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150,000,000 Americans Classified as Mentally ILL for Profit

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posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by Skewed

Previous to the last century or so, most of us would have been dead by 40. (averages, of course there are exceptions).
Whether it was through mental illness making us vulnerable to all the plagues or other medical reasons.
Maybe modern medicine it keeping those of us alive, who, if we were living in a different time, would be dead by nor for one reason or another....

Maybe , according to the law of jungle as you put it, most of us would not live.
But who's to say that those who are currently healthy NOW might not be so, next year or the year after.
Health is a very vulnerable thing that isn't constant and can turn on a pin head.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Flighty
reply to post by Skewed

Previous to the last century or so, most of us would have been dead by 40. (averages, of course there are exceptions).
Whether it was through mental illness making us vulnerable to all the plagues or other medical reasons.
Maybe modern medicine it keeping those of us alive, who, if we were living in a different time, would be dead by nor for one reason or another....

Maybe , according to the law of jungle as you put it, most of us would not live.
But who's to say that those who are currently healthy NOW might not be so, next year or the year after.
Health is a very vulnerable thing that isn't constant and can turn on a pin head.

To much maybe for me.

This is more clear for me

How to live longer --- Longevity Tips from the World's Oldest Person
By planetx, eHow User

updated: August 07, 2010

Li, Qing-yun is a Chinese taoist who, I believe, is the world's oldest person in history. Li died in 1933. He was believed to have lived 256 years. He did not age very much during his lifespan.

Disputed records from the west suggest that he was born in 1734, which makes him 197 years old. However, according to records from Prof. Wu Chung-chien, the Imperial Chinese Government officially congratulated him on his 150th and 200th birthdays, suggesting that he was born in 1677. In fact, Li's life has been documented in a book entitled "A Factual Account of the 250 Year-Old Good-Luck Man", written by General Yang Sen in one year after Li's death. This book was published by the Chinese and Foreign Literature Storehouse in Taipei, Taiwan.

In the year before his death, Li told his friends, "I have done all I have to do in this world. I will now go home." His comment apparently suggests that he might have control over his life and death.

According to most Chinese websites, Li attributed to his longevity and youthfulness to the following secrets:


things you'll need:

Vegetarian diet without any animal product
Chinese wolfberries


Vegetarianism --- Li told his followers to get rid of livestock, and eat vegetables everyday, mostly ground up and boiled.

Peace of mind --- Li told his followers to attain peace of mind by focusing their attention inward. Li also told his Tai Chi students to a) Keep a quiet heart; b) Sit like a tortoise; c) Walk sprightly like a pigeon and d) Sleep like a dog. According to Li, every one could live at least a century by attaining inward calm.

Chinese wolfberries --- Li told his followers to regularly consume Chinese wolfberries.


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Tips & Warnings

Many studies have independently observed that excessive build-up of iron is the cause of aging in fruit flies and other animals [3,4]. As the age advances, the greatest iron buildup usually occurs in the liver and brain [3]. One study confirmed that an iron-restricted diet minimized the oxidation levels in the liver, kidney and brain with advancing age [3]. The major source of dietary iron comes from the meat we consume. Perhaps, the findings from these studies suffice to explain why Li told his followers to get rid of livestock, and eat vegetables everyday.

I have no idea what makes Chinese wolfberries so different from other plants, except for the fact that Chinese wolfberrries have a very high Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) [2]. Scientists at the USDA suggest that eating high-ORAC foods may slow diseases associated with aging. It is unclear whether the antioxidant performance of Chinese wolfberries is the key to their anti-aging benefits.

Oxidative stress is caused by production of free radicals. According to a study [5], the production of free radicals is largely proportional to the level of iron accumulated in the body. Most of the iron in the body comes from the food we consume, with meat products being the major source of dietary iron. Perhaps, there are good reasons why great mystics of the past prefer a meat-free lifestyle.

In an article about Li [1], Wikipedia said "the longest confirmed, documentable lifespan is of a French woman, Jeanne Louise Calment, who died in 1997 at the age of 122 years, less than half the lifespan of Yuen's alleged age". Wikipedia is probably wrong. I actually know a monk who is now over 130 years' old.

