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150,000,000 Americans Classified as Mentally ILL for Profit

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posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by crimvelvet

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you,

I am a big proponent of dietary needs. Not diet but NEEDS. Big difference.

Many people don't realize that the food we eat has a direct correlation to how we feel, think and act in our lives.

Problem is that the Natural foods, herbs and medicines that we, the people have been using with successful results since our beginnings are getting outlawed.

What does that tell you?

edit on 12-5-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:38 PM
reply to post by jude11

I agree with your points.

My question to everyone reading is this:

If doctors are diagnosing people incorrectly for the goal of profit isn't that unethical? Isn't that grounds for the loss of their medical license?

So what happens for example when a patient is diagnosed with a mental disorder from one doctor and diagnosed. With no disorders from one or multiple doctors?

Are there any consequences for misdiagnosis and prescription of powerful medication? Is there any real accountability?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by drock905
reply to post by jude11

I agree with your points.

My question to everyone reading is this:

If doctors are diagnosing people incorrectly for the goal of profit isn't that unethical? Isn't that grounds for the loss of their medical license?

So what happens for example when a patient is diagnosed with a mental disorder from one doctor and diagnosed. With no disorders from one or multiple doctors?

Are there any consequences for misdiagnosis and prescription of powerful medication? Is there any real accountability?

In a word, Insurance.

Sad but true and when this happens, the doctor's insurance pays it out. Of course they pay 10's of 1,000's of dollars per year for it but it's all profit for both sides.

How many wrongful death suits are filed every year against doctors and hospitals?

How many doctors and Pharma reps are in prison?

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 09:54 PM

Originally posted by jude11
In a word, Insurance.

Sad but true and when this happens, the doctor's insurance pays it out. Of course they pay 10's of 1,000's of dollars per year for it but it's all profit for both sides.

How many wrongful death suits are filed every year against doctors and hospitals?

How many doctors and Pharma reps are in prison?

This is an instance where the public needs to change their attitude when a death or other debilitating side affect occurs. In my opinion, DO NOT SETTLE OUT OF COURT, this only encourages them to keep on going. Take it all the way to the jury and then let the jury decide the outcome. In cases like this, I will side with the victim every time and will even create a hung jury and will not back down. I would do whatever I could do to put a scar on the pharma company and really start making them pay. Their business model is built around the fact that they will get sued and have already alotted money for settlements out of court.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:06 PM
The biggest con of the whole lot is Ritalin. Kids acted FINE before Ritalin. Now, because of excess sugar and caffeine in their diets, and little physical activity, kids are acting up and shrinks are telling their parents to give them drugs instead of changing exercise or diet habits.

Other contributions to kids not paying attention in school? They have hearing or eyesight issues.

While Ritalin does help some children, and many illnesses have reduced symptoms (not cured) by taking pills, my FAMILY DOCTOR tells me that "over 85%" of people on medication can have their issues fixed with lifestyle and/or diet changes. I should know. I was one of the worst cases of type II diabetes he had ever seen, and was off meds in less than six months after following his lifestyle and diet recommendations. When he diagnosed me, he told me that he'd be "really, really happy if I could get off meds within two years". I'm now his diabetes poster child.

ALL of the pills on the market today are designed to reduce symptoms, not to cure diseases. There's no profit in curing disease, only in selling drugs to treat the symptoms that you'll have for the rest of your life.

The last cure invented was the polio vaccine, given to the world free of charge by its inventor, Jonas Salk. It was developed by an independent researcher, in a laboratory in a HOSPITAL, given to the world for free, and is the last time that ANY disease has been completely cured. It was 1952. It cured one of the worst and widespread diseases ravaging humans at the time, and again was given away FREE.

Nearly 60 years since, with BILLIONS of dollars spent in research, and not a single cure released, none, nada, zippo, zip.

We have pharmaceutical companies making BILLIONS of dollars (actually, hundreds of billions) in sales, without the slightest interest in developing a cure for anything.

