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I have a bad feeling that the war on conspiracy theorists has begun (or at least has been ramped up)

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posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by Luckyxfactor
give it a label and it becomes just that...truth is out there regardless of what people think.


2nd line

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:36 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
reply to post by AeonStorm

What a strange coincidence. I heard this comment tonight after the GOP debate. R-Mike Rogers Intelligence Chairman was speaking to Wolf Blitzer who had just asked if he thought it wise to release the bin Laden photo. He explained that after the Abugrave (sp) photos were released there was a spike in violence toward servicemen overseas and it was a mistake to put them out there.

He said "I wouldn't risk the life of even one soldier to satisfy some conspiracy theorist."

Mr Rogers has a point.

you mean Abu- Ghraib?
Torture, rape and murder of detainees is grossly taking it out of context....
Of course, if i had seen images of anyone getting treated the way they were, i would probably turn from good samaritan into blood thirsty vengeance man? what you have used as an example cannot be used in context with the release of Osama Bin Ladens image?

We are talking about a photo of one man?

When Sadaams photos were released, did you see a spike in violence towards the Invading army? or just the same amount?..... thought so.

not like they seemed THAT worried about leaked photos of him hanging in the Gallows, didn't see or notice the government trying to round up their resources to remove these images.... so why the hell is Osama Bin Ladens image any different?

It's not, you use what this man has said as an excuse to back up your own beliefs.

I suppose your going to tell me i should believe this guy because he is on TV as well?


I'd like to point out this fact..... American news stations and world news stations were displaying images EVERYWHERE Worldwide of peoples joyous celebrations in the "death" of Osama Bin Laden.

People were celebrating in the streets people were laughing, people were drinking, people were dancing.... Real patriotic moment that was......
Don't you think, that any supporter of Bin Laden would be more torn up and angry about these images of Joy and praise being shown after his death, instead of the actual picture of him being dead?

A released picture would be confirmation for many Middle Eastern people that follow him as well?
So why all the stalling?

Remember when the "Terrorists" killed American soldiers and had there bodies dragged through the street in Afghanistan/Iraq, they were dancing , cheering, celebrating ... it sure was a happy day for them, how did that make you feel on a personal level mate?
I'm near certain you would have been screaming " ohhh get the terrorist SOB's"???
here we have news stations showing endless footage of Victory dances in the street and Americans acting like Dic*heads transmitted worldwide after the death of Osama when i think this will affect and anger the enemy alot more then seeing a picture of his dead body.

What do you think any terror group is going to think when they see such cheerful displays over the death of one man they considered to be a hero???

Secret/:- Bin Ladens dead mate, But he didn't die last week.

Awaiting reply....

Interesting Link Here:

Its interesting to point out that this article mentions that no one from AL CIAda has come forward and declared the death?

Conveniently enough i heard reports on the news that just TODAY Al CIAda had confirmed... on their WEBSITE???... that Bin Laden was dead and to expect revenge attacks........

anyone who chooses to believe that... my goodness.

I love how all the missing pieces come together a week after it happened, if it happened how they said it did we would have heard what happened inthe first new report.... yet we get mixed and conflicting reports and the excuse is... " Information gets mixed in the fog of war sometimes" i am 100% certain i heard a U.S official say that.... PALLLEEEEEEZ

edit on 7-5-2011 by Edgecrusher26 because: (no reason given)

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edit on 7-5-2011 by Edgecrusher26 because: thinking of more points

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edit on 7-5-2011 by Edgecrusher26 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2011 by Edgecrusher26 because: (no reason given)

edit on 7-5-2011 by Edgecrusher26 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:37 AM
Maybe those whacky conspiricy theorists are getting a little too close to the truth and rocking the boat a bit too accutely.

con·spir·a·cy   /kənˈspɪrəsi/ [kuhn-spir-uh-see]
–noun, plural -cies.
1. the act of conspiring.
2. an evil, unlawful, treacherous, or surreptitious plan formulated in secret by two or more persons; plot.
3. a combination of persons for a secret, unlawful, or evil purpose: He joined the conspiracy to overthrow the government.

the·o·ry   /ˈθiəri, ˈθɪəri/ [thee-uh-ree, theer-ee]
–noun, plural -ries.
1. a coherent group of general propositions used as principles of explanation for a class of phenomena: Einstein's theory of relativity.
2. a proposed explanation whose status is still conjectural, in contrast to well-established propositions that are regarded as reporting matters of actual fact.
3. Mathematics . a body of principles, theorems, or the like, belonging to one subject: number theory.

