+49 more
posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:48 PM
A new boogie man will not emerge. It will be what it has always been, it will be Al Qaeda just this time they will have a new "leader".
My thinking tells me this...
Recent events in Libya suggest to me that there will be some type of blow back. If that blow back were to occur and be blamed on our actions in Libya,
NATO would lose a lot of support for the military action. So now you parade the body of OBL in front of the cameras and claim we just killed him. Now
we start warning people of an attack that may come as a result.
By doing so, you create an excuse for any possible blow back from Libya. Now if there is an attack, it is not because of military actions in Libya,
instead it is because we killed OBL. That accomplishes 2 things. #1. You maintain support for NATO military actions in Libya. #2 Now you gain further
support for the ever expanding War on Terror.