I’m willing to bet that most who read this will quickly dismiss it as false, wont want to hear it; there’s no proof. The problem is that to hear
this, and accept it, means one will have to make some serious changes in their lives, conquer some pretty hefty addictions. To those who can’t or
don’t want to make these changes, even if you understand this, it’s ok. I was there once myself. I know it’s a struggle. In fact, for myself
it’s been a challenge, and still is. Just know that once you know, if you do not act, it can affect you harder. My proof has come to me during times
when I have faltered, and seen how it affected my daily life compared to times when I have not, and how my life is then.
But first, before I can expect you to comprehend what I’m going to explain, you need a bit of insight, if you don’t have it already….
You need to understand that we are energy beings. Every atom in our body is made of loving conscious energy, and every interaction you have is an
attempt to get that energy, or give it. Atoms respond to our intentions, our beliefs. (Tai Chi, for an obvious example, is energy harvesting and
manipulating that energy throughout our bodies).Since most people don’t know or understand this, they manage to steal energy from others, or
unknowingly give up theirs. Some do this using aggression, like a bully in school for example. By placing the other person in fear of you, you are
taking their energy. Just ask a bully how he “feels” internally when he is bullying someone, or ask the victim how they feel. Others take energy
by belittling the other person. We’ve all met that person (boyfriends do this often) who constantly questions everything you are doing, then makes
you feel stupid for your ideas. “Oh, if we had only done it MY way, this wouldn’t have happened.” The most common method, at least in my
opinion, is the “Poor Me syndrome”, this individual steals energy from others by making others feel sorry for them. I’m sure we’ve all met
that person who always has something wrong in their life to complain about, is always sick, always sad. When you feel sorry for these individuals, you
are giving them your energy. The same as if you pay attention to someone who constantly brags. There are many ways that individual humans manage to
steal energy from others, everyone has their own unique way, depending on how they were raised and what has worked for them since birth.
Want proof? We have all felt this energy transference. Think of the last argument you were in where you were proven wrong. How did you feel at the
very moment you realized you lost the argument? Now think of an argument you’ve been in where you have proven yourself correct. How did you feel at
that moment?
Or think of the beginning stages of a relationship. When you first get together with someone you like, you GIVE them your energy willingly, and they
give theirs to you. Both of you are trying to get the other to like you; this is one of the rare occasions we actually work towards GIVING energy
rather than taking it. But how long does this last? Eventually, usually sooner than later, it switches. We become addicted to the other person GIVING
us their energy, and they get addicted to us giving ours to them. And so it turns into a struggle again.
The amazing thing is; as soon as you can understand this, you can actually get your energy from other sources instead of each other, then you can work
on expanding your aura of energy away from you, in the intention of increasing it in those around you. It may help to understand that the universe is
a massive ocean of atoms, all interconnected with each other, all made of loving conscious energy. There is no difference between you, the monitor you
are reading from and the air in between. All are atoms of conscious energy. The only difference is the frequency at which the atoms are vibrating. For
example, the air you are breathing is vibrating much faster than you are, and so it is light and invisible, whereas a rock is vibrating much slower
than you are, and so it is heavy and dense. You can picture the universe like a glass of water, every drop in that glass is it’s own individual
drop, but each drop is also part of the entire body of water. The universe is one massive ocean of loving conscious energy. Once you understand this,
you can gain energy any time, without harming others.
There are entities, other than humans, that exist at different vibrations than we do, that steal our energy from us. You can call them demons, Djinn,
shadow people, and I’m sure there are many other names for them. They can whisper thoughts into your head, creating confusion or doubts and turning
your energy into a negative; changing it from Loving energy to hateful or angry, paranoid energy. (Like a girlfriend who thinks her boyfriend is
unfaithful when he’s not, and has no valid reason for the doubts, could have been the victim of one of these entities placing these doubts in her
mind, for example.) As long as these entities are able to stop you from sending your loving energy to that which is ALL love, that which is
everything, as long as they succeed in turning your energy negative, they will feed off of it and steal it. These entities would make you feel angry
to get at me. When they say everyone has their own demons, this is not quite true. Like agents of the matrix can jump from one person to another, this
is how these entities spread their negativity. Ever have one of those thoughts of pushing a friend off of a cliff, unsure of where it came from? There
is an obvious massive desperate attempt to rid the world of love today. Simply pay attention to your thoughts…if they are not of love, they may not
be your own, for you are a being of love.
Our most powerful energy is our sexual energy. It is our strongest creative energy. It creates life in one massive explosion of creative energy…a
big bang, if you will. When you are with someone you truly love and you have an orgasm, all that powerful energy is directed to that love, creating a
beautiful, positive burst of loving energy that can be directed wherever the lovers choose to direct it.
But be careful, do you REALLY love the one you are with, or are you selfishly addicted to them. Be mindful of your thoughts during orgasm, are you
angry with your lover, not a good time to express that energy. Are you thinking of someone else? What are you thinking of during orgasm, you need to
pay attention. It’s hard, I know, and may seem impossible, but practice makes perfect. Let your lover know what you’re doing, try to direct your
love to the same place!
Now ask yourself, where is your energy going when you masturbate, or have a one night stand or when you cheat on your loved one? What about when
you’re looking at porn? If there is no love involved with your orgasm, your energy is not going to Love, it is going to everything that is not love.
It is feeding the entities that swarm around negative energy, it is building negative energy in your life, and thus increasing the amount of entities
that swarm around you. Like a large stream will attract more animals to drink than a small pond.
Porn is packed full of subliminal messages, all designed to direct you away from loving thoughts. Porn is a huge industry, probably growing every day.
More and more youth are attracted to porn, which is so readily and freely available. They are raised into it at the very beginnings of their
capability to express sexual energy. And all the while entities are swarming, feeding and sucking off of this energy. Not only that, but when one uses
porn more and more, they start to associate their orgasm with an image rather than a sensation, and this can lead to erectile problems within a
When someone is addicted to loveless orgasms, be it through one night stands, cheating, or masturbation; they exponentially continue to struggle
harder and harder to find a release. They build up their energy stronger and stronger, only to take just a minute too release it all. The effort put
in to getting the orgasm will increase the strength of energy emitted.
When you think about the millions of Loveless orgasms that happen every day, each one helping to increase the strength of evil negativity, each one
taking more and more away from the love in each individuals life, and in turn from the world, it’s apparent that evil has the upper hand.
This information is a collaboration of many different sources I have come across in my lifetime that I have managed to put together. As a disclaimer,
I would like to provide a major source by way of the link below. It’s a three hour lecture, so not many will endure it, but within is knowledge and
wisdom that will change your life.
As always, please feel free to comment and critique, I certainly expect the critique on this one. And ask questions.
Peace and One Love