posted on May, 14 2011 @ 01:14 AM
reply to post by kellynap43
It may be a great gun. But its not tacticle. This is a urban scenario. Where accuracy and precision account for everything. Not your Alcapone loving
thompson and BAR. Seriously, a little less "Call of Duty" and more library. Read any current book today on it, you may even like it, some have
pictures, maybe even have some coloring sections for you, and some even pop up with moving parts and sounds, it will be a lot of fun for you.
Oh. And a 600 foot advantage is nothing when it comes to a shoot out. (Sarcasm)
edit on 13-5-2011 by kellynap43 because: (no reason
edit on 13-5-2011 by kellynap43 because: (no reason given)
WOW. You cannot put yourself in the victim's situation, can you? I have read all of your posts up until page 12. I felt I had to respond to put a
check on this.....CONFUSION, to put it MILDLY. I could be may not be confused at all and are doing exactly what you are supposed to
Multiple times you have said that this man brought his death on himself. Nonsense. The dictatorial power of LEA's has risen considerably since the
beginning of the "War on Drugs". You yourself are the perfect example of what I am saying --- You have defended your badged heroes tooth & nail.
Allow me to list most of the things that you have defended in your posts:
1) The victim had a warrant issued for his home; therefore he must submit absolutely to the people claiming to be authority; even more so if this so
called "authority" cannot identify themselves in an efficient manner.
2) He "MIGHT" be guilty so it is OK that he had at least SEVENTY-ONE rounds of ammunition unloaded into his property.
3) Finally ---- GOD forbid that a young man with a young wife and child to protect attempts to defend himself from what ___HE___ considers a threat.
You seem to believe that police have a giant halo over their heads proclaiming to all .. I AM POLICE! What utter nonsense. Disguise and subterfuge
is very easy to accomplish and fooling most people into believing is even easier(no, I am not looking at you!!!). The authorities(I refuse to call
them police because simply---they are not. They hold the power and they know it and, even worse, abuse the responsibility bestowed upon them)
completely and absolutely FUBAR this event. I guess it would be too much to ask law enforcement to grow a brain. This situation could have been
easily handled without violence by applying a TINY bit of planning and a very limited knowledge of strategy & tactics.
Now, to finally address the material I quoted:
I have seen pics of the family's house. It is not large and it seems to be an average sized house. You must be super rich because only the rich
would be able to afford a 600 foot lawn in every direction. Not to mention that an extremely high rate of fire is beneficial in closed quarters as
opposed to superior range. Range does not help you when your assailants are 10 +/- feet away. Perhaps you should take your nose out of the book and
ATTEMPT to view this situation from the worst possible points of view(And I am referring to the slaughtered and destroyed family --- I am not sure if
you knew that).
I try my best to look at situations from as many points of view as possible. However, I have found myself lacking that ability in regards to your
inane comments in this thread.