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WikiLeaks suspect being moved out of Quantico

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:51 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

First off, did you EVER leave mommy's house and join the military, or just sit behind your computer and hide behind your monitor and run your mouth? I am an Army veteran so I have the right to say what I say, I served my uniform and served my country proudly, so you just keep sitting there in Mommy's or Grandma's basement and keep running your mouth

What, National Guard? Seriously, what regiment, where were you based, when , for how long?
Did you actually serve in a combat zone? Have you been in Mogadishu, Somalia? Kosovo? Viet Nam? Korea? Iraq?
Please feel free to share you credentials with us lesser mortals, so that we may give you the respect you truly deserve (if you HONESTLY are who you say you are).
Just a question is all

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Good link, me thinks.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by Lucius Driftwood
reply to post by HomerinNC

First off, did you EVER leave mommy's house and join the military, or just sit behind your computer and hide behind your monitor and run your mouth? I am an Army veteran so I have the right to say what I say, I served my uniform and served my country proudly, so you just keep sitting there in Mommy's or Grandma's basement and keep running your mouth

What, National Guard? Seriously, what regiment, where were you based, when , for how long?
Did you actually serve in a combat zone? Have you been in Mogadishu, Somalia? Kosovo? Viet Nam? Korea? Iraq?
Please feel free to share you credentials with us lesser mortals, so that we may give you the respect you truly deserve (if you HONESTLY are who you say you are).
Just a question is all

Enlisted in April of 1991, went to Basic at Ft Jackson SC, AIT at Ft Lee VA. Served in HHC 4/123d AVN Ft Wainwright AK, and HHC 1/8 Cav 1 CD Ft Hood TX. Served in the NY Army National Guard, CoF, 142nd AVN 42nd Inf Regt

I can verify all of this short of showing you my DD-214
now mamma's boy, put up or STFU

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC


Mamas' boy?
Ha, nice try but no cigar.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

thats all you say?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:38 PM
reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

So where have you served in a combat situation/combat zone? (And I don't mean as a pen pusher or a cook.
You 'talk the talk', but it's all bullsh*t. You've never served in a combat zone, you never spilled blood, never had to spill blood. I know independant security consultants who know more about war than you. How do I know. They don't talk the way you do, because they've SEEN it, DONE it, LIVED it, EXPEREINCED it.
You can stick the national guard up your ignorantly patriotic ass.
Me? I could tell you about the Falklands conflict, but I already know that happened WAY before you were even born, boy.
Don't give me that put up or shut up tone you pretender

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

And we have yet another nube who failed to read the T&C................if you can't be bothered to do that, might I suggest you do so.
On topic,you, with all of your experience and knowing "security" people agree with this traitors actions?
Seems less a veteran and more a college kid with no idea how the real world works, just what MTV and their lib professors drill into them.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

The more time goes on, the harder it becomes to distinguish a traitor from a patriot. Who do you serve, your country or its government?
Any wonder why kids are so disollusioned these days? And no, it didn't start with their generation. They just have more props at their disposal to question what Thomas Jefferson would expect you to question.
Blind alleigance isn't alleigance. It's just blindness.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Congratulations on derailing the thread and making this topic about yourselves instead of what the original post entails.
And this is why this forum is going downhill... because the children bicker amongst themselves with nothing productive resulting from it.
You guys win the prize! Good job.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:35 PM
reply to post by bvproductions

