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What is Deja Vu???

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posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

I understand that Deja Vu is an illusion created by a slight seizure, like a glitch or a reset function in the brain, that's it that's all nothing more to it than that.

edit on 10-5-2011 by NewAgeMan because: typo

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

I know for sure it's not just my brain playing catch-up. I've had my share of normal deja vu too, but these other experiences feel deeper, more thorough. It goes beyond just a familiar feeling. Usually when it happens I'll know precisely what movements myself and others are about to make. I'll even try to make myself move differently than how I saw it in my mind but I just can't, like my movements are suddenly not my own for just a few seconds. It's strange though, because I can feel that it's still myself doing it. It's hard to describe.

I have another example for that from about a month ago. Another insignificant event, as usual. I was just sitting at my desk containing all my computer equipment. In my mind I see a bottle fall off the desk to my right after the desk was bumped. I come back to reality and extend my hand out to my right without myself willing the action and the bottle lands right in my hand. If only that happened more often, because I'm absolutely terrible at catching things

edit on 10-5-2011 by warbird03 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-5-2011 by warbird03 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:29 PM

Originally posted by theUNKNOWNawaits
reply to post by TupacShakur

Yes, I have heard that before. What about times where people had never been in the place they experienced deja vu or see it? How do you explain it similar past place in the past or is past lives? What about those that can see numerous things before they happen and they do?

reply to post by Ir0nM0nkey

I also see where youre coming from as well.

For both of you thought you are talking about someone feeling deja vu. Does this glitch or failed process make you see it as well, or just feel it??

I think you are maybe mixing up Deja Vu with premonitions ? Before the film The Matrix did anybody talk about 'glitches' ?

I 'see' it then immediately 'feel' it, but as previously described I really don't think it is more then a delay with regard to the brain assimilating information...
edit on 10-5-2011 by Ir0nM0nkey because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:29 PM
Recently, I have been experiencing some strange things associated with deja vu. This is whats been happening for the last couple of years. My first experience was in my car at a red light. I all of a sudden felt like what was happening in that moment, had happened before. Its never anything grand or extreme, it can be something like a visual reference. This first moment was just traffic and a red light, we experience this a lot in our day to day lives, so its not surprising that I would have seen the similarities and felt like it was deja vu. But as it is happening, it is followed by extreme dizziness and hot flashes, My whole body felt 3 or 4 degrees hotter. Because the experience of being in traffic is so common, I immediately wrote it off. Then 2 or 3 days later it happened again, at the same spot. I began to think that maybe there was a gas leak nearby or some other chemical that was causing me to get dizzy and hot. But I still couldnt explain the feeling of deja vu accompanied with it. Then it happened on the interstate while I was driving, i noticed some construction workers in their orange vests on the side of the road. Immediately I knew I had experienced this before, perhaps in a dream. but it was very real and I was convinced that I was definitely feeling deja vu. Seconds later, the dizzyness and hot flashes came on like a rush. Luckily, I was able to pull over and wait it out. It usually only lasts a few minutes. Since then it has happened over 10 or 15 times. It is usually when I am in the car driving somewhere. And many times it happens in the same spot. It has happened 2 times in traffic at the same intersection. And 3 times on the interstate when I see a construction worker wearing an orange vest. I avoid these areas as much as possible because i am worried I will wreck my car. Its gotten to the point where, once I feel the deja vu coming on, I will pull over knowing that the dizziness will follow. Towards that later part of the experiences, I have been getting them in my sleep. i will wake up and think of something that just happened in my dream, and will immediately get the deja vu feeling followed by the dizziness and hot flash. I was convinced that something in my minds eye was trying to tell me something, but was not sure what is was. One morning it happened 3 or 4 times from 7am til the time I finally got out of bed-around 11 am. I finally had enough and was starting to get worried that there may be something wrong with me. So, word for word, I googled "deja vu followed by nausea and hot flashes" It turns out there are a lot of people going thru this. Here is a link to one of the first sites i came upon. - Many people were told that it is often caused by these things--1 exhaustion 2. under nourishment 3. A brain tumor 4. Epilepsy. I talked to a neurologist friend, and he says seizures is what is causing this, Something to do with the right temporal lobe. He also says deja vu is a common occurance for patients when they are having a seizure. I dont have medical insurance so I am not sure what is wrong with me, but I am guessing that it is from under nourishment or exhaustion, because I have a little of both from time to time. I am not stating in any way whatsoever that anyone who experiences deja vu has one or more of these things causing it. But in my experience, I believe it to be so. If you do experience it a lot, I would however suggest that you should do a little research on your heath to make sure that it isnt some medical problem that could be fixed with medicine or proper diet and sleeping habits.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

