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I have a bad feeling that the war on conspiracy theorists has begun (or at least has been ramped up)

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posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:14 PM
It only stands to reason that the bigger the lies get, the bigger their countermeasures must be. Who else are they going to go after? The CNN-watching sheep are licking their TV screens in agreement - certainly not them. It's only the people who would most likely expose the lies that they need to get a handle on.

Bigger lies, bigger attacks. It's to be expected. We just need to push back just as hard.

Here's another prediction I want to add: When the BS gets deep enough, I think you'll see some of the peddlers of this garbage throw their hands up when they've had enough, and turn on the puppet masters. People in media and others. They will come to realize that the lies are getting a bit preposterous and they are only looking the fool by repeating them.

edit on 6-5-2011 by AwakeinNM because: grammah

edit on 6-5-2011 by AwakeinNM because: gah

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:15 PM
haha yeah, we just choose to make it harder on ourselves. why can't we be just like those other people and just go with it? if they say OBL was just shot the other day then he was just shot the other day. it's really not hard to just take it as it is and not piss anyone off. if you've ever been caught telling a lie, you would know how they feel. i don't blame them at all.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:22 PM
Here's the problem with the majority of CT's on this site:

They KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that there is a conspiracy about whatever subject they're interested in. They SAY that it's proven, and that it's a fact, and that it's clear...

But in almost every case, they have no proof. They may have evidence, but not proof. There is a distinct lack of judgment regarding using those two terms from the good majority of CT's.

If they weren't so cocky and self-righteous and would leave a little room for them to be wrong, then they might be better received, but in the end they end up looking like Woody Harrelson's character on 2012.

I like to play the agnostic part and say that I don't know in the majority of the cases. In many subjects on this site, there is too much possibility of not having all the information. In MANY cases, they just parrot information they get from other people as "facts" and don't check those facts. Then they propagate the lie, which makes them part of the problem and quite honestly, earns them their "crazy" tag.

Also factor in that paranoid schizophrenics are also prone to come up with conspiracy theories and that ends up linking CT's to mental illness. It doesn't help that you have crazy people at the head of the CT train like Orly Taitz and Donald Trump who just act crazy. In order to make an argument that most people will believe, you have to cover both sides of the story and you have to concede that there is a possibility of you being wrong.

In other words, quit acting crazy and people will stop treating you crazy. (in most cases)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:25 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm

Then most people here have nothing to worry about.

A real conspiracy theorist has information, evidence (of the credible kind), and evaluates things strictly from a skeptical point of view. Not biased.

I'd say more than 95% of the population here is a far cry from that description.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by grahag
Here's the problem with the majority of CT's on this site:

They KNOW without a shadow of a doubt that there is a conspiracy about whatever subject they're interested in. They SAY that it's proven, and that it's a fact, and that it's clear...

But in almost every case, they have no proof. They may have evidence, but not proof. There is a distinct lack of judgment regarding using those two terms from the good majority of CT's.

If they weren't so cocky and self-righteous and would leave a little room for them to be wrong, then they might be better received, but in the end they end up looking like Woody Harrelson's character on 2012.

I like to play the agnostic part and say that I don't know in the majority of the cases. In many subjects on this site, there is too much possibility of not having all the information. In MANY cases, they just parrot information they get from other people as "facts" and don't check those facts. Then they propagate the lie, which makes them part of the problem and quite honestly, earns them their "crazy" tag.

Also factor in that paranoid schizophrenics are also prone to come up with conspiracy theories and that ends up linking CT's to mental illness. It doesn't help that you have crazy people at the head of the CT train like Orly Taitz and Donald Trump who just act crazy. In order to make an argument that most people will believe, you have to cover both sides of the story and you have to concede that there is a possibility of you being wrong.

In other words, quit acting crazy and people will stop treating you crazy. (in most cases)

Yep, there is a lot of that here. But if you've been here long enough you can separate the worthwhile threads from all the noise and deduce the likely truth of certain topics. It is maddening having to sort through all the crazies to find the good stuff.

