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Mass Arrests, Tear Gas, Sound Weapons used Against West Illinois University Students

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posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

In conclusion this is not South Korea and personally I think it's a mistake to take anyone from the Military into the Police Force, they are often unstable, prone to use excessive force, suffer from delayed stress syndrom and have had most of their individual humanity stripped and drilled out of them in a uniform process that tears them down to build them back up into an unthinking killing machine.

And now we're at the core of the issue.

You have a problem and innate fear of authority.

These weren't ten police officers, it wasn't South Korea, and no matter how you try to twist events, witnesses on site and the video evidence doesn't support the fabrications.

I'm not going to rehash what another poster has already done - and demonstrated that destruction was occurring before police involvement.

You are also talking about a force of -maybe- 100-200 officers to deal with a crowd of over a thousand. The ratio is about the same.

Not only were the police dressed in full riot gear stretched out and blocking the road I gaurantee you that they wouldn't have led a sick old lady trying to get to her medicine past them without clubbing her to the ground.

Get real man.

You're suggesting a police force would have clubbed an old lady to the ground ... then telling me to get real.

I think we need to sit down and have a serious talk about what is considered "real" and what is not considered "real." You're clearly a little confused on the issue.

John Wayne you couldn't get into my business if you had the CIA and the MOSSAD helping you!

No need to be macho, here. You'd do like everyone else and piss yourself if a couple men in law-enforcement or military uniforms showed up at your door.

It's like when I was young and taking the drivers' exam - the lady in the uniform had me scared #less - she may as well have been Agent Smith. Then, I got into the military, came back, and took my drivers test - that officer may as well have been a lady from church. She didn't know I was military - didn't care. I was just able to see the uniform for what it was and stop looking at it as being "the system."

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

You can't rehash what other posters have failed to establish except by way of exageration and deliberate misrepresentation.

We have heard from students on site here in this thread, we have seen the video evidence.

My view of authority has nothing to do with the clear and well evidenced facts.

Hundreds of police showed up in full riot gear, formed a line blocking the street and stretching on to private property where they had no warrant or permision to be, to march down the street beating everyone in their path.

No riot was occuring when they did this, nor was their any opposition to their presence until they did this, in fact the mystified students were still casually walking about back and forth paces in front of the advancing police line.

One student ran trying to get out of harms way and he was violently subdued, clearly showing that the police meant to use violence one way or the other.

You can try to make it all about me, you can try to make it all about you, but that is mere deflection, you can pretend things have been established that weren't, and what you end up with is not why some people fear authority but legitimately distrust them and well they should.


posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:37 PM
It's their training now...90% of them have the US against THEM mentality....The real peace officers have been pushed out and these thug beings have taken over....What kind of a human being comes at a person in full SWAT gear for having a party...No one at that party ever considered killing anyone except the fully armed swat they would have loved to made a few of these students brain dead, like these SWAT inbreds are...this country now is no better than China 50 yrs ago. Something has happened to people over the years...So much has been used on us to get us to think like the so many are thinking these the Stockholm syndrome...Many just love their masters... many express empathy and have positive feelings towards their overlords....How in the hell did we sit back and allow this too happen? We have got to start fighting back....It seems as if peaceful protests don't work these days.....Maybe we will all wake up real soon and take it to the next level...We are many, many more than's kind of like when you use the bathroom and wipe your tail...the more you wipe it the better and cleaner it gets....We need to start wiping more and better and like our tail's our Country will get cleaner and we will appreciate it, as will others, in the long run.....So, get your toilet paper and let's get to work on this problem.....

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:39 PM
This is hilarious, This discussion just proves how dellusional you all are. I WAS AT WHEELER BLOCK PARTY. We all deserved this, everyone was completley out of hand. It happens, College kids get drunk and reckless, of course the riot police are going to be called in. Are you dense? Theres nothing here, your all just crazy conspiracy theorists that are making a mountain out of a molehill. Your all absolutley pathetic and need a reality check. GET A CLUE! THE WORLD ISNT AS INTERESTING AS YOU THINK!!!!!!!

