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British woman beheaded in Tenerife supermarket

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by sitchin
worlds gone mad!

it has happened for centuries, it is just that the stories can reach people in record time and can reach a much bigger audience than they use to.

example: jack the ripper.

there were some pretty nasty/nutty/insane people around then to.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by Suspiria

Originally posted by Flying Sorcerer

Originally posted by Suspiria
Perhaps she should have Peking ducked.

Wow you're really funny aren't you???

You lowlife scum of the earth! How can you joke about something like that???

The security guards and police had to hold back a crowd of people ready to kick the crap out of the guy... they should have let them!!

Thank you, I'm also available for weddings, baptisms, Mar Mitzvahs & funeral wakes.
Quotes on request...

OK, calling you "lowlife scum of the earth" was way too far, sorry for that. It's just that you really managed to piss me off with your first reaction of making a joke about it... that is seriously sick. Yes I know people do make light of harsh situations, but to post it on a forum and to have a laughing face in this thread is just plain wrong. Can't you see that?

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 03:47 PM
This is truly shocking. A poor lady, mother, grandmother, lost her life because of this sicko. Sky News said he had recently been released from a psychiatric hospital, which begs the controversial question:

Can people with a SERIOUS psychological disease ever be cured? Let alone be trusted in the outside world?

Not that I'm saying that every person is like that who gets released from a psych ward, it's just this story makes me so upset and angry at humanity.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 04:05 PM
How horrible and damn crazy!

My thoughts goes out to her family - I can't imagine how totally shocked and devestated at the tragic loss they must be.

Just Imagine having such insane act happen to your own mum in a shop at a Spanish holiday resort!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:46 PM
He obviously is insane.

People like this should be straight-jacketed for life. or until there is a way to cure them.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ATSecretAgent
reply to post by sitchin

Already was mad... most just choose not to see it.

Exactly. Actually I'm sure back then people did realize the world was mad, it's just the movies and TV shows from the past are so sappy you'd never think they did. I'm sure they also thought the madness of the world was a recent development like we do today ....

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:28 PM

Jennifer Mills-Westley

BBC: Beheaded UK woman Jennifer Mills-Westley 'sought help'
The British woman stabbed and beheaded in a shop on the Spanish island of Tenerife had sought help minutes before the attack, reports suggest.

The Sunday Times reports that Jennifer Mills-Westley, 60, went into an employment centre, telling officials she was being followed.

After a man was sent away she went to a nearby shop, where she was attacked.

A Bulgarian man, 28, was arrested after the attack in Los Cristianos on Friday and is due in court on Monday.

The man had been detained by police several times for previous aggressive attacks.

Dominica Fernandez, of the Regional Interior Ministry, said the attack appeared to be random and that the suspect was well known in the area.

Regional newspaper La Opinion said the suspect had received treatment at the psychiatric unit of a local hospital in February after being involved in previous violent incidents.

Two main points.

  • Bad government had allowed a dangerous madman out into society who should have been locked up in a prison or in a secure psychiatric hospital.

  • Bad government had prevented good political activists from protesting in a very high profile way against the decisions and the rule of the bad government.

Analysis explaining why this beheading is the royals fault

Tenerife is ruled as part of the Spanish Kingdom ruled by King Juan Carlos often deputised by the Spanish Crown Prince Felipe, Prince of Asturias.

King Juan Carlos of Spain (Knight of the Order of the Garter of the United Kingdom)

Queen Elizabeth with King Juan Carlos in 1988.

The Spanish Crown Prince Felipe, Prince of Asturias. (Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Victorian Order of the United Kingdom)

REPUBLICANS marked the 79th anniversary of the Second Spanish Republic in the Canarian capital Santa Cruz on Saturday.

Some 100 members and supporters of the Tenerife Platform for the Republic gathered in Plaza Weyler, before marching to Plaza del Príncipe to demand an end to the Borbón dynasty of King Juan Carlos I and and a return to the pre-fascist democracy of the Republic.

The beheading of the innocent British woman Jennifer Mills-Westley is the fault of the UK and Spanish royals.

Firstly, it is the fault of the UK monarchy, the ministers and officers of the kingdom for not warning unsuspecting British tourists that they are not safe in Tenerife or anywhere where there is not good government, which is most places in the world.

Every facility is given by the UK authorities to assist tourist agencies in Britain to spread their propaganda about so-called "nice and safe" places to visit and to stay while ignoring the very real dangers of bad government allowing dangerous people to roam free yet not allowing republican or democratic political activists the right to protest about that poor government and I mean protesting in a very high profile way, such as on TV, 24/7 and upstaging royalist events such as royal weddings.

Secondly, this beheading is the fault of the monarchy of Spain, the ministers and officers of Tenerife for not making the streets safe for citizens and tourists alike and it is their fault for disallowing very high profile protesting against bad government.

It needs to pointed out that had concerned persons either in Britain, Tenerife, or Spain protested too loudly about the incompetent governments of those countries, the protestors are the ones who would have been locked up in prison or sectioned in a mental hospital, not the Bulgarian man in Tenerife who did the beheading.

All across the world, kingdoms promote incompetent royalist loyalists for election to government.

In many republics of the world, such as the USA, there is funding for foolish candidates to election who are sympathetic to foreign royalty and have no intention of assisting foreign republicans to overthrow the monarchies and kingdoms they rule over.

Foolish government by royalists or by fools who like or tolerate the royals is causing innocents to be killed.

The only way to make the world safe for tourism is to have republican revolutions across the world to end all kingdoms and in republics, to impeach from office foolish presidents or governors who think the royals are doing a good job.

