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Nuclear Accident at Plant in Mississippi USA gets Totally Ignored!!! Why?

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posted on May, 21 2011 @ 09:40 PM
There are so many nuclear accidents happening in my own country, and yet I have to come onto here to get the news.
I'm glad to have this community to come to, but it makes me sad that my own news shows don't cover such important info

posted on May, 22 2011 @ 07:48 AM
Any updates on this?

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:47 PM
We're already degenerates here in MS so what could a little nuclear waste hurt.

posted on May, 30 2011 @ 06:55 PM

Originally posted by chrismicha77
We're already degenerates here in MS so what could a little nuclear waste hurt.
Agreed...we do have a democratic house that prevents any decent laws being passed...only those that dont harm or benefit a certain segment represented by mr mcCoy and his minions
edit on 5/30/2011 by Homedawg because: sp

posted on Jun, 5 2011 @ 07:18 PM
Here is an interesting Update on Grand Gulf NPP.
link to NRC report page

On June 3rd, it was posted that :

A contractor supervisor had a confirmed positive for alcohol during a random fitness-for-duty test. The employee's access has been revoked. Contact the Headquarters Operations Officer for additional details.

So basically it is Homer Simpson. Kind of stupid though to go drunk to work at a Nuclear Power Plant...

But hey! Who here is surprised?
I didn't think anyone would be.

But look at how serious the NRC takes this incident. It is actually posted on the event notification page along with other highly dangerous instances. Sad, frightening, and not surprising.

posted on Jun, 7 2011 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

i went through several days of reports and noticed a number of workers withdrawn from duty and potentially lifelong ruined careers.
i myself worked in the nuclear/defence industry many years ago and was shaked by the amount of individuals who decided to get drunk at lunchtime. initially i confronted the individual and told them to find a dark spot and sober up. when management came round and asked, i stated they were on the toilet with the runs. i hated being involved in this crap and finally put it to a number of them that if they came in drunk again, i would refuse to work with them. the reason i post this is because one individual nearly killed me on site when he wrongly slung a 2 ton skip which tipped and fell to the ground. the steel sling came round and banjoed me in the side of the head. i was wearing a hard hat and the impact knocked me on my butt. the overseer witnessed this and despite repeated warnings to the idiot in question, nothing was done to remedy this problem. this individual repeated the same thing approx a week later and that was the last straw. after all the warnings i gave him, i had to go to management and get this idiot off site before he killed someone. guess what? they didn't want to know and instead offered me the choice of shutting my mouth or leaving. i opted for the latter and the guy who replaced me was hit in the crotch with the sling not three days into it. he lost his leg. he received £20,000 for the incident and a free wheelchair from the hospital.

i have zero tolerance including text/mobile use when working. these conditions are agreed prior to employment (dangerous job on a regular basis) and if i get wind of non-compliance, it is instant dismissal. i will not allow anyone to tarnish my safety record. i caught one guy smoking a joint on site a number of years ago, when i approached him, he reeked of alcohol and was unable to speak properly. after sacking him, i received a letter stating that what i had done was illegal, the worker denied taking any illicit substances and i would be sued for wrongful dismissal. i called their bluff after meeting the reps and informed them there was two witnesses. their shoulders sagged and they dropped the guys case instantly.
when interviews are conducted for employment at a nuclear establishment in my vicinity, the potential employee is put in a certain hotel over the interview period which is over a number of days. this individual is allowed the use of all the facilities, the pool, gym and bar, all free of charge. when word gets back to human resourses that the individual stayed in the bar all night, their application is shredded. and quite rightly so!

posted on Jun, 11 2011 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
I just found out there was a nuclear accident here in the USA.
According to the information given to me by the source, apparently it is around a level 3 accident according to the international scale for nuclear accidents. That is my personal assessment since no one to my knowledge has rated this disaster at this time.

This apparently happened about 2 days or 3 days ago (??) and I haven't heard ANYTHING about it anywhere. Not even a whisper on ATS about it.
Website where I found the story.
I will provide background information on the nuclear site and on the chemical pollutant to aid others in helping to get a handle on this bad boy.
So WHY is the MSM ignoring our very own nuclear disaster in Mississippi USA? (Also LA because the power plant is on the border with that other state as well) ??

OH I forgot. Because the truth sucks and it makes people not want to play along with this SICK and DISGUSTING joke of a society we have eh?

Go buy your garbage and watch your TV and forget about it right?

NOT ME! I am royally pissed.

I am just FED UP with the negligence of the nuclear industry and the sad fact that ONE SIMPLE MISTAKE can create hundreds of years of deadly pollution. It's total BS and NOT ACCEPTABLE!!!

Sorry my OP is not perfect, but I will add more information as I uncover it. Any help is appreciated. I can't find anything about this on ATS, please don't ignore it folks.


And we thought we were alone in attempting to wake up the sheeple by sounding the alarm and presenting numerous paths available to the discerning student...

Stars & Flags! Together, we can/will make a difference!

And we are only on the OP. We really LOVE the passion you exhibit and want to team up and channel that energy along with millions of like-minded thinking, caring individuals to really make a difference. (Please bear with us - you are a light in the previously dark tunnel.)

Along these lines of thought, we humbly offer these sites as additional reading:

Is This the Beginning of the End of Nuclear Power in the U.S.?

Will America's Nuclear Power Plants Fail in an 8.0 Earthquake?

We are continually adding to the following site with the intention of offering relevant information to the interested participant on an on-going - hopefully participatory - basis:

America's Being Nuked - Can we Together Stop the Madness?

We look forward to your participation, comments and suggestions as we obviously have the same ideals and goals.

These challenges to life and sanity on this planet must be met with clear minds and sound hearts, so may your 2011 see you embracing its highest potential and onward through the fog!

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 09:58 AM
reply to post by QuantumPhysicist


19 May 2011
At this time, there is no public health threat in the U.S. related to radiation exposure. FDA, together with other agencies, is carefully monitoring any possibility for distribution of radiation to the United States.

At this time, theoretical models do not indicate that significant amounts of radiation will reach the U.S. coast or affect U.S. fishing waters.

Perhaps this will interest you also:

23 April 2011
Japan Nuclear Iodine Radiation In San Francisco Milk Over 2600% Above EPA Drinking Water Limit

10 May 2011
Hawaii Farmers Treating Milk With Boron After Finding Radiation 2400 Times Above Safe Levels


This was around the same time that the EPA stopped Fukushima nuclear radiation tests on milk, drinking water and rainwater saying the levels of radiation were constantly dropping and posed no health risks.

EPA officials, however, [color=limegreen]refused to answer questions or make staff members available to explain the exact location and number of monitors, or the levels of radiation, if any, being recorded at existing monitors in California.

Margot Perez-Sullivan, a spokeswoman at the EPA’s regional headquarters in San Francisco, said the agency’s written statement would stand on its own.

IMHO, these people theoretically work for we, the people, and this type of behavior should not be tolerated!

Where are those people that actually are aware (and care)?

From the lackluster response to many threads dealing with this subject, one might surmise that there are not enough of us - or that we are not connecting in a collective voice to shout from the rooftops:

America's Being Nuked - Can we Together Stop the Madness?

In the unlikely scenario that pollutants could affect fish that have traveled to the U.S., FDA will work with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to test seafood caught in those areas. Together, FDA and NOAA will also inspect facilities that process and sell seafood from those areas.

The FDA has claimed that there is no need to test Pacific fish for Japan nuclear radiation reports the Anchorage Daily News but when drilled on details by the reporter, the FDA [color=limegreen]refused to answer questions and gave the reporter the run-around.

The FDA says there will be no testing of fish until NOAA testing finds cause for alarm but NOAA [color=limegreen]refuses to answer questions on what kind of monitoring has been done.

25 April 2011
New EPA Radiation Tests Show Cesium in California Rainwater at Highest Level Since Crisis Began

3 May 2011
Hot Radioactive Particles in Seattle at 50% of Levels Seen in Tokyo

OK... 50% of what? Are we, the people, to be the least bit alarmed? Do the EPA and FDA have the best interests of the American people at the forefront of decision-making? Are we really screwed? Does anyone read this? Does anyone care?

Interesting. As we write this, David Morrison (NASA mouthpiece) is in the History Channel talking about ELE's - specifically doomsday asteroids (1,100 1 kilometer or larger). 6,000 to one odds. (More on this buffoon in Cometgate2).

Space Guard Survey promoted heavily as a "... not to worry, feel good" piece. (Bangs head on desk and reaches for Vice-Grips).

But we digress. Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

3 April 2011
140,000 Times More Iodine-131 Released at Fukushima Than Three Mile Island… Using March 22 Estimates

3 May 2011
Radiation In US Food Will Be Nationwide Problem, Not Just Regional, From Fukushima Nuclear Radioactive Fallout

3 June 2011
5.77 microsieverts per hour of radiation measured near Tokyo at ground level — Government “is desperately trying to keep it quiet...”

And from our friend Alexander Higgins:

U.S. Radiation Map

Updated With Real Time EPA RadNet Japan Nuclear Radiation Monitoring For Every Major City In America On A Single Page

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:08 AM
I just wanted to add, my brother in law runs a nuclear waste storage facility in the northeast. I finally got a chance to ask him and he had not heard of any accident in Port Gibson. If it had been at all serious he would have at least gotten a memo on it or heard something about it from NRC staff at his facility.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:10 AM
The big question - why tritiated water in unit 2's turbine sump? Unit 2's not even complete. It was about half built and then closed up due, IIRC, to it costing more to upgrade it during construction to fit evolving standards than they thought they would get back in returns.

