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Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against West Illinois University Students

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posted on May, 3 2011 @ 09:30 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

You're getting responses confused. There are many, here in this very forum, who have advocated the use of lethal force on police officers.

I am not confused at all. First I do not condone violence as a solution to problems. All sides lose in confrontations, in some way or some form.

Second we aren't talking about these forums, we are talking about a very specific block party.

Third while I do condemn it even in such forms, as overly provacative and counter productive most of the people making statements of supporting violence against the police, is as a self defensive measure in cases of abuse such as the one we have seen here at this block party.

Having said that it's been my own experience that those who talk about using violence in conversational settings, are the least likely to employ it in actual confrontational settings.

As they binge-drink, burn stop-signs, and yell "# the police!"

Honor student material, right there.

I can't believe you are this out of touch with reality. It's a party, guys drink and want to get laid, cops showing up at your party tend to scare off the girls, and make it hard to get laid, this make guys who want to get laid unhappy.

This can lead to them displaying that unhappiness at those responsible for them not getting laid.

I fear you and some of your compatriots are sniffing way to much gun oil!

Crowds react completely unpredictably. There is no way of really assessing the danger other than raw numbers. The police are vastly out-numbered. The vast majority of the citizenry decided not to be obstructive to the officers, or violent.

Bull crap.

I live in Miami Beach and we get upwards to 400,000 visitors flooding into a few square miles every weekend. The police some times do have to make hard decisions to let ordinances go unenforced to prevent riots from occuring.

Some promoter sells 5,000 tickets to a venue that the Fire Marshall has rated for 3,000. They make decisions as they need to, to maintain the peace.

Yet the most shining example was on the heels of two of the most violent G-20 protests in recent years, the one in Seattle and the one in South America both of which were incredibly destructive and violent.

The very next G-20 was in Miami.

Cheif Timmony a good old Irish cop from Philadelphia put on his polo shirt and bicycle shorts, grabbed a bull horn and with a couple bicycle mounted officers went from one of the six designated demonstration sites to the next for three straight days where he would repeat the same process.

He would get off his bike, walk up to the protestors, shake a few hands, welcome them to the city, then he would step back a few paces and say "Welcome to Miami, and I do mean that, we support and encourage your right to protest, and ask that you do so peacefully in designated areas, please don't destroy anything, disperse if we ask you too, and we will only ask you too if your numbers exceed capacity for the designated protest area you are in. Have a good time, please check out our many fine shops and restuarants, spend some money, and come back to Miami to visit us again soon. Thanks".

All the police were in similiar uniform, polo shirts and shorts, no riot gear, and there was hardly any trouble at all, a broken window a half a dozen arrests, compared to Seattle and South America and every G-20 since, it was a miracle, or was it just a good old fashion cop, doing some good old fashion proactive police work, treating people with respect and dignity, and putting a personal face on it all.

Obviously based on all the other G-20's and the very different tactics employed, it was the latter.

And you are somehow more capable?

Yes, I am not hampered by a chain of command or a book that I have to follow with standardized thinking and have a wealth of experience in all kinds of crowds and social situations.

On the surface to most people a group of hundreds of kids drinking and milling about looks intimidating, until you step back and realize that's all they really are doing and want to do.

They simply want to be left alone in the process, or at least respected in their right and ability to hold such a function.

Screw-ups get people killed. A police force out on the street full of openings and poor coordination is more open to attack and likely to receive an attack - which will rapidly lead to further escalation.

Once again this is a siege mentality laced with paranoia.

Yet you are presenting what is a sound argument for much fewer numbers to have to coordinate and a much more reasoned approach to crowd control.

The more elements you employ, which you have already admitted lack training and discipline the more likely one will engage in a needless provacative act in the confusion that such large numbers create.

Rule number one, keep it simple, keep it stupid.

Being well trained and coordinated leads to fewer incidents on the whole.

Which you concede this overly large, and overly armed force was not. Hence the situation escalating with their presence and actions not deescalating.

You can leave your tin-foil cap on, but look up from your milk-carton anagrams for long enough to follow real-world logic.

I live in the same world everyone else does, and like everyone else I have my own unique experiences and perspectives on it.

You might actually learn something from those if you take the time to open up your mind.

Cross-department training doesn't need to be held in "live fire" situations. It's better to train ad-nausiem with 'simulated' drills than it is to participate in one live deployment prematurely.

Providing the money in budget stretched departments allow for it.

Law Enforcement is a business, one that operates on a budget, one that is designed when and at all possible to earn a profit.

