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The Final Warning to Tokyo

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posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 07:53 PM
reply to post by malestrom

Yeah but in Japan's case they have the obvious (to me) warning signs. And that's why this thread. I am not predicting anything here really, but just trying to get them to lookout for what is likely coming. Likely because of all the reasons already mentioned- the maps, the patterns of the quakes, where they have hit so far, and the fact that they have consistently spread away from the main aftershock area. Quakes are surrounding Tokyo now, and it is time to take action before there is a repeat of 1923, or worse. They lost over 140,000 in that one. The resulting fires destroyed the city.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by StarLightStarBright2
They should be telling the people on the news what is likely to happen...Let the people decide if they want to leave the country...I realize that most will not be able to leave,but i feel they need to be honest with the people as to what is going on.......

Well , its all a matter of the economy. Japan was already in trouble before the quake/tsunami. Then on top of that they got the nuclear mess which has caused drastic economic issues. Tourism has almost completely stopped, products are being turned away in foreign ports due to fears of (and real) contamination so this is hitting them in the pocket book at a time when they can least afford it.

There are many Japanese on ATS and watching these thread... there are social networks in Japan covering such warnings...

So the government has had to take drastic steps and start censoring the information and blocking some youtube videos and websites from being viewed in Japan.

Its a big mess, but they have no choice... the last thing they need when trying to rebuild is total economic collapse

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:08 PM
4.3 quake very close- I believe that one may be in Tokyo, or just north of it.

Zorgon, I'd say the last thing they need is a repeat of 1923. But just look at that quake. Just look at it.

Japan must have a special breed of seismologist: they're all blind. :shk: I swear it's getting to the point that maybe I SHOULD go shouting this from the rooftops. The quakes are NOT stopping. There has clearly been a serious upset to the area. Any 3 year old could see this.

"Look Mommy, the quakes are getting very close to us now."

"I know sweetie, but our great scientists with masters degrees will make it stop. Right before they hit us."

"But Mommy, that's what you said two weeks ago, and they're still getting closer."

"I know sweetie, but we must trust in Science."

"But Mommy, those mean scientists and their mistakes with the bad nuclear stuff are going to kill us!"

"I know sweetie, but we will be safe. I won't let any of that stuff touch you."

"Oh ok, Mommy."

"Mommy, what is that...that....Mommy! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...................................................!"

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 12:50 AM
As the evening closes for me, another 4.6 quake has occurred, and hopefully Tokyo will still be there tomorrow or in the days to come:

Yup. You see it. Right there. In red. That's the closest any quake has come yet directly north of the SSZ. Just another aftershock, and it won't disturb the SSZ at all. Yup. Uh huh. Tell me some more.

"Mommy? What happened the last time the quakes jumped the zone line?"

"Oh hush sweetie. Everything's just peachy."
edit on Sun Apr 24th 2011 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:30 AM
Degrees mean nothing... Most doctors with there yrs of schooling know nothing.They want to push the drugs to dumb. people out....I wont even go to them.

I would say TA you DO know more than they do!!....Degrees mean NOTHING except to the one they belong to and the fools that hire them for employment.......Just look at our government all those people we elected have degrees and look how much they have helped OUR country.....

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 03:57 AM
What do you expect them to do, evacuate one of the largest cities in the world? If they even attempted it would end Japan, and the crashing economy would kill more than a direct mag 9 hit on Tokyo itself. Look at your precious map, not many earthquakes coming from the Philipine plate, which is not subducting at all. This is why Tokyo never gets hit by tsunamis. But hey, you're a a world class seismologist and economist, what do I know. Also, Tokyo could take a 9.0 full in the face. Sure, it might kill a few hundred thousand people and cost a bit to repair but these things a country can and do recover from. They don't recover from evacuating 35 million people and shutting down the world's number 3 economy. The effects would reverberate around the world and probably finally crash the whole house of cards.