I might ask what is productive about glorifying a traitor while slamming the rest of the military, especially when foreigners do it? Get over it, it's not like this was a rational adults thread.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Ok, I'm sorry. I apologise.
The thread was to do with the fact that Bradley Manning has been tramsfered to Fort Levanworth. guess my options are kind of limited in terms of how I respond to this thread:
I guess a large part of this depends on understanding of US Military Protocol.
1. Is this the equivalent of a 'Glasshouse/prison for naughty soldiers'? (UK equivalent being Colchester).
2: What are the ramifications of said transfer? What does it suggest or imply to the average American who reads this snapshot in the local or national newspapers?
3: Is the government getting ready to charge him with anything?
4: Has he been allowed any visits since his incarceration? (be it solicitor, Red Cross, family, etc).
5: If he has been considered such a threat to national security, why not send him to Guantanamo Bay (please don't tell me it's closed down unless it's been closed down for 'Muslims' only) where people who are trained to deal with such 'information abusers/misusers' can tackle the problem in a mature, efficient and government approved strategy?
6: Why does there seem to be such an effort to ostracize him and prevent him from engaging in social contact?
There are just too many questions at this stage.
Arguably, he perceived his country's behaviour (in MORE THAN ONE CONTINENT) as treacherous to the constitution and the people of the USA.
Right or wrong, he perceived he had reason to inform the people that 'their government' was betraying them (as a people) and the countries they were so happy to do business with.
Is exposing hypocrisy deemed treason, esppecially when the rules and constitution you swore under are being violated by a hidden agenda that hides behind the misnomer of 'elected government'?
Just a thought or 6.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:40 PM
reply to post by HomerinNC

I am very curious as to why you think a human being should be treated the way Bradley Manning has been for the past 9 months. Do you feel good about torturing another human being?

Bradley is a hero is because he had the balls to expose these war crimes and he knew what the consequences were(that is if he leaked those documents in the first place). It is beyond me that anyone can justify torturing an American citizen while American troops continue to kill, maim, rape innocent bystanders in Iraq and hardly anyone bats an eyelid.
Please help me understand where you are coming from.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:47 PM
Manning isn't a hero, he's a traitor.......and he hasnt been tortured, show me the proof. Some of you arm chair apologists had better realize the military has rules and codes waaaaay different than where you are in liberal land. Keep on dreaming, and to the poster generalizing about the military............makes sense you would do that since we could do the same thing about you leftists. However, it's just too easy so I'll let it go, just remember the lib in charge is the one sanctioning all of thinks you owe us an apology.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

You can dream on 'til the cows come home.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by adifferentbreed

Anyone who calls Manning a traitor should be charged with treason and as accomplishes in the crimes he has unveiled. See how this works two ways?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:26 PM
reply to post by PsykoOps

Uh huh, well, when you live here maybe you can have an opinion on it, that's one of the problems we have here in the states, for some reason we are held to a standard by not applied to any other. So him breaking the law is o.k., it explains the mindset of alot of people on here.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Lucius Driftwood

I told you when I served and where...
You have yet to say WHERE you served, which I doubt you did
If you did, I doubt you finished Basic
I NEVER said I served in combat, I DID serve with those that did, and I THANK GOD I didn't, I CANNOT imagine the nightmares they have, BUT I can understand how they feel, especially when I hear their stories over a beer ad the E club or the VFW, and I can understand their frame of mind in the combat zone
As far as the Falklands war is concerned, that was NOT before my time, I remember that happening as a kid
Like I said before, I PROVED I served, but I doubt you EVER served

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 06:33 PM
Didn't know you needed to apply for license to have an opinion
I guess that's a problem then.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Manning isn't a hero, he's a traitor.......and he hasnt been tortured, show me the proof. Some of you arm chair apologists had better realize the military has rules and codes waaaaay different than where you are in liberal land. Keep on dreaming, and to the poster generalizing about the military............makes sense you would do that since we could do the same thing about you leftists. However, it's just too easy so I'll let it go, just remember the lib in charge is the one sanctioning all of thinks you owe us an apology.
Prove that he has not been tortured. Lib's, left,right,Neo-Con,nazi, ect. Fo' git the labeling. TBTB are calling the shot's. Who is reporting these charges? Talking heads. What are their credible sources? The Government? The Pentagon? NSA,CIA,FBI,NSA,DOD,DHLS? I make no apology for anyone, BUT when Uncle Scam is involved, the truth is not a priority.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by jrstock

prove he HAS been tortured.
He's not being treated any different then any other inmate in jail

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