Anyway, if you drank Mississippi river water at Natchez, it wouldn't be the tritium that would kill you. It's a toxic stew of pesticides and sewage.

Oh, yeah - HTO evaporates too, so some of it will leave the water and go airborne.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Bedlam
The big question - why tritiated water in unit 2's turbine sump? Unit 2's not even complete. It was about half built and then closed up due, IIRC, to it costing more to upgrade it during construction to fit evolving standards than they thought they would get back in returns.


That is the question and from what I understand they're still trying to figure out where the tritium came from. It may be evidence of a larger problem.

posted on Jun, 12 2011 @ 10:16 AM
The japs have lied about thei incident from the just keeps adding up to more and more "revelations" they keep releasing weeks after the event....I dont believe anything I hear out of japan anymore...its CYA over there now

posted on Jun, 15 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Homedawg
The japs have lied about thei incident from the just keeps adding up to more and more "revelations" they keep releasing weeks after the event....I dont believe anything I hear out of japan anymore...its CYA over there now


We are truly amazed that presenting what is a pure fact - without any spin associated to it - can generate such an outbreak of insecurity and outright fear-driven responses.

We had always expected that readers here can receive and interpret facts as presented, instead of demanding filtering for what some deem is unpleasant information.

We urge that sub-segment to immediately and permanently orient their attention to other media outlets that does the prefiltering for them, as per the government's mandate of not spreading panic.

Check this out:

Government Radiation Expert Deconstructs Myth Of “Safe” Radiation Levels
Nuclear radiation expert and renowned Government radiation expert, Chris Bubsy, deconstructs the myths and propaganda of so-called “safe” levels of nuclear radiation.

Since the Fukushima accident we have seen a stream of experts on radiation telling us not to worry, that the doses are too low, that the accident is nothing like Chernobyl and so forth. They appear on television and we read their articles in the newspapers and online. Fortunately the majority of the public don’t believe them.
And in an interview with me in Stockholm in 2009, Dr Jack Valentin, the ex-Scientific Secretary of the ICRP conceded this, and also made the statement that the ICRP risk model, the one used by all governments to assess the outcome of accidents like Fukushima, was unsafe and could not be used. You can see this interview on the internet, on

Why is the ICRP model unsafe?

Because it is based on “absorbed dose”. This is average radiation energy in Joules divided by the mass of living tissue into which it is diluted. A milliSievert is one milliJoule of energy diluted into one kilogram of tissue.

As such, it would not distinguish between warming yourself in front of a fire and eating a red hot coal. It is the local distribution of energy that is the problem.

The dose from a singly internal alpha particle track to a single cell is 500mSv! The dose to the whole body from the same alpha track is 5 x 10-11 mSv. That is 0.000000000005mSv. But it is the dose to the cell that causes the genetic damage and the ultimate cancer.

The cancer yield per unit dose employed by ICRP is based entirely on external acute high dose radiation at Hiroshima, where the average dose to a cell was the same for all cells.

Please go to the source to read the full story - it is well worth your time. He concludes with this:

There is a gap between them and us.

Between the phoney scientists and the public who don’t believe what they say.

Between those who are employed and paid to protect us from radioactive pollution and those who die from its consequences.

Between those who talk down what is arguably the greatest public health scandal in human history, and the facts that they ignore.


Joseph Conrad wrote: “After all the shouting is over, the grim silence of facts remain.”

Meanwhile, back at the ranch:

Traces of radiation from the crippled nuclear plant in Japan are being detected in states from California to Massachusetts, carried across the Pacific on broad rivers of wind. But state officials say there is no public health risk.

OK....let's investigate that statement a bit further.

Let's start with this from the Wall Street Journal:

Radiation Detected in U.S.

U.S. states, which aren't recommending protective measures for the public, are reporting tiny amounts of radioactive iodine known as Iodine-131 that is seen in the early stages of a nuclear reaction. It has a short half-life of eight days, meaning that in that time, half of it will have decayed to a non-radioactive state, a process that will continue until it is undetectable, Mr. Matus said.

In Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, public officials said radiation found in rainwater last week posed no threat to drinking water. Pennsylvania repeatedly tested the drinking water from six regions in the state over the weekend, but detected no Iodine-131, Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett said in a statement Monday.

People might "get alarmed by making what would be an [color=limegreen]inappropriate connection from rainwater to drinking water," Mr. Corbett said in a statement.

We offer the following article without comment:

28 March 2011
Radioactive Iodine-131 in Pennsylvania Rainwater Sample is 3300%
Above Federal Drinking Water Standard

Governor Corbett Says Public Water Supply Testing Finds No Risk to Public From Radioactivity Found in Rainwater, Pennsylvania Office of the Governor, March 28, 2011:

The (Iodine-131) numbers reported in the rainwater samples in Pennsylvania range from 40-100 picocuries per liter (pCi/L). Although these are levels above the background levels historically reported in these areas, they are still about 25 times below the level that would be of concern. The federal drinking water standard for Iodine-131 is three pCi/L. …

On Friday, rainwater samples were taken in Harrisburg, where levels were 41 pCi/L and at nuclear power plants at TMI and Limerick, where levels were 90 to 100 pCi/L.

Corbett emphasized that the drinking water is safe and there is no cause for health concerns. …

“Rainwater is not typically directly consumed,” Corbett said. “However, people might get alarmed by making what would be [color=limegreen]an inappropriate connection from rainwater to drinking water. By testing the drinking water, we can assure people that the water is safe.” …

This is not the radiation you seek... move along...

How Safe Is the Rain in America?

Prevailing winds routinely waft plumes of dust, coal-smoke, wild-fire soot, industrial grit and other microscopic particles from Asia to North America, several atmospheric scientists said.

Carried up by the rising warm air in the region around the damaged Fukushima plant, particles of radioactive isotopes such as Iodine-131 and Xenon-133 are being carried at about 50 miles per hour by winds blowing from west to east in a band of the atmosphere called the troposphere, about 6,500 feet to about 30,000 feet or more above the ground.

Generally, "the stuff will be spread in a long stream and, as it spreads, it becomes quite dilute," said research scientist Tony VanCuren at the California Air Resources Board.

Under current conditions, particles from the Fukushima complex would take about a week or so to cross the Pacific.

Typically, the particles will stay aloft until washed out of the air by rain or buffeted to lower altitude by turbulence, creating an unpredictable patchwork of fallout.


4 April 2011
Cesium-137 Threat Grows While MSM Remains Silent

Cesium-137 has been detected in drinking water and milk here in the United States. Cesium and Tellurium were found in Boise, Las Vegas, Nome and Dutch Harbor, Honolulu, Kauai and Oahu, Anaheim, Riverside, San Francisco, and San Bernardino,  Jacksonville and Orlando, Salt Lake City,  Guam, and Saipan while Uranium-234, with a half-life of 245,500 years has been found in Hawaii, California, and Washington.

The EPA has radiation monitoring sites situated around the country.

Radioactive isotopes spread through the atmosphere accumulate in milk after they fall to earth in rain or dust and settle on vegetation, where they are ingested by grazing cattle. Iodine-131 is known to accumulate in the thyroid gland, where it can cause cancer and other thyroid diseases. Cesium-137 accumulates in the body’s soft tissues and bone marrow where it increases risk of cancer.


The corporate media in the West is downplaying and basically ignoring the threat. On the one hand, the EPA tells us Cesium-137 is appearing in milk and water around the country, while on the other telling us not to worry.

The EPA said in March that “while they were above the historical and background norm, the levels weren’t considered harmful to human health.”

The agency sounds the alarm about radioactivity in cigarette smoke while minimizing the risk from an out-of-control nuclear plant that continues to spew radioactivity on an hourly basis... continuously!

Something is seriously wrong when a supposedly free media and government agencies in the U.S. downplay or completely ignore the threat.

“On April 4, the Japanese government also has requested the Japan Meteorological Society and Japanese universities not to release data from radiation measurement to avoid “public panic”. Rainwater samples have all demonstrated elevated concentrations of radioactive Tellurium-02, Ruthenium-04 and Technetium-04.

“280 sensors to measure radiation release from atomic bomb testing were established under the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in 1996. These sensors are detecting levels equivalent to Chernobyl releases. One scientist, Gerhard Wotawa, noted, ‘I’ve never seen data like this in my career.’

So how do we deal with disaster?

Austria, Germany, Canada and Australia have banned eight episodes of The Simpsons dealing with nuclear crisis.

The Simpsons, now in its 24th season with 480 episodes, has been one of the few outlets to show the greed of nuclear operators, groveling toadies and a complacent public to a mainstream television audience — meltdowns caused by jelly doughnuts!

Kopp Online, Xander News and other non-English news agencies are reporting that the EU implemented a secret “emergency” order, [color=limegreen]without informing the public, that increases the amount of radiation permitted in food by up to 2000% (20 times) the previous food standards.

According to EU bylaws, radiation limits may be raised during a nuclear emergency
to prevent food shortages.