Read more: How to live longer --- Longevity Tips from the World's Oldest Person |

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:48 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

I tell you what, we are the parents and we are the ones that dictate what is to be given to our children or not, yes I regret with all my hart that back in the 90s when my son was a 12 year old I fell for the Ritalin propaganda I had my son on that crap for almost a year because the school system told me so, when my son started to act lifeless I took him to a psychologist and after testing him he told me that he didn't needed anything and that he was just a normal child.

There you got it, when I took the test to the school they were scare I was going to sue them.

Now most physiologist are sold to big pharmacy and working with the schools to dope children.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 09:22 AM
22 types of meds (first video) prescribed !!!!!!!

What the... Did I hear it right ? I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and never got more than 6. Doctors here(Can) lost their license for far less than this flagrant abuse.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 09:54 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours

I tell you what, we are the parents and we are the ones that dictate what is to be given to our children or not, yes I regret with all my hart that back in the 90s when my son was a 12 year old I fell for the Ritalin propaganda I had my son on that crap for almost a year because the school system told me so, when my son started to act lifeless I took him to a psychologist and after testing him he told me that he didn't needed anything and that he was just a normal child.

There you got it, when I took the test to the school they were scare I was going to sue them.

Now most physiologist are sold to big pharmacy and working with the schools to dope children.

I tell you the same. I am worried about loosing control. Based upon this development, we have lost control.
The first vid, was hard to watch. The F her up for the rest of her life, ,meaning the mental life

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by Dragonfly79

Instead of empowering a patient to overcome one's mental problems, psychiatry suggests the patient just isn't mentally strong enough to begin with....

Here is a bit that seems to back up that quote.

....Mary Vernon blitzed the doctors with her usual impressive barrage of facts and figures..... But she ended with something I'd not heard her talk about before. She said that the medical profession has contributed to "learned helplessness" by prescribing a diet that doesn't work for a lot of people, and then blaming the patient as being "non-compliant" when it didn't work....

What I found REALLY interesting is the long history of the low carb diet and the links between grain and health problems. The low carb diet has been known for 150 years. After all sweets and sodas were NOT a normal part of the diet for most of history. But some how the low carb diet was "lost" for the last half century.

...In 1933, a clinical study carried out at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh studied the effects of low- and high-calorie diets, ranging from 800 to 2,700 kcals.

Average daily losses:

high carb/low fat diet - 49g [like a modern slimming diet]
high carb/low protein - 122g
low carb/high protein - 183g
low carbohydrate/high fat - 205g
Drs Lyon and Dunlop pointed out that:

'The most striking feature of the table is that the losses appear to be inversely proportionate to the carbohydrate content of the food. Where the carbohydrate intake is low the rate of loss in weight is greater and conversely.'

In other words, the less carbohydrate was eaten, the greater was the amount of weight lost.

In 1955 Dr Albert Pennington in the USA also found that: 'weight loss appeared to be inversely related to the amount of glycogenic materials in the diet. Carbohydrate is 100 per cent, protein 58 per cent and fat 10 per cent glycogenic.' (In other words, the more a food increased insulin production, the less weight was lost - and in this respect, to lose weight, again carbohydrate was worst and fat best.)

Pennington continued: 'The recommended diet is a calorically unrestricted one, very low in carbohydrate, high in fat and moderate in protein. Neither fat nor protein is restricted, however.'

Pennington's diet was so successful that it was reported in Holiday magazine, where it became known as 'The Holiday Diet'.

Professor Alan Kekwick and Dr Gaston Pawan had similar results...

It is obvious that this information IS NOT NEW to the industry. Yet we are told to cut fat from our diet eat the food pyramid with its high carb grain base and told we are "Just not Trying hard enough" as we try to starve the pounds off, leading to depression and malnutrition.

Why has this information been "lost" By 1992 one in every ten people in Britain was overweight; a mere five years later that figure had almost doubled. In the USA it is even worse: by 1991 one in three adults was overweight. That was an increase of eight percent of the population over just one decade despite the fact that Americans spend a massive $33 billion a year on 'slimming'.

