posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:49 AM
reply to post by Wolfenz
WOW I guess im getting worse sorry people battling minds again Please allow me to repost this to make it more clear
as the OP said ! ~
Well he is still a criminal NO MATTER what ANYONE says, he released classified material to unauthorized persons. A traitor and a scumbag in my book
One day, some of you will realize that, if you take something thats not yours to take, or not yours to release, you WILL be punished. Its not the fact
of what the material was, it was the fact he wasnt AUTHORIZED to release it
(visit the link for the full news article)
To bad we didn't have someone like him During the time the Mai Li Massacre! and if we had some technology of a Video Cam back then
My Lai Massacre
So you are in with the Military to keep it shut up ! you need to work for the CIA then ! They will LOVE YOU! For itEspecially if your a Republican
Conservative that loves War from your Avatar i can see you do !
ILL Bet there was a lot of Incidents like the My Lai Massacre In Iraq a Country that did not have WMD! a country that was Invaded and the
Majority of the Population did not beg us to get (Kill) Saddam as the CIA & NSA could of done it So Easily with a Couple of Men (SPY's) with OUT
an Invasion! ...
You know that they shot up in that video he gave to Wikileaks were Reporters for Rense
and what the hell,,, They were shooting KILLING unarmed Rescuers in the Van ! and it had Children in the Van ! and the ones in the Chopper
laughing saying thats what they get for bringing kids in to a Fire Fight! to bad the people in that VAN didnt have a White flag and started
waving it ! what would of they done then , Would they still kill them! seeing they were pumped! UP
Sorry i was trying to correct my self here MODS as i didnt notice it till now thanks .. a Double posted for correction
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