4 April 2011
Radiation Detected In Drinking Water In 13 More US Cities,
Cesium-137 In Vermont Milk

Radiation has reached the EPA's maximum contaminant level in some milk samples.

Radiation from Japan has been detected in drinking water in 13 more American cities, and Cesium-137 has been found in American milk—in Montpelier, Vermont—for the first time since the Japan nuclear disaster began, according to data released by the Environmental Protection Agency late Friday.

Milk samples from Phoenix and Los Angeles contained Iodine-131 at levels roughly equal to the maximum contaminant level permitted by EPA in drinking water, the data shows. The Phoenix sample contained 3.2 picoCuries per liter of Iodine-131. The Los Angeles sample contained 2.9.

The EPA maximum contaminant level is 3.0, but this is a conservative standard designed to minimize exposure over a lifetime, so EPA does not consider these levels to pose a health threat. The FDA, not the EPA, regulates milk.

UPDATE: The FDA's Derived Intervention Level for Iodine-131 in milk is much higher: 4700 picoCuries per liter.
Read why.

Radioactive isotopes accumulate in milk after they spread through the atmosphere, fall to earth in rain or dust, and settle on vegetation, where they are ingested by grazing cattle. Iodine-131 is known to accumulate in the thyroid gland, where it can cause cancer and other thyroid diseases. Cesium-137 accumulates in the body’s soft tissues, where it increases risk of cancer, according to EPA.

A rainwater sample collected in Boise on March 27 contained 390 picocures per liter of iodine-131, plus 41 of cesium-134 and 36 of cesium-137. EPA released this result for the first time yesterday. Typically several days pass between sample collection and data release because of the time required to collect, transport and analyze the samples.

But the EPA drinking-water data includes one outlier—an unusually, but not dangerously, high reading in a drinking water sample from Chatanooga, Tennessee.

The Watts Bar Dam site in Spring City, Tennessee

The sample was collected at the Tennessee Valley Authority’s Sequoyah nuclear plant. A Tennessee official told the Chatanooga Times last week that radiation from Japan had been detected at Sequoyah but is “1,000 to 10,000 times below any levels of concern.”

The 1.6 picocures per liter reported by the EPA on Friday is slightly more than half the maximum contaminant level permitted in drinking water, but more uniquely, it is many times higher than all the other drinking water samples collected in the U.S.

5 April 2011

The flow of highly radioactive water into the Pacific Ocean near Japan's distressed nuclear power plant has stopped, the plant's owners said.

The water was escaping from a concrete pit with a large crack in it, the Tokyo Electric Power Co. said. Officials said the company used a substance called liquid glass to seal the crack and the leak stopped Wednesday morning.

The release of radioactive waste has raised concerns in Japan and elsewhere about the safety of seafood. On Tuesday, Japan's government set its first radiation safety standards for fish after radioactive contamination in nearby seawater was measured at several million times the legal limit.

[color=limegreen]TEPCO insisted that the radiation will rapidly disperse and that it poses no immediate danger.

But an expert said exposure to the highly concentrated levels near the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant could cause immediate injury and that the leaks could result in residual contamination of the sea in the area.

12 April 2011
Nuclear Professor “Surprised” by Radioactive Seaweed South of Seattle

… KIRO 7 obtained samples of seaweed from Budd Inlet near Olympia two weeks ago. Professor Kris Starosta (a nuclear scientist) at Simon Fraser University confirmed the presence of radioactive Iodine Monday.

“We have seen Iodine 131 in the sample you sent us,” he said. “I think it’s pretty clear by now this must be Iodine 131 from releases from Fukushima.” …

“I think it is surprising,” Starosta said. “I guess I was assuming it wouldn’t reach this far, but it did.” …

12 April 2011
Fukushima Meltdown Could Trigger Atomic Explosion

A British professor and expert on the health effects of ionizing radiation told Alex Jones today evidence points toward a nuclear explosion occurring at the Fukushima Daiichi complex. Two explosions at the plant in March were described as hydrogen gas explosions by Japanese officials and the corporate media.

Using ratios of the radionuclides Xenon 133 and Xenon 133m which they measured by gamma spectrometer, the Russians demonstrated that the Chernobyl explosion was a fission criticality explosion and not principally a hydrogen explosion as has been claimed.

“I believe that the explosion of the No 3 reactor may have also involved criticality but this must await the release of data on measurements of the Xenon isotope ratios,” he writes in a statement on Fukushima and Chernobyl emailed to

Busby further notes that the surface contamination and of dose rates 60 kilometers out from the Fukushima site on March 17 exceeded that released at Chernobyl.

He explains in his statement that the damaged reactors at Fukushima “are now continuing to fission. It is hoped that there will be no separation of plutonium and possible nuclear explosion. I feel that this is unlikely now.” Short of an actual plutonium explosion, the reactors remain open to the air and will continue to “fission and release radionuclides for years unless something drastic is done.”

Dr. Busby noted a precedent for the dire scenario now unfolding – a nuclear explosion at a plutonium production reprocessing plant in the former Soviet Union in 1957.

The incident at the Mayak facility was the second-worst nuclear accident in history after the Chernobyl disaster. The explosion released 50-100 tonnes of high-level radioactive waste and contaminated a huge territory in the eastern Urals.

The Soviets kept the explosion secret for 30 years. According to a report on the accident, about 400,000 people in the region were irradiated following the explosion and other incidents at the plant.

Ural Mountains Radiation Pollution

17 April 2011
Have the Real Cesium-137 Fallout Maps Been Hidden From the Public?

Compare these two images.

First the publicly released Cs-137 total column fallout map for 24th March. This analysis was made on 26th March.

Now the map on the server here for the same time on the same date. The key gradient is the same. This analysis was made the day before, on the 25th March.

That's right, it shows the Northern Hemisphere getting absolutely plastered with radioactive Cesium-137. If this is incorrect, why is it kept on file and not the public one?  If it is the real version, why is it not publicly released?

19 April 2011
High Levels Of Caesium And Xenon Nuclear Fallout Found In Japan Radiation Forecasts Not Being Shown To The Public

We previously reported that Dutchsinse, who has been falling the Japan nuclear radiation forecasts being generated by different scientific organizations, stumbled across an entirely different set of radiation forecasts not released to the public.

Censored Japan Nuclear Radiation Forecasts Not Released To Public Found?

Japan nuclear radiation forecasts produced by the Norwegian Air Institute have apparently been censored and never released to the public. Here are three videos discuss these forecasts and making there existence public knowledge.

And this particular nugget from TEPCO:

19 April 2011
Current Status at Fukushima Daiichi
Workers have been struggling to prevent a nuclear disaster at Japan's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Here's the current status of each of the six reactors. 
Last updated April 19, 2011.

20 April 2011
Comparison Of Censored And Uncensored Japan Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Fallout Forecast

Cover-up of Japan Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Fallout Forecasts Exposed!
We previously reported on the steady concentrated stream of Nuclear radioactive fallout heading toward the US and Canada.

We now have for the first time a side-by-side evaluation of two radiation fallout forecasts. On the left is the censored version released to the public downplaying the levels of radiation spreading around the world. On the right is the same uncensored forecast.

And now for something completely different:

27 April 2011


America's Worst Nukes

Poorly-regulated nuclear power plants had 13 'near-misses' in 2010.

This is a great photo-essay put together by Rolling Stone Magazine and well-worth the read.

Arkansas Nuclear One
Location: Russellville, AR
Owner: Entergy
Near-miss: Security problems prompted the NRC to conduct a special investigation.
Details not publicly available.

Source: Union of Concerned Scientists, The NRC and Nuclear Power Plant Safety

And that, my friends, were some highlights from April, 2011.

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
So some people may be at an increased risk for cancers. Perhaps the whole globe will lose .02 years off of life expectancy. About a million is estimated to have died out so far from Chernobyl. Let's say this ends up being ten times worse.

And what

It's a trade off...quantity for quality.

This speeds up our evolution, and slightly thins the herd.

And what


Thank you for your participation and comments.

We sincerely appreciate all who take the time to voice an opinion.

Why are there so few?

It does seem from the lack of participation on this forum that more people are interested in the foreskin discussion or Dancing With the Stars than the [color=limegreen]possible poisoning of our children, land, waters, atmosphere, etc. forever!

However, slightly thinning the herd may not be what TPTB have in mind - or is it? Thank you for your comments and desire to learn more about the situation that has been successfully kept out of the MSM.

Perhaps, after partaking of this post dealing with only a few of the headlines from only the first two weeks of May, you may be able to offer additional opinions. As you may readily discern, we are carefully setting the stage for our call to action.

We look forward to a lively discourse.

Speaking of a lively discourse, Muzzleflash, where are you?

Your OP was insightful and talked a good fight. Was it all talk and you are merely a flash in the pan? You have yet to respond to any of the recent questions posed to you.

Oh well, onward through the fog...

2 May 2011
Fukushima forecast shows Cesium-137 and Iodine-131
Over Northwestern US on May 5 (VIDEOS)

These forecasts are (were) an interesting source of information that the USGOV/EPA does not provide in any way, shape or form to we, the people, of America.

Go figure. The EPA shuts down radiation monitoring in the U.S., and now, NILU is off the air.

Here is one of the last forecasts of Xenon-133 from 16 April 2011.

Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)
Fukushima Potential Releases, Xe-133 Total Column for April 15-April 19, 2011,
Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), April 15, 2011.

This what one gets now when looking for the forecasts.

Our apologies...
The item you requested does not exist on this server or cannot be served.
Please double check the web address or use the search function on this page to find what you are looking for.
If you know you have the correct web address but are encountering an error, please contact the Site Administration.
Thank you.
404 Not Found

What is really going on that TPTB do not want us to be aware of what is being monitored? Why is no one else sounding the alarm? Does anyone else really care? Is anyone reading this? Why do we feel so alone in this quest for the truth? It does not matter.

Our side will continue to shine a light on the darkness with the hope that others will join in the quest in time to make a difference. The quality of life and the future of humanity may very well be in question at this point in time.

What we may or may not do will be the difference.

It is now time to take a stand and make a choice.

As we are all here "to catch fish," it is now time to decide if you are a Fisher Person - or a Master Baiter.

Only time will tell.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

2 May 2011
Highly Radioactive Sewage Found 30+ Miles From Fukushima Plant

Cesium levels up to 334,000 becquerels per kilogram
Local officials in Koriyama City, [color=limegreen]50 kilometres west of the plant, said they found sewage sludge containing 26,400 becquerels of radioactive caesium per kilogram, Jiji Press reported, from reduced sewage, had 334,000 becquerels per kilogram, Jiji said.

The caesium could have been released by explosions and fires at the nuclear plant after the quake and tsunami, and been washed into the sewage system by rain, the officials were quoted as saying. [...]


Remember the torrential rains that inundated the West Coast a few days after 3/11?
(If the discerning student is interested, we can search the archives and probably find the readings of iodine, xenon and cesium for those dates and locations. Westcoast are you there? Ellensburg'65 calling fellow Bulldogs...)

One might wonder what the readings might be in the sewers of San Luis Obispo, San Francisco, Portland, Vancouver and Fairbanks, Alaska.

How silly to even comprehend such a thing. After all, the EPA has informed us that there is nothing to worry about and all is well... move along... this is not the radiation you seek.

While the MSM is making good their campaign to make the sheeple comfortable with the idea that the situation in Japan is "stable," we are faced with not only the Fukushima disaster, but yet another crisis in the making in Japan.

2 May 2011
URGENT: Radiation leaks from fuel rods suspected at Japan’s Tsuruga nuclear plant

Radioactive Xenon up 75,000%
Leaks of radioactive materials from fuel rods have been suspected at a nuclear power plant in Tsuruga, the Fukui prefectural government said Monday, citing a rise in density of the toxic substances in coolant water. [...]

According to Japan Atomic, 4.2 becquerels of iodine-133 and 3,900 becquerels of xenon gas were detected per cubic centimeter Monday, up from 2.1 and 5.2 becquerels, respectively, during previous measurements conducted last Tuesday.

"Per cubic centimeter.." "Per cubic kilogram..."

It would seem that the persons responsible for writing these press releases or news stories are purposely attempting to befuddle the average reader.

Let's look at the above statement and the story preceding it.

2.1 to 4. 2 becquerels of Iodine-133 is easily understood as doubling - 200% of the previous reading.

5.2 to 3,900 becquerels of Xenon gas is 75,000%. Is that a lot? Compared to what?

What is the relationship of becquerels per cubic centimeter to becquerels per kilogram?

How many becquerels fit in a breadbox?

Why would there be two - so different - methods of sharing this information?

Do many people really understand what is being presented here?

Does anyone really care?

Back in the USA...

We offer the following statement from the EPA without comment:

3 May 2011
May 3 Statement by EPA

After a thorough data review showing declining radiation levels related to the Japanese nuclear incident, EPA has returned to the [color=limegreen]...routine RadNet sampling and analysis process for precipitation, drinking water and milk

As always, EPA's RadNet system of more than 100 stationary monitors will continue to provide EPA scientists near-real-time data on the slightest fluctuations in background radiation levels.

Due to the consistently decreasing radiation levels, EPA is evaluating the need to continue operating the additional air monitors deployed in response to the Japan nuclear incident. EPA will continue to analyze air filters and cartridges from all air monitors as they arrive at the laboratory and will post the data as available.

In accordance with [color=limegreen]normal RadNet protocol, EPA will be analyzing milk and drinking water samples on a quarterly basis and precipitation samples as part of a monthly composite. The next round of milk and drinking water sampling will take place in approximately three months.

It is important to note that all of the radiation levels detected by RadNet monitors and sampling have been very low, are [color=limegreen]well below any level of public health concern, and continue to decrease over time.

EPA continues to work with federal partners to monitor the situation in Japan and stands prepared to accelerate radiation sampling and analysis if the need arises. Data will continue to be available on EPA's public website.
RadNet Sampling Data

[color=limegreen]...routine RadNet sampling and analysis process for precipitation, drinking water and milk

(Insert appropriate expletive here!) We are, again, at a loss for words...

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Coincidentally, yes, Virginia, there are nuclear facilities in America that may be in some sort of danger too, although there has been little coverage of these events in the light of the importance of the "Weinergate" scandal. (This false flag was almost as stupid as the Charlie Sheen train wreck that gobbled up so much of the allotted time/space for "news.")

It's the economy, stupid. (Oops! Another thread, another time.)

3 May 2011
Radioactive release from nuke plant less than 150 miles from New Orleans

Nuclear Event – North-America
RSOE Emergency and Disaster Information Service, May 3, 2011:
• Event type:    Nuclear Event
• Date / time [UTC]:    03/05/2011 [May 3] – 02:56:08
• Area:    Grand Gulf Nuclear Power Plant
• County / State:    State of Mississippi
• City:    Port Gibson

Event Description:
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission is investigating after a radioactive element is found in the Mississippi river. Authorities say it started at the Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant in Port Gibson. They say they went to check for standing water in an abandoned unit, and found a build up of water. They decided to pump it out, and after taking a sample, they discovered the chemical “tritium” had been released into the river. Officials say the River has diluted the radioactive material, and is not causing harm to the people. Right now the incident is under investigation. There’s no word on how much Tritum was pumped into the water.

6 May 2011
Nuclear Expert: EPA Abandoning Radiation Monitoring To Ensure There Are No Measurements Above Levels Of Concern

The Bay Citizen quotes Daniel Hirsch, a nuclear policy lecturer at the University of California, Santa Cruz, as saying the EPA is [color-orange]purposely abandoning radiation monitoring to ensure that radiation measurements can be taken that will above levels of concern.

Hirsch is also quoted as saying “I really am horrified” about the “staggering” EPA announcement that the EPA will return to testing radiation levels in rainwater, drinking water and milk every three months.

That means the next radiation monitoring results aren’t planned to be released until August.

Would a class-action lawsuit and/or a court order force the EPA to release these results now?

Can't one of these hackers lurking on ATS hack the EPA and/or EDi to provide we, the people, the information that we, the people, theoretically own? (Anon - do something about this travesty - after all, we are all in this together... radiation is non-selective and unforgiving.)

Why are more caring citizens/activists not stepping forth and lending support?

Where are the attorneys on ATS when they are needed?

Please step forward and give us some advice, please. Something must be done to retain our rights to this potentially life-saving information.

The future could very well rest on this actionable point...?

The abandonment of radiation testing by the feds also comes on the heels of an announcement from a top environmental scientists that food across the entire United States will be affected by the Fukushima nuclear radioactive fallout and an analysis from Japan’s top nuclear expert that [color=limegreen]reactors 1, 2 and 3 have all suffered a complete nuclear meltdown.

The EPA’s announcement was made even in the face of the fact that the levels of radiation being released from the Fukushima nuclear power plant have just hit an all-time high and radiation levels detected in independent milk samples in the US continue to rise.

The EPA ignored these reports from only two days before their astounding "denial of service" to the American taxpayer. Why do we, the people, continue to pay that company, EDi, when they are not monitoring radiation levels in all states in the United States?

There has to be an angle to swing the balance of power in our favor - or we run the chance of contamination on an unimaginable scale.

Where are the debunkers/shills/dis-info agents on this issue? Someone step up to the plate and prove our theory wrong. Please prove us wrong.

What happens if an EMP fries all electrical devices? Does that mean that all 104 active reactors in the U.S. suffer a meltdown at the same time when there is no power to run the cooling process? Is that the true Achilles heel?

When one takes the unsolvable nuclear waste issue and couples it with this EMP-Armageddon scenario, it becomes clear that nuclear power needs to be replaced ASAP with clean, renewable energy.

Something is very wrong here.

From our friend Alexander Higgins:
9 May 2011
Mislabeled XENON Forecast Map Shows Massive Nuclear Radiation
Fallout Cloud Over US

While playing around with the URL’s for Japan nuclear iodine forecasts I discovered a nuclear radiation forecast that was accidentally placed on the ZAMG website. The scientists inadvertently uploaded a radiation forecast showing a massive cloud of Fukushima Xenon radiation spreading over Japan and the United States instead of the iodine forecast for May 9, 2011.

One might ask why this type of information is being withheld from we, the people?

Onward through the fog...