Most local law enforcement budgets are being cut and restricted as a consequence of a declining real estate tax base due to the foreclosure crisis.

Using a anual party as a pretext to conduct such training makes it easier to sell city managers, councils and police cheifs on overtime.

It's very simple. Welcome to the real world of real logic.

Formation movements are worked out in fields or parking lots (or gymnasiums) - these should be drilled to instinct. In my opinion - this deployed force was not ready to be deployed against so much as a bunch of grannies at a tea-party rally.

The deployment of such a force was unessecary, it led to more destruction and violence than it curtailed. It was an utter failure and disgrace to the Department heads that authorized and deployed it.

It still nonetheless was a training exercise.

Deploying for the sake of training is a completely retarded idea. Nothing these guys needed to learn could not have come from standard drilling.

Deploying this excessive and ill trained force on peaceful college party goers was a retarded idea.

And how do you know this wasn't being done? Being plain-clothed and all?

Because there would have been no need for the riot police.

Simple sherlock.

However - there are many sides to law enforcement. This was primarily a response to the interference with EMS and the destruction of property - which is well outside the scope of plain-clothes officers and - when the crowd refuses to disperse by request - outside the realm of standard police.

You have failed to establish actual attacks on the EMTS and proactive police work properly done would have more or less ensured no such confusion took place.

It's very simple, you look the other way to a couple people smoking joints and such, you display you are there as a friend, but one that means business if things do get out of hand, you get the kids on your side.

You simply want to cower them with force, and cowering people is the least effective way to control them, as the video displays some people will in fact fight back when attempts to cower are needlessly employed.

Possibly - and, again - I prefer this approach, myself. However - it doesn't change the way the department responded to the issues.

They could have sent those officers in, armed to the teeth. I wasn't paying attention when watching the videos - but the riot-police's 'hardest' armament was a side-arm, if they had one at all

Let me ask you did you see any kids in these videos with side arms, night sticks, mace or sound cannons?

Man up already, these are a bunch of kids, not the SAS.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 10:26 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Man up already, these are a bunch of kids, not the SAS.

And if these young adults would have manned up, they would have left when asked to do so instead of drinking from a bottle with one hand and extending the middle finger on the other.

The police did not entice, coerce or cause the students to react the way they did. The students became drunk and in this inebriated state made some bad choices. Unfortunately for them, these choices had adverse consequences. But, such is life. We live in a world of law & rules, with choices to made every day on whether or not we will follow them.

If we get caught speeding, do we argue with the police or pay the fine? Do we ask that the officer pull over another 12 cars so we can be found guilty by our peers? No, we know we broke the law and it was our choice to speed that resulted in the ticket.

Likewise, these students (not kids) knew full well the extent of their actions. They knew that the choices they were making would not make for a happy ending. They could have dispersed, but they chose not to. They became defiant. They chose to engage in violent & destructive behavior. It does not matter the amount of damage as these situations have a way of getting out of hand very quickly if not dealt with swiftly. The fact that nobody was seriously injured is a testament to the restraint the police showed.

The problem with these types of gatherings is their proximity to public property and how the actions of these students threatened to violate the rights of those in those areas who wished no part of this. Had the university opened an area on campus where these students could act like buffoons, then no harm no foul. I suspect that is why the students selected this area.

I can not nor will I buy into the point of view that absolves these students as mere kids who were having some harmless fun and the big, bad police showed up, took their ball and told them to go home. I am all for having a good time, but do it in a way that is respectful to persons and property. Had they done this, then this thread wouldn't exist.

Finally, no human being (even police officers) are perfect. Sometimes they make lousy choices and carry the weight of their duty too far. Make no mistake, I do not honor these individuals. They are a stain on an honorable profession. And just as some of these students decided to mock authority and take a defiant and defensive posture towards the police and EMS personnel, there were some officers who need to show a bit more restraint. But, from an overall perspective, this situation was handled effectively.