In the 1930's, the pharmaceutical industry got Vitamin B almost banned, and certainly "large dose pills" of it were banned, because it cures just about anything in large doses. They knew if it got out that a simple cure fixed everything, a multi billion dollar industry doesn't exist. What did they do? They had "large doses" declared toxic and banned. Now, even the Vitamin B that you buy in pill form has such mild doses it doesn't work.
edit on 12-5-2011 by babybunnies because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

The reasons:

1. Mommy and daddy are slaves to the "career", thereby neglecting the time to spend with the kids.
2. Electronic Babysitters.
3. Free reign with technology.
4. Excessively coddled.
5. School administrations actually condoning the use of drugs.
6. School administrations afraid/unwilling to discipline kids.
7. No child left behind.
8. Schools curriculum out of date and lacking challenges.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:35 PM

Originally posted by Skewed
reply to post by babybunnies

The reasons:

1. Mommy and daddy are slaves to the "career", thereby neglecting the time to spend with the kids.
2. Electronic Babysitters.
3. Free reign with technology.
4. Excessively coddled.
5. School administrations actually condoning the use of drugs.
6. School administrations afraid/unwilling to discipline kids.
7. No child left behind.
8. Schools curriculum out of date and lacking challenges.

Completely agree and thank you for your input.

I don't know if you seen this in my previous post but it is so relevant to your post that I'll post it again.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by Skewed

Absolutely agree 100% !

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:00 PM
reply to post by babybunnies

Ritalin is in my mind, the 'Baby-Sitter drug for our generation.

It has been said, quoted and proven that many parents, not knowing what do do with an over-active child turn to Ritalin to 'Mellow-Out' their children.

When they put me on it at about 10 yrs, it was because I was too active and spoke out in class. It didn't matter that I started reading at 3 yrs old and that I had an interest in art, electronics, nature, music, theater and history by the age of 8. No, that wasn't good enough.

Why? Because I asked too many questions and would get angry and frustrated with answers from my parents and teachers like "That's the way it is" and 'We can't do anything about it"

Prescription drugs dumb us down and put us in a corner so that we are easier to deal with. Easier to control and let's not forget providing profit for those that want us there.

edit on 12-5-2011 by jude11 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by jude11

Thanks for posting the videos.

There are many things about the medical field,and pharmaceutical companies in particular, that I find disturbing.

Like the fact that many of the members on the FDA who make the approval for the medications that many people take, also work for those said companies.

Or the fact that, since profit is involved in the field of medicine, there is no money to be made in finding cures. But treating symptoms continuously makes lots of money.

The one thing that I the most infuriating is the fact that, if you try to show people the dark side of the pharmaceutical companies.. they accuse you of being a Scientologist and won't hear a word you say.

posted on May, 12 2011 @ 11:29 PM
reply to post by jude11


Sorry, but that's my initial response to reading that post.

What an idiotic society we have.

You're obviously gifted, and they sought to control your exceptionalities.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:15 AM
The sad thing is, there is truly a need for these meds sometimes. Some people really do need them. Just not 150 million of us.

A while back I read an article that said we aren't "1984" as much as we are "Brave New World" - everything is about entertainment, immediate gratification, and a pill to fix it. The author of that article was spot-on.
edit on 13-5-2011 by Schkeptick because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 05:21 AM
reply to post by babybunnies

bunnies, your diabetes story is AMAZING!

I was ill - very ill - for 16 years before I found out I had Celiac's disease. Because the cure has nothing to do with medication and is 100% about changing your diet, doctors are more or less completely ignorant of it in the USA.

Worse, scientists are beginning to think it is triggered by the fact that our gluten sources are now refined beyond the point that our bodies can handle - for some of us it triggers this terrible auto-immune problem.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 06:56 AM
reply to post by Skewed

Heaven forbid we take out a terrorist, and then the public cries foul play. Then they turn around and pump themselves or their kids full of poison, and that is perfectly ok.

We have been trained to view Doctors as little short of gods. In MASS you could not even give a friend an aspirin because "you are practicing medicine without a license" My company removed ALL the first aid kits, even the fire blankets because of that law.

How many times have you heard "check with your Doctor before going on a diet" Well guess what? Most Doctors do not take courses in nutrition!

Only 6% or so study nutrition at medical school.

The fundamental reason why doctors do not know much about nutrition is because very few of
them study anything about it at medical school. As discussed further on, this is largely because
the curriculum is heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical drug industry.

"Economics is the driving force behind medicine."

Dr. Ray Strand (1)
This article examines why many doctors are ignorant about nutrition. Why so many of them are
unaware of the breakthroughs in nutritional medicine. It discusses the influence of the
pharmaceutical industry over their education. I have assumed that you are aware of the large
amount of medical evidence that high-quality nutritional supplements can provide you with
major health benefits. For instance, that they can greatly reduce your risk of developing
degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease, amongst others.....

