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Arizonas ban on ethnic studies

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posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:29 PM
Great job everyone, you're all playing the game that the elite want you to play-n-blame -- "blame X group for X problems".

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by VicDiaz89
Some of you may not know but in 2010 a bill was passed here in arizona that would ban"classes intended for a specific ethnic group" aka ethnic studies from all schools,with districts given the right to appeal.Tension in my city as well as others has been mounting between the minorities and the school districts..The schools seem to be fine with the ban and are denying the appeals that are bieng asked for by its students/teachers/communities.. I took 3 semesters of ethnic studies and found it to be very educational and satisfying to better understand my past and heritage.The class was called mexican-american studies but always welcomed students from different ethnic backgrounds.The states argument was that these classes teach students about mexican culture in a biased way as to "put down americans"so to speak,the state also says that these classes are only available for mexican-american students which is also a lie..Ill provide a few links here in my next post and i'd really appreciate your input on this matter

If you want to be taught propaganda, then go for it. I don't see the point really, but hey if you want to brainwash yourself, then so be it.

This goes for ALL political spectrums, if you weren't aware.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:38 PM
are people on this thread not reading any previous posts,Stop using the "its unfair" card!Everyone has the right to ask for their culture to be taught in schools,those who ask and want it bad enough will get it,those who dont ask,wont get it...Most of the people here that are arguing against this are anti-government and anti-politics anyway so i dont understand why your cuttin n pastin arguments from other sites and speaking on a matter you know nothing about,most of you dont even know what your tax dollars are really used for,your going to be taxed no matter what,even if ALL illegal students were kicked out of school the government would find something else to spend on,and i guarantee that you would cry about that too,all your doing is blaming immigrants to try and mask your ignorance on these matters..stop sucking off the medias teet and come to arizona,thats where the truth is.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

Totally agree, it's state's like Arizona that are dialled into the soft agenda againt WASPs....

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 06:55 PM
reply to post by VicDiaz89

Equal time for all 'studies'. What the kids in this country need are studies on 'american culture'. Persons/children from other countries acan get their 'cultural' studies from their parents and relatives.
Also, reading, writing and math should be the subjects taught to all students. And if they have an extra period put them in another science, biology or math class.
Thats what has happened in this country! We have got away from the basics.
My children are american/mexican btw so I do look at it from both sides.
Have a great Anerican day!

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 07:04 PM

Originally posted by keepinmysoul
reply to post by VicDiaz89

Equal time for all 'studies'. What the kids in this country need are studies on 'american culture'. Persons/children from other countries acan get their 'cultural' studies from their parents and relatives.
Also, reading, writing and math should be the subjects taught to all students. And if they have an extra period put them in another science, biology or math class.
Thats what has happened in this country! We have got away from the basics.
My children are american/mexican btw so I do look at it from both sides.
Have a great Anerican day!
Whats american culture?video games?big macs? obesity? debt? porn? not exactly educational..

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 07:16 PM
Now having read the op, and known about this law, there are many sides to this issue that is coming up. The primary issue at hand is should there be a class to teach about the culture of an specific ethnic group. The answers to that is a double one both yes and no. Before you flame and get upset, please read the entire posting.
I am going to tackle the yes portion. The answer of yes there should be classes that teach about a specific ethnic group, however, it should only be those of aboriginal descent and only those. As those groups have suffered, to the point where their very culture and in most cases languages are on the verge of going extinct, the lack of such, is often shown to be a downfall to those very people. These groups in the US would be the different Native American tribes, as it would assist them in preserving their identity, language and spirit. It has been shown in study after study, where those, who are descended from such, when lacking in their own culture often end up in a far worse situation. Case studies have also been shown in countries like Australia, where the damage is far greater to a group than can be imagined. The lose of ones heritage should never be taken lightly.
However, all other groups, the answer is no. Many of the different groups, from simple observation, often live in niches in a society, and will group together based off of common factors, namely language, customs and what would appear to be similar likes. Take any major metropolitan city in the US and you can go in, often seeing the different neighborhoods, where the majority of the people there, are of one ethnic group or another. Very rarely will you see it to be very diverse covering all. That is human nature, and it should be discouraged on all forms. People who live in a country need a common bond and goal, to make a society work and grow. It needs direction, and a dynamic and diverse population can grow utilizing on the strengths of those individuals. Such would decrease the chances of racism and prejudice from one group or another. Ethnic studies should never be taught at the public school levels, and should be taught more towards the higher education, as part of a language course, that a student would take. What purpose would it serve to teach one ethnic group, about itself, when the very neighborhood and area that those children live in, reeks of such? What purpose would it have, other than to set one group apart from the rest of the society? It serves no one, and ultimately only will handicap one group or another. Many schools are having problems with students learning the basics, and that should be more the focus on the basics, rather than cultural and ethnic studies. Students will learn about such, when they take a foreign language course, but it should not be required, and more of an advanced class.
The problems of illegal immigration are hitting many different areas of society and aspects. While we should not punish the children of illegal immigrants, the reality is that they are breaking the law, and their children will ultimately pay the price for the decision of their parents. While many states are having problems economically, the first things that they have to look at are those who are not citizens of the country, as they are part of the problem.
Many people are for immigrants and those who are legal, coming through the front door, the problem is that there are those that seek to subvert the law and are illegal, breaking many laws in the process. While the solutions may not seem fair, but the longer this issue goes on unresolved, it is only going to get worse, on both sides of the issue. While I can sympathize with the children of illegal immigrants, however, I can not grant them what they seek, as they did, unknowingly broke the law and continue to perpetuate the problems. For every honor student, success story, there is an equally darker story that will come up, and both sides will use them to prove their points. And with the way things are going economically, the question and choices are getting harder. Would it matter, if say the teacher of your child has to be fired to support the teacher of another? Would it matter if the child of an illegal immigrant gets prefentral treatment over that of a citizen?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by Cuervo