11 May 2011
This is the last iodine-131 public forecast by NILU. Why?

9 May 2011
This is the last Cesium-137 public forecast by NILU. Why?

Perhaps because of pesky little stories like this:

11 May 2011
Japan: Compared To Radiation Dumped Into Pacific Ocean Today’s Release Of Half Billion Becquerels Is Nothing

Japan downplays release of 500 million becquerels of nuclear radiation by saying it is nothing compared to the amount radioactive material that has already been dumped into the Pacific Ocean by TEPCO from the Fukushima nuclear plant.

Today TEPCO was forced to release 500 million becquerels of nuclear radiation from the Fukushima nuclear reactor into the environment at the Fukushima nuclear reactor to lower the radiation levels inside the plant. In recent days, levels of radiation have been measured high as [color=limegreen]700 millisieverts per hour (which would be deadly to workers in just a few hours) over the course of the last few days.

Japan downplayed the massive release nuclear radiation into the environment by saying the levels are only a small fraction of the amount TEPCO has already to dumped into the Pacific Ocean. Almost undoubtedly American corporate news will try to spin the release of radiation from by running another headline saying the levels in reactor 1 have dropped once again. That is, of course, if once the radioactive dust settles the levels inside reactor 1 do actually drop.

Are these fine folk at TEPCO ever going to be brought up on charges for this deadly discharge?

METI’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency disclosed on May 8 that opening the double door between the reactor building and the turbine building of the Reactor 1 at Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant will release the total of 500 million becquerels of radioactive materials into the environment.

The amount of radioactive materials this time would be 1/300th of the amount released into the ocean when 10,000 tons of water with comparatively low-level contamination was intentionally released; [color=limegreen]there is no effect on the environment, according to NISA.

Does that imply that (300 x 500,000,000 = ) 150,000,000,000 (150 TRILLION) becquerels of nuclear radiation was released into the environment?

Does the average person really understand the difference between million, billion, trillion?
(Jump in here, CLP or Phage, if you wish, and help us understand this situation, please.)

And there is no effect on the environment, according to NISA???

Is this the referenced 10,000 tons "of low-level radioactive water?"

Tokyo Electric disposing of low radioactive water in Pacific
TOKYO, April 5, Kyodo

Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Monday took the unprecedented measure of dumping 10,000 tons of low-level radioactive water in the Pacific Ocean from a facility at its crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power complex to make room for the storage of more highly contaminated water, which is hampering restoration work at the plant.

With the total amount of water to reach 11,500 tons, including contaminated groundwater from near the No. 5 and No. 6 reactors, the government said the disposal was unavoidable in order to secure safety. The level of radioactive substances in the water is up to 500 times the legal limit permitted for release in the environment.
As for the impact of the disposal of the 11,500 tons of water, TEPCO said an adult's annual dose would be around 0.6 millisieverts if the person ate seaweed and fish caught nearby every day for a year, which is still about a quarter of the annual dose a person is usually exposed to from natural sources.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

TEPCO estimates the added radiation because of the operation will be 0.44 microsieverts maximum within Fukushima I Nuke Plant. NISA, using SPEEDI, estimates 0.77 microsieverts of added radiation if the wind is from the east at 1 meter/second. Both numbers are lower than 1/1000th of 1 millisievert (1,000 microsieverts) which is the annual allowable radiation limit for the general public.

According to NISA, 500 million becquerels is the total of radioactive iodine-131, cesium-134 and cesium 137. The number was calculated by multiplying the amount of radioactive materials inside the reactor building that TEPCO measured on May 7 by 25,000 cubic meters (volume of the building). NISA assumed the radioactive materials to be released from the height of 29 meters (upper part of the reactor building) for 8 hours.

12 May 2011
NILU ends public forecasts as map shows large radiation clouds now over US, Canada (VIDEOS)

Thank you for your interest in the FLEXPART products for Fukushima. The Forecast system is no longer running.

“These products are highly uncertain based on limited information for the source terms. Please use with caution and understand that the values are likely to change once we obtain more information on the overall nature of the accident.” -NILU.

Well, isn't this a fine kettle of fish?

Wonder who leaned on NILU?

12 May 2011
TEPCO: Bigger Breach in No. 1 Reactor Core Than Expected

Serious setback” to stabilize Fukushima
One of the reactors at Japan’s crippled nuclear power plant has been damaged more severely than originally thought, officials said Thursday — a serious setback for efforts to stabilize the radiation-leaking complex. [...]

The findings also indicate a greater-than-expected leak in that vessel. Radioactive water pouring from troubled reactors has pooled around the complex, hindering work to bring the plant under control. [...]

The low level of water indicates that the core of Unit 1 had a bigger breach than expected, said TEPCO spokesman Junichi Matsumoto. [...]

13 May 2011
Fukushima Radiation Plume

The Norwegian Institute for Air Research is NO LONGER posting the plume maps below with the surface concentration of the different radioactive materials (Iodine 131, Caesium 137 & Xenon 133) from the nuclear disaster in Japan as it dispersed across the Pacific Ocean.

Why? Is it because of radioactive forecasts such as this?

This is one of the last screencaps of the FLEXPART Fukushima Potential Releases: Xenon-133, 16 April 2011.

Although the Iodine 131 & the Caelsium 137 plume has been dispersing throughout the Pacific, traces of I-131 have been found already in milk in Washington State on 3/25/11.
I-131 has an eight days half-life so it decays pretty quickly although the longer this situation lasts, the more the accumulative effects.

Surprise, suprise:

Fukushima Radiation Plume Forecast
last modified 2011-05-13 11:26
Thank you for your interest in the FLEXPART products for Fukushima.

The Forecast system is no longer running.

We have discontinued our Flexpart forecast of the atmospheric dispersal of radionucleides from Fukushima. This due to the fact that we do not have access to reliable release rates reflecting the current situation at the plant to be used as input to our simulations.

It is likely that the release of radioactive material is significantly reduced compared to the initial period, and ...that [color=limegreen]levels no longer pose a health risk at distance from the plant.

We thank you for your interest in our FLEXPART products.

"... levels no longer pose a health risk at distance from the plant."

All is well... move along... go back to your homes ... there is nothing to see here...
...this is not the radiation you seek...

And there is a lot more to come.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Anyone still out there?

We flash back to 28 April 2011 (seems like an eternity ago) to remind us that in three days from this date, the EPA will discontinue monitoring for radiation on a daily basis in favor of every three months.

Fukushima Japan Nuclear Radiation Levels Spike Highest Yet — 1,120,000 Microsieverts per Hour

Radiation levels detected at the Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan rise to the highest levels yet hitting 1.2 sieverts per hour as TEPCO announced that it may not be able to follow through with the 9 month plan to stop the radiation leaking from the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan.

A nuclear engineering professor from Kyoto adds that depending on the source of the high levels the plan to entomb the reactor to permanently end the radiation leak may not work at all. That statement echoes similar sentiments from nuclear expert Arnie Gunderson.

For conversion purposes, 1.12 seiverts per hour = 1,120 millsieverts pert hour = 1,120,000 microsieverts per hour.
More simply 1 sievert = 1000 millisievert = 1,000,000 microsieverts

16 May 2011
Reactor No. 1 Core Had Total Meltdown and Uranium Fuel May Be Outside Containment Building

Nuclear reaction could have restarted

As Nature News’ Geoff Brumfiel reports, workers went into the unit recently “to recalibrate some of the sensors on the reactor.” Much to their surprise and dismay, they found that the core experienced a total meltdown.

The zirconium alloy tubes that hold the uranium fuel pellets during normal operation all warped and the uranium is now lying at the bottom of the pressure vessel, or possibly even outside of it in the basement below or outside the concrete containment building.

With all the fuel piled up at the bottom, there is some danger that the nuclear reaction could have restarted. As of now, engineers on the scene aren’t sure what happened.

[...] Reactor restart? [...]

Some have theorized that with all the fuel at the bottom of the vessel, unit 1 may have actually restarted its nuclear reactions. If that had happened, the fuel would be pumping out some portion of its normal 1380 megawatts of thermal power—probably enough to melt through the thick steal reactor pressure vessel. It would have dropped onto a concrete slab below (the basemat), where it would have hopefully been spread out, effectively diffusing the chain reaction. [...]

[A] note from the Japan Atomic Industrial Forum (JAIF) quotes Banri Kaieda, the nation’s Economy, Trade and Industry Minister, as saying that it is “a fact” that there were holes created by the meltdown. That would likely mean at least some of the uranium fuel is now lying on the basemat below, or perhaps even outside the concrete containment.

16 May 2011
Melted Fuel in Reactor No. 3 Appears to Have Burned Through Pressure Vessel–
Loaded With Rods Containing Plutonium

And like the No. 1 reactor, the melted fuel appears to have created holes in the pressure vessel of the No. 3 reactor, according to the data of Tokyo Electric Power Co. released May 16. [...]

At the No. 3 reactor, the melted fuel may have burned through the pressure vessel to the containment vessel, the data showed. [...]

According to the data, the pressure in the pressure vessel of the No. 2 reactor dropped at 6:43 p.m. on March 15. A similar drop in pressure also took place at the No. 3 reactor at 11:50 p.m. on March 16.

Those declines were apparently the result of holes made in the pressure vessels. [...] it appears that melted nuclear fuel formed new holes in the pressure vessels. [...]

Radioactive materials, such as technetium, produced when nuclear fuel rods are damaged, have been detected in water in the No. 3 reactor building. That discovery has raised speculation that the melted nuclear fuel has breached the pressure vessel and landed in the containment vessel.