Your fear mongering is worthless and baseless. Even if the "Big One" is going to hit Tokyo, it would be better for Japan, and the world, if the city took it on the chin (as it's been designed to do). For all their failings, at least the Japanese government has more sense than listening to the ramblings of a interweb conspiracy board poaster.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:35 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
Japan must have a special breed of seismologist: they're all blind.

No they are fully aware of the possibility and have been expecting it for some time... but there really is no option but to ride it out. You can't just shut down a city for a few months or even weeks because it might happen. There is no where to put that many people and support them.

I swear it's getting to the point that maybe I SHOULD go shouting this from the rooftops. The quakes are NOT stopping. There has clearly been a serious upset to the area. Any 3 year old could see this.

Seems it would be better than shouting to contact the scientists over there and tell them and back it up with data. You could show them that you got the prediction right using the Akashic Record... after all many Japanese are Buddhist so that shouldn't be a snag.

But while shouting about it here might get you groupies, how many in Japan do you think are getting the message with the current crackdown on information? They are working very hard to keep any negative reports away from people to try to prevent their economy from shutting down on rumors.

And look at all the Godzilla movies... just putting in the mindset that Tokyo gets destroyed every so often. And when the winds change in summer and Tokyo gets the full brunt of Fukushima, they will be in trouble anyway, quake or not

Why Japan's Massive Earthquake Surprised Scientists

While seismologists expected Japan's next big earthquake to strike near Tokyo, today's major tsunami-creating quake happened out at sea and on a different fault line. Here's why scientists didn't see it coming.

Scientists who study earthquakes often say that an area is "overdue" for a big one, based on how often earthquakes have rumbled in the past, how much the plates are moving, and how long it's been since the most recent quake. Bit in Japan, most scientists (mistakenly) had their money on the Tokai fault line near Tokyo, showing that these predictions require a lot of guesswork.

"We're not able to put our finger on the segment where or when the ‘big one' is likely to strike next," says Susan Hough, geophysicst at the U.S. Geological Survey. "Even in terms of identifying the overdue segment, we start to think that we can do that, but we keep getting these earthquakes in other places."

My Japanese friend told me this is not that expected earthquake. That one is expected in Tokyo itself. Reply #43 - March 11, 3:36 am

So it seems they are not so blind to the situation

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 05:28 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by malestrom

Yeah but in Japan's case they have the obvious (to me) warning signs. And that's why this thread. I am not predicting anything here really, but just trying to get them to lookout for what is likely coming. Likely because of all the reasons already mentioned- the maps, the patterns of the quakes, where they have hit so far, and the fact that they have consistently spread away from the main aftershock area. Quakes are surrounding Tokyo now, and it is time to take action before there is a repeat of 1923, or worse. They lost over 140,000 in that one. The resulting fires destroyed the city.

The earthquakes are not increasing nor are they surrounding Tokyo. The three noticeable ones were in Tochigi, north east of Tokyo, Chiba and Kumamoto in the south west of Japan. There have been an average of 6 moderately powerful earthquakes since Thursday. Much lower in frequency.

In 1923, Tokyo had no earthquake flexible resistant buildings. Today, there are many, also with fire-extinguishers.

Irregardless of this, perhaps millions will die in Tokyo because of the increase in population if we should be hit hard. Everyone in Tokyo is aware of this and they are stubbornly and defiantly brave.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by ren1999

..just reading various comments and responding as an American living in Tokyo.

Japanese seismologists are being quiet or have been quieted by the government. That's not a conspiracy, that's true. You won't find them commenting on the news or the net. If they are, please let me know where.

It is Monday, April 25th and no damage (knock on wood) so far. The frequency of noticeable earthquakes has dropped from several to about 1 at 11pm every night and 1 at 8am every morning.

I'm still frightened and also fear that there might be more seriousness to come. But at the same time I'm also hopeful that the frequency of non-lethal quakes is releasing tension.

The Japanese magnitude scale is different from the U.S. one. A 7+ is enough to make furniture fall.

The threat of a tsunami hitting north Tokyo is little.

If Tokyo did have to evacuate, it would probably be by car, train or on foot toward Nagano in the center of Japan. It would be disastrous and the worst fear would be food and water shortages.