Also, I agree with the Trump/Taitz thing. Why is it that only the people who are least telegenic and least articulate end up being the defacto spokespeople? Well, that's the point. Find the least believable mouthpiece and turn the cameras on them. Problem solved.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:39 PM
I have a friend that is totally anti-conspiracy theory and laughs whenever I mention something I learn, meanwhile he has no opinion what so ever besides the official story. "Oh those conspiracy theorists must be having a ball with the OBL thing"

Sad really, but what can ya do when grown adults do not even know they are being lied to.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm
Wow,I'm thinking the same thing,especially since there are so many holes in the "official story of OBL(as well as the birth cert).It's almost like they keep retracting the story on purpose,I keep asking myself over and over why are they doing this it can't be for Obamas approval rating it has to be something else.If you don't buy the official story of 911 and believe that one of the reasons for 911 and the boogieman Bin Laden was to pass the Patriot Act,if we follow the same theory could they be using him one more time to pass legislation to exempt our freedom of speech? to somehow pass a law on conspiracy theorist?Or anyone that doesn't agree with the government?Like the op said they have been interviewing people on the msm with opposing theories a lot,and it seems that they are including anyone that is questioning any part of the "official story"

I have to say this really scares me,if this is the case,they may justify themselves by using these sites as examples of how conspiracy theorist are really terrorist,could that be the reason they put the internet out in the first place?...I hope it's me having a bad case of the paranoids because if even a portion of this is be true we are in for one he!! of a ride people!....think about it

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:54 PM
How can Osama being dead for many years before this announcement be a theory when its indeed a fact. Besides ,,,man flying was theoretical,,so was exceeding the sound barrier,,so was space flight

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:55 PM
The best way to get rid of someone and their opinion, no matter how valid is to discredit them by labeling them conspiracy theorist or anything that deviates from the mainstream way of thinking. But at the same time I keep hearing in my head '“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.”

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:57 PM
reply to post by PrimePorkchop

I would have to concur. Those people (who are very few and far between) will be the ones that are "silenced". I coined a term and mentioned it earlier on in this thread, if those specific types were to have a label, it would be a "Conspiracy Factualist". The "theorist" is just that, theorizing based on what they seemingly feel is not the true reality of a story or event.

They deem something is for all intents and purposes "not right" with a certain story or event due to (what I am sure are) a multitude of reasons. "Because they're plain CRAZY!!!" is seemingly the most popular reason as of late. In turn, theorists begin to postulate different theories on why what is being delivered to the masses is not and absolutely cannot be the truth, most times with absolute conviction.

This begs a question however....

Why are there so many of "these types" that are questioning the reality they're being fed through the multiple forms of media and propaganda?

These types (and I will slot myself in this group proudly) are a dime a dozen. If people stop questioning what "doesn't feel right" then we are doomed I believe. This site, is solid proof of that as there are oodles of members that feel something isn't right about any given story or event however, there are very few on this site that can claim actual facts and hard evidence to back up said theory. For me it is purely instinct driven, I get a "gut feeling that something doesn't sit well with this story" and because of that I share my feelings and we discuss.

Any claim I have ever made towards a conspiracy I have done my best to research and back up in an attempt to prove the theory, sometimes I am absolutely convinced by the evidence that I have gathered. None the less, the evidence I have gathered is not necessarily going to convince the next guy. As long as we have an individual opinion, there will be no topic, even if there are creditable facts to support it and back up the claim there will always be naysayers regardless, I do believe that this simply boils down to human nature.

edit on 5/6/2011 by UberL33t because:

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:58 PM
I dont believe we have anything to worry about. Like people have said we have them running scared. It all starts with your friends and family I believe. If you give the opportunity to look for themselves instead of forcing your beliefs on them or rambling on and on I think it works better. They will be more likely to find something that interests them and believe their own research. I've seen this personally.

The fact is there are some people that believe some really crazy things. But also I think everyone here KNOWS there is a conspiracy against the masses. I for one feel it down to the very core of my being. We will win in the end though. No matter what they do no self respecting American will be chipped, followed, and monitored 1984 style. We may have had enough of their BS already but eventually there will be that one straw too many that breaks the camels back, that's when we wont even have to do anything, we will see it happen and breathe a sigh of relief saying to ourselves "finally, theyre getting it!"

Also I dont think it will come to FEMA camps and violence against us. No soldier could ever bust down the door of fellow Americans rounding them up for slaughter. I have many friends in the military.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by newcovenant
No he doesn't have a point because they(msm) are on some kind of campaign to put conspiracy theorist in with the terrorist.How soon they forget that we still have freedom of speech,that is until they decide to take it away.

edit on 6-5-2011 by TWILITE22 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 05:59 PM
I think the only stuff that has truth to it is the UFO and possible alien stuff.To many credible people invovled in serious cases.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:07 PM
Donald Trump is part of the attack against conspiracy theorists. He made a conspiracy theorist claim, the President debunked it, and he has lended credibility to the fact that conspiracies are wrong. Now they can deride anyone as a conspiracy theorist and hold them and their belief in contempt.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:10 PM
I've noticed this a lot, too. It is like entertainment (movies, music) brought the spotlight onto popular theories, movies have been pushing aliens a lot more and there are even multiple references to one group in certain artists music videos.
It is like one arm was used to generate publicity for theories and the other arm (political) is out to discredit and quell them. Even going so far as 10 years later trying to put one to rest that was growing large by the day.