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:43 PM
reply to post by Aim64C

And Im sure the lads in the Waffen SS thought they were just doing a good job in defense of their country as well. Im sure the brown shirts believed they were only carrying out their duty as well as they kicked in doors and dragged people off to the train yards. So what if a few college kids get their heads kicked in right? As long as peace and order prevail? You will learn one day soon that you have been used as an instrument of destruction against your fellow Americans. You are a tool in the hands of mad men.

And so you soon as you used the words "peaceful government" together in a sentence you failed miserably.

"Peaceful government"................"gentle monster"..........."harmless psychopath"

Just doesnt sound right does it?

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by Freenrgy2
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Oh god. You just don't get it, do you?

Do you honestly expect that police can't do their job because these students weren't found guilty by a jury of their peers.

I would say 'good luck' to you again, but I think it's too late for that.

You honestly don't get it.

Arresting someone for suspicion of having committed a crime does not mean a crime occured.

It is up to a judge, and jury to decide if a crime has occured, not you.

If you as a law enforcement officer suspect you have sufficient evidence of a possible crime occuring you may choose to effect an arrest based on the circurmstances but that is not a indicator of guilt or a sign of guilt, but simply suspicion.

Later what ever evidence you gather in the way of witness testimony, phsyical evidence, statements by the defendent, and other forensics have to be presented in a court of law where the defendent if they so choose has the right to refute them with evidence, witness testimony and forensics of their own.

A jury of that defendents peers then decides if a crime actually occured or not.

This is how our system is supposed to work, and if you are telling me it doesn't then you clearly don't understand it or are actively working to subvert and destory it.

That makes you the criminal either way.

Good luck I fear the number of days you will be drawing a paycheck in this broken down system and nation are numbered.

Me I take care of myself, and I don't need a gun or a badge, or to harass and lie to innocent people, and get paid by the corrupt government to do it.

Proto you are completely correct here .Supposedly we are innocent untill proven guilty by a jury of our peers.Having watched the video I see nothing that even remotely resembles a riot. How ever I do see students rights being violated. I see police over reacting. Also I see police using unecessary force and trying to provoke violence. I see innocent people being injured. This is a complete disgrace to the Constitution and the American people.

Take note people this is what's coming for all of us. It is happening more and more.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by givemeabreak
This is hilarious, This discussion just proves how dellusional you all are. I WAS AT WHEELER BLOCK PARTY. We all deserved this, everyone was completley out of hand. It happens, College kids get drunk and reckless, of course the riot police are going to be called in. Are you dense? Theres nothing here, your all just crazy conspiracy theorists that are making a mountain out of a molehill. Your all absolutley pathetic and need a reality check. GET A CLUE! THE WORLD ISNT AS INTERESTING AS YOU THINK!!!!!!!

......says the guy who just joined this morning and has exactly one post to his name.

Spare us your propaganda....I know what you are.
edit on 5/3/11 by BlackOps719 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:47 PM
reply to post by givemeabreak

Wow your very first post on ATS and it's to say that everyone at a party you claim to have gone to deserved a police beating.

Boy you sure convinced me.

Of the absolutely pathetic extremes some will go to, in order to try to make a rediculous argument seem credible.

The scene was peaceful when the police arrived in riot gear and formed a line, the students had no fear of them, because the students did not believe they were doing anything wrong.

It was not until the police lined up in a phlanx blocking the road and spilling illegally onto private property began a lock step march to drive fleeing kids into the arms of baton wielding violent thugs that the students began to become agitated.

It's all there in the video, and you should be ashamed for making up stories like the one you just tried to sell here.

By the way perjury is a serious criminal offence occifer!

edit on 3/5/11 by ProtoplasmicTraveler because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by BlackOps719
reply to post by Aim64C

And so you soon as you used the words "peaceful government" together in a sentence you failed miserably.

"Peaceful government"................"gentle monster"..........."harmless psychopath"

Just doesnt sound right does it?