If any of you are ever in an earthquake, stop, drop, and hold on. If you can, crawl toward an inner wall with your head covered.
edit on 24-4-2011 by ren1999 because: grammar

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by ren1999

Thank You for posting Ren. My heart goes out to You, and Yours. I can't imagine the stress you must live with daily.

Here is a site, fed by live RSS feeds on EQ activity. Yes, it is a simple site, but it does provide the info needed quickly.
You may want to keep it bookmarked for future reference, in keeping track of EQ activity, and it's relation to your location.

Bright Blessings for your future Dear.

edit on 03/28/2011 by Destinyone because: add link and content

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 01:08 PM

Originally posted by ren1999
If Tokyo did have to evacuate, it would probably be by car, train or on foot toward Nagano in the center of Japan. It would be disastrous and the worst fear would be food and water shortages.

Thanks for your live on the spot report.
The walking... that is one thing I noticed was different in Japan. Most other areas would be lost without transport, but in Japan I saw people walk home from work when the trains stopped.. and some had a three hour walk or more to do so.

Food and water would be the main problem, but medicine and sanitary conditions would soon follow with such a mass migration and few people living in a big city have even basic survival skills. It would be a mess.

Stay safe and keep a few jerry cans of gasoline on hand just in case... it is useless having a car and escape plan only to find out you forgot to fill the tank the day before. To me one of the most important considerations is having a plan where to go in case of emergency, a destination to head for even if by foot is important and focuses the mind on getting there.

Also a small set of tent and camping gear is nice to have in the trunk. A small tent and hibachi don't take up much space, but will sure come in handy in a pinch. I know many of my friend have a bug out bag, but very few have thought it through. Consider what you would need for a 3-4 day camping trip, then your in good shape

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 04:06 PM
You've been shouting the sky is falling for a month now, when does this get considered bunk?
Gotta be the longest running fake prediction seen in a long time.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 07:40 PM
Thank you both for your concern.

Fukushima and Chiba seem to be taking the daily beating right now with magnitude 4 and 5 quakes every day. If Tokyo should be next to have this months long quake-fest, I'm sure a lot of people will lose their nerve and leave.

Because Chiba, just north east and in the Tokyo area, is getting it, central Tokyo could be next. However, we've also got the Mount Fuji area providing some stability. I'm sure there is plate locking holding things down.

Here is something most of you don't know. Many mothers and children in Tokyo have already left and are staying in their home towns all over Japan, spread out. However, because of the quietness in the city for the past 2 weeks, they might be returning.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 08:48 PM

Originally posted by ren1999
Because Chiba, just north east and in the Tokyo area, is getting it, central Tokyo could be next.

Well, what happened to Mr. "Quakes are not getting near Tokyo?" Do you understand what happened in 1923, and that there is a fault mechanism right there at the edge of Tokyo Bay capable of at least a 7.9 that can get triggered by all this activity?

In addition to that, you've got other faults right under the city, too.

Way back in the other thread, I said at the onset that this can take weeks, months or years to manifest. But with each quake that happens closer to Tokyo and the SSZ, the risks increase that either one of these faults can be triggered.

Personally, I hope those mothers and kids stay away for a while until the quakes clearly subside, and stop getting closer to Tokyo. Cause the triggering is pretty darn obvious. Recommended at least another two months from this point to see what is going to happen.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:25 PM
TA, There was a 5.1 just above the 4.6. Seems to have happened some time ago. Just noting it in case you were not watching. I figured you would as you seem to be very into following this.

There was also ANOTHER 4.6 on the same exact spot as the last one. Only a few km off it seems...

I zoomed in and saw two 4.6's. See for yourself.

edit on 4/24/2011 by 3rdeye because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:37 PM
reply to post by 3rdeye

Not watching?

Of course I'm watching, but thanks. Yes I saw it and can be seen here for as long as it lasts on their map before disappearing:

Areas that have already shown activity I am not as concerned with as the new areas of activity, which indicate spreading or additional triggering (to me).

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 10:39 AM
My guess is that maybe June 11th or July 11th might be the time for a 7+ aftershock.