17 May 2011
Huge Problems: All Parts of Fuel Rods Appear to Have Melted at all 3 Reactors Admits TEPCO

Data shows meltdowns occurred at the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant, creating huge problems for the plant operator that had presented a more optimistic scenario. [...]

Goshi Hosono, special adviser to Prime Minister Naoto Kan, acknowledged the likelihood of meltdowns at the No. 2 and No. 3 reactors.

“We have to assume that meltdowns have taken place,” Hosono said at a news conference May 16. [...]

“When highly contaminated water was found at the No. 2 reactor building in late March, we recognized that a meltdown had taken place. So I informed the government,” [Haruki Madarame, chairman of the Nuclear Safety Commission] said. [...]

TEPCO had said it believed that only a portion of the nuclear fuel rods had melted. Now, it appears that all parts of the fuel rods have melted. [...]

17 May 2011
Molten Fuel Made It Outside of Containment Vessel at Reactor No. 1

Pressure Vessel is “completely broken” says Kyoto U. nuclear professor

Research Reactor Institute, Kyoto University Professor Akira Hiroshi Koide is “If 冷Yasenaku loss of power in the reactor can lead to early meltdown should have been able to assume.’s TEPCO it has limited fuel damage The description will be completely mistaken.. too late publication of the data well, “he said.

TEPCO In this analysis, “damaging the pressure vessel is not large,” but explained, Assistant Professor Koide the “pressure vessel is completely broken, a hole in the bottom of the vessel containing the molten fuel, reactor are causing a large amount of contaminated water leaking in the basement of the building “to estimate. [...]

EX-SKF Translation

[...] According to TEPCO, the data analysis shows that damage to the RPV is not extensive. However, (Hiroaki Koide of Kyoto University Research Reactor Institute) thinks “The RPV has been completely damaged, the melted core bore a hole at the bottom of the Containment Vessel, causing the large amount of contaminated water to leak into the ground beneath the reactor building.” [...]

The following is from a statement by TEPCO and reported by CNTV.

17 May 2011
Reactor No.1′s Fuel Rods “Completely Melted” Admits TEPCO

BEIJING, May 17 (Xinhuanet) -- The operator of the Fukushima Nuclear plant, TEPCO, says it's trying to determine whether the facility was actually damaged by the earthquake on March 11th, rather than the resulting tsunami.

TEPCO also says fuel rods in the facility's number one reactor have completely melted down.

A spokesman for TEPCO has outlined a new analysis of the crisis.

A review of data suggests the number 1 reactor's fuel rods were fully exposed within five hours of the quake, causing them to heat rapidly.

By the next morning - just 16 hours later - the rods had largely melted down. If the new data analysis is correct, it means the facility was mainly damaged by the quake itself - NOT the resulting tsunami, as previously thought.

The No. 2 and No. 3 reactors are thought to have gone through a similar process, but with only 30 percent damage to their fuel rods.
TEPCO has now decided to send a new team inside the plant to check the accuracy of the findings.

In response, Prime Minister Naoto Kan told Japan's parliament that the company will release an updated timetable for resolving the crisis on Tuesday.

But Kan said stabilization of the reactors would still be limited to within six to nine months.

The new findings come as Japan on Friday ordered residents outside the established thirty-kilometer exclusion zone to leave their homes. Around 8-thousand people are to be relocated by the end of the month.

And we close with a breaking story from our friend Alexander Higgins:

Confirmed: EPA Rigged RADNET Japan Nuclear Radiation Monitoring Equipment To Report Lower Levels Of Fukushima Fallout

The EPA re-calibrated (rigged) Japan nuclear radiation monitoring equipment causing them to report lower levels of radioactive fallout after the Fukushima nuclear meltdown than what was detected before the disaster.

I recently programmed an application to pull all of the EPA radiation monitoring graphs for all major US cities and complied them into an easy to use web interface. Of course we took the data being reported with a grain of salt under the suspicion that the Feds were fiddling with the results.

Now, an investigative report looking into why the much of the EPA radiation monitoring equipment was offline when the Fukushima nuclear meltdown occurred reveals that EPA has in fact rigged radiation monitoring equipment to report lower values of radiation.

This could indeed be the smoking gun that the EPA did not want to come to public scrutiny.

Read on.

RadNet – the EPA’s front-line, radiological detection network is severely flawed and suffers from maintenance and reliability issues.

The lack of consistent data and the number of units offline (a techie term for broken) at the time they were most needed shows that the EPA was not prepared for this emergency.

Besides that fact the broken system left us all unprotected; the confusion, apprehension and fear witnessed as people try to wade through the incomplete and inaccurate data online is evidenced by an exchange on the UC Berkely website over this RadNet graph:

The graph shows that this monitoring station was one of the units actually running on  3/11.

The readings were significantly higher prior to 3/11 and drop to a much lower level afterwards.

This is an indication that the units were running in an uncalibrated condition and were adjusted only after the events at Fukushima.

Which, of course, brings up the question:

Who is responsible for assuring that the system is up and running?

The EPA contracted this responsibility to a private company, Environmental Dimensions, Inc.

Environmental Dimensions, Inc (EDI) has provided maintenance for EPA’s RadNet monitoring systems under a sole-source contract which can be viewed at the end of this article. The base amount of the contract is $238,000.00. This does not include materials and travel, which is billed back to the government as needed.

The contract was awarded to what is stated as a “Woman-owned 8(a) Small Disadvantaged Business“.  The disadvantaged woman in this case is EDI company president Patricia S. Bradshaw, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense appointed by George Bush.

This from the EDI website:

Environmental Dimensions, inc. (EDi), provides quality environmental technical support services to: the Department of Energy (DOE) and its National Laboratories; US Army Corps of Engineers; Bureau of Indian Affairs; National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and other government and commercial entities across the nation.

EDi is a woman-owned, small disadvantaged business with over 20 years of experience and a proven track record for delivering superior project management and other related technical support services.

Our success is based on our goal to not just meet our client’s expectations, but to exceed them! This is solidified by having a complete understanding of our client’s needs and having the ability to respond to those needs in a timely manner.

We credit our ability to do so through our management’s commitment to recruit and maintain highly qualified staff. EDi is a small business with prime contracting and subcontracting experience. EDi’s professional project managers possess many years of experience delivering superior project management for multi-faceted projects.

Over our many years of doing business, we have amassed a strong reputation for on-time delivery in the following areas of expertise:

• Program Development
• Project Management
• Waste Management
• Radiological Support Services
• Site/Facility Characterization
• Decontamination & Decommissioning
• Beryllium Support Services
• Maintenance and Operations
• Instrument Rental, Calibration, and Repair
• Other Technical Support Services

Could it possibly be that the corporate management at EDI formed the company not out of an altruistic sense of patriotic duty but to cash in on inside information and connections?

Who would think that the ONLY company entrusted to monitor radiation in the United States would also have the time and manpower to be involved in so many other operations.

Continuing along this line of thinking, here is some more information on their website today.

This project overview states that there are 80 monitors nationwide, not the 140 that EDi portends to have but refuses to release a concise list of. One might wonder if the "government-furnished equipment" is referencing the actual monitors themselves.

RadNet Overview

RadNet is a national network of monitoring stations that regularly collect air, precipitation, drinking water, and milk samples for analysis of radioactivity. The network has been operating continuously since 1973 and has been used to track environmental releases of radioactivity from nuclear weapons tests and nuclear accidents and to document the status and trends of environmental radioactivity. Data collected by RadNet and more detailed information on the RadNet system can be found at  Another source of RadNet data, including a searchable database, is

Air Monitoring
The RadNet CDX Web site focuses on air monitoring.  Air monitoring stations are sited throughout the United States, designed to detect and record various types of airborne radiation. RadNet has been upgraded to provide near real-time monitoring, and EPA continues to expand the network each year. 
The RadNet air network uses two different types of monitors: fixed (stationary) and deployable (mobile).

1. Fixed Air Monitors: Permanently mounted and continuously operating, each fixed monitor contains a high-volume air sampler, gamma and beta radiation detectors, and a computer that controls the monitor and sends data to a central database at least once an hour. The individual detectors within each monitor can discriminate between different types of radiation, including those that are naturally occurring. See the left side of Figure 1.

2. Deployable Air Monitors: Deployable monitors are portable and can be used for exercises and for rapid deployment in response to real events.  The monitors have high- and low-volume air samplers, a gamma radiation level monitor, a data logger, and telecommunication systems that send data to the central database.  Although deployable monitors do not discriminate the energy of gamma radiation, they do provide gamma exposure rates. See the right side of Figure 1.

Figure 1: Fixed (top) and Deployable (bottom) Monitors

Understanding the Data from the Fixed Monitors
Purpose of RadNet. RadNet is designed to provide information to decision makers and other professionals during radiological emergencies. During normal times, RadNet establishes and verifies background levels of radiation and documents any changes that might occur.

What Radiation Is Detected
RadNet fixed air monitors record gamma radiation from both natural and man-made gamma-emitting sources on the ground and in the air. Many forms of natural radiation – such as cosmic radiation and radon gas – fluctuate throughout the day in response to changing weather conditions. These daily and hourly fluctuations in radiation levels are normal.