Yes indeed, violence and coercion are the heart and soul of government.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:52 PM
Well college kids out there... Next time you decide to throw a fun party, make everyone kick in 10 or 20 bucks each, and hire a local hells angel chapter or mercs to secure you against pigs. Screw them police. Or better yet, if there is a reservation nearby, see about throwing it in a local field there, pigs can't come and hassle you there, we did that once or twice, when the fields weren't available.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by givemeabreak
This is hilarious, This discussion just proves how dellusional you all are. I WAS AT WHEELER BLOCK PARTY. We all deserved this, everyone was completley out of hand. It happens, College kids get drunk and reckless, of course the riot police are going to be called in. Are you dense? Theres nothing here, your all just crazy conspiracy theorists that are making a mountain out of a molehill. Your all absolutley pathetic and need a reality check. GET A CLUE! THE WORLD ISNT AS INTERESTING AS YOU THINK!!!!!!!

Another first-time poster/government shill.

Didn't work last time, won't work this time.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 05:53 PM
reply to post by lonegurkha

Thanks my friend, it really blows my mind that these militant police officers come here on ATS and misrepresent the law and use the kind of blantantly dishonest tactics that they do, to not just attempt to justify but actually promote police brutality.

We have seen them make misrepresentation after misrepresentation in this thread, try to abuse the colour of their presumed authority, and to denigrate honest, decent, fair, constitutional loving Americans with a host of unseemly tactics.

Then they act amazed why they aren't well recieved, respected or trusted.

If they will perjure themselves here, certainly they would too in a Court of Law and their obvious disdain for certain types of people that they love to both stereo type and denigrate makes you wonder how often they perjure themselves in court, how often they do plant and manufacture false evidence, and how often they do use excessive force and coercien in the misguided and corrupt dispatch of their duties.

If I were an internal revue board I would be pulling some of these members badges simply for the unsavory and deliberately dishonest comments that they have made on this thread.

That they have been entrusted with a badge, gun and uniform is most disturbing, as they are a discredit to it, and indeed to all of us.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:09 PM
The real question is where was the destruction in the videos showing the riot police? Fair enough there might have been a little bit of disorderly conduct happening before the police came probably no more than you would see at your local bar, but I didn't see students throwing flaming bottles, smashing windows or fires anywhere. The only thing I saw were plastic cups littering the road (it was a party after all).

Surely even if some people were doing what would be considered rioting to a certain extent, it certainly wasn't the whole 1000 patrons rioting, so were the riot police needed? If you want to see what a riot looks like, look no further than Egypt.

I have no doubt in my mind that some people at this party got out of hand (happens at almost every college party), but once again, the riot police were unnecessary. They obviously had a plan before they arrived considering how they moved and were dressed.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
Not really.. apparently trying to talk and rationalize with certain people is a waste of time, just as the drunk studensts refused to listen to the commands to disperse..

Actually this is a great example of the pigs in the OP. You try to act like two different people are the same person, like we both have to have the same opinions or else both of us contradict ourselves, and then because of this, your own ignorance, you compare us to drunks and use that to justify police brutality.

You're just like the cops who are indiscriminately beating students. "You aren't with that guy who was just vandalizing? Oh well I can't tell you drunks apart, have a beating anyway!"

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:22 PM
The the reason was underage drinking...
Those children are underage drinking quick we need to deploy the sound cannons tear gas and batons to protect them from alcohol!
Is it me? Or is there a problem with this logic.

When the public servants turn on its nations youth I wonder if it is time to be concerned.
Psi ops at work.

Much respect to the men and women of law enforcement that stand up against this type of injustice we need more of you protecting us.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:24 PM
I can tell you if i had of been there , there would have been some really really sorry pigs with broken equipment and shrapnel wounds

never bring a gang pig to a grenade fight

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:24 PM
All I know is that nobody is above the law.
Only that there are systems inside the system that change the laws to whatever suits them best for their needs.
So what is lawful today may be against the law tomorow.
Maybe one day it will be against the law to breath!

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:35 PM
Find out when these cops are having their summer picnic so we can go harass them ...

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

You can't rehash what other posters have failed to establish except by way of exageration and deliberate misrepresentation.

You're ignorant. That's all there is to it.

Hundreds of police showed up in full riot gear, formed a line blocking the street and stretching on to private property where they had no warrant or permision to be, to march down the street beating everyone in their path.

No riot was occuring when they did this, nor was their any opposition to their presence until they did this, in fact the mystified students were still casually walking about back and forth paces in front of the advancing police line.

What we have here is a clear inability to accept the facts.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Seems to be a bit of a different story there.

