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Forget the Birth Certificate! Wheres the Proof He Even Existed?

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th

Originally posted by mudbeed

Originally posted by hawaii50th

Originally posted by errolan
This man is dillusional... i mean the proponent of this tread.

Another great supporter that makes this thread ever more legitimate and makes for further discussion surrounding this conspiracy. I look forward to what Corsi's book has to say.

Hey let me ask. Do you believe that Hawaii is our 50th state?

Do you? Yes there is some relevance to the OP and this is why I am asking.

Including reference to your choice of screen name.

In the eye's of the United States government Hawaii is the 50th state. It was over thrown illegally by a bunch of wealthy men that was able to use the U.S. marines to back them up and take over the royal palace and incarcerate the Queen. Today Dr. David Keanu Sai is working to expose the illegal occupation of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
edit on 20-4-2011 by hawaii50th because: (no reason given)

Wonder who they're gonna get to go around and remove the extra star on all those flags out there??? And next year I hear the eskimos will be starting their own revolution.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Skippy1138

Originally posted by mahon
My friends sister went to school with Barry on Oahu. Fact.

She said he was a loner...

She went to a private school that was very pricey, she got a scholarship
because of good grades and being of Hawaiian ancestry.

His family paid his way..i was told.

Maybe this will help your paranoia.

Hmmmm- well if his family has all this money to send him to a fancy-shmancy private school then why is his aunt living as an illegal alien on welfare in Boston??


So, if you marry into a family briefly, that family has to take care of your brothers and sisters forever?

Dude, I gotta marry into your a single sister?
your parents will take care of my entire family then...I like your thinking
got any pics of her, oh, and my brother is in need of dental work, better tell your pops that.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:54 PM

Originally posted by karen61057
reply to post by SaturnFX

Ok now you are personally responsible for the soda that I just spit out all over my screen and keyboard. Way to go Saturn ...

-insert typical crude male joke here...then tie it in with obama so it doesn't get nerfed for off topic-

Why do some women make it simply impossible for men to stay classy anyhow.
THAT is a conspiracy worth 20 pages and 60+ stars!

-blames you for my thoughts-

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:57 PM
anyhow, I guess all the birthers took their deflated ball and went home...
you can deny all the facts some of the time, and some of the facts all of the time
but after 16 pages, you gotta either accept the facts, or simply walk away and find a new thread to start spinning the lies..

it was fun while it lasted...some of you are invited to participate in the alien reptilian disinfo thread in my need to be debriefed anyhow.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:01 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

You're making my day. Have not had so much fun on here since my last nibiru argument. ( and that paled by comparison)

I threw away the right wing handbook. Judged the book by its cover and said nope not for me. I'm a rebel without a pause !

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Have you been listening to Billy Cunningham, live on Sunday nights? He has Wayne Allen Root as a guest on all the time and I LOVE listening to him. Not afraid to stand up for our freedoms whatsoever.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

Ok now you've freaking made me mad.

Many years ago I was in need of assistance. Every 6 months I had to drag myself and my infant son to a disgusting croweded office to "beg" for the measly little money they gave me. There was hardly enough for diapers and formula let alone big screen tvs and strip clubs. If you think anyone is going there because they want an easy way out or a "good life" without having to work for it think again. They dont give enough to make it worth the time. I very quickly got myself a good paying job so I didnt have to put myself and my child through the begging.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by hawkiye
Got this in email and had to post it.


I can think of 69,456,897 people and 365 electoral votes that can back up the claim he exist.

If you are writing this thread then it must mean he EXISTS right?

How can someone be an imposter if they don't exist?

Google Barack Obama. Tell me, did you get zero hits?

So I think that means he exist right? Your problem is you think he is illegal. It's been proven FALSE numerous times. Bobby Jindal never provided his birth certificate. Nikki Haley never provided her birth certificate. Both of them are anchor babies. Jindal was conceived in Pakistan. His parents came here just so Piyush Amrit "Bobby" Jindal would be born American. Some states say, "if you are conceived in another state then that state has jurisdiction." Okay, so what if you were conceived in another country?

Same with Nikki's parents. Nimrata "Nikki" Randhawa Haley was born to immigrants who came to America so their kid would be born American.

I mean really, how the heck do you get Bobby from Piyush and Nikki from Nimrata? They are already lying to themselves and their constituents. At least Obama uses his real name. These two clowns are ashamed of their own heritage. Where is their birth certificates?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Well, despite the problems inherent in this thread, I'll bite. Maybe, just maybe (sorry for sarcasm-can't help it), this guy is an intellectual quasi-loner type from a middle class backround with no outrageous behavior and with a few close friends who don't blab about him to the tabloids and generally has a high quality of people around him reluctant to violate his privacy.

But there are, in fact, loads of tales about him, as some of the posters bothered to show.

