posted on May, 19 2011 @ 07:29 PM
There is a war on conspiracy theorists HERE on ATS, look around.
Check out any chemtrail thread, and try to "theorize". You will get put in a box and labeled "nut" by the same few posters day after day, and
quickly I might add.
The war extends to any thoughts and ideas that are outside of acceptable thought AND have merit. This is key, the conspiracy subject HAS to have
enough merit to warrant the disinfo effort.
The propagandists don't much care if you theorize about UFO's, ghosts, and 2012. But, they certainly don't want anyone to get away with
speculating about REAL #...the kind of crap that can shine a spotlight on the WHO exactly is doing REAL harm to common people.
But, we have propagandists here on ATS, too. Best beware.