If you folks want to continue bashing all police officers and taking the position that these students did nothing wrong, broke no laws and were just having a good time, then go ahead and star each other all you want.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by colbyforce

sneaky too
notice how many times he's incrementally changed the story around

he's now down to playing psychological games.

now these dumb kids were threatening paramedics?

who were helping their fellow students?


like totally psychotic

but there is good news
they are weak, cowardly, pack animals that crouch down and lick the hands that feed them

proof of this is their filthy practice of marching up in your face, spraying you with their spit as they bray at you and if you raise your hand to wipe your face, they will gang up on you, beat you to within an inch of your life, and then claim you raised your hand to attack them.

and why all the aggression towards those who would watch/ the watchers?

it's always the same excuse when they murder somebody or put somebody in the hospital:

they were fearful for their [pseudo] lives

confront them with the truth and they are like junkies caught red hand, they will swear up and down that you did not see what you saw, you got it/are wrong and on and on and on until they've managed to hypnotize you.

it's called Fascism with a Smiling Face
brutality hidden behind a mask of reasonableness

for the edification of of fellow members, especially those who have foolishly allowed themselves to be baited/profiled here i present the following videos:

as i've never seen anybody post this guys videos here on ATS

allow me to introduce

the antiterrorist

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 11:50 PM
Wow. Just watched the video. Scary stuff. It definitely looked like they were wanting to practice with the big toys in a live situation. Makes me wonder what they are practicing for and when. I'm pretty sure there is going to be a big false-flag attack in Chicago sometime soon. It's not that close to WIU but not that far either (about 240 miles.)

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Freenrgy2

And if these young adults would have manned up, they would have left when asked to do so instead of drinking from a bottle with one hand and extending the middle finger on the other.

Why because a bunch of kill joy, jealous cops, can't stand to see people having a good time on private property?

If you don't have the legal authority to deman people lawfully assembling on private property leave, then why on earth would anyone doing that want too?

Your job is to protect and serve, not to dictate and control.

The police did not entice, coerce or cause the students to react the way they did.

Sure they did, the crowds were peaceful though festive until the Police showed up wearing riot gear and started attacking students.

The students became drunk and in this inebriated state made some bad choices.

The police were drunk on their own desire to abuse their limited power and made some worse choices.

If we get caught speeding, do we argue with the police or pay the fine?

Proto signs the ticket John of the Family Doe under duress without prejudice all rights reserved UC1, and then calls the states attorney and tells them the common law argument I intend to present in open court but that I will accept payment in the amount they wished to unlawfully fine me, and where to send my check if they wish to avoid having to deal with these arguments in an open court.

They always send the check.

Do we ask that the officer pull over another 12 cars so we can be found guilty by our peers?

No we remind the state's attorney that just because most people don't know the legal definition of words doesn't mean I don't.

No, we know we broke the law and it was our choice to speed that resulted in the ticket.

A Code is not a law, it is an offer of contract, that asks for an admission of some notion of wrong doing to complete and finalize and make it legal.

In fact I did nothing wrong, the Constitution prevents the state from impeding my passage from point A to point B.

Nor does it give it any right to regulate the speed or method.

Likewise, these students (not kids) knew full well the extent of their actions.

That they in fact were not unlawful nor illegal, which is why they told the armed henchmen of the State where they could go.

They knew that the choices they were making would not make for a happy ending.

Neither would the choice the armed henchmen of the state were attempting to impose through unlawful force or arms and violence.

They could have dispersed, but they chose not to.

Likewise so could the armed henchmen of the state employed in an unlawful exercise to extort, intimidate, assault, kidnap and rob the lawfully assembled citizens.

They became defiant.

As they should, the only thing that makes rights inalienable is one's determination not to throw them away willy nilly, most especially in the face of a tyranical state and it's armed henchmen.

They chose to engage in violent & destructive behavior.

They met unreasonable and unlawful force with a reasonable and just defense of their persons and property.

These are Americans, being American.

It does not matter the amount of damage as these situations have a way of getting out of hand very quickly if not dealt with swiftly.

Says the armed henchmen looking to fleece citizens of their hard earned money and liberty for the profit of a corrupt corporate government.

Says the traitor to the United States and it's Constitutional principles.

The fact that nobody was seriously injured is a testament to the restraint the police showed.

Is a sign that the armed henchmen were dealing with peaceful people who merely wished to be left alone to pursue some leisure and recreation and right to assemble.

The problem with these types of gatherings is their proximity to public property and how the actions of these students threatened to violate the rights of those in those areas who wished no part of this.

Public Proptery, also known as property of the Corporate Government, financed by taxation of the people, technically was purchased with the people's money for the people.

These students are the people, these students are the public, therefore it is there property.

To swear or to attest to anything but, is to put to the lie the very nature of the corporate government and who owns what, and how, and precisely for what purpose and to what end.

Had the university opened an area on campus where these students could act like buffoons, then no harm no foul.

Says the person who thinks it's perfectly normal to put on matching uniforms with other grown men, clad themselves in body armor, place a badge with craven images and symbols on it on their chest, and wrap an assortment of weapons around their waste, in spit polished boots.

