posted on Aug, 1 2004 @ 06:48 PM
It's time to turn the amazing power of the members of ATS to focus on the issues surrounding the 2004 U.S. Presidential Campaign. We're launching a
new effort as a "Special Assignment" of ATSNN to focus the energies of politically motivated ATS members on the real issues of this campaign.
The Basic Concept:
This forum, Campaign 2004 Issues will be a limited access forum where a select group of ATS members will be allowed to post and reply to
threads. The intent is to focus on the important issues surrounding this campaign, issues that the candidates may likely avoid as they engage in
attacks and deflection of attacks.
This year, more than ever, the issues are important, complex, and diverse. From the faltering educational system, to international relations, no
election year has been fraught with difficult and numerous issues like this one.
Let's focus the amazing energies and intelligence of politically motivated ATS members on the real issues. The hopeful result is that anyone reading
the posts of this forum will understand how each candidate stands, or should stand, on the important topics that need to be discussed. And in the end,
we may help some voters better comprehend this topics and the position of the respective candidates before they head off to the voting booth.
How It Works:
New threads will contain ATSNN-styled all-caps topical prefixes, they are:
DEFENSE: (Military, war in Iraq, etc.)
TERRORISM: (The War on terror)
ECONOMY: (Jobs, economic policy, etc.)
SOCIAL: (Medicare, Social Security, AIDS, Gay Marriagge, etc.)
TAXES: (The "dirrrty" topic)
FOREIGN: (Foreign Policy)
ENERGY: (Oil, alternatives, etc.)
EDUCATION: (Public, vouchers, etc.)
ENVIRONMENT: (Parks, polution, etc.)
ETHICS: (Corporate governance, political ethics, campaign finance reform, etc.)
Discussion and debate will remain focused on the issues, and representation of the respective party platforms and the stance of the candidates.
Through discussion, a complete analysis of the issues, influences, and factors of our current age will be examined and compared to which candidate
stands for which side (or sides) of each issue.
Any post that engages in an attack on another member, or one of the candidates will be removed and that member's access will be removed from this
special forum. We will focus on the issues, even if the candidates cannot.
How To Get Involved:
We have three current "team leaders" for the most popular political positions:
- Republican/Conservative: Banshee
- Democrat/Liberal: RANT
- Centrist/Neutral: SkepticOverlord
We still need team leaders for:
- Green
- Libertarian
- Other
Our goal is to establish at least 15 people on each "team". If you want to aid this effort, please contact one of the team leaders via U2U with a
brief overview on why you want to participate, and which issues interest you the most.
A dedicated website will be established that functions just like ATSNN (pulling posts from the news forum for a focused display under a new domain),
to give people a one-stop zone for all the important issues of this campaign.
And a Bonus
Those who are selected for this unique effort on ATS will receive a huge points bonus of 25 points for each post in this forum.
For now, this forum will be open to posting from anyone to answer the questions surrounding this new effort. Once the participants are slected, only
they will be able to post here.
[edit on 2-8-2004 by ADVISOR]