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We will focus on the issues of the presidential campaign, even if the candidates do not...

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posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 12:47 PM
i want to be on Jamuhn's team!
i was just asking my husband and daughter yesterday what the L party was all about. (saw a sign they adopted a scretch of rd. in my tiny town)
if what you have said here is reflective of the party, i am thrilled to find a new home team!
yes, i want to be involved here. i have a sphere of influence in my community and i am considering throwing my hat in around here to affect our growth. i have called myself 'independant' now for many years after losing respect for the republican party in the 80%. i have always thought that the D's had some great ideas too but that neither party was speaking my heart.
you sir, have today.
count me in. i am always a respectful poster and will not comment in an area i have no knowledge of.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Could you explain more of the powers and responsibilities given to those members who have access...

Do the team members post the topics, or are these posted only by ATSNN reporters or both?

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 12:50 PM
Well needless to say I would like to be with Conservatives.

Just tell me how to apply.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 12:52 PM
p.s. and i don't want to be team leader.
i am all about being on a team. it is reflective of the sense of community i would like to see restored to this country.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 12:59 PM
I would like to be part of a team

But im from England (In the U.K)

I dont know much about the actual parties meanings over their but here they say different things and then they generaly do what the previous party did and neglect what they were saying halfway through their campain
untill its time to get re-elected

I probly would be better in the "Other" Catagory

I would like to expand my political awareness and get a proper view on what people ARE saying/meaning not what we are being told they ARE saying/meaning

So if any one wants to join me up free free to U2U me or so (I am probly better in the "Other" catagory)

[edit on 2-8-2004 by Crash]

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by Shoktek Do the team members post the topics, or are these posted only by ATSNN reporters or both?
All ATS members designated on a Campaign 2004 Issues Team will be able to create threads and post just as if this were any other forum. Anyone who has a passionate concern for the real issues, and avoiding the petty bickering of current political debate can take part... no matter where your country of origin.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:53 PM
This sounds like well constructed debate for us to participate in. Sing me up for the right conservatives or do I have to sigh up somewhere?

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 01:58 PM
I had just been speaking with Rant, and he had suggested that I might be interested in the Other as I live in Canada, so I would be willing to become a member of the other team if anyone is interested in having me, I�m game.
As it stands right now I believe there is no team leader for �TheOther� at the moment, So maybe a mod could pick one or we could amoungst are selfs, anytakers,

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 02:00 PM
Sign me up for the "other" team seeing as how there is no current "other" leader to sign up with.

Maybe the "other" team can be made up of non-us members, such as myself, and others who have expressed interest . Maybe we could be called the
International Team
foreign citizen team
etc. etc.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 02:29 PM
I would love to join this discussion. I am very undecided about which candidate I should support. I was raised a staunch democrat, married a conservative republican and have decided I'm a Centrist.

Just let me know what I have to do.


posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 02:58 PM
Sign me up for Neutral! U2u away. whoosh

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by Sauron
I had just been speaking with Rant, and he had suggested that I might be interested in the Other as I live in Canada, so I would be willing to become a member of the other team if anyone is interested in having me, I�m game.
As it stands right now I believe there is no team leader for �TheOther� at the moment, So maybe a mod could pick one or we could amoungst are selfs, anytakers,

As I U2U'ed ya Sauron, and for the benefit of other people not sure where to sign up. The Democrat/Liberal Team actually welcomes International input and participation... including being a team meber if your focus is researching and presenting the Democratic/Liberal platform as it pertains to the 2004 US election. Which we already have International members eager to do.
And more may U2U interest if desired.

But if you're at all unsure of your interest and affiliations, but still eager to participate I suggest(ed) signing up something to that effect and your background here, as you've done. I simply noticed some International posters were declaring themselves "others" so we'll just have to see if a team evolves from there.

Not up to me though, just encouraging people to express themselves however they see fit, and we'll make it all work.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 04:36 PM
I would like to participate on the Libertarian Team, although I do not know who to U2U with my 'application.'

I look forward to this project/discussion and believe it will progreess very well!

Good idea SO!

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 04:53 PM

So that I can contact one of the team leaders via U2U with a brief overview on why I want to participate, and which issues interest me the most.

I've been waiting forever! Let's go people, chop chop....

I'm going to assume it's either Jahmun, Amuk, or PurdueNuc.

It's pretty weird that you wanna get this started but you haven't been replying to people who want to help aid in the discussions...

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 05:13 PM
According to the Bible Code, G. W. Bush will be re-elected. Encoding information on both candidates into Bible Code 2000 found many remarks indicating this outcome.

Among the J.F. Kerry encodings were found the following:

"John Kerry will be elected U.S. senator." (a past event), and;
"John Kerry will never be elected U.S. president." (a forever event)

Today's Gallup poll shows that Kerry's temporary bounce in the polls following the democratic convention has already subsided and Bush has again gained the lead. And the Republican convention is still 5 weeks away!

It is now clear that Bush will take the State of Florida and a sufficient number of other states to win the electoral vote again. As to the popular vote in 2004, my prediction is that it won't even be close. G.W. Bush will be reelected. The party of atheists, secularlists, socialists, personal injury lawyers (one of who is on the democratic ticket) and various perverts may cease to exist within the decade. (I hope.)

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 05:17 PM
I ordered that code master 2000 or whatever and it didn't work on my computer, however this guy who does it sends me newsletters and he says that Bush will be assasinated, is this true? Did you find that in the code as well??

It also said he is a demon ect...

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 05:22 PM
I would like to be on the Libertarian Team. I have been a Libertarian for years. I also have the perspective of a soldier who just returned from Sadr City, Iraq in April. I think this is something not shared by many on ATS, and I am starting to think I may be the only Libertarian in the entire Army. I think the viewpoint I have to offer as a Libertarian/Soldier/Christian is a fairly unique one, and I know I would add to the project.

If I must choose, the areas that interest me most are defence, economy, social, taxes and enviornment.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 05:31 PM
For those that have been u2uing me I have u2ued SO about being team leader but have recieved no answer, If someone else has been apointed I would like to know because I too want on the team, from the posts and the u2us I have recieved we Libertarians are ready to go just pick a leader and lets get started

We defently have the motivation behind us

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 05:45 PM
I would be intrested in the other. I am here in america, but I feel there needs to be other changes and other approches to the goverment need to be taken. I might be a little more radical than others, maybe thats what this needs.

posted on Aug, 2 2004 @ 06:45 PM
What a great idea! I am looking forwarding to reading this boards' well- researched ideas about the issues, and I hope to be able to contribute from time to time.

Bring it on!

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