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It's time for the young to take over !

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:10 PM
I am quite saddened by this thread, and many of the replies I have read from the older generation are quite offensive as they as has been said you are generalising. I believe this is a similar trend in history and one that will continue for perhaps the entirety of human history (although I'm sure this can be joked of in that my generation is the last chapter of said history). Being highly critical of the certain future of the planet is not going to change anything and suggesting we are all confined to basements, with our brains directly wired to facebook and our iPhones. There is hope and I know a lot of great people in my generation and to suggest otherwise would not only be incorrect but to a degree ignorant, because naturally out of a selection of millions upon millions they are not all going to be mindless zombies.

That said, I do agree the media has a highly detrimental effect on my generation, as often I find my peers more interested in material success - but i think this is an accepted part of any generation. The reason you may find the youths you are targeting numerous is because the ones you are angry of, say the facebookites and such, are the ones prevalent in that area. Often I find the 'ideal' youth ( of this thread) dont use such mediums, and rarely appear in the public eye - for instance many of the top students dont watch television much and dont really use facebook as their pursuits lie elsewhere. In this day and age the worst is often what is highlighted.

For example my girlfriend is going into medicine along with the majority of her friends, and I am doing a law degree soon as I wish to make some difference however slight it may be (as I cant make a difference physically as a firefighter etc.). I think the real problem is a good education system, as this is what really fails kids (I am from the UK but im sure the US could improve their's too), for instance my local library is being shut with new spending 'initiatives' or whichever stupid buzzword they use these days to justify social injustices.

I can say this from experience as I went to a private school for the majority of my life, then transferred to a state school for several reasons. I can tell you the difference is shocking, the state education is an absolute mess and the teaching are more concerned with checking on the naughty kids than teaching the majority of the class (literally chasing one or two individuals at the loss of the full class). The buildings are in a state as are the facilities. Discipline is never fully utilised in comparison with the private school and effects the school as a whole ( i know this sounds old fashioned but it is the truth, coming from someone who disliked the discipline but now after seeing the contrast sees its effects). I often wonder, why has education taken such a beating - school should be of the utmost importance in society and I think are an important, yet rarely attended to, focus. Why cant all schools have the same standards and facilites as private ones which i so enjoyed. It seems we would rather see people die in countries millions of miles away than be educated, and perhaps challenge the establishment and represent their people as opposed to it being dominated by educated upper class elites (largely from private schools).

But i suppose this would be preferable in keeping order, as good education can often result in dissent from independent thinking and strengthened motivation as opposed to the deadly disease of apathy. My grandparents (now deceased) were both teachers/lecturers, and my mother will often tell me of how the teaching profession got sold down the river and became less prestigious as the wage decreased, thus the highest standards were not maintained and the effect was ultimately on the children, therefore simultaneously on the future of society. Education in my opinion is key, but needs a drastic overhaul.

I think the best comments from older people on here is that there is much wisdom to be learned from the older generations - this is very true indeed and I'm glad I have had a family that has passed this on, yet some are not so lucky. Sorry for the extensive reply but I feel strongly about this topic, being one of them haha (or should i say lol, at my own risk).
edit on 13-5-2011 by thefirstrasta because: (no reason given)

edit on 13-5-2011 by thefirstrasta because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:12 PM

reply to post by davidgrouchy

"why don't we endorse the new generation. Inexperience and all. It has the merit of never having been tried before, and it could very well foster a trust that has never existed before."


Originally posted by DeadBLACK



And as is proved by this comment,
they don't have the patience to read an entire statement.
Going off of first impressions instead. What a foolish thing to do.
Did you seriously just endorse what I said about the younger gen in my post?

David Grouchy
edit on 13-5-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by DeadBLACK

Are you asking how I would take a stand or how you should? It is different for everyone in their respective situations, but there is a good place to start.

Your habits. Begin by changing the habits you don't like about yourself. If you don't think you have any, ask the people who are closest to you and who will be very honest.

Another way is to find 1 subject that you have heard about, or maybe one that you haven't, study that subject a few times a week for a month, then move to another one.

One of the best and most important things you can do to effect change is to take action, regardless how big or small your actions are. For example; you don't like the legal system, go to you county/city/municipal courthouse once a week and ask the people working there what you can do to change anything. When I mean working there, I don't mean strictly for the court. Ask the lawyers, security gaurds, clerks, even ask the accused or the accusers.

If you want to change the way people shop, go to the mall, do the same thing.

Possibly the most important thing you can do to influence change is one that requires the least amount of experience or interaction.

Go to the place of interest and observe with an open mind. Take no preconceived ideas with you and just watch. See if you can learn something new to you. You must innovate your mind before you innovate the world.

Be sure to document what you do, voice recorder, video, notepad (paper or pc)

Have fun doing it and stay positive, no matter what you see or learn. You might just be suprised or even suprise yourself.

edit on 13-5-2011 by esteay812 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:14 PM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

i dont know, does it matter? i picked up on one true thing that i believe is right in what you said that is the extent of it, the rest of what you said is completely irrelevant to me

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:16 PM
reply to post by esteay812

thanx for the advice

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by davidgrouchy
So you know what the young man told me later? He said that he was teaching me a lesson about being in control. I told him, social groups come and go. Who you are will remain. Ask any younger person who has played WoW about ninjas. They speak of them with reverence and awe. Hasn't anyone noticed that the bad riots here, and in the UK feature youngsters with dark hoods, or cloth hiding their faces.

The young don't want to rule. They just want to teach someone a lesson.

David Grouchy

What are you smoking? Then again I haven't played WoW in well over a year, and I was a healer..... But either way the easiest way to get insane repair cost's and be black balled is to ninja. And as for the UK irrelevant mostly.

