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Stop bashing the rothchilds. These quotes about them are lies. no conspiracy at all

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posted on May, 1 2011 @ 10:52 AM

By the year 1804 Napoleon had come to recognise the Jew and his plans as a menace
to France and all that the revolution had swept away he systematically restored. From
this time onwards Jewish money financed every coalition against him; and Jews today
boast that it was Rothschild rather than Wellington who defeated Napoleon.



"It was well remarked that the house [of Rothschild] 'was spread like a network over the nations.'"—History of the Jews in Great Britain, II. 161 (1851).

So in 1851 and 1952 statements about the Rothschilds confirm the same general attitude today, in 2011. Either this is a constant truth or a constant lie, which do you think?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:00 AM
anyone have the original source of the quote yet ? with all of the well researched books out there, all you need is a footnote, shouldn't be that hard really. unless of course it's all just been repeated so often people are just blindly accepting it as truth

that wouldn't go down here, would it ? that sounds like something sheep would fall for, not something the critical thinking people in on the real secret would fall for

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Foodman

Foodman makes a good point, like it or not. That being: you can't trust everything you read. While it is common courtesy to bash the well-known names on ATS i can't help but wonder about the players we've never heard of. If i were (or from a) massively wealthy power family, i would take pains to make sure business was carried out by others several times removed from the family trademark.

Foodman also brings to light that it probably wouldn't be too hard to get published and enjoy some success by merely making claims, true or false. Come up with a few theories, toss is some things that are accepted as true and mix in a few sensational claims to spice it up and you've got a money maker. If you luck out and Hollyrock options your paperback for the silver screen it might be a sweet payday.

I'm not condoning mis-information, I'm merely musing on what some may already be doing or have done. I've noticed there are hundreds of book titles online (being sold at eBay etcetera) new and used that tackle most every opinion and subject attached to government, big business, TPTB and all the games they play. it's mind-blowing, how far the subject matter goes. even though people put it all right out in the open we are still screwed. it makes me wonder about the pen being mightier than the sword.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:18 AM
I would like to know ALL the members in the builderberger group. I'm sure rothchild's is in it. I'm sure the rockefellers are in it. Anyone who protects the rich who have and ungodly amount of money is part of the institution of elites and is getting paid to say good things about them. I myself and i'm sure a couple billion more people think it is sick that these people have so much and do not help peoples and only take and take and take. How can anyone with a right mind defend such people who do so. In saying that, you are an enemy of the people.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:22 AM

All three sources say the quote was made in 1815, although they do not provide a context.

Even if this was shown to not be his quote, it still is true,that being the one who controls the money is the real controller of government.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:23 AM
Mama Rothschild chained to papa Diablo

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:38 AM
reply to post by Foodman

If it were not for banks to give credit to the people we would be under along time ago. You have got to be kidding me. Credit cards at 15-20%. High interest rates 7-9% on mortages, we bail out banks so they supposedly don't go bankrupt and they give out millions in bonus money. I don't know about you, but if someone is going broke they don't give out bonuses. Mortage fraud, grant fraud that cost young graduates, the list goes on and on. How can you protect big banks knowing that this goes on. You must be one of them, how much are you getting paid?

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by Foodman
reply to post by antmax21

im sorry to hear that. however here are the facts.

the Rothschilds dont start wars. they are to risky. that is why they did not invest in the american civil war. Nathan almost lost all of his familys wealth during 1815 by buying gold thinking the war would last much longer. however after the battle of waterloo, gold sold off as the war was over. nathan put the remainder of his gold in english bonds, and held them for over a year. simple as as that. He learned the lesson not to invest in countries that go to war, as bonds can lose value very fast.

the more you know

You win today's "Someone is Actually Still Clueless About Who Runs the World" award. Congratulations!

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edit on 1-5-2011 by The Old American because: (no reason given)

edit on 1-5-2011 by The Old American because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by cloaked4u
reply to post by Foodman

If it were not for banks to give credit to the people we would be under along time ago. You have got to be kidding me. Credit cards at 15-20%. High interest rates 7-9% on mortages, we bail out banks so they supposedly don't go bankrupt and they give out millions in bonus money. I don't know about you, but if someone is going broke they don't give out bonuses. Mortage fraud, grant fraud that cost young graduates, the list goes on and on. How can you protect big banks knowing that this goes on. You must be one of them, how much are you getting paid?

Let me guess you clame CT are using nazi propaganda to support thier "bias" agianst the rothschilds?

So then you can smear us by linking us with extreme racist groups.

Guilt by association. Phail.

Good job PR agent your worth every penny!

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Dr Cosma

Good job, lets see more photos of them, so they may be permanately scetched in my brain. We need a photo gallery of these peoples faces. America's trully most wanted poster.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:49 AM
I am curious as too how much money a cointelpro makes...(cause this is about all this thread is about) cause the economy is crap and I could use the extra cash to buy more preps.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:53 AM
Stop bashing conspiracy theorists.These quotes about us using nazi propaganda as a base is a conspiracy.

Name one conspiracy theorist that started a war and profited off it. Name one that owns a bank.

Did ATS/Conspiracy theorists fund the russian communist revolution?

Conspiracy theorists are evil! Bankers are holy. We understand.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
I am curious as too how much money a cointelpro makes...(cause this is about all this thread is about) cause the economy is crap and I could use the extra cash to buy more preps.

I wonder when they can cut more costs and outsource most of the CIA proxies to china. I guess these agents think the elite haven't thought about them yet. What happens when they are no longer needed?

Does a cointelpro proxy PR agent get benefits or do they have to pay for it themselves.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

Smear us, by linking us. US, you are one of them. So how much do you make? They control the peoples. How come big banks and peoples with ungodly amounts of money do not help out people's without some form of profit behind it? Interest rate anyone, fines, fees, handling fee, late fee, filing fee, overpayment fee, fees paid on phone to pay bills. All add ons of ways to legally rape the system by laws made in congress to protect the wealthy. You can get away with some lies some times, but you cannot get away with lies all the time. LIES, LIES, LIES.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:03 PM
All the rothschilds should be killed for the scumbags they truly are and rid the planet of their scourge on humanity

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Foodman

they financed hitler....does that ring any bells????

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by anumohi
All the rothschilds should be killed for the scumbags they truly are and rid the planet of their scourge on humanity

No murdering innocent people is wrong. See we are not like them. We believe in weird things like basic human rights,soveriegnty and freedom.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:08 PM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Wow what an ignorant post!!!. A person comes forward with information about a prominent Rothschild fmaily member being misqouted and misrepresented, and all you can say is, "I don't care about your source they are evil... na na na na na na na na na.".Then you proceed to lable him as an enemy just because he has information and opinion that differs from yous. Imagine if the world operated on the same level you did! We all would have been dead like 5 minutes after the invention of the atomic bomb by multiple parties. Intolerance and ignorance cause death and distruction!

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by anumohi

Rid the world of all GREEDERS. A peoples with so much, you think that they could pitch in for better health care, or better infastructure, or better school, or help peoples in need when they are down like those hit in katrina and others lately that got hit by all those tornadoes, but NO, NO WAY will that ever happen. We should take their money away and fix all that is wrong. A mondern day robinhood.

posted on May, 1 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by John_Rodger_Cornman

I didn't say murdered, lets use the term brutally massacred

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