If you read History, HACCP and the Food Safety Con Job you find the Committee on Economic Development had "plans" for US farming starting in 1945 and the grain traders have run the USDA, FDA, and the World Trade Organization for THEIR profit.

Grain is a very good commodity for traders because it can be stored for long periods cheaply. It is also a market that is manipulated. [" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">How Sachs Goldman Gambled on Starvation]

The really interesting thing is many believe grain to be a slow poison. (It caused me nightly reflux)


Protein or glycoprotein substances, usually of plant origin, of non-immunoglobulin nature, capable of specific recognition of and reversible binding to, carbohydrate moieties of complex glycoconjugates without altering the covalent structure of any of the recognized glycosyl ligands. This group includes monovalent lectins (i.e. bacterial and plant toxins). These lectins bind to sugar moieties in cell walls or membranes and thereby change the physiology of the membrane to cause agglutination, mitosis, or other biochemical changes in the cell. (agglutination- clumping; mitosis-multiplication or division of a cell forming two daughter cells)

High levels of lectins (specialized proteins) may be found in grains (also known as cereals or pulses), legumes (that is 'beans' including peanuts), dairy and plants in the nightshade family [potato, tomato, eggplant and pepper]. Many other foods contain lectins but are less well studied and the amounts of lectins present are not thought to be as high or as potentially toxic.

Lectins purified from the germinating seeds of wheat (Triticumspp.); bind to carbohydrate moieties on cell surface glycoproteins and are used to identify certain cell populations and inhibit or promote some immunological or physiological activities.

.... Lectins from the castor bean are highly toxic and can kill if ingested in even small amounts. Lectins from kidney beans have been implicated as cause in an outbreak of 'food poisoning' with no known pathogen....

The article states research show links between these conditions and change in diet:

# chronic fatigue
# dementia, Alzheimer's;
# autism;
# Schizophrenia;
post traumatic stress syndrome;
post traumatic stress syndrome;

I sometimes do entertainment for children of an autism society. One Mom was telling me removing grain from her son's diet caused a major improvement. If he managed to get into some grain products he back slide - FAST.

We, who are into small animal farming, have found the easiest way to kill a lamb or kid is to put them on store bought formula. It will kill them in 24 to 48 hrs due to Enterotoxaemia. (I found this out the hard way and it still makes me want to cry when I think of the lovely babies I lost)

What is in the formula is not whole milk by "Whey Powder" the part left over from making cheese. Given it killed 100% of the newborns I put on the stuff you would think TESTING would have shown it was lethal!

It has nothing to do with the amount fed or feeding method. The only change I made was to start milking goats/sheep to feed newborns during the all important first week.

This is the stuff that is similar to what is given to human babies as women are convinced not to breastfeed.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 01:21 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Diet is such a big thing with the well being of the human body, but our nation is been geared to eat nothing but manufactured foods that are never indented for regular and everyday human consumption.

I discovered by trial an error and years of it, that I do very bad on low fat, low protein diets, I gain weight and become very imbalance on my hormones, body aches and pains.

Cut most of the carbs, (junk food and manufactured) and body aches and pains goes away and so the weight.

We have been bombarded that low fat and lots of vegetables and fruits are the key to health, but in my case is can actually rob me of my good health and well being.

What can a say I am a meat eater after all, but i make sure is organic and the animals are raise with good care.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 02:37 PM
reply to post by Flighty

Previous to the last century or so, most of us would have been dead by 40....

This is a very skewed number. You are correct the live expectancy was about 36. HOWEVER this was due to two things high infant mortality and childbed deaths. If you were male and lived to the age of 5 you had a pretty good chance of living fairly long.

Ain't Lying with Statistics great

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:49 PM
Once again another very interesting thread. so does this mean my chemical imbalance which causes my depression a lie and the med not really do anything? im confused >< i always hated having to take any type of prescription drugs because i think well no one took a pill for stuff for 111 years

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:01 PM
reply to post by marg6043

We have been bombarded that low fat and lots of vegetables and fruits are the key to health, but in my case is can actually rob me of my good health and well being.