Originally posted by SunYu
reply to post by TheDevilOfLies

Can you please define American? What is "American" culture?

Diabetes and porn?

I know you weren't being serious with this comment, but I know what your referring to with the Diabetes remark. Being a kid with Type 1 Diabetes I have grown and witnessed the lack of knowledge people posses about it. I hate when I see comments like this because people think everyone with Diabetes is some fat slob who can't exercise. Please, I know this isn't your fault, but don't refer to it the way you do. There are two distinct types of Diabetes (I wish they called them different things to be honest). Type 1 is juvenile Diabetes which cannot be cured and is genetic/bad luck and happens to, well, juveniles. Type 2 is from obesity, alcoholism, lack of exercise, etc. It can be virtually cured if you simply take care of yourself. Type 2 is rising in America, even in kids, and it is tremendously sad and demoralizing for me. I hate when I tell people I have Diabetes and then first thing they think is that I'm lazy. Once again, I know this isn't your fault, there should be two different names for the diseases.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by StruggleTogether

Thanks for making that distinction. It is unfair that people jump to that conclusion when you mention your condition. Personally, I've known many diabetic people so I understand that it is often genetic or otherwise beyond anybody's control. Current studies show that, in children born after 2000, 1 in 3 will have type-2 diabetes. In that light, I hope you understand why I consider it an American cultural phenomenon.

For the record, I do not apologize to anybody in the pornography industry that might have been offended.

edit on 10-5-2011 by Cuervo because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:28 PM

Originally posted by Janky Red

It not my role, to roll over and accept you and your governments double speak and tyrannical dictate.

Not your role to accept my governments' dictate? Actually that's exactly your role if you're living in somebody else's country.

Why the # do you think you have any right to come into my country and tell my government what it should do for you?

Maybe your role is to leave and find some other country that will teach you about your country's culture.

I have an idea. Why not try your own home whose culture you feel is so special that it must be taught in my country's schools?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:34 PM
"Ethnic Studies"?

I know we didn't have this # when I was in school, Afro-American Studies, Hispanic Studies....

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by TheDevilOfLies

That's funny.
They can't afford to work on a farm. Your post is full of BS. No "american" is going to work on a farm for minimum wage. If they do they probably want to be manager or some lazy crap. No american will pick strawberries, avocados, etc.
Save your lies for someone else.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by VicDiaz89

Originally posted by keepinmysoul
reply to post by VicDiaz89

Equal time for all 'studies'. What the kids in this country need are studies on 'american culture'. Persons/children from other countries acan get their 'cultural' studies from their parents and relatives.
Also, reading, writing and math should be the subjects taught to all students. And if they have an extra period put them in another science, biology or math class.
Thats what has happened in this country! We have got away from the basics.
My children are american/mexican btw so I do look at it from both sides.
Have a great Anerican day!
Whats american culture?video games?big macs? obesity? debt? porn? not exactly educational..

Wow. So now you come in here trashing American culture. I guess you people just wanna live in America but still be mexican spreading your Atzlan and La Raza propaganda that your ethnic studies is based off of.

The link below provides an altered map of the U.S.A called Atzlan.

