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Orgasms Without Love Are feeding Evil!

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posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:42 AM
Now the same way that there are negative energy spirits are there positive ones that influence you to do good things? I can think of several instances where I just felt the urge to help someone, and in sure everyone feels these urges at some point.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:42 AM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
reply to post by skull_bones

I agree that these chemical reactions occur within the body. But why? Is it not energy that would drive these chemical reactions in the first place. Do you not exert energy during an orgasm? Since energy cannot die, where does it go?
Peace and One Love

Its just depends what form the energy is currently in a how you used it.

Its known as the "Conservation of Energy" law, where energy cannot be destroyed only converted into another form.

But i guess if youre speaking about an "orgasm", youre probably burning energy in the form of calories in your body and converting them in to kenetic energy and heat when exerting energy to achieve an "orgasm".

But, I stll have no idea how this has anything to do with "evil".

Are you stating that its "evil" to burn calories to achieve an orgasm unless youre in love?

The whole premise just seems so absurd.

edit on 24-4-2011 by skull_bones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:44 AM
It seems to me that evil is not some abstract energy form whirling around us at all times just waiting to absorb our "mis-used" or "misdirected" sexual energy. The only evil I see, comes from the hearts and minds of Human beings and is born solely of intention and purpose, usually selfishness to an extreme degree. I have yet to see anything else in Nature that I could label as "EVIL" as what I see coming from the "creative" minds of people with bad intentions.

So this theory requires that I believe somehow that "evil" is something lurking out there just waiting to absorb orgasmic energy? Really, your kidding right?

Now ask yourself, where is your energy going when you masturbate, or have a one night stand or when you cheat on your loved one? What about when you’re looking at porn? If there is no love involved with your orgasm, your energy is not going to Love, it is going to everything that is not love. It is feeding the entities that swarm around negative energy, it is building negative energy in your life, and thus increasing the amount of entities that swarm around you. Like a large stream will attract more animals to drink than a small pond.

Also I have to ask, as a construction worker in the past, in an 8 hour day of hauling, hammering, carrying, lifting, sawing, climbing, digging, etc...I expend FAR more energy than in any dozen orgasms, loveless or not...NOW WHERE DOES THAT ENERGY GO?

To me the idea that orgasm contains any sort of MAGICAL energy that "Evil" is just waiting to absorb is sort of medieval or primitive. Add to that the idea that EVIL in itself is anything more than a label we give to the random acts of ill will by human beings lends credence to the idea that we are somehow not responsible for our own actions.

A hammer can be used to strike a nail, or to club a living thing to death; that does not make the hammer evil or good. It is the intention behind the entity using the hammer and the direction of the intention of the user when he expends the energy. Now how is this energy somehow good or evil???? It is the same in either case; the energy is neutral and so it the vehicle carrying it, it is the conscience of the user of that energy that determines it's ultimate purpose.

Sorry, I don't believe in magic...
Nor do I subscribe to the idea of energy being good or is neutral...people are good/bad and we need to stop finding reasons grounded in Gods and Devils to explain away why we do what we do.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

That's a great question. I've never thought of it. Perhaps it would depend on the nature of the dream involved? Perhaps your attitudes and emotions prior to sleeping?
Great question.
Peace and One Love

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:48 AM
reply to post by skull_bones

You shouldn't feel threatened by peoples ideas and beliefs. Chances are, whatever you do believe is someone else's idea in the first place.
My thread was not intended to impose, I'm sorry you took it in such a manner. These are my ideas and beliefs based on my experiences for a couple of decades and lot's of reflection and honesty with myself.
I am not even a student yet. But even students who are passionate in their studies will be quick to discuss them with whoever will listen.
Why else join a forum such as ATS?
Peace and One Love

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
reply to post by HazyChestNutz

Could you provide some links to review. I've never followed Icke, nor heard of Collier, but I am more than interested in checking out more information. I had no idea this was a theme commonly talked about.I want to learn more!
Peace and One Love

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Great post, but unfortunately you do need to touch up on your scientific reasoning.

The reason why no one has heard that a vast population of the scientific community agrees with any of these "facts" is because we already know why both males and females sometimes (or regularly) choose animated or still images of adult content to nurture an ever growing lust, especially within the time limits of their sexual peaks (much earlier in males than in females).

You seem like a very spiritual person, and I have absolutely no problem with that at all, but you cannot simply push aside and hide from the evidence that does conjure immensities of proof backed up by thousands upon thousands of controlled experiments that do show how your reference to the "beginning stages of a relationship" are in fact products of chemical and biological substances, such as hormones, rather than simply "energy" - which you've stated that you realize has no proof.