Now think about how most of us, including our kids, are shut up in a building or in vehicles most of the day....

Vitamin D and Your Health Mental Health
Vitamin D and Depression

Is psychiatry that branch of medicine that can explain everything but predict nothing? [YES!

....In 1999, in an even more interesting study, vitamin D scientist, Bruce Hollis, teamed up with Michael Gloth and Wasif Alam to find that 100,000 IU of vitamin D given as a one time oral dose improved depression scales better than light therapy in a small group of patients with seasonal affective disorder. Gloth FM 3rd, Alam W, Hollis B. Vitamin D vs broad spectrum phototherapy in the treatment of seasonal affective disorder. J Nutr Health Aging. 1999;3(1):5–7. All subjects in the vitamin D group improved in all measures and, more importantly, improvement in 25(OH)D levels levels was significantly associated with the degree of improvement.

Reduced Sunlight, Increasing Depression

To further strengthen the case that vitamin D deficiency causes some cases of depression, evidence should exist that the incidence of depression has increased over the last century. During that time, humans have reduced their sunlight exposure via urbanization (tall buildings and pollution reduce UVB ), industrialization (working inside reduces UVB exposure), cars (glass totally blocks UVB), clothes (even light clothing blocks UVB), sunblock and misguided medical advice to never let sunlight strike you unprotected skin.

All these factors contribute to reduce circulating 25(OH)D levels. Klerman and Weissman's claim that major depression has increased dramatically over the last 80 years is one of the most famous (and controversial) findings in modern psychiatry....

Notice how the study showing sunlight is beneficial is called "one of the most famous and controversial" Of course the big drup companies do not want you to know something as simple as sunlight and fresh air can make you feel better, they rather feed you expensive medicine and keep you doped to the gills!

More on deficiencies and "mood"

The B vitamins are believed to be important in mood regulation as well as aiding in the production of many important amino acids. Deficiency in any of the B vitamins can produce depression, anxiety and fatigue.

B1 (Thiamin) - B1 is believed to help those suffering from anxiety, irritability and/or night terrors.

B2 (Riboflavin) - B2 is a water-soluble vitamin that assists in energy production, and helps to synthesize normal fatty acids and amino acids. B2 deficiency can result in depression, hysteria, or other psychiatric problems caused by nerve tissue damage or decreased neurotransmitter production. Studies suggest that riboflavin supplementation might also be a useful in addition to beta-blockers to help prevent migraine headaches.

B3 (Niacin) - A deficiency of B3 can result in symptoms of schizophrenia, depression, fatigue, headaches, insomnia and poor memory.

B5 (Pantothenic Acid) - B5 helps support the body's response to anxiety and panic, and helps produce stress hormones during times of psychological difficulty and physical strain.

B6 (Pyridoxine) - B6 is a is a water-soluble vitamin that eases the symptoms of PMS and is helpful for those experiencing irritability, fatigue or depression. B6 is needed for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, including serotonin. Low levels of serotonin have been found in individuals suffering from depression and migraine headaches.

Some important functions of B6 include amino acid and protein metabolism, red blood cell metabolism, conversion of tryptophan (an amino acid) to niacin and assisting in the metabolism of calcium and magnesium. The dose of B6 should be reduced if tingling in the hands or feet is present.

B7 (Biotin) - Biotin is water-soluble member of the B-complex group of vitamins and is commonly referred to as vitamin H. Individuals taking anticonvulsant drugs may become deficient in B7 as these medications can inhibit the absorption of biotin or block the action of biotinidase. Symptoms of B7 deficiency can include depression, fatigue, lethargy, hallucinations, and neurological disorders.

B12 (Cobalamin) - B12 is an important water-soluble vitamin that assists in the production of neurotransmitters. A deficiency in B12 produces fatigue, memory loss, moodiness and listlessness.

Folic Acid (Folate) - Folic Acid is a water-soluble B vitamin thats assists in amino acid metabolism and conversion, aids in the conversion of homocysteine to methionine and helps to manufacture certain neurotransmitters that regulate sleep, pain, and mood.

Symptoms of folic acid deficiency, which can be caused by certain anticonvulsants medications, include irritability, hostility, apathy, forgetfulness, headache and paranoid behavior. Research suggests that folic acid may help relieve depression, anxiety, and panic.