Better a buffoon than a clown some would say.

I suspect that is why the students selected this area.

Every word you utter is suspect.

I can not nor will I buy into the point of view that absolves these students as mere kids who were having some harmless fun and the big, bad police showed up, took their ball and told them to go home.

It is painfully obvious to many Americans that the cadre of armed henchmen serving the corporate government have been trained and brainwashed beyond the point of any longer having the capacity to approach things in human terms.

I am all for having a good time, but do it in a way that is respectful to persons and property.

The armed henchmen of the state were respectful to neither.

Had they done this, then this thread wouldn't exist.

If everyone would submit to the will of the tyrants and their 600,000 codes and decrees this thread would not exist.

Thank goodness it does.

Finally, no human being (even police officers) are perfect. Sometimes they make lousy choices and carry the weight of their duty too far. Make no mistake, I do not honor these individuals.

You work for and have sold your soul and abandoned your humanity for such individuals.

The corporate government is out of control, it is 14 trillion dollars in debt, fighting a half a dozen declared and undeclared wars, bankrupting not just our but our childrens future, and using a cadre of highly brainwashed, militant and exceedingly well armed henchmen to protect and prop up it's life and thought and freedom robbing rule.

To serve such a beast is to either live in denial or delusion.

If you folks want to continue bashing all police officers and taking the position that these students did nothing wrong, broke no laws and were just having a good time, then go ahead and star each other all you want.

A reasonable and honest person would see that no, these students caused no serious harm, they were enjoying a well advertized party as they do every year, in the same fashion.

You are in the real world now my friend, a world where your books, and your laws, and your gun, and your badge mean nothing, only your humanity, only your intellect, only your ability to percieve, understand and speak to the world in crisis in which we live and to follow not the laws of a corrupt corporate government but the higher and simpler code of nature and it's laws.

A stop sign was damaged, a bicycle was vandalized, some grass was burnt, these are the crimes you would deploy hundreds of police officers and beat people indiscriminately for, mace, harass, and defame with all means of odious and shameful slander.

Do not serve the beast, do not worship it, do not ask others to praise it, it is a vile and contemptuous thing.

There were simple laws when this country was founded, you could not murder in cold blood, you could not steal but it was it a judgement debtor issue, and you could not commit treason.

Somehow since then 600,000 codes aimed at regulating every aspect of our existence through the commerce system have sprung into existence and so has an all intrusive government that spies on Americans, invades their privacy, attempts to dictate every thought and word and belief, denies them due process and looks to profit off of them financially in every way possible while violent raping other nations of their resources in our good name, with a huge system employing millions upon millions of people in that effort.

That has only happened because people such as yourself are willing to blindly obey it and assault those with violence who fail to, to your personal discretion and satisfaction.

Learn what you are. Be honest about what you serve.

We have.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:03 AM
edit on 5/4/2011 by Orlovista because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:11 AM
reply to post by Orlovista

Brennan don't you know that you aren't trusted, and Michael Weston always out smarted you!

Man I would change your Avatar if you want people to take rediculous statements like that seriously.

Man I hate to say it but I cheered when Larry put an end to you, and no one likes Larry so what's that saying!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Orlovista

I apologize if i missed something, i've yet to read the entire thread. What i'm wondering is, how is setting fires, throwing bottles, ripping traffic signs out of the ground, being drunk in public, making a huge mess and throwing things at the police acceptable?

Yes, you missed the part in the OP video where the eyewitness reporter/recorder stated that there were only 3 or 4 students (probably agent provocateurs) that were being out of control. You must have also missed the part where it was stated that there were police watching this as it was going on but did not intervene until the jack booted riot police showed up. Must've also missed the part where they were going onto people's porches and trying to entice them out of their homes. Finally, you must've missed the part where the eyewitness reported that things didn't really start getting out of control until the thugs showed up already dressed in their riot gear. No disrespect for your post especially if you were being sincere as generally I would agree. But this is mainly a reaction to all of the apologists that blame this on the kids, when again, the police stood by and let the agent provocateurs do their thing until the riot police showed up.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:56 AM
I talked to my student worker again and he is supposed to be sending me some videos that haven't been released on youtube yet. One of them, the one that most disturbed me was one where people were on the balcony of their apartment, watching the party and chilling out. The cops started screaming for them to go inside and then maced them. Seriously, the cops were fully loaded for a riot and seemed to be going out of their way to get someone to react violently. Another video showed a kid standing beside a truck, again justr watching and all of a sudden one of the cops bull rushed him and took him to the ground as violently as he could. I've watched the video over a dozen times and have yet to see anything the kid did wrong other than to be present at a party. For all of you who think this is ok, get yourself checked out, I think your missing a little something south of the border, If you get my drift. Any cop bull rushing me like that may get the cuffs on me, but he's gonna need a lot of help to stop the bleeding. The cops, University Administration, and the city just wanted to flex their collective muscles and show the kids who is in charge. They forgot that they are hired to protect and serve not dictate and intimidate. I just hope the lawsuits gain some major attention. I know personally of seven students who are already filing suits.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:02 AM
reply to post by RichardA