Like I said, whatever the person is doing at the moment of the leak in the amygdala, no matter where they are or if they have been there before, is processed by the brain as a memory even though it is happening at that moment. When people seeing things before they happen, that's a whole different topic, premonitions and Deja Vu are completely different things.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by jrmcleod

Interesting. I like the idea of it being a reminder we are on the right path, as I have said before. Where do you think we are then if life is an illusion and we are not dead or alive. Are you going along the lines of a dream within a dream, or do you think that we are everywhere and everything, one with the universe? I would love to hear you go a little more in depth on that last paragraph as it leads to many questions.

reply to post by NewAgeMan

Thank you for sharing. I do not think that it is only just that, but I do see where you are coming from and respect it.

reply to post by warbird03

Wow that is extremely interesting. That youve even tried to change your movements, yet were unable to almost as if you weren't being controlled by yourself. Though you say it feels like your'e still controlling your'e movements. Perhaps our future and fate is set before us and you are catching glimpses of the future and fate no matter how small or insignificant it seems.

Is there anything that seems to be the same that you do either before or after they come to you? Just wondering if there seems to be anything related as to why you experience these things and when they happen to you??

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

The only thing I've really noticed in that regard is it will only happen when my attention is completely unfocused. Now that I think about it though, I suppose it could be possible that it happens other times and I don't know it. Kind of like trying to listen to just one voice while a bunch of conversations are going on around you.

I'm starting to think I should try figuring it out and gaining a little control of it.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by jayhtee74

Thanks for sharing with us. Next time try to make it into a couple paragraphs so it is easier to read though. Let me know if getting more sleep or food, or whatever has affected change in you having these experiences. It would be very interesting to see if it did work for your case or not.

reply to post by Ir0nM0nkey

reply to post by TupacShakur

For both Ir0nM0nkey and TupacShakur. I did not mean to make you think I was getting premonitions and deja vu mixed. I was typing a lot and sometimes my words get confusing. What i meant is when someone sees something and then within minutes even seconds sees the same thing happen. Like in The Matrix, when Neo sees the cat and then sees it seconds later cross the room again. I have had that happen recently and was questioning about that.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by theUNKNOWNawaits
reply to post by picky

Yeah thats what I was saying in my response. If it was the same image from a past life it would have to be the same life in the current one to have the same exact image. Wouldn't it or would it???

reply to post by UrgentInsurgent

Haha, already mentioned that in my OP.

reply to post by SadButTrue

Interesting, SadButTrue. I see where you are going there. A question though for you. If our fate and future our drawn out then is there no way to change it?? Is there no choice or have we made the choice for these lives before we were born and are en route to the experiences we set out to experience in this life??
Hope that made sense.

Yeah kinda. People don't wanna believe that our future and decisions are already made b/c they think it gives them a feeling of no control.... but, you could only have no control if you knew what you were gonna do, and couldn't do anything about it. In our case, we don't know what were gonna do so it still make it exciting, and we do have control b/c we don't know what we would have done if we didn't know what we were already gonna do.
wow, that's hard for me to even follow.

You ask, "is there no way to change it?" Change what? since we don't know, ah ha.

I'm not for sure if this fate was b4 we were born, right now I think it manisfests itself based on what we do. But you ask, "I thought it's already there?" It is, our fate is already laid out, and the further in the present we move the closer to the future we get. wow, I can barely follow those thoughts. That's just my opinion, probably not well explained though.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:57 PM
reply to post by warbird03

Yeah, you may think it only happens when you are unfocused, but that could be because it comes so unsuspectingly that you aren't prepared and think you are unfocused. It also could be happening other times and you just couldn't fully grasp it to become aware of it. Definitely like a bunch of conversations going on at once, you can't understand them all.