If foolish elected politicians think that the royals are doing a good job then we must presume they will do equally as bad a job as the royals are doing, endangering the lives of people in the republics, which is grounds for removal for incompetence under a good republican constitution.

posted on May, 15 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Flying Sorcerer

Flying Sorcerer I'm so glad to see you wrote back and said what you did to Suspiria in your 2nd post. Suspiria does make a valid point, there are many people whose defense system to a horrible and tragic event is to make light of it, to help take away the terrible stinging pain of reality. It may not be one of the nicer sides of humanity but it exists still.

It's bothered me since childhood how many people will openly laugh at someone who trips up the stairs or falls flat on their face. It strikes me as terribly cruel and humiliating but it seems to be the norm. I think this may be how/why 'slapstick comedy' came to be. But we all know professional pratfalls and the like are set-up for our entertainment, too. Laughing at someones misfortune is an odd thing, I'll agree.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 01:57 AM
reply to post by Flying Sorcerer

I hate to beat a dead troll, but you must know that reacting to their post empowers them to go post something even more callous and devoid of empathy somewhere else, don't you? The kind of people who post things like this are either a) empty, or b) unable to deal with emotion. What they need, we can't give them. At least, not through the Internet - so just let them be.


posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:03 AM

Originally posted by LargeFries
reply to post by Flying Sorcerer

It's bothered me since childhood how many people will openly laugh at someone who trips up the stairs or falls flat on their face. It strikes me as terribly cruel and humiliating but it seems to be the norm. I think this may be how/why 'slapstick comedy' came to be. But we all know professional pratfalls and the like are set-up for our entertainment, too. Laughing at someones misfortune is an odd thing, I'll agree.

I, too, have felt this way. Sometimes I wonder whether or not it's an innate personality trait that some of the more unfortunate people among us are born with, or if it's beaten out of people when they're young. The answer, I have almost decided, is both. Whatever the cause, it grabs at my soul with icy fingers whenever I see it.


posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by ATSecretAgent
Humor is a natural response to news such as this. It's why stand up comedians do so well at what they do lol.

I have to admit, if we didn't make light of situations like this, the world would be a darker place in deed.


I entirely disagree. I would say it is a learned response / defense mechanism.

Why would the world be darker if we didn't make light of serious situations such as this? Isn't the opposite true - doesn't turning a blind eye, nay, laughing at this, help to then make the world a darker place? Isn't that why we have 'dark comedy'?

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by ENDFED

I starred your post. Apart from the factors you already mentioned, I think there are more that come into play, such as stupidity, boredom and insanity.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:32 AM
reply to post by LargeFries

I seem to be missing the part where Suspiria made any sort of point or valid contribution to the thread. I highly doubt that her response was to help those that find it hard to deal with "the terrible stinging pain of reality", or that she herself is in that boat.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by kurona
reply to post by ENDFED

I starred your post. Apart from the factors you already mentioned, I think there are more that come into play, such as stupidity, boredom and insanity.

I agree, but I think that those fall into what I was saying.

There are two types who post, those who are unaware of the emotion involved, or those who are aware, but don't care about the hurt they can cause. Those who are unaware are ignorant, and they subdivide further into two more groups: Those who are unaware because they don't yet understand, and those who are unaware because they can't and never will understand.

The people who are aware have no excuse, really, other than they are hiding from their emotions. Maybe they were scarred as children, maybe not. If so, my heart bleeds for them. If not, I want to live as far as is geographically possible from them. They represent everything that is wrong with humanity.


posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:41 AM
What a way to go. You live your whole life only to get attacked by some psycho who wants to behead you.

If that's they way I'm going out - I'd rather not know about it so I could enjoy my life.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 03:55 AM
I guess it's what religious zealots do best...
Like someone else said, probably it's like one of those loonies that think there are reptilian shape shifters everywhere.
What a sick sick person...let the crowd put him down.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by descartes90
He obviously is insane.

People like this should be straight-jacketed for life. or until there is a way to cure them.

unfortunately you are serious.

i have a quick and humane way to cure this guy and others like him.

sorry, it's not with sharks or bullets.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Mr Peter Dow

i hope that puts a dent in their travel rating like the collision of the 2 747's.

back asward country, hope the family sues their ass off.

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by ATSecretAgent
reply to post by Suspiria

Humor is a natural response to news such as this. It's why stand up comedians do so well at what they do lol.

I have to admit, if we didn't make light of situations like this, the world would be a darker place in deed.
edit on 13/5/2011 by ATSecretAgent because: (no reason given)

I disagree, making a joke about a woman who has just been beheaded demeans us as a human beings and brings darkness- not to say I haven't chuckled at some dodgy jokes, but I am not gonna pretend this is a "coping" mechanism, these sorts of jokes have become an unintended curse tagged onto modern technology, as soon as there is a disaster, headline grabbing murder/death, the jokes fly about facebook, texts etc- we just aren't very nice at times
edit on 16-5-2011 by blueorder because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 16 2011 @ 05:23 AM
My word, the thought police certainly ARE having a field day with this one aren't they?
Some of you in this thread seem more interested in picking apart my character & indulging in a bit of psychological assassination than you are the murderer himself.
Yes, the murder was shocking. It was terrible the women didn't get any help but she obviously spent a great deal of time there over ten years & must have known of Deyanovs notoriety. Seem's all the local's knew yet the authorities did nothing to make sure this paranoid schizophrenic was adequately kept an eye on since they turfed him out of hospital in Feb. I've yet to be convinced though that Mrs Mills-Westley was picked at random.

The Pious amongst you may carry on with your assumptions that finding humor in the darkest places of this life is wrong, but some of us don't carry that false air of soul superiority and are just happy to be human with all it's dark wit & foibles

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