More damning videos eh? Good, keep them coming, maybe people will start waking the hell up, video don't lie, like the people that give quotes to the MSM apparently do.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 04:51 AM
This discussion has begun to be a bit useless some 23 sites back.
It's just because one side look at this event in context and the oppositors don't.
Were they drunken idiots? Oh yeah. However each young man on earth has this spite against authorities, not only american stupidos when drunk. This anger cumulates. Especially in sick country. Look at people few decades ago in communist countries when they break their chain for a while (on some concert) And use a bit of psychology here...

And here's the CONTEXT some don't wanna see:

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by coldkidc

And it is the violence as David Icke says that is going to give the puppet masters a "free to enact Marshall Law" card in this NWO World Domination and see.

Next step has already been taken.

"Osama boogy man is dead" and next will come a major US City nuked. After that another boogyman will be annouced and naturally chaos will erupt and poof, Marshall Law and possibly another war..............all a big game.

The 50m question is who is manipulating the pawns (us)?

In several of my posts, I am bashed for saying one name, David Icke..........well, for those of you bashing him read "Global Conspiracy" - no I'm not going to spoon feed you, read the entire book in which he predicts the exact way this is going to play out.


Like a fox.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:30 AM
reply to post by PapagiorgioCZ


Excellent film.

If I were a mod I'de give you 500 more.

Thank you for sharing.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
common law and the corporate codes, .

So what you are saying is in fact, NO, you dont understand how the law works, you dont understand how the FEderal Government and State Government works, and in reality you are one of the far right wing nuts who are cherry picking arguments and laws in an effort to justify illegal behavior...

I have come across sovereign citizens before, and for the most part they have been pleasent.

So again.. you have no idea what you are talking about, you have no idea how the laws work at the federal or state level, and your continued argument in this thread bears that out.

If you dont like the laws in this country, you ahve a few choices -

Take part in the process and make the changes
Dont take part and do nothing but bitch its not fair
Leave the country that you apparently hate and start your own somewhere else.

Our Government is intended to have gridlock at the Federal level. Its designed that way to ensure the minority opinion is heard. The premis is for majority rule in this country.

Please explain to us why the actions of the students are valid. Explain why its ok for their behavior, which is what provoked the police response, contrary to the way you want to spin it.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I see once again, when a person who gives a personal relay of what occured that doesnt support your incorrect reasoning and ignorant views on how laws work, you attack the poster.

Again, you are quick to seize on info that supports your argument, while ignoring and attacking anyone and anything that doesnt support your argument.

Typical from a person who does not understand the law, as well as from someone who justifies the actions of people who are breaking the law because of your paranoia and fear of the Government. You remind me of the group leader who tells his followers to go forth and spread hate, discontent and death, while you run everything from your basement.

Quit being a coward and step up, or shut up.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I don't think I have ever seen anybody defend the basis of a police state so aggressively in my life as this Xcathdra guy. Just out of curiosity, why did you choose the slogan "the voice of the people of God" in Latin for yourself? I only ask this question because this argument has mostly been between you and Proto and he believes in an all roads lead to Rome argument. I'm not sure I agree with everything he does in that matter but it does seem that the Alumbrados were the original Illuminati and the Ignatius of Loyola the creator of the Jesuit order was one of these. I'm starting to lean towards some of what Proto is saying is true. And things like this, although maybe coincidence just kind of strike me as odd.

I also want to say that I think you can tell a lot about a person from their avatar, beaker on a borg. A nonsensical character on the body of mindless automaton a part of a hive mind in forcing others to submit to the will of the group.

Resistance is not futile.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:05 AM
After reading the remaining posts I hav to laugh.. You guys condone the actions of the drunk college students, destroying property that is not there, destroying city property, blocking the road, starting fires, throwing beer bottles at EMS and the Police, refusing to disperse., and then accusing the Police of over reating.

