move on.

That, as has been mentioned, is a proper human coping mechanism. If it doesn't directly affect you and isn't likely to. Why worry? Am I supposed to stress out about every single little negative thing that happens in the world? Am I supposed to spend my days reflecting on these incidents and sending my prayers to the families of the people affected? Of course I'm not. That way lies the path of hopelessness, despair and depression.

The human mind is wonderful at one thing above all others; making light of terrible / painful events. If it weren't we would not function as a species. It's even physically designed into our bodies such that women are actually unable to recall the intensity of the pain of childbirth (otherwise they would be reluctant to have more children).
edit on 16/5/11 by cheesyleps because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by syntheticbutterfly
I'd like to know a bit more about the medical treatment this guy received previously. Basically , the way the health system works in Spain - if you are resident here and aren't working and paying into the tax system you are not entitled to free treatment in hospital. Thats fine, it's perfectly reasonable.
But does it mean that people who have serious mental health issues are being turned away because they can't afford to pay? It says this guy was unemployed right? So maybe he wasn't given enough assistance.

More than likely everything you suspect maybe correct. Even more intriguing, the woman in question - a very comfortable affluent jet set gran with two properties in the area chose NOT to approach the police over her concern but headed straight to the social security office to complain of this *unwashed vagrant*. Strange behavior for someone scared, not so strange behavior for someone out to get whatever tiny benefits the murderer WAS getting stopped.

posted on May, 18 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Zealots clearly do not understand the concept of a pun.

The joke didn't make the situation any less disgusting, folks.

Good Lord some people have some serious growing up to do...

You must've crapped your pants when Gilbert Gotfried made those Japan-inspired jokes on twitter?

"Our personal piety will control all speech from all mouths!"

Sieg Heil, folks, Seig Heil.

"Humor" is not synonymous with "sanction".

Anyways, a situation not unlike this happened in Ontario just a few years ago. A 20 year old kid on a Greyhound going to North Bay (Ontario, Canada) was stabbed over 40 times, the bus was simply evacuated during the stabbings, not a single person tried to help him. He was then decapitated with the knife and the perp brought the head to the front of the bus to show everyone the kid's head. held by his hair, in his hand. I'm sure all the spectators that did nothing weren't cracking jokes, either, they were too busy pretending that this was such a horrible thing for THEM to endure, oh pious and woed THEM. I was 19 and often took the "GO" to commute between Barrie and Orillia (also in Ontario) and this story made me take out a loan to buy a car so I could commute knowing that I wasn't going to be locked in a bus with someone who is stabbing me so everyone can go on about how horrible the situation is FOR THEM from the safety of the outside of the bus...

The autopsy, weeks later, revealed that he was alive until the knife penetrated his throat.

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