It's a nice thought, "loving conscious energy", but I'm afraid that seems beyond mere speculation and enters the realm closer to wishful thinking. Because it is even beyond speculation, this statement - I apologize - will most definitely require proof. Not only that this energy you speak of exists in the manner you speak of, but that it is both conscious and loving.

Then you go on about turning this "loving energy" into "hateful" or "angry energy". Such an out-there statement will most definitely require just as extraordinary proof, I'm afraid.

From what it appears to be, your simply recognizing features in a person which can sway you to believe that they are a happy, good individual. One can only look at someones eyes to get at least a mildly accurate glimpse at that person is caring, angry, disgusted, and so on.

Simply look at this mans facial expressions, and you could see the likely hood of the events described under each photo as being, well, likely. We're humans, we're social species and we are rather good at detecting emotions and feelings without the need for verbal or written communication. Body language shows a lot more than people grant it, or at the very least use it for.

A person such as yourself may conclude that the far-right image is of a man with "loving conscious energy", possibly with a very large aura. Where as the image on the far-left is a man with "negative energy". The real fact is, is that your simply using your natural talents to detect what emotion that man is feeling.

You now go on to masturbation and pornography. Throwing words like "swarming entities" and "subliminal messages" at us like we were targets in a field for archery. It's an interesting concept, I'll give you that, but it will do you no good in solving anything without having the true details behind these events.

Did you know that a lot of animals masturbate? Primates are an exceptional example for that, but it happens in hundreds of thousands of other species as well. Birds masturbate, a lot mind you, Dolphins masturbate, hell, there is even documentation that shows that they sometimes used humans to do it for them, dogs and cats do it all the time and I would be surprised if anyone on this board hasn't seen that.

Masturbation, whether you like it or not, is a natural phenomenon.

Is it because an evil energy, dark chi, or devil driven spirit has taken hold of all this millions upon millions (perhaps billions) of humans and wildlife? or is it because all these creatures possess hormones, have specific periods in their lives where a sexual drive is much more potent, and so on and so on and so on.

I have no doubts that a chronic porn addict will have a higher chance of having a poor relationship. But do not direct the causes of that to an unproved, unlikely story of mystical-ness, but rather, look at the evidence we already have and the research we have already took time to study and conclude over that which scientific theory is the more probable one.

PS: Both my fiance and I were porn addicts to the most extreme, in fact we were and are sex addicts. You could not imaging what we have seen or done sexually, and yet we are both unbelievably loving people. We are the most loyal you may ever meet, and we are the most giving you may ever meet. We have never cheated on anyone in our past relationships, even when those consist of long distance relationships that separate two beings over literally thousands of miles and even in another country, all while being sex addicts. Consistently happy, working together, and enjoying our lives together because we recognize that the other person is much more gratifying than one on a screen.
edit on 24/4/11 by Ghost147 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

You know, it's great to hear that there are some people who truly respect their loved ones. There is so much ego ego ego, me me me, mine mine mine in the world today.
Thank you so much for sharing, I respect those who treat their loved ones as you do.
Peace and One Love

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
reply to post by jessejamesxx

True. I would question that Christians or Catholics would deem my thread to be evil. Those religions, to the best of my knowledge, don't agree that we have any kind of power, that we can send our energy consciously. I think they would say these ideas are from the devil.
I think, and I could be wrong.
Peace and One Love

Ummmm.......Your right..........You would be might want to explore Eastern Orthodoxy...or Gnosticism...... also Judeaism...You might also want to read the might find that Christ taught healing much like reiki among other power projection teachings..............check also the fruits of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit...........There is also the obscure "Bridal Chamber" teachings of Christ, that are the same teachings as Kundalini in tantric tradition.........Did you ever wonder why there are admonishments against masturbation and promiscuity........biblically?

Never build a knowledge base consisting of only....."what is said about".......Research and explore...release ignorance based prejudice....ALL...of the spiritual traditions teach it is better to abstain.....Why?....
For the very reasons that you have stated in your OP........

I know that it's vogue to discredit Christianity.....however......EVERYTHING...that you have posted is found in it's tradition.....and the core of every other tradition is found there as well.......


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by Roarden

I would have to say yes.
Peace and One Love!

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:10 AM
I will take this into consideration, but a may start to miss my right hand, ya know?