We then move on to children in the thread making threats against the police, even suggesting so far as to assault and kill them.

Dont look know, but you guys just put on the jackboots and brown shirts.

Amazing how you guys whine about government behavior, yet have absolutely no problems going beyonf those techniques to the use of deadly force.

You guys have no idea how the law works... You guys have no idea what personal responsibility it... Instead of taking part in the process, you guys condem it and whine it doesnt work, when you have made no effort what so ever to try to make changes within that system.

This thread has moved from debate to beyond irrational thoughts by people who are paranoid delusional of the government and who are ignorant on how the law works.

The Government must be held accountible, but not the students or people breaking the law....
The Government used excessive force, but not the people making threats to kill the police...

The students didnt get out of hand until the cops showed up according to some ignorant people in this thread. I use iugnornat because they again ignore the fact the cops were present all day, and only acted when the students got out of hand.

Evidence comes to light that doesnt suppor your argument, you ignore it, then attack it, then attack the posters.
People state they were at the party and nothing went wrong, and you guys jump up and down, stating it comes direct from the horses mouth, yet when another poster states they were there and the students were in the wrong, you attack the person and discount his account, calling him a schill.

You guys really are pathetic... ignoarant on the law, ignorant about how the government works at both the Federal and State level, paranoid delusionals scared of their won shadows, all the while being hypocritical in your thoughts of holding government accountible, while ignoring personal accountibility and holding those who break the law accountible.

That is anarachy - A complete loss of government function, where chaos reigns supreme. Its even more apparent you guys dont have a clue when a person suggest you need a che revolution. When asked, the person had no idea of what his actions are.

Your ingorance is your downfall... Have fun with the che revolution and what that will do to you guys....

I am curious what your thoughts would be when your house / property is destroyed by a party, or riot, or protests, or demonstrations by people pushing a cause you dont agree with.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by The_Phantom

Im not defending police action, and if you looked beyonf you insular thinking you would see this. What I have been pointing out and arguing is the behavior of the students, the actions of the students that created the encounter with the police, and the ability of people in this thread to be so ignornat on how the law works while at the same time ignoring the actions of the students and concentrating on the response of the police.

The students started this mess. The students are the ones to blame for the encounter..

But by all mens, continue your desperate blame shift game while ignoring the illegal actions of the students.

Ingornace really is bliss in your world isnt it?

As far as my avatar oes, what the hell does that have to do with the thread, other than it being a typical tactic of people who have no ability to argue the facts, who resort to a pesonal attack on the person. I guess if we are going to drop to that level i can conlcude from your avatar that you are a coward, hiding behind a mask? It could be assumed that you dont represent who you really are, and are constantly hiding, maybe suffering from paranoid delusions and you dont want people to see the real you...

Now.. are we done with the iodiotic avatar interpretations?
edit on 4-5-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:10 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You'd make a lousy defense lawyer.

The students broke the closed.

And I edit to say that your line of thinking is right up there with Al-Queda. Twisted logic and reason, makes for a twisted soul.
edit on 4-5-2011 by Freenrgy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 08:22 AM
Updated article on the Wheeler Block PArty

Clash with Police results in over 100 tickets

Some intresting facts that have been ignored -

The permit for the block party was DENIED by the City of Macomb -

The city of Macomb denied a block party permit submitted by Wheeler street party organizers, so the event was not authorized by the city. Barker says residents along that portion of Wheeler Street, as well as the organizers of the party, got warnings before the event, asking them to keep the party under control. There will be more citations handed out later this week.

* - Officers used Mace, not tear gas.

Law Enforcement states that when officers began to tell students to disperse, the large majority of students left the area. The ones who remained were not students, or were so heavily intoxicated they didnt care. The people who approached riot police after being told to leave the area were pepper sprayed and arrested for failing to leave the area (as they should be).

The simple fact the block party was not even authorized, and the fact the Police allowed the parties to continue, even into the street, while checking peple for underage drinking I think syas a lot about the community there trying to work with the students. Things went fine until 6 pm when it got out of control.

So apprently the "jack booted storm troopers" gave the students the benefiet of the doubt that they could behave like adults and have fun.

Apparently some of the "drunk, rioting iodiotic students/non students" decided they didnt want to act responsibly, and ruined it for the other students.

Maybe you guys should take your pissiness to those students / non students who ruined it for everyone else.
edit on 4-5-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

edit on 4-5-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)

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