Long live free thinkers.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 02:46 AM
The media's just projecting . They are in denial that they also create conspiracy theories, nothing more.
edit on 7-5-2011 by bubbabuddha because: Spelling errors

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 04:56 AM
It's laughable how we're labelled nutjobs/insane/crazy, yet the majority of the posters on this site are amoungst the most intelligent and intellectual individuals in our society. We're just intelligent enough to see through the BS.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 05:05 AM
reply to post by AeonStorm

I agree with pretty much everything you have said, and with the next four or five posts i've just read on your thread on assessments i reckon.

Conspiracy theorists, for all intensive purposes, are the enemy. The question I have is how far are the elite willing to go to protect themselves from all the non-believers and protect all their elite B.S.

The term 'Conspiracy theorists' is actively being engineered by the psych ops units in various government, intelligence and military circles, to be synonymous with 'UFO nut'.

That cause the same negative emotion/reaction to be brought forth by the term alone.

It *is* a propaganda war...but *not* for Conspiracy theorists hearts and minds, but rather for the hearts and minds of the gullible and obedient majority...they realise it's a losing battle to challenge an experienced CT, as we have long since realised through months, sometimes years of hard, in depth and intensive research, across myriad but often tenuous spider web-like filaments of topic connections, that eventually show a portion of what the real systems are actually like.

Once you comprehend and recognise the methods of control, of coercion, and all the other elements so well known and utilised by tptb to keep their elite monopoly over the majority of us, you'd have a hard time going back to being a gullible, 'good serf' and believing whatever tptb tell you.

This is damage limitation, just as it was, and still largely is, with the UFO/ET subject.

We are going down the exact same ridicule, wry smile, eye roll, finger pointing route against 'Conspiracy Theorists' now.

Why? Why would this be a problem for the elites? Why wouldn't they just ignore it, shrug it off as inconsequential or unimportant?

Because folks, the obvious answer is that we Conspiracy theorists (i prefer 'truth digger', but hey) are a danger to their whole centuries long, insidious power grab and monopoly on truth and how much of the truth we get to know.

We are starting to have what many would term 'mainstream' or regular types of people wake up, and start to see what the world is really like, and they are starting to get involved in the 'real world ' by asking some difficult questions.

Donald Trump is one. The *well connected* doctor who is currently spilling the 9/11 OBL beans is another...more and more 'regular people'..some very wealthy and powerful in their own right are starting to ask....'difficult questions' of the elite...they *don't like this* for obvious reasons!

So while Conspiracy theorists *are* the enemy of obfuscation and elite lies and propaganda, we *are* the ally of the majority...and a lot of the majority are starting to wake up and realise this.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 05:14 AM

Originally posted by kerazeesicko
Fact of the matter are not making a difference anywhere. A few lunatic rants from people on the internet are not going to cause a rift in anyone's thinking. You guys only have opinions and theories and very little facts or evidence to back any of your claims up.

So if there is a is in your head...

tell that to cass sunstein, and "cognitive infiltration"

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 05:31 AM

Originally posted by Amaterasu
reply to post by AeonStorm

One thing I have noticed is both in media and on ATS the idea that the Conspiracy Aware are being called "insane," "crazy," and other such epithets - at a much higher level, both in frequency and in fervor, than I have seen before.

Here on ATS, individuals I suspect of that glorious title, "Shill," are doing this a great deal lately - and these are people I have talked to off and on for a while. Never before has the lot of them been so ardent to insinuate and outright say that We Conspiracy Aware are bat guano crazy.

