posted on May, 10 2011 @ 03:27 PM
A couple days ago I had deja vu and lately me and my friends have been discussing our views on the subject. I did a search and deja vu hasnt been
talked about on here in a little while and I would like to hear the current ATS members' views on this subject.
Deja Vu to me is a very interesting subject and one that no one seams to know the real answer to, besides some theories (needs to be more research
done into the subject). It also makes me think of The Matrix and the black cat Neo sees. If I remember correctly in the movie deja vu was a glitch
that would happen when they changed something.
The definition in the dictionary of Deja Vu is "the illusion of having previously experienced something actually being encountered for the first time"
or "disagreeable familiarity or sameness." So, is it simply just that our brain is sending so many messages that it is getting confused about when it
has happened and just simply is a mistake like an error for a computer and the messages its sending?? I know there are theories out there that go
along with this saying that they get mixed up with the short term and long term memories, or that we have seen it in our unconscious but not
consciously. But they are at this time still only theories.
The origin of the word Deja Vu comes from the French and means "literally, already seen." So does this mean that we have already seen this in the
past and we are once again experiencing it or have we already seen it in the future and it is to say a blast from the future??? That goes along with
precognitive deja vu thoughts and that what one sees and feels as deja vu could be what is going to happen in the future. That it is a little glimpse
of what is to come.
What is everyones thoughts on Deja Vu, as I am still not sure as to what i think it really is. It is though something that bothers me a lot (as it
does happen to me once in awhile) and something I believe that we need to do more research into and find more about. Who knows it could be something
very useful if we were to figure it out and maybe it would not be useful. Either way it is an interesting topic to discuss about and I look forward
into hearing others thoughts.
P.S. Its been a couple months since I have been on ATS (due to life throwing some curveballs at me) and it is a great feeling to be back and talking
to some of the great people in the world that our here on ATS!
edit on 5/10/2011 by theUNKNOWNawaits because: (no reason given)