Especially compared to the riot-control I received with the Marines. Those guys are just walking down the street. May as well have been a formation exercise. We were trained to be -able- to bring you to the ground and place you in cuffs in a few seconds.

Nothing brutal about this at all. Though getting maced sucks - it certainly beats getting clubbed or shot.

That said - the officer who maced the camera-man in the one video was being a dick. On the other hand - the camera-man was being dumb. Personally, I wouldn't have put up with outbursts like that out of my squad - macing someone for being stupid and showing off to his friends is just not good practice - even if I would want to do it, myself.

Law enforcement personnel were present in the vicinity throughout the day. It was only after emergency medical personnel began treating dangerous levels of alcohol intoxication and when participants began engaging in dangerous activities, including vandalizing property and throwing bottles and other objects at local law enforcement officers who were not in protective gear, that the Illinois Law Enforcement Alarm System Mobile Field Force, comprised of officers from throughout the state, was called in for crowd control to ensure the safety of all present. The University supports the law enforcement agencies in their attempt to ensure the safety of our students and our community.

reply to post by BlackOps719

And Im sure the lads in the Waffen SS thought they were just doing a good job in defense of their country as well. Im sure the brown shirts believed they were only carrying out their duty as well as they kicked in doors and dragged people off to the train yards.

You're going to compare the breaking up of a riot to the 'deportation' of ethnic groups?

Let's come back to reality for a minute.

There's a considerable difference between the two.

In the breaking up of a riot - there are events in progress that involve a risk to people, in general. Riots jeopardize the property and security of other individuals within the community.

In the "police state nightmare" of the SS and others - the police are ordered into people's homes to deport them and arrest them simply for being - rather than being in violation of a law that has been on the community books for decades.

So what if a few college kids get their heads kicked in right? As long as peace and order prevail?

I don't see any heads getting kicked in. I see people reacting to the presence of a uniform irrationally and blowing the whole thing way out of proportion.

You will learn one day soon that you have been used as an instrument of destruction against your fellow Americans. You are a tool in the hands of mad men.

No, no. You will simply never understand what it is that we are trying to protect. It is not the politicians, or the 'law' as it stands - it is the ability of people to peacefully make decisions regarding the functions of the community as a whole.

And so you soon as you used the words "peaceful government" together in a sentence you failed miserably.

The government is a reflection of the people. A government that is ignorant of the people is a people that is ignorant of the government. A government that is contrary to the people is a people who live contrary to their ideals.

In the case of the U.S. - the people have long been shirking their responsibility to watch over the government and to give it clearly defined goals and objectives. Because of this - the realm of government has expanded as a reaction to the frivolous demands of the population. The government no longer knows what it is it is supposed to be doing - nor do the people.

Because of this - the very notion that the police and military are supposed to "protect the people" from the politicians and government is simply laughable. The people are so incoherent and diverse as to be nearly at war with each other over all kinds of issues. They may be united in their dislike of the way things are going currently - but they can't even come together to address the current spending problems within the government.

Because the people cannot offer a coherent-enough list of wants/needs to the government - the government cannot act on their behalf. While it is rather unanimous amongst the people that the budget needs to be balanced... there's no real consolidated set of instructions on how to do that... we don't want to change social security. We don't want to change medicare/medicaid, etc, etc. Hence we get caught fussing over 30 billion in cuts to a budget that is 1.2 trillion in deficit.

No - I'm not defending this incomprehensible nonsense you all try to pass off as a government and as a "people."

What I defend is the concept that people can come together and work out an agreeable and functional solution to problems without needing to resort to violence to get that done - and that it is their right to do so with as little interference from 'larger' communities as possible.

And that can't happen when we're throwing riots in the streets or running around threatening armed insurrection.

posted on May, 3 2011 @ 06:45 PM
Only 2 news stations in ALL of Illinois covered this story and have conflicting reports. Peoria's WEEK news reported law enforcement on the scene throughout the day checking for underage drinking. gets kinda blurry there as some witness police telling people to leave then a macing, then apparently a riot, even though only 2 stations reported the incident.
Quincy's own WGEM reported that police were called to the scene after the riots broke out. Hmmmm.

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