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Mactire
The same can be said of:

Food without Hungar
Possession without Necessity
Hate without Reason

...and all the way down the list of sins. The Yin Yang you use as your avatar is a perfect illustration of this. Everything is both good and evil. There are few better illustrations for this than the one found in the film 'The Book Of Eli'. Even the Bible, in the wrong hands can used as a weapon against humanity. God is as much the Devil as he is Divine. We humans and everything we do in this world are the same way. We were made in his image after all.

edit on 23-4-2011 by Mactire because: (no reason given)

Ah but inside of everyone is a energy that is beyond opposites of light & dark, good & evil, pleasure & pain...etc

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:15 AM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

I think Tantric Yoga deals with this issue.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

thank you for sharing your wisdom
the making of LOVE in a union
is exemplified, expounded, and enhanced energetically
by the conscious co-creation of Life


posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by YouSir

I understand that even Jesus himself said that "you can do this too" when he walked on water. I just don't think the majority of Christians I went to church with would see it that way. there's always another way to interpret it. They would say that when Satan tempted eve, he said that they could be like Gods on earth.
I've heard Christians claim that the idea of One consciousness is from the Devil, but then also claim that God is everywhere and in everything.
So I'm not meaning to state that Christianity as a whole, or Catholicism as a whole would disagree with me, because I do see my ideas backed up by the bible, and other spiritual beliefs, But individual Christians and Catholics don't seem to know.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

your opening paragraph was right, I was gonna bash this thread...

but then I read it, and you're probably right...

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
reply to post by skull_bones

You shouldn't feel threatened by peoples ideas and beliefs. Chances are, whatever you do believe is someone else's idea in the first place.
My thread was not intended to impose, I'm sorry you took it in such a manner. These are my ideas and beliefs based on my experiences for a couple of decades and lot's of reflection and honesty with myself.
I am not even a student yet. But even students who are passionate in their studies will be quick to discuss them with whoever will listen.
Why else join a forum such as ATS?
Peace and One Love

Nice backpeddle.

Look your thread title is "Orgasm without love is evil!". That is a statement of fact and you even put and exclamation point on it for emphasis.

I dont know how you got that i was threatened, by your belief system.

I actually find the whole premise so absurd that its laughable. But, thats OK, to each his own.

That somehow if you waste energy by self pleasuring or by other means to achieve an orgasm and your not in love, that is some how evil or feeding evil.

Take a step back and try to be objective and realize how ridiculous all of that sounds.

The energy people exert achieveing orgasms in the life is minute, compared to the energy they expend doj g any number of trivial things. Is it also "feeding evil", if your burning energy on all the other useless activites everyone does on a daily basis.

I have no problem with whatever you want to believe, in fact i encourage people to be free independent thinkers.

I just get tired of people stating their "belief"s as "facts" and then trying to convince everyone that they are right in what they believe.

edit on 24-4-2011 by skull_bones because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2011 by skull_bones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Scorpitarius

Ummm........Exactly.....There are very few true "Christians"......sadly....they miss the core of the teachings....the beauty..........The Veda and Buddhism.............Priceless sciences........

"The Adventure of consciousness" Satprem.......expounding on the teachings of Sri Aurobindo and the "Mother"................

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:51 AM
at the time of posting this reply the flag count is 69. Found it pretty funny lol

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by skull_bones

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
reply to post by skull_bones

You shouldn't feel threatened by peoples ideas and beliefs. Chances are, whatever you do believe is someone else's idea in the first place.
My thread was not intended to impose, I'm sorry you took it in such a manner. These are my ideas and beliefs based on my experiences for a couple of decades and lot's of reflection and honesty with myself.
I am not even a student yet. But even students who are passionate in their studies will be quick to discuss them with whoever will listen.
Why else join a forum such as ATS?
Peace and One Love

Nice backpeddle.

Look your thread title is "Orgasm without love is evil!". That is a statement of fact and you even put and exclamation point on it for emphasis.

I dont know how you got that i was threatened, by your belief system.

I actually find the whole premise so absurd that its laughable. But, thats OK, to each his own.

That somehow if you waste energy by self pleasuring or by other means to achieve an orgasm and your not in love, that is some how evil or feeding evil.

Take a step back and try to be objective and realize how ridiculous all of that sounds.

The energy people exert achieveing orgasms in the life is minute, compared to the energy they expend doj g any number of trivial things. Is it also "feeding evil", if your burning energy on all the other useless activites everyone does on a daily basis.

I have no problem with whatever you want to believe, in fact i encourage people to be free independent thinkers.

I just get tired of people stating their "belief"s as "facts" and then trying to convince everyone that they are right in what they believe.

edit on 24-4-2011 by skull_bones because: (no reason given)

edit on 24-4-2011 by skull_bones because: (no reason given)

Ummm........Not the same energy.............................not caloric at all.......something else....


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