This rings bad to me. As if TPTB are currently using Obama as a preemptive move to discredit the largest base of dissenters (or those who question the official story) right before dropping something huge. It seems that plenty of others have noticed it in the various medias as well. In my opinion this focus is one of the greatest indicators that a false flag attack is looming just over the horizon.
edit on 6-5-2011 by AlexKintner because: edit

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by superluminal11
How can Osama being dead for many years before this announcement be a theory when its indeed a fact. Besides ,,,man flying was theoretical,,so was exceeding the sound barrier,,so was space flight

Again. you SAY that it's a fact, but you're not giving any proof. Chances are good you saw an article that had someone quoted saying that he was dead of some disease in 2001. The only FACT is that you read an article if that's the case.

You can't compare scientific theory to conspiracy theory. Conspiracy theory doesn't go off a known set of rules like science does. The majority of the theory for conspiracies is conjecture with a healthy dose of assumption. It's apples and oranges, but is that REALLY an orange or is it just photoshopped?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by againuntodust
Donald Trump is part of the attack against conspiracy theorists. He made a conspiracy theorist claim, the President debunked it, and he has lended credibility to the fact that conspiracies are wrong. Now they can deride anyone as a conspiracy theorist and hold them and their belief in contempt.

Yeah. I think him and all the die-hard birthers that won't let it go did more damage to the conspiracy theory community than any "shill" or "dis-info agent".

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:23 PM
i LOVE talking about this stuff, but the reason that the mainstream media is taking an interest is because they want to know how you can believe what you do with mostly a gut feeling to go off.

Humans are VERY good at pattern recognition. So good in fact, that they will see patterns when there really aren't patterns there. Your brain fills in details with whatever makes sense to you. Sites like ATS have mottos like "Deny Ignorance", but your brain will only go as far as it needs to to fill in the blanks. Everything else is just ignorance. You can blame biology to a point, but there's going to be a point to where you have to realize that the majority of this stuff is just crazy.

I'm not saying that all conspiracy theories don't have a basis in fact. But common sense should at the very least temper your discussion so that it's believable. I've seen some pretty amazing things happen in my lifetime, but everything I have seen has some sort of explanation and while it could have some fantastical explanation, it's almost always the mundane one.

Superstition filled the gaps in knowledge as man was evolving, with superstition making sense because people need to have a reason for something happening. People don't like NOT knowing. They'll make up silly reasons for something to happen because the current explanation either isn't there or isn't good enough for them.

I'm almost certain that I'll be proven wrong at some point and that some conspiracy theory that I mocked turned out to be the truth, but that hasn't happened yet and I'm in my early 40's and I've had a LOT of these discussions.

I don't mind you being crazy, but you've gotta be willing to bend a bit and concede that maybe you don't know the truth and that your facts/proof/knowledge is really just your mind filling in the blanks in the face of the unknown.

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:35 PM
conspiracy theorists is such a clunky word

go with conspiracy enthusiasts

who can have a problem with enthusiasm ?

posted on May, 6 2011 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm

I think they watch us very closely, they read our “what if’s” and I think we are the ones they get their ideas from; they’re not smart enough to come up with their own original plots.

I just find it to darn convenient that we discuses a “what if”, or “you’d think they do it this way”. And all of a sudden that’s exactly what they are doing /saying.

We were talking recently here on ATS about why the TSA are in airports and not train stations, sometimes there are just as many people there, and all of a sudden they are saying that they have proof of al-Qaeda have been planning an attack on train stations..

That’s just one example, I bet if someone here with good search skills and research skills could find a quote by and theorist sating a scenario situation that they have used.

Sadly I think we are giving their plots/schemes to them.
It’s not just mind games they play, it’s also word games.

Osama =Obama

Terrorist = Theorist

They will spit out the word conspiracy and add anger to the word Theorist, it won’t be long and people will be getting conspiracy theorist confused with conspiracy terrorist .
The same as they do Osama and Obama

So I agree, theorist s are the next target to their agenda.

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