They never address the issues, of course.

It's mostly sock puppet accounts, these almost amateurish (almost everything the gov does these days is amateurish) attempts are coming from.

Have a look at how recent most of these accounts are...most are under a couple of months old...apologies to newish *genuine* human accounts and members, i have a feeling if you're quite a new member, you are unfortunately going to be suspected of being a government sock puppet account and told so on a lot of occasions...i guess you just have to use your common sense to prove you're real.
What was the name of that DoD software house, that writes the software for the government sock puppet accounts?
They were hacked by 'Anonymous' just lately...can't remember the name...

The government and intelligence service are going about this in completely the wrong usual.

They are choosing the confrontational, battle line stance with which to grind dissent into the ground (as they imagine the outcome to be), which is the wrong way to tackle us.

The more they attack, the more our ranks will swell in defense.

The more they criticize and marginalise, the more people will wonder why.

The more they mention 'Conspiracy Theorists' in the media, the more people will become interested and study up to see what they're missing.

Confrontation is most certainly the wrong and short sighted way to prevent awkward questions and propositions.

But...the elites have the mindset that conflict is the route to everything they have acquired..wars for spoils and slaves, for oil, for land, for other resources, for political rule.

The one thing conflict will never, ever succeed at 'winning' will be winning over the human spirit. The sense of right and wrong, the sense of justice and drive to discover, to inquire and reason.

Honesty is the correct tool for this...unfortunately for them, if they use honesty they'll sink themselves, so this is why we see a propaganda conflict developing instead....but this time, with words and conversation, with international, world wide sharing of information and ideas in place of bullets and bombs...they *will lose*...and i think they are starting to realise this lately themselves.

*The pen is mightier than the sword*.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 07:10 AM
reply to post by Edgecrusher26

Sorry but I certainly do disagree. Just because everyone here thinks bin Ladens death was staged doesn't mean I have to follow along like a trained sheep. It may come as a shock but I also think we actually did walk on the moon in 1969 and it was not a staged event in the desert.
Many people enjoy discrediting the US and we deserve a giant share of criticism for misdeeds and mistakes, but sometimes we get what needs to be done right. I think this is one of those times. YOU are free to think whatever you want. It is a beautiful thing.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 07:21 AM
I agree about the war on conspiracy theorists.
It reminds me of the war on Investigative Journalists before the MSM was bought out and decimated.
It was then turned into a Propoganda tool for governments and a shallow shoutbox for Marketing in News and P.R and other non news worthy nonsense.

I think however, CTers are a hard bunch to tie down.
We slink from site and site and often share our knowledge with people in our community.
I think we are a bigger threat than Journalists (even in their glory days) ever were.
There are MORE of us and we aren't shy about sharing what we know.
AND unlike Journalists from the past, at this point we can't be sued for telling the truth.

edit on 7-5-2011 by Flighty because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by legitbrah
I believe that BIG things are indeed about to happen.

And anyone with any sence of the world has seen it comming like a turtle in the distance.

Why else would there be record numbers of traffic on ATS the last few months.

Why else would there be record traffic on the Alex Jones Show?

We're not all crazy. Some crazy f'd up stuff is going on and lots of people are still ignorant to it.

The way we deal with the enviornment, the economy, the government, oil and food (water comming soon) among other things will all have to change very soon or else this planet and this brilliant race of people, along with other life on this planet is screwed.

BTW ... The reason I started comming to ATS is because I saw a UFO about a year ago. Classic silent triangle with yellow lights, gliding slowly close to ground in a remote location.

After my last year of reasurch on various topics; life in general.

It is my professional opinion as an 18 year old that it is either going to take exponentially better Leadership and Actions of the people of earth ( Btw i don't think we can sustain 6 billion of us [soon to be 7] ) ... Or it's going to take the Aliens comming down and biach-slapping us all on December 21st 2012 if we haven't figured our shiz out by then.

either that, or we will all die a slow, painfull death in a crazy, polluted planet...

or we might just NUKE ourselfs, thats always the quick way out.