That's what would be so interesting, if we could figure it out, and somehow be able to control it.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 04:59 PM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

Deja Vu is a memory error.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by SadButTrue

Its hard to put thoughts like these in writing, but I followed you there.
Personally I believe in reincarnation and that before we are born into a new life, we choose this life and the experiences we are to experience in this life. And when we have experienced everything we have set out to then our time has come to pass on and start the circle again. Though once we are born we do not remember any of us choosing this life and our experiences, thus making it exciting to us like you were saying in the fact, "we do have control b/c we don't know what we would have done if we didn't know what we were already gonna do."
My heads starting to hurt putting these thoughts into words, ahhhh

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:07 PM
I had a random dream like 5 years ago where I was walking through a townhouse complex, woke up and thought nothing of it.

2 months ago a guy gets shot about a 10 minute drive down the road. I walked there to check it out.
I walk up this random hill to get a better view of it. at the top of the hill is the townhouse complex and instantly I knew it was from that dream. I had never been there before, but I knew I had in a dream.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by theUNKNOWNawaits

I'm glad you posted this, I've been thinking about déja vú and what it could be and what causes it.
I was thinking that it might be a sort of 'quantum leak' from the quantum level into our physical reality.
If these things that we have experienced actually actually happened and we are experiencing them, then it could be set on the table that quantum mechanics might have something to do with it.
Just puttin' that out there.
But it could be our brains. I think of our brains in these cases as a record or compact disc in a player, skipping when it reads a nick or scratch on the surface.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:16 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Deja vu from a dream premonition. Is this the first time youv'e had such an experience it or is it just the most recent?
What do you think the point of it is? Why is it happening?
Was what happened significant to you or was it just a random guy?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:21 PM
reply to post by AnimusInvictus

Quantum mechanics could definitely do something with it. I wish deja vu was researched a little bit more heavily into other possibilities then the theories that are out there today.

It also definitely could be our brains. I think our bodies are just vehicles for our soul. So I could see our brain being the engine of the vehicle(our souls the drivers of the vehicle), and having a glitch, scratch, skip (whatever you want to call it) causing our vehicle (body) to see something from another time.

Though I feel there is more than just our brains skippin or glitchin, but that is me.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:23 PM
DeJa Vu... I have had it... All my life that I can remember.... the eerie thing though is.. I remember the age of when i had the "first" glimpse when the second comes to fruition... I remember my wife kids houses some times... the deja vu has come from multiple dreams I have had in different times of my life.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:27 PM

Originally posted by willie75
DeJa Vu... I have had it... All my life that I can remember.... the eerie thing though is.. I remember the age of when i had the "first" glimpse when the second comes to fruition... I remember my wife kids houses some times... the deja vu has come from multiple dreams I have had in different times of my life.

Does the Deja Vu always come from dreams?
Can you give us an example of one of these times?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:29 PM
Deja vu is the experience of feeling sure that one has already witnessed or experienced a current situation, even though the exact circumstances of the previous encounter are uncertain and were perhaps imagined. --this is a wikipedia definition

edit on 10-5-2011 by jayhtee74 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by theUNKNOWNawaits
reply to post by yourmaker

Deja vu from a dream premonition. Is this the first time youv'e had such an experience it or is it just the most recent?
What do you think the point of it is? Why is it happening?
Was what happened significant to you or was it just a random guy?

the fact that right as I turned around on the top of the hill, and was standing exactly where I was in my dream when I started looking at the townhouses really stuck with me.
I was so curious I had to walk through and try to recognize everything how it was. Every angle was there.
it went against everything I believed in or thought I knew was impossible.

I didn't know the guy, it was the story that got me over there. some guy with an m16 on a wild police chase dies in a shootout, they call in the LAV and close off the street. naturally I was intrigued that it happened so close.

as far as I can see my dreams are very sporadic.

- i've had a war dream, in my neighbourhood and old school, unknown enemy army invades and my friends set up a fortress at my school where eventually they smoke out the building and I get shot in the stomach. wake up feeling like I had just bled out.

- a dream where i'm fighting a black shadow that can manipulate the scene, wake up feeling like a ghost was screwing my with mind. I don't believe in ghosts.

- where i'm underwater and can "see" clear as day, wake up feeling like I could actually breath and see underwater.

they've happened on much smaller scales, walking up a hill I get the anticipation i've dreamt it all before and that any moment I will hear a plane, and right after that plane a car will drive by and honk which at that exact moment I will look at the stop sign, true story, weird little lapses of something I can't explain.

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