Younger Americans(under 30) are more hurt and betrayed then angry at this point. Yous older people are all the same. Narcissistic to the last of you. You do whatever is in your self interest, refuse to take the blame when yous mess up.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:17 PM
I haven't had time to read much of the thread yet but it appears as if deadBlack is trolling. Then again I still have to backtrack the other pages of post before understanding what's going on.

Anyway, I agree in some sense with the OP, but also disagree. Corruption is simply corruption. It's just as easy for a 80 year old geezer to buy out/or be bought out, as it is for anyone of any age who's prone to human flaws; such as greed. The problem is that almost the entirety of our political system is run by the older generation, all of whom appear to be completely corrupted and happy to pass ridiculous legislations. The most wealthy of these geezers only fight to protect their disgusting sense of self-worth. They would sell out the human race if it meant returning on that private island with a harem and diamond encrusted gold-plated silverware. The other problem is that the rest of the older generation believes anything they see on the MSM, particularly because alot of them don't use computers much. Most of the older generation still support the drug war and think "weed is a bad". They are tricked very easily into believing propaganda.

However it's the opposite for the older people on ATS as you're all very well informed. What we NEED is individuals strong of heart and integrity who won't sell their soul out so they can please the elites, and get rich doing so. We need GOOD people. People who won't lie to us; people that will do what is logically sound; people that will fight for our freedoms and not bow down to the impeding fascist state that appears just over the horizon. We need people to end the senseless wars overseas and put an end to our imperialistic mindset. We need to fix the obscene financial inequality that's only getting worse. What we need is a president like Ron Paul. Yes he's old, and I don't care. I would vote for him over any other lying sniveling candidate running in 2012.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by DeadBLACK
reply to post by davidgrouchy

i dont know, does it matter? i picked up on one true thing that i believe is right in what you said that is the extent of it, [color=gold]the rest of what you said is completely irrelevant to me

and match!

Thank you for playing.


David Grouchy

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by korathin

Please enough about World of Warcrack, I'm now in bad need for my raid fix, *Cry* I forgot what this thread is all about now, I need to get my Main her epic drop :-( Alliance FTW!!! 18,000 pvp kills and counting, never ninja'd never will and I will call out all ninja's, even on their servers. 6 years on WoW and I still manage a size 4 woot!

edit on 13-5-2011 by hapablab because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Raelsatu

trolling, lol, i guess, i dont even know what that means, forgive me im not really a computer nerd, i just am firmly standing by my belief that the older generation is bigoted

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:21 PM

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:22 PM
Whatever the heck happens I don't ever want my world run by people who don't know the difference between THEN and THAN! Nor do I want it run by anyone who doesn't know the difference between THERE, THEIR or THEY'RE....End rant

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:23 PM

Originally posted by korathin

Younger Americans(under 30) are more [color=yellowgreen]hurt and betrayed then angry at this point. Yous older people are all the same. Narcissistic to the last of you. You do whatever is in your self interest, refuse to [color=yellowgreen]take the blame when yous mess up.

And here we have a classic example of one who, from the self justification of their feelings and emotions, wants to identify blame. Could the reason be, as I suggested, that it is to punish?

Slow down and try actually reading the words again. Use the voice of a ninja-god comming out of a dojo if it helps you.

The young don't want to rule. They just want to punish someone.

David Grouchy

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by minkmouse

course you wouldnt, you are so caught up in trivial things such as spelling....sit down and shaddap

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

punishing bigoted people is what needs to be done...duh

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by minkmouse
Whatever the heck happens I don't ever want my world run by people who don't know the difference between THEN and THAN! Nor do I want it run by anyone who doesn't know the difference between THERE, THEIR or THEY'RE....End rant

Tomato tomato, potato potato..wait that doesn't work on the internet since you cant hear me say it, yet you know what I mean, same thing goes for the stupid misspellings of words that shouldn't bother you that much

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:28 PM
OK boys and girls the first thing you need is 100,000,000 youth strong to deliver the massage" OFF WITH YOUR HEADS" and anytime they try to speak you all scream "LIARS" your mantra should always remain off with your heads liars, then you must make up wanted posters and bill board that show everyone you think is an enemy of the country and place them everywhere throughout the united states and Washington, you must spread the word, when they take them down you put them right back up. the object is to be heard by all and demand these people be captured and served justice on. eventually the only thing everyone will hear is you and focus on that business instead of getting sucked into the media and government propaganda. you have access to the largest communications outlet in the world and can assemble legions throughout the globe of billions of youth to ensure its heard the world over

now get started before they cut off your internet and your cell phones and give you a chip

remember when you were a little kid and you would cover your ears and yell NANANANANA so you would drowned out what your parents were trying to tell you???? now do you get the idea?

edit on 13-5-2011 by anumohi because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by DeadBLACK
reply to post by minkmouse

course you wouldnt, you are so caught up in trivial things such as spelling....sit down and shaddap

And you're so caught up in your little ego and giving commands you don't even know what I'm talking about. Pretty cocky from behind the curtain of that keyboard aint cha!

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:29 PM

Originally posted by DeadBLACK
reply to post by Raelsatu

trolling, lol, i guess, i dont even know what that means, forgive me im not really a computer nerd, i just am firmly standing by my belief that the older generation is bigoted

Trolling means you direct insulting/ignorant remarks at other people simply to be a jerk. And usually because your looking for a childish internet fight with somebody. For example saying that old people are useless. I suppose alot of older people are bigoted. It's much easier to talk to a person my age and get through to them by presenting evidence/logic. But I've known alot of younger people who are compete douches who only care about themselves, and won't listen to a thing you have to say. Not gonna lie but so far from what I've read of your comments, you appear to be one of those guys. By your logic, Ron Paul shouldn't be running for president....

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 10:31 PM
reply to post by minkmouse

and what, im the only one?

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