I think there will be UFO's en mass near the end of 2012. I think there was some agreement to keep their existence secret at least until then. World governments are in a scramble NOW to figure out how to tell us if to tell us and what to tell us.
I believe many conspiracy theories are true but as another poster said, I am a theorist.

A conspiracy theorist is a nut who thinks EVERYTHING is a lie.
News flash - everything isn't, though many things are.
A rational person will investigate and eventually be able to tell the difference. They will not hop on the first bandwagon their friends are on.
I am a thinker, awake and aware of the potential for lies and threats but also able to distinguish and handle the truth when I see it.

And you are a "conspiracy theorist." Pleased to meet you.
You don't mind if I keep my weapon on me do you?
Not that I don't trust you.

edit on 7-5-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by AeonStorm

I have a bad feeling that the war on conspiracy theorists has begun

The 'freedom of speech' concept has been both expanded to include thought, and narrowed to limit its effectiveness.

The world has changed over the last few decades and I don't mean this in the 'march of progress' sense of the term. There is a real agenda that has been put into action and its purveyors are now in almost complete control. The old notion of a nation by, of and for the people is nothing more than window dressing today. Our constitution, and all those of the rest of the democratic world, are in the process of being decommissioned.

In their places will come a single, global existential paradigm. National boundaries and the individual laws of the nations are currently being phased out. This is all being force-fed to the world by an unseen power structure. Exactly 'who' is behind this effort is anyone's guess. It is being done in such a subtle, albeit overt manner that while most of us see it happening, there is nothing we can do about it. It's kind of like a leaky faucet that can't be shut completely off and will eventually fill the basin and flood the room over time.

But whoever it is that is actually behind the curtain pulling the levers and pushing the buttons, one thing they have in common with all governmental-type power structures is that they fear a civil population that has slipped out of their control. The street mob angry with their leaders is the most frightening thing they can conceive. And as it happens, the growing body of conspiracy theorists portends just this kind of possible eventuality.

Our freedom to speak, to question official story lines, to cast hard doubt on the news media's integrity, to dare to peek behind the curtain, is the only challenge that they haven't yet subdued. Our nations have seen their industrial plants spread to the four winds, their electoral systems docked and collared by crooked courts holding up digital devices that can be controlled from dark rooms. The press... now known as the mainstream media, has been tamed and leashed.

There is nothing left between us and total world domination except those democratic republics that are populated with people who are not yet harnessed or indoctrinated.

So, yes. There is a war on the conspiracy theorist and it will only grow worse over time. The US Government has already initiated a program to infiltrate communities just like this one. They even tell us that they are doing it with software designed specifically to allow indoctrinists/propagandist to hide behind false names and create disruptions... to shout us down more effectively.

For anyone who walks this long road, openly and loudly disbelieving the lies, there is a target to be painted upon them.

Your bad feeling is sadly correct.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 07:42 AM
It is true, we conspiracy types are becoming fodder for the tyranical governments and even right here on ATS we are attacked by dis-info agents. The reason governments can't stand us is that the light of truth outshines the darkness of TPTB elite's deceptions. Keep shining the light regardless of the desperate attempts to silence us.

Truth will always out!

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by spikey

Originally posted by Amaterasu
reply to post by AeonStorm

One thing I have noticed is both in media and on ATS the idea that the Conspiracy Aware are being called "insane," "crazy," and other such epithets - at a much higher level, both in frequency and in fervor, than I have seen before.

Here on ATS, individuals I suspect of that glorious title, "Shill," are doing this a great deal lately - and these are people I have talked to off and on for a while. Never before has the lot of them been so ardent to insinuate and outright say that We Conspiracy Aware are bat guano crazy.

They never address the issues, of course.

It's mostly sock puppet accounts, these almost amateurish (almost everything the gov does these days is amateurish) attempts are coming from.