Just because he's not Mr. Gregarious, or well connected to the social elite, doesn't make him sinister... anything but. It's refreshing having someone who seems reasonably intelligent (or unreasonably, even) in the Whitehouse who seems to be sober, reflective, of the common class and deeply truthful, or as truthful as someone can be holding office at this time and place.

I know with all that is happening and with all the real weirdness mixed in with hysteria, it's easy to fall in with kooks and decieve yourself that you are being "awake." It's hard to seperate facts and falsehoods these days, and anything truly may be possible, but in this case, I doubt this man is sinister... in fact, I'll bet his only "crimes" are being of color and a bit too intelligent for this country to trust.
Oh well. You can't force reasonability or logic on those that don't want it. In fact, it's the differences in people that make this world interesting and such a rich place. In a weird way, I'm glad there is ignorance out there.
How else would smug folks like me feel superior without it?

I really hope that people can get over their petty biasis and remember that we all share a common human experience and even those from far away in distance and philosophy are people... and most do not have evil agendas... even the ignorant who can't deal with differences... myself included.
I do wish he could do what was suggested a little faster and easier, though.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

ok why not. I get blamed for everything else anyway. Oh poor me. Typical woman victim here I guess.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:28 PM
Millions are doing itBoycott The Treason State of Hawaii:

That goes for Harry Reid's SEIU Las Vagas, too!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:30 PM
all I have to say to this is....

everyone is fighting back and forth about Obama's BC, George snuffleupppagus tells trump that the short form is an acceptable form of identification, if that is the case why do I have to show my full BC with the seal on it to get a driver's license, to put my Children in school, yet our Presidents slides on thru with his short form, NOW its acceptable.

I have one question that no one can answer...

Why can't he show his long form? why?, thats it...just show it and if he can't why not.

Im gonna make a t-shirt with the words....Just Show It. and the backwards Nike Swoosh. :-)
edit on 20-4-2011 by hapablab because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:31 PM
This is plain retarded. Don't the birther clowns have better things to do then harrass "our" president while in office? He provided his hawain birth certificate and people still complain...its not the long form..whatever that is supposed to mean.

And what about Mitt Romney, how come they don't make a big deal about him. Oh yea he was a republican candidate.

Come on people lets rise out of the gutter and address meaningful problems for a change. Not that it matters though cause the nwo bankers control everything and even if Obama wanted to inact meaningful change they would not let him!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:33 PM

Originally posted by Arcade425
My brother had a good point the other day he said "Do you really think the NSA and the CIA would allow Obama to become president if they even suspected he was up to something?" Or this could all be a NWO scenario where everbody is in their pockets.

Consider all the black Ops programs our govt has been involved in...MKULTRA, Northwoods, Blue Beam, Manhattan, Paperclip.... why would you think the CIA is the Knight in Shining Armor? I have also heard that all through Viet Nam war they were involved in arms and drug dealing. They have sold our country down the river long ago. Time to stop being naive.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:33 PM

edit on 20-4-2011 by BiGGz because: man-bear-pig

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by EarthCitizen07
This is plain retarded. Don't the birther clowns have better things to do then harrass "our" president while in office? He provided his hawain birth certificate and people still complain...its not the long form..whatever that is supposed to mean.

And what about Mitt Romney, how come they don't make a big deal about him. Oh yea he was a republican candidate.

Come on people lets rise out of the gutter and address meaningful problems for a change. Not that it matters though cause the nwo bankers control everything and even if Obama wanted to inact meaningful change they would not let him!

"Hawain birth certificate", and "its not the long form..whatever that is supposed to mean."

I dont call my birth cert my Illinois birth cert lmao.


it means he who doesn't know what a long form is, should not contribute to a thread, do some research first.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by truther357
Millions are doing itBoycott The Treason State of Hawaii:

That goes for Harry Reid's SEIU Las Vagas, too!

Didn't AZ say McCain was born in AZ but we all know he is Panamanian?

Mitt Romney's dad was born in MEXICO. Mitt Romney is MEXICAN.

FDR was born in Canada.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

Seriously. Do the elite really need birth certificates?

Does George Soros really need a birth certificate?

Has anyone seen Momar Gadaffi's birth certificate?

Did Saddam show a birth certificate?

How about Ahmadenijad, or any of the Ayatollahs?

Why should Obama be the only one to show a birth certificate?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by hawkiye

I have talked with an ex illuminati, i mean ptbs' pawn on higher levels and he told that Obama has take all training and education in underground facility in Iceland and he is prepared all his youth to become American President

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by hawaii50th
reply to post by NorEaster

Good story, are you a writer of fiction? If your not maybe you should be. Great imagination, and your arrogance just goes great with your style of writing.

Yay!!! Sometimes my big greasy balls get in the way of my ripping keyboard wizardry, but I do what I can.

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