posted on May, 2 2011 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by UberL33t
exactly Uber! since our credit ceiling is about to again be breached, perhaps this is a socio-political way to stimulate the economy.... it's really
a textbook example of propaganda.
i mean, (and i don't mean to sound insensitive to this) ... but already, tonight, in cities all over the country, ESPECIALLY new york, where i am
from... the economy is having a REALLY GOOD night.
Bars? How many rounds of celebratory shots are being bought right now? How many people are out past their curfew on a work night? .. SPENDING MONEY
Cabs? -- take me to where everyone is chanting USA! Cha ching!
Times Square restaurants -- late night food anyone? On a Sunday night, it would be crickets otherwise
tomorrow... sales of patriotic apparel skyrocket... flurry of "OSAMA BIN DEAD" t-shirts flood the internet ... and become the 'it' fashion statement
for Q2.
... all kidding aside, see the dominoes falling?
edit on 2-5-2011 by AJ1123TKE because: (no reason given)