High levels of Folic Acid has been known to induce mania in some people with bipolar disorder, and can counteract the effects of certain mood stabilizing medications.

Inositol - Inositol is a fundamental ingredient of cell membranes and is necessary for proper function of nerves, brain, and muscles in the body. Inositol is used in the treatment depression, panic disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Neurotransmitters such as serotonin in the brain depend on Inositol to function properly and some research has shown that increased levels of Inositol appear to be a promising treatment for depression.


Most Americans do not get enough magnesium in their diets, and low levels have been found in many people suffering from depression and schizophrenia. .... Some people also believe magnesium plays a role in the cycling frequency of bipolar disorder.


A deficiency in manganese may contribute to depression stemming from low levels of the neurotransmitters serotonin and norepinephrine. Supplementation may also help to prevent the development of tardive dyskinesia and higher amounts may reverse tardive dyskinesia that has already developed. An increase in mood and pain symptoms during the premenstrual phase has also been noted in women with low blood levels of manganese.

We seem to be in a situation where corporations caused the disease and then sell us the "Fix". Think of fast food, junk food, factory meat and a salt and soda loaded diet.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 07:39 AM
Another anti-pscychiatry rant. Psychiatry has managed to firmly established itself in universities, hospitals, the court system. Young people choosing psychiatry get the messages

"Label all individuals, identify all weak elements in society and treat them"
"Psychiatry is a system of healing, using scientific methods"
"Psychiatrists are sane people who are capable of identifying and diagnosing another's sanity"

However psychiatry has used a lot of ghostwriting to become so influential, in which 'scientific' studies are presented in a way that is to the advantage of psychiatry. Certain drugs are proven to be cheaper and more effective, but the old drug just wasn't good enough to begin with, overpriced and ideal candidates were used for trials.

Psychiatry is presented as being scientific and by stating this the listener, or rather the brain of the listener automatically associates psychiatry with other sciences like math, physics, biology, which are all valid, except a lot of the notions in psychiatry are merely assumptions and interpretations, not proven facts. Upon associating psychiatry with undeniable truths belonging to other fields of science, all critical thinking comes to a grinding halt. Because of this psychiatry is leeching off other scientist's hard work and gets away with it every time.

Those interpretations found in DSMIV are based on real observed data about the brain but the explanation given is basically what all agree is the most likely one. It isn't set in stone but they need people to believe it is truth because the diagnosis depends on it and also the treatment (usually prescription drugs) and because there isn't any other explanation besides DSMIV. It would cost them their jobs if people would seek help elsewhere, they need patients just like any other company, they also need to eliminate their competition, even if other treatments would be better for the patient.

Another problem with this image of psychiatry being scientific is that there are still a lot of mysteries about the brain, overtime with the advancement of technology all mysteries will be unraveled but as it is, there is no way to measure certain types of chemicals in the brain, which is usually identified as the cause of the problem.

To say a diagnosis is scientific, empirical evidence must be gathered, for example let's say a person complains about a painful feeling in the arm. The physicians examine the body and finds a broken bone and begins treatment for the broken bone, there are Xrays to show the broken bone, depending on the fracture the patient might even feel it himself by touch, it is a fact a bone should not be broken like that.

Now let's say a person is feeling depressed, the psychiatrist would explain how it's all imbalanced chemicals and prescribes medication. There isn't any scientific evidence for this assumption for this patient, except information gathered from totally different people through trials, "If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck...".

If technology allowed for high resolution scanning of the brain identifying and counting all different chemicals produced by the brain (there are many different types of neurotransmitters), all the synapses, neural pathways then the physician could determine the cause of feeling depressed and start treatment, then it would be called scientific.

But as it is, it's still all very primitive, there is corruption like ghostwriting, trials presented favorable to sell a drug rather than help cure a disease. But the public has the impression it's all like rocket science with saint like genius scientists working with hightech sciencefiction methods only seen in Hollywood movies. But there just isn't anything better which is why this movement has free reign over the mental health of the population and continues to expand and dominate the world.