I suspect not in the cases I'm speaking of. These are not extremely new accounts, and I have had some rather fevered discussions with these I suspect as shills - which leads me to believe that at some points an actual Human exists that is controlling responses. Whether all the responses are all Human generated is unknown.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:14 AM
Was just thinking that maybe it's time for "Conspiracy Theory" and "Conspiracy Theorist" to be rebranded into something more appealing and acceptable for the sheeple and masses, if it's to become mainstream and more widely accepted.
You have to admit the terms come with a LOT of negative baggage from the past, that try as we might, we can't shake.
I'm beginning to feel a lot more comfortable with the Truth Movement and being a Truth Seeker.
I also think these days that the terms more accurately reflect what the main aim is and what it is that we are looking for.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 09:28 AM
OP is 100% correct & TPTB admit it -

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:07 AM

Originally posted by newcovenant
I am a thinker, awake and aware of the potential for lies and threats but also able to distinguish and handle the truth when I see it.

Well, if you just take the government at it's word about OBL, despite the way things were handled after the fact (dumping the body before the news broke, refusing to release photos when they've done it before), then you are fast asleep. Most people I know, even ones that have never been one bit interesting in "conspiracy theories" are questioning this. Probably even a good number of the people partying in the streets, were reacting to the initial news. I'm sure many of them were expecting some kind of proof to be shown. There was an Iraqi war vet on TV yesterday calling for the release of the photos, saying him and other troops want to see them. So they can see all their hard work was not in vain.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by 27jd

Originally posted by newcovenant
I am a thinker, awake and aware of the potential for lies and threats but also able to distinguish and handle the truth when I see it.

Well, if you just take the government at it's word about OBL, despite the way things were handled after the fact (dumping the body before the news broke, refusing to release photos when they've done it before), then you are fast asleep. Most people I know, even ones that have never been one bit interesting in "conspiracy theories" are questioning this. Probably even a good number of the people partying in the streets, were reacting to the initial news. I'm sure many of them were expecting some kind of proof to be shown. There was an Iraqi war vet on TV yesterday calling for the release of the photos, saying him and other troops want to see them. So they can see all their hard work was not in vain.

You know this is the first thing I thought of. Buried at sea????????
But this has been thought through. Not much we could do to ratchet up Muslim hatred for the US. It is already there. This OBL thing will pass quickly and from what I gather on the news a majority of his own people are glad he is gone. Guilty or not I suppose.
Now stop and imagine bin Laden in US custody and having to give him to Pakistan or whoever to await a trial.
ATS pages would be AFLAME with Muslim hatred for the US and it would continue indefinitely and then at trial the sob might have got off on a technicality.
If on the other hand you think he was already dead it is hard to imagine his wives and children and the most radical Muslims of all the Stans are in on the attempt of your own government to fool you.
Anger in the Muslim community will pass quickly. There will be a new leader of our enemies and he will not have the unified appeal of bin Laden. He was a hero to his people. Heros fall. Obama should be safe because he is no hero in anyones eyes and so not a threat to masses TPTB might lose by following him. TBTB hate heros.

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 10:58 AM

Originally posted by Troublesome
It's laughable how we're labelled nutjobs/insane/crazy, yet the majority of the posters on this site are amoungst the most intelligent and intellectual individuals in our society. We're just intelligent enough to see through the BS.

i personally think being a member for the last 4 years, that sometimes "a rose is just a rose". what can be suspected as nefarious is sometimes the truth. not everything the government does should be regarded as having some dark secret motive. reason and common sense dictates that you do have to take into account that people make honest mistakes, and many things are really done for the benefit of the majority of people. it's when someone suspects EVERYTHING that is done is somehow a plot, is when you start losing the ability to think crictically. s**t happens, in other words, and seperating the wheat from the shaft on ATS is becoming more difficult. that is what us as members, need to keep a firm grasp of, to NOT believe everything is a conspirecy.
edit on 7-5-2011 by jimmyx because: sentence structure

posted on May, 7 2011 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by 27jd
and also for getting us into another conflict in an oil rich country, while ignoring so many other bloody crackdowns in ally states.

So you are upset that Obama got 'us' into another mid east conflict but also think he should be getting us in more of them?

Which is it?

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