Specific Radionuclide Detection
Although there are many radionuclides, each radionuclide emits unique radiations (energy), which can be used like a fingerprint to identify it. By studying the radiation energy spectrum, experts can discern which radionuclides are present around a monitor.

To make the identification process more efficient, RadNet organizes the gamma energy spectrum into ten contiguous ranges, termed Regions of Interest (ROIs). The fixed monitors report total gamma detections (counts) within each ROI. By tracking the long-term changes of values within each ROI at each monitor, one can roughly determine the increase or decrease of radionuclides at a specific location. These fluctuations may be routine, or they may indicate an abnormality. To precisely identify radionuclides, scientists at NAREL download the entire spectrum and analyze it using additional software. This feature is not available on the CDX Web site.

Data for Most Users. For most users of the RadNet CDX Web site, comparing radiation values from one ROI of one monitor over time will provide the most useful information. Such data will track the long-term fluctuations within a specific energy range at a single location. Comparing values between different locations will not provide useful information – because each reading depends heavily on the natural radioactivity present in each location.

Similarly, comparing the count totals within one ROI to the count totals in another ROI at the same location will not provide useful information; each ROI associates with a specific gamma energy range, and little can be understood by comparing the aggregate total of one range to that of another.

Understanding the Data from the Deployable Monitors
As stated above, radiation levels routinely fluctuate from hour-to-hour and day-to-day. The deployable monitor provides the overall gamma radiation level near the monitor. These levels are expected to vary as they do for the fixed monitors. Typical fluctuations can cause the overall gamma radiation level near a deployable monitor to change by a factor of two or even more.

Let's take a look at who is associated with this enterprise. It might be interesting to back-track these individuals... just saying.

John Rodell - Chief Operating Officer
Chris Edgmon - Project Manager
Tim Lee - Project Manager
Ross Dimmick - Project Manager
and, of course, Patricia S. Bradshaw, former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense

Did Mrs. Bradshaw’s former DOD employment open the door?

Did the fact that she heads a woman-owned business give her company a competitive edge?

Is it possible that is a deliberate attempt to keep the truth from we, the people?

EDI’s revenues have doubled in each of the past three years and they currently have 90 employees spread across offices in Albuquerque, Denver and Oak Ridge.

And there are only 140 (?) monitors for all 50 states and possessions?

Now that they are checking the monitors every three months, what are these employees doing to earn their keep?

Does this situation pass the smell test?

This same company also performs radioactive waste remediation and decontamination services for a number of government-funded projects.

Do they follow the same cost-cutting, profit-maximizing philosophy as it appears that their maintenance and calibration division practices?

Updating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

Japan’s March 11 earthquake/tsunami-caused nuclear disaster affects millions of people regionally and throughout the Northern Hemisphere. But you’d never know it from most major media reports, downplaying an unfolding catastrophe.

However, there nevertheless exists the radiation wafting across the world on a daily basis. The situation has not improved any from day one. We should all endeavor to be aware of the dangers of even "small" amounts of radiation.

"Other toxins aside, no amount of radiation is safe." In her book Nuclear Madness, Helen Caldicott explained:
“Lower doses of radiation can cause abnormalities of the immune system and can also cause leukemia five to ten years after exposure; (other) cancer(s), twelve to sixty years later; and genetic diseases and congenital anomalies in future generations.”

“Radioactive iodine releases from Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi reactors may exceed those of Three Mile Island by over 100,000 times….While Chernobyl had one source of radioactivity, its reactor, there are seven leaking radiation sources at the Japanese site. Together, the three damaged reactors and four spent fuel pools at Fukushima Daiicho contain (much) more long-lived radioactivity, notably cesium-137, than the Chernobyl reactor.”

Moreover, all radiation, especially large amounts, is harmful, cumulative, permanent and unforgiving.

“The radioactive (iodine-131) fallout is now as much as 73 percent of the daily radiation emitted from Chernobyl following its meltdown disaster.” For cesium-137, it’s 60%.

“I hate to say it, but I am pessimistic….We have to think of all six (reactors) going down, and the possibility of that happening is not low.”

To be continued...

In Peace, Love & Light


posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 04:47 AM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Wow thanks for the substantial additions of relevant information.

I hadn't checked back in here in awhile, and my computer broke the last few days so I am on someone else's comp and may have to get off in a few minutes. Hopefully I can fix mine today.

You know I think you could make a good thread out of the information you provided, possibly even several threads.

You have done far more research than most people and I commend you for that.

I want a lot of the information you are discussing to be spread much further, and I have some ideas for helping spread that information.

I will u2u you later today if I fix my comp, if not wait a bit longer as I will be relying on using other people's computers.

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Amazing, thor. I'm happy to see someone taking so much initiative to organize this information and sift the lies from the truth. I honestly can't see how you do it. It's certainly going to take a while to just read it. Starred!

posted on Jul, 2 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I'm seeing these guys more and more around here in MS.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash
reply to post by thorfourwinds

Wow thanks for the substantial additions of relevant information.

I hadn't checked back in here in awhile, and my computer broke the last few days so I am on someone else's comp and may have to get off in a few minutes. Hopefully I can fix mine today.

You know I think you could make a good thread out of the information you provided, possibly even several threads.

You have done far more research than most people and I commend you for that.

I want a lot of the information you are discussing to be spread much further, and I have some ideas for helping spread that information.

I will u2u you later today if I fix my comp, if not wait a bit longer as I will be relying on using other people's computers.

Your a true Patriot for authoring this thread.
And it deserves a bump.

posted on Jul, 20 2011 @ 09:08 PM

For your edification and enjoyment:

IAEA Briefing on Fukushima Nuclear Accident
3 May 2011, 19:50 UTC

Atoms for Peace
The IAEA is the world's center of cooperation in the nuclear field. It was set up in 1957 as the world's "Atoms for Peace" organization within the United Nations family. The Agency works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote safe, secure and peaceful nuclear technologies.

Our Work
The IAEA works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. Its key roles contribute to international peace and security, and to the world's Millennium Goals for social, economic and environmental development.

We find the following information from the IAEA News to be disconcerting, to say the least.

Add the fact that today is 17 July the latest update is from 2 June 2011, and one might wonder WTF?

We will merely highlight certain areas of this report, and hope to set the hook for others to investigate all of these assertions further.

25 April 2011

Management of On-site Contaminated Water
According to the 25 April evaluation by NISA of the report submitted by the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), there is a little less than 70 000 tonnes of stagnant water with high-level radioactivity in the basement of the turbine buildings of Units 1, 2 and 3.

...a little less than 70,000 tonnes of stagnant water with high-level radioactivity in the basement of the turbine buildings of Units 1, 2 and 3.

This amount and date should be added to the database on reported amounts of radioactive water being sloshed about.

We are sure that the numbers do not add up correctly in the long run.

The stagnant water (around 120 m3) in the basement of the turbine building of Unit 6 was transferred to a temporary tank on 1 May.

To our way of thinking, this statement indicates a finalization of the process.


The transfer of stagnant high-level radioactivity water from the basement of the turbine building of Unit 6 was resumed on 2 May.

120 cubic meters... why this statistic in different terms than tonnes?

A cubic meter of water weighs one metric tonne. So, 120 c/m = 120 tonnes.

Why confuse the issue?

How much more high-level radioactivity water is there to transfer?

[color=limegreen]It has always been our contention that the information so vitally necessary to our survival as a species is intentionally garbled by utilization of a myriad of terms - much like radiation readings - to confuse the reader.

Work to block the Unit 2 trench pit was started on 1 May.

What are the dimensions and where does this trench go / connect to?

Why does it need to be blocked?

Is this a part of the suspected MOX nuclear weapons facility?

Plant Status
On 27 April TEPCO provided an update of the estimated percentage of core damage for Units 1, 2 and 3 following an assessment (the values assessed previously which TEPCO had provided on 15 March are given in parentheses):
Unit 1: 55% core damage (70%) 15% DECREASE
Unit 2: 35% core damage (30%) 5% INCREASE
Unit 3: 30% core damage (25%) 5% INCREASE

(Color added for emphasis.)

This reflects a revised assessment [color=limegreen]rather than any recent changes in conditions in the reactor cores.

Hey, team, does this jive with previous info released by TEPCO and/or the JAPGOV?

Still blowing smoke...

White "smoke" continues to be emitted from Unit 2 and Unit 3. There was no more white "smoke" seen emanating from Unit 4 as of 21:30 UTC on 25 April or from Unit 1 as of 21:30 UTC on 30 April.

In Unit 1 fresh water is being continuously injected into the reactor pressure vessel through the feedwater line at an indicated flow rate of 6 m3/h using a temporary electric pump with off-site power.

In Unit 2 and Unit 3 fresh water is being continuously injected into the reactor pressure vessel through the fire extinguisher line at an indicated rate of 7 m3/h using temporary electric pumps with off-site power.

On 29 April TEPCO checked the status inside the reactor building of Unit 1 using a remotely controlled robot and confirmed that there was [color=limegreen]no significant leakage of water from the primary containment vessel. Nitrogen gas is still being injected into the containment vessel in Unit 1 to reduce the possibility of hydrogen combustion inside the containment vessel. The indicated pressure in the reactor pressure vessel is still increasing.

The indicated pressure in the reactor pressure vessel is still increasing.