What can a say I am a meat eater after all, but i make sure is organic and the animals are raise with good care.

So am I. I lost 25 lbs on grass fed beef, fresh fish and organic veggies. Then because of economic considerations I switch to supermarket chicken & lean pork.... BAD MOVE! I gained back the 25 lbs and feel rotten again. So I just cleaned out the freezer and made the trip to my grassfed beef vendor/farmer and restocked the freezer. Lost five pounds in five days!!!

The low carb - meat & veggie diet also wiped out my high blood pressure as well as the reflux. I am pretty much off the OTC pain meds also (bad back & knees). It also got rid of the depression. I feel like doing stuff again.

Diet will not "cure" everything we both know that, but a rotten diet sure doesn't help. And it is the first change I would make before hitting the meds with the side effects especially when dealing with children.

Thanks to the internet you can get a lot of information and that really helps.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:20 PM
reply to post by Bixxi3

Once again another very interesting thread. so does this mean my chemical imbalance which causes my depression a lie and the med not really do anything?

It means you hunt for a GOOD doctor who looks at your WHOLE health and is not a pill pusher. As I said I had a doctor who prescribed diets for all her patients and added meds as needed. She is the one who realized the strict no fat diet Mom was on was causing her "jumpness" and would kill her. (Mom had damaged her pancreas in an accident and could not easily digest fats)

Pills have their uses but because many doctors do not study nutrition they do not look to see if what you eat is causing the problem. Since pharmaceutical houses fund the research THEY are not interested in looking at diet as a cure because there is no money in it.

For some of us heavy meat diets are best. For others more veggies is better. For all of us staying off the sugars, breads and pastas is a good idea for our long term health. If you fast for several hours and then eat a single food and wait an hour or so YOUR body will tell you what it thinks of thatfood, It is one of the ways of finding out if you have an allergic reaction or other reaction to each food. (check with you doctor first of course)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:14 AM
Excellent thread Jude. Well researched and informative.

S&F for you.
edit on 14-5-2011 by Ceriddwen because: lost my mind for a mo

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by TribeOfManyColours


I did say there were exceptions and it seems you found him.

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by Flighty
reply to post by Skewed

Previous to the last century or so, most of us would have been dead by 40. (averages, of course there are exceptions).
Whether it was through mental illness making us vulnerable to all the plagues or other medical reasons.
Maybe modern medicine it keeping those of us alive, who, if we were living in a different time, would be dead by nor for one reason or another....

Maybe , according to the law of jungle as you put it, most of us would not live.
But who's to say that those who are currently healthy NOW might not be so, next year or the year after.
Health is a very vulnerable thing that isn't constant and can turn on a pin head.

I agree with you, to an extent.

My opinion to that is that certain technology advances eliminated or reduced illness greatly. When we quit throwing our waste out of our windows and on to the street below certainly changed things. Running water and sewer systems also changed peoples health drastically. Things like this, maybe a few others greatly changed peoples health as well.

As far as modern medicine keeping us alive, that is only up to a point. IF people actually took care of themselves and did not let their condition progress to the point that it was too late for them to make lifestyle changes, then they possibly would not need the meds. But people are lazy and do nothing about it, so I do agree that the drugs do keep people alive, for awhile, but had they took responsibility, they probably would not be in a position to have to use the drugs. At some point or another, the drugs are the only thing keeping alive.
edit on 14-5-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2011 @ 08:55 PM
reply to post by Bixxi3

Please don't decide what is best for your health based on a board dedicated to conspiracy theories. While some of the members here may be very knowledgeable about things like depression, it will be hard for you to be able to weigh their credentials, unless you know them personally. Hopefully, you have a doctor you can trust, and friends or family you can work your way through this with. Maybe you need the meds, maybe you don't. Maybe the one you are currently taking will work, maybe you need to try another one. This is a process that will take deep thought, and, of course, time. Some people truly do need antidepressants. Perhaps not all the people who are prescribed them need them, but some truly do. We have no way of knowing on which side you are.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by jude11
150,000,000 Americans Classified as Mentally ILL?

That's truly scary since the pushers behind antidepressants here are involved in Project Monarch.


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