The myth of Aztlan can best be explained by California's Santa Barbara School District's Chicano Studies textbook, "The Mexican American Heritage" by East Los Angeles high school teacher Carlos Jimenez. On page 84 there is a redrawn map of Mexico and the United States, showing Mexico with a full one-third more territory, all of it taken back from the United States. On page 107, it says "Latinos are now realizing that the power to control Aztlan may once again be in their hands." Shown are the "repatriated" eight or nine states including Colorado, California, Arizona, Texas, Utah, New Mexico, Oregon and parts of Washington. According to the school text, Mexico is supposed to regain these territories as they rightly belong to the "mythical" homeland of Aztlan. On page 86, it says "...a free-trade agreement...promises...if Mexico is to allow the U.S. to invest in Mexico...then Mexico allowed to freely export...Mexican labor. Obviously this would mean a re-evaluation of the border between the two countries as we know it today." Jimenez's Aztlan myth is further amplified at MEChA club meetings held at Santa Barbara Public Schools.. The book, paid for by American tax payers, cites no references or footnotes, leaving school children totally dependent on their teacher to separate fact from opinion and political propaganda. The book teaches separatism, victimization, nationalism, completely lacks patriotism towards the United States, and promotes an open border policy. The book is 100 percent editorial -- the opinions of the author.

Now here is info on La Raza. Translated it is "the race". Sounds very supremist to me.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:20 PM

Originally posted by celimonster
reply to post by TheDevilOfLies

That's funny.
They can't afford to work on a farm. Your post is full of BS. No "american" is going to work on a farm for minimum wage. If they do they probably want to be manager or some lazy crap. No american will pick strawberries, avocados, etc.
Save your lies for someone else.

I have and Im american.
Isn't this subject about ethnic studies not immigration?

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by sonofliberty1776

Originally posted by Helmkat

Thank you for highlighting the reasons these classes should be mandatory.

The taxpayers should be funding these classes in the hopes that such antiquated and insular points of view can be relegated to the dust bin of history.

American history does exsist in a vacume, it is a never ending series of interactions with people inside and outside of its borders.

Lets also not forget that the true American history is that of the Native Americans who we supplanted. Perhaps we should toss out your "American history" in favor of theirs.

edit on 10-5-2011 by Helmkat because: (no reason given)
I am actually 1/8 Algonquin. If I could send all of you back and be 100% Algonquin, I would. However, it is hundreds of years too late for that. So, let us learn from history and stop the mexican invasion now. Close the border. Round up every single illegal regardless of race, creed, color, religion, or time spent here living illegally. Send them all to either Ellis Island to wait for their home nations to repatriate them, or for the hispanics , drop them just over the border. Then bring our military home and have them close the borders. After stopping this huge drain on our economy, maybe we can begin to fix our nation.

Oh I see, American problems can only begin to be fixed once all the "illegals" are gone and the troops come back home.

Gosh it so simple I don't know why nobody has thought of that...

Or maybe illegals are just another scapegoat in a long line of scapegoats who have been blamed for so many ills throughout history.

America can begin to fix its ills when we get off our fat butts and make our system work as our forefathers intended and not a moment sooner.

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 10:08 PM
If you want a school to teach classes about specific ethnic groups, then get ready to cough up some cash and make your own school and then teach what you wish to teach.

reply to post by VicDiaz89

Well, I guess this is showing what the OP thinks about American culture.

edit on 10-5-2011 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by illuminatitanimulli

explain to me what american culture is.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:11 AM
I see valid arguments for both sides of this, so seeing an intelligent debate on the issue is interesting to me.

What sucks and aggravates me more than anything is seeing "racist" comments, even if they are subtle. People need to start seeing each other as equal humans, period...and not base their opinions of others on where they happen to have been born. This goes for both parties, the "Americans" to the "Immigrants", and vice-versa.

Ultimately, I don't have a problem with any ethnic studies class - even if it's on my tax paying dollars. As someone said earlier, I'd rather pay for education than wars.

And I speak as someone born in California, with ancestry from Puerto Rico. I grew up in a poor neighborhood in So. Cal and from 2008 to 2010 I lived in Phoenix, AZ..I'm well aware of what's going on there. AZ has bigger problems to deal with than eradicating ethnic studies.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:25 AM
reply to post by illuminatitanimulli

And it isnt america bashing,i just go by statistics pal,and statistics show that you are either unemployed,overweight or receiving ssi income,im just as american as anyone here,i served our country,i work i donate,i volunteer,i love arizona because its so close to my family and history,also because ethnic diversity is common and welcome here,at least it was,see i had no problem with sb1070 other than i knew mexican americans like myself were going to be mistaken for illegals and harrassed constantly.i support immigration,I DONT support laws that ban education from schools.Youre insinuating that ethnic studies is somehow bringing more immigrants to the US,youre suggesting that ethnic studies is a less important use of your tax dollars than war,or obamas vacations,or the support for the millions of fatasses who wont stop eating and still receive cash and medical at our expense.

posted on May, 11 2011 @ 12:26 AM
Id choose supporting education over supporting the obese any day.

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