This would seem to indicate that there are no leaks in the RPV as of today, 29 April 2011.

Perhaps an important point to remember.

In Unit 1, the indicated temperature at the feedwater nozzle of the reactor pressure vessel is
142° C and at the bottom of reactor pressure vessel is 106° C.

Hot water (286.7˚ F) is being injected at 6 tonnes/hour.

Where is this water going?

Why hot water? We thought the objective was to cool.

In Unit 2 the indicated temperature at the feedwater nozzle of the reactor pressure vessel is 118 °C. The reactor pressure vessel and the dry well remain at atmospheric pressure. On 28 April an amount of 43 tonnes of fresh water was injected into the spent fuel pool using the spent fuel pool clean-up system.

Why the difference in water temperature?

Where is this fresh water coming from that it is hot?

On 28 April an amount of 43 tonnes of fresh water was injected into the spent fuel pool using the spent fuel pool clean-up system.

Does this indicate that the SFP "clean-up system" is back to fully operational status?

On 2 May an amount of 55 tonnes of fresh water was injected into the Unit 2 spent fuel pool using the fuel pool clean-up system.

In the matter of only 4 days, where did the previously-injected water go? If it was filled only on 28 April, 55 tonnes of water is "missing" from the SFP clean-up system, indicating something less than fully operational... n'est-ce pas?

Or is all back to "normal" and merely "circulating" the water? If so, where did the water go?

In Unit 3 the indicated temperature at the feed water nozzle of the reactor pressure vessel is 99 °C and at the bottom of the reactor pressure vessel is 124 °C. The reactor pressure vessel and the dry well remain at atmospheric pressure.

Again, why the difference in water temperature?

There has been no change in the status in Unit 5 or in the common spent fuel storage facility.

OK now for you "anti-scattering agent" buffs.

Spraying of anti-scattering agent at the site is continuing. An area of about 1 000 m2 on the south side of the turbine building of Unit 4, and an area of about 4 400 m2 of the surface on the slope around the former main office building, near the on-site gymnasium and on the west side of the shallow draft quay, were sprayed on 1 May.

And now, for something completely different.

2. Radiation Monitoring
The daily monitoring of deposition of caesium and iodine radionuclides for the 47 prefectures continues. Deposition of Cs-137 and Cs-134 was detected in six prefectures on 2 May. The values reported ranged from 2.6 Bq/m2 to 19 Bq/m2.

Compared with recent data, deposition of these radionuclides has been detected in fewer prefectures and in lower amounts than for previous days.

Recent data being the immediately preceding 51 days since 3/11?

"Fewer prefectures" and "lower amounts than for previous days" is Newspeak - Doublethink- Goggledegook - Bravo Sierra - it all means the same - disinformation.

Gamma dose rates are measured daily in all 47 prefectures.

[color=limegreen]A general decreasing trend has been observed in all locations since around 20 March.

How is this possible?

Does this even seem feasible - or is the fix already in at this early date?

Take particular look of the low descriptions being used in the following portion of this travesty.

Gamma dose rates reported on 2 May remain at 1.7 µSv/h for Fukushima prefecture and 0.11 µSv/h for Ibaraki prefecture.

The other 45 prefectures had gamma dose rates of below 0.1 µSv/h, falling within the range of local natural background radiation levels.

Gamma dose rates reported specifically for the eastern part of Fukushima prefecture, for distances of more than 30 km from the Fukushima Daiichi plant, ranged from 0.1 µSv/h to 19.7 µSv/h, as reported on 2 May.

Since 1 April there has been [color=limegreen]one remaining restriction on the consumption of drinking water relating to I-131 (with a limit of 100 Bq/L), which is applicable only for [color=limegreen]one village in the Fukushima prefecture and [color=limegreen]only for infants.

According to the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), I-131 was detected in one prefecture on 29 April, with a reported value of 0.22 Bq/L; in two prefectures on 30 April, with reported levels of 0.04 Bq/L and 0.10 Bq/L respectively; and in one prefecture on 1 May, with a reported level of 0.38 Bq/L. Cs-137 was reported on 30 April in only one prefecture, with a measured level of 0.05 Bq/L.

All these levels are [color=limegreen]below the limits set by the Japanese authorities for the restriction of water consumption due to the presence of radionuclides. The other samples did not show levels of radionuclides above the detection limit for I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137.

This implies that there was no I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137, which simply is not the case.

Food Restrictions
On 1 May restrictions were lifted on the distribution of raw unprocessed milk in Fukushima prefecture from the city of Minamisouma (limited to Kashima-ku and excluding Karasuzaki, Ouchi, Kawago and Shionosaki areas) and Kawamata town (excluding Yamakiya area).

That's great news, right? After all, only on 19 March did this news come out regarding the contamination of milk in Japan.

Japan Finds Radiation in Milk, Drinking Water
FUKUSHIMA, Japan (AP) - In the first sign that contamination from Japan's stricken nuclear complex had seeped into the food chain, officials said Saturday that radiation levels in spinach and milk from farms near the tsunami-crippled facility exceeded government safety limits.
Six workers trying to bring the Fukushima Dai-ichi plant back under control were exposed to more than 100 millisieverts of radiation - Japan's normal limit for those involved in emergency operations, according to Tokyo Electric Power Co., which operates the complex. The [color=limegreen]government raised that limit to 250 millisieverts on Tuesday as the crisis escalated.

Officials said the crisis at the plant appeared to be stabilizing, with near-constant dousing of dangerously overheated reactors and uranium fuel, but the situation was still far from resolved.

And, perhaps , the quote of the day from 19 March 2011:

We more or less do not expect to see anything worse than what we are seeing now,
said Hidehiko Nishiyama of the Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency.

Not to be outdone with this gem:

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano, meanwhile, insisted
the contaminated foods pose no immediate health risk.

3. Marine Monitoring
The marine monitoring programme is carried out both near the discharge areas of the Fukushima Daiichi plant by TEPCO and at off-shore stations by MEXT. (The locations of the sampling positions have been provided in previous briefings.)

Increased radioactivity in the marine environment occurred by aerial deposition and by discharges and outflow of contaminated water with a high radioactivity level.


Marine Discharges
In a news release issued on 25 April, NISA communicated its evaluation of a report submitted by TEPCO on 21 April in relation to contaminated water with a high radioactivity level that flowed out from Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi plant.

The outflow rate is estimated to have been approximately 4.3 m3/h. The concentrations of the relevant radionuclides, estimated from measurements, were 5400 MBq/L of I-131, 1800 MBq/L of Cs-134 and 1800 MBq/L of Cs-137.

The outflow rate is estimated to have been approximately 4.3 m3/h.

Exactly what amount of contaminated water with a high radioactivity level are we talking about?

(Another instance where the water database comes in handy.)

4.3 cubic meters/hour is 4.3 tonnes/h, right?

How many hours are we speaking of, or is this an on-going situation?

Seawater Monitoring
The activity concentrations of I-131, Cs-134 and Cs-137 in sea water at the screen of Unit 2 were measured every day from 2 April to 30 April. The [color=limegreen]concentrations fell by several orders of magnitude from initial values of more than 100 MBq/L at the beginning of April to less than 10 kBq/L for Cs-134 and Cs-137 on 30 April, with a continuing decreasing trend.

These figures also seem to be incorrect in both the numbers quoted and the inference that all are on a "continuing decreasing trend."


However, levels of I-131 remained at around 100 kBq/L from 26 April to 30 April at this sampling position. The sandbags containing Zeolite® absorbers that were placed at several locations between Unit 2 and Unit 4 to reduce the concentrations of Cs-134 and Cs-137 seem to be effective.

The concentrations of the relevant radionuclides at the other TEPCO sampling positions show a [color=limegreen]general decreasing trend up to 30 April.

Monitoring performed by MEXT at off-shore sampling positions consists of:

Measurement of ambient dose rate in air above the sea;
Analysis of ambient dust above the sea;
Analysis of surface samples of seawater; and
Analysis of samples of seawater collected at 10 m above the sea bottom.

The analysis for almost all sampling positions has shown a general decreasing trend in concentrations of the relevant radionuclides over time.

Samples were taken at stations 1 - 10 every four days after 2 April. Activity concentrations at MEXT sampling points 30 km off-shore are significantly lower than those at TEPCO sampling points 15 km off-shore. None of the activity concentrations of I-131 and Cs-137 in surface samples taken from points 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and S-3 on 27 April and from points 2, 6 and S-4 on 25 April were above the detection limits. Samples taken from points 4, 8 and 10 showed concentrations of Cs-137 between of 10.5 Bq/L and 40 Bq/L. Only the sample from point 10 had an I-131 activity concentration, at 21.5 Bq/L, that was above the detection limit.

Samples were taken at the recently added off-shore stations at the Ibaraki prefecture on 25 April. There were no activity concentrations of I-131 and Cs-137 in the surface layer of sea water that were above the detection limits.

Radiation Monitoring in Ports
On 22 April the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT) issued guidelines for radiation measurements in ports in Japan in order to provide foreign port authorities with accurate data. The guidelines cover gamma dose rate measurements for export shipping containers and shipping as well as radiation monitoring of the atmosphere and of sea water in ports.

And this is an "official" report issued to the public.

No wonder the cover-up is so complete... disinformation everywhere.

Will we stand for much more of this?

In Peace, Love & Light


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