Instead of empowering a patient to overcome one's mental problems, psychiatry suggests the patient just isn't mentally strong enough to begin with, otherwise they would not have mental problems and they would not need to take drugs, which also might worsen the patients situation because of a plethora of side effects. If psychiatrists were able to teach people how to deal with their problems they wouldn't need to prescribe drugs, but fact is, they just can't teach people because they lack that knowledge themselves, they can't make a person understand, if they were so intelligent they would be able to. But that notion is turned around and it is suggested/assumed the patient is 'just too dumb to understand' closely followed by the notion IQ is something determined by physical causes and nothing can be done. It is one thing to be able to grasp complex theories, it is another how those theories are taught, the better they are taught the easier it would be to grasp.

And that's the root of the problem - education, people lacking coping mechanisms, having lower wages so they can't afford better education, people with working coping mechanisms charging money to teach others, it's a vicious circle. A society of specializations where individuals only know about their own expertise and so need to rely on psychiatrists because they've never learned how their bodies and mind works and don't have much of a chance to learn later in life due to having to spend time on their own jobs, family, hobbies.
edit on 13/5/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 07:53 AM
Look I've been suffering anxiety and depression for years now, and it took me a few years to actually realize i needed help, but thank god I did. They helped, and I had to change medication after a couple years because I was still feeling anxious. So starting to try to find the right level for the new pills was a disaster i guess. The pills were good for my anxiety... heaps better. But Depression... ALOT worse, as in I would have knocked myself off if my mum didn't intervene. Now i'm on two pills and I see hope out there on the horizon sometimes.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:05 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
You know what is the sad thing about all this, that more than half are children, yes there you have it, children are been doped in this nation and given antidepressants like it was jelly bean Candy.

But hey, most of the parents are also antidepressant users.

I have a son. The other day they took away his pudding, and said you are to fat.
My sons brother is a very alive kid, the want to put him on ritalin soon?

I am heartbroken. WE COME FROM THE CAVE'S!!

Fellow human beings, come to terms that tomorrow is our fault. We allow this thing to carry on

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:06 AM
Excellent thread! Thanks for posting it OP.

A few things to share:

1. I am not allowed to smoke pot, which i do anyway
2. I am advised to give my 14 year old daughter the pill
3. I was advised to put my (very smart) son on ritalin by a teacher

My kids are warned ad nauseum about "drugs" and even searched at school, but the same school is recommending ritalin and the pill.

I had to patiently explain to my girl why the pill was so bad ... hormonal balances and so on. Nobody yet, despite many "class discussions" had implied any danger, including the danger of pregnancy, it was presented to schoolkids as a "safe" solution.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:13 AM
all part of the medical mafia - keep drugged and dumb.
as in the case of:
aspertame (rumsfeld)
high fuitcose corn syrup
peticides- killing the bees and making folks fat dumb and fat dumb and...
steroids-bovine growth hormone - in the meat
steroids/blood/puss in the milk which has been robbed of any nutrients by heating (pasteurization).
vaccines - getyer vaccine right here - never mind whats in there - it's all good.
all driven from the top down - the socalled fed is pushing there agenda - eugenics.

posted on May, 13 2011 @ 08:20 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
Look I've been suffering anxiety and depression for years now, and it took me a few years to actually realize i needed help, but thank god I did. They helped, and I had to change medication after a couple years because I was still feeling anxious. So starting to try to find the right level for the new pills was a disaster i guess. The pills were good for my anxiety... heaps better. But Depression... ALOT worse, as in I would have knocked myself off if my mum didn't intervene. Now i'm on two pills and I see hope out there on the horizon sometimes.

I got a very traumatic life.
Suffered allot.

I was so nervous of speaking in front of a group, that I literary had the feeling of passing out.
For years I walked around with the feeling nobody want to hear what I speak.
I got beaten for years, had no friends. etc etc.

Man I can remember one day. I stood up in front of my mom.(bad period of the whole fam.) And I was spewing out everything. My life sucks, I dont want to go on. I have nothing, (it was justified in that time, it was more of an breakdown)Then my brother (past away past month, police crashed the car in to him and my brother died)came in the room and he thought I was about to attack my mom( never ever did that, nor intended it), so from the back he threw me on the ground and kick his boot on my face. Pieces of tooth everywhere, blood flying around.

Yes it gave me strange patterns of behaviour for a long time. Even used drugs(heavy 3year span). Went to jail etc.

Today, I am very happy I experienced all this. I would do it all again and again. How else did I become so wise in spirituality. I know what I want now.

Being happy

Not one day I got help from family, friends, or medication.
It takes your brain away attacking your trauma getting the best out of it.

Return to your basic human needs.

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