If there is another 9.x earthquake along the Japan trench or on the other plate, then I think that it will be serious cause for concern. At any rate, the people in my life are too stubborn and are willing to risk life and all that nothing will happen. Me, I'm the "get out while the getting is good" type of person. But I won't leave people I am intrusted to protect.

The earthquakes are still not getting closer to Tokyo. They've been bouncing around Chiba for some time.

But Kumamoto, in the South West of Japan is seeing more activity. Very weak and undamaging activity, but still quake activity.

Here is another topic for this thread. Some of you may have read about Earthquake Hangovers. That's where people feel there is an earthquake happening but it is really just in their minds. I have this and I do feel that some of it is psychological. However, I also know that people become more attuned to things that may kill them. I can sit still in my chair and feel my heartbeat, the blood pulsing in my back, people stomping on the ground, and I can feel the tectonic plates move under me. It is real because the lights in my office all swing in the same way that I am feeling.

Now I know that the ground has been moving under me since March 11th. Yesterday, there was no earthquake activity and I didn't feel any movement. Today, we had a short 1 second shake from Ibaraki, North East of Tokyo, where we've had several already and I did feel the earth move for about an hour.

I can feel swaying, hopping and an occasional ripple.

But I must stress that continual movement and lots of quakes under 7 indicate the release of pressure. Sumatra had only about 30 before they were hit with another big one. We've had close to 1,100.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the more weak aftershocks the better. The more uninhibited movement of the plates, the better.

edit on 25-4-2011 by ren1999 because: added comments

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by ren1999
Thank you both for your concern.

Fukushima and Chiba seem to be taking the daily beating right now with magnitude 4 and 5 quakes every day. If Tokyo should be next to have this months long quake-fest, I'm sure a lot of people will lose their nerve and leave.

Because Chiba, just north east and in the Tokyo area, is getting it, central Tokyo could be next. However, we've also got the Mount Fuji area providing some stability. I'm sure there is plate locking holding things down.

Here is something most of you don't know. Many mothers and children in Tokyo have already left and are staying in their home towns all over Japan, spread out. However, because of the quietness in the city for the past 2 weeks, they might be returning.

Good to see you again Ren. Do you mind if I copy your/this post over to the monster thread here in the forum. I would like to share this bit of onfo you posted. Having an ATS member on the ground, in Tokyo, sharing information, is awesome. I only ask, as I do with all our members in Japan, please stay safe. Here is the link to the thread I would like to copy your post to.

It has, currently, 783 pages of in-depth research on all things nuclear. And much more.


posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 11:21 AM
It is off no use talking about it when most people do not try to put out the message to the people in japan to research into the possibility so that they will awaken and prepare for the inevitable.The western side of the land mass of japan is not expected to slide into the ocean,so they should move there.Those of you who have friends in the cities on the eastern side of japan should ask them to research into it so they they can believe it after they realise the evidence.

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by ren1999
Here is another topic for this thread. Some of you may have read about Earthquake Hangovers. That's where people feel there is an earthquake happening but it is really just in their minds. I have this and I do feel that some of it is psychological. However, I also know that people become more attuned to things that may kill them. I can sit still in my chair and feel my heartbeat, the blood pulsing in my back, people stomping on the ground, and I can feel the tectonic plates move under me. It is real because the lights in my office all swing in the same way that I am feeling.

You and me both, mate. And about half the people in my office. It's a bit of a panic the first dozen or so times, isn't it?

You know those recessed emergency lights that are everywhere? You see them in every office. Usually they have a green plastic tag hanging from them. I've always used that tag as my quake indicator - it starts twitching if there's a low quake. About 4 or 5 times a day I'll notice people stop what they're doing and stare intently at the light, shake their head, and go back to work.

There's a name for the condition, but it escapes me at the moment. It's the same thing as sea legs - when you can feel the motion of the waves long after you've gotten off the boat.

Can't offer any advice, but maybe knowing that a hell of a lot of other people are in the same situation will make it a bit easier to deal with.

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