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The Final Warning to Tokyo

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posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

First off, let me say Hello. Over the last few months, I've read a couple of your threads, and I see that you are trying to read and explain an unknown language, that others don't see. Some don't think that it even exists. Well how can that be ? If you believe in " cause and effect " and " action and reaction ", then their must be a language ! Secrets of the universe reveal themselves to nobody's, because they are the only ones looking, remember? The expert aren't looking. They're experts. They don't have to look. They have their little diploma's from the university of Transylvania, and have retired from the quest. After having destroyed two oceans, the atmosphere, and the world's economy, I think " The Experts " will shortly be hiding amongst us peasants, the way war criminals, blended in as refugees. I don't read your thread, because of any outcome that may or may not happen. I read it because I see an earnest attempt, to decode the unknown. Same goes for PuterMan and westcoast. So " tip of the hat ", dude !, and ignore the knobs.
Me ? I read light, with paint brushes [avatar], so I know all about struggling with an unknown language. Mine is just different than yours.
Now, for my question. When quakes happen on adjoining plates, how can they still be considered aftershocks? You can say the first quake the first, on the adjoining plate, is an aftershock, but it seems to me that after 5 or 6, this adjoining plate, will take on a life of its own. Isn't it now, two separate chain reactions, taking place side by side ? Thanks.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 06:24 PM

Originally posted by Aircooled
Isn't it now, two separate chain reactions, taking place side by side ? Thanks.

Wow, I would almost answer that question. But if I did I would again get accused that I am not shouting my theory from rooftops everywhere! I should rent truckloads of bullhorns! I should buy huge stereo systems huge concert line array speakers, 1 billion watts of power like HAARP, and broadcast it to the universe so the aliens can hear my theories too! Even God must hear it! And God's God too!

And only then will I have done enough for the bubbleheads!

Am I done? NO!

I should spend my life's savings! And yours too! The world should stop dead cold in its tracks and listen! The very earth itself should stop rotating and the sun must extinguish itself to hear my theories! And I must get stars, and flags, and all the attention in the entire universe! Because nothing else matters to me! Gimme stars and flags!

Ok, I'm done. /retarded retort to retarded accusations- not from you-

The simple premise and basis for this warning my friend is that the 9+ and related aftershocks will trigger a subduction zone in close proximity which has shown its own activity that I would classify as "triggered aftershocks on a nearby fault"- but in reality the quakes originate from their own source on that fault- the SSZ- because they got triggered.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 07:35 PM
Gee, i hope that the japanese peoples don't find out that the harrp project caused all this mess. We would be in a world of blame and shame and attacked on all fronts. I hope our gov't can handle such an ouburst from the japanese peoples and others we zapped. What is our gov't to do. The elites were in charge, tell them to get them, right? Say canada, I hope you forgive harrp with all that radiation and all. After all, we poor sheeple americans are getting radiated too. I don't know what is to become of us poor sheeple in the world. Just glow in the dark i guess. Who and why? If i only had the truth put in front of me, instead of lies i might be able to protect myself somewhat, but so much for that. So, i hope things go for you all, you know good. Hope the lies stop, well no reaction, just like BP a tight lipped thing while the whole world awaits the radiation or silent death to approach. But hey, ignorance is bliss right? More MONEY, to the utterly wealthy, no matter what the cost of life right? But hey, don't worry about us, us sheeple will always do your bidding. After all, we must bow down to your righteous fascism because you are the smart wealthy and you know better for we the sheeple. We thank you so much for your utter greedish ways, because you have saved us from our sins in life if we ever did have any bit of wealth. Again, i am ignorant and rant and rant. What can i do. So don't put the blame on us, blame where blame is due. Just remember that if you actually find out the truth. SEEK, the truth.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 08:18 PM
I would really like to know the truth of anything around here. Everything is up for grabs it seems and all i have to do is pick a subject and report on my opinion with a bunch of reports i got with other web sites as proof. wether it is right or wrong, lies or truth. I for one, would really like to hear the truth for once. Youtube has all kinds of stories and so does almost everywhere else. I do not live in tokyo, so how am i to find out the truth. Go there. Id be pretty broke if i had to go everywhere and check out every story thru hours and hours of investigative techniques thru schools to learn how to be an investigator. It is frustration when you hear one thing about fukashima and then hear another story. By the time you get the real truth it is in your backyard and then it is way to late. Thats my pick of it anyways.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by cloaked4u
I would really like to know the truth of anything around here.

Well one "truth" I believe is that HAARP had nothing to do with this quake or any others for that matter. So Japan isn't going to find out anything, other than Mother Nature came calling again. Same island, same disaster, more tsunamis, the usual.

One thing I still don't quite understand is how so MANY people lost their lives in a society where they are trained all the way from kids on what to do to avoid a tsunami immediately after a quake. 28,000+ ? The vast majority lost their lives in the tsunami waves. And from the videos you can see people hanging around when the sirens were going off. I just don't get it...After a quake that huge? I am STILL trying to figure that one out... I guess it must be testament to just how unprecedented the effects would be from such a massive quake. Only thing I can figure.

posted on Apr, 22 2011 @ 10:57 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

One thing I still don't quite understand is how so MANY people lost their lives in a society where they are trained all the way from kids on what to do to avoid a tsunami immediately after a quake.

I give three possible reasons

Fear- even the best trained can freeze when dealing with fear

Curiosity- Want to be the next youtube hit.

Past warnings- many tsunami warnings never pan out.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

One thing I still don't quite understand is how so MANY people lost their lives in a society where they are trained all the way from kids on what to do to avoid a tsunami immediately after a quake. 28,000+ ? The vast majority lost their lives in the tsunami waves. And from the videos you can see people hanging around when the sirens were going off. I just don't get it...After a quake that huge? I am STILL trying to figure that one out... I guess it must be testament to just how unprecedented the effects would be from such a massive quake. Only thing I can figure.

A) Complacency... they had high tsunami proof seawalls. By the time they saw the water going OVER the walls it was too late

B) The majority of deaths were those over 60 years old.

The vast majority of deaths in the March 11th disaster were caused by the tsunami and most of the victims were seniors.

The National Police Agency says 92 percent of deaths in last month's massive earthquake and subsequent tsunami were due to drowning, and 2 in 3 of the dead were over 60 years old.

C) The Tsunami warning was for a 10 meter high one... but it was 30 meters high in the three main areas wiped out

(Reuters) - A 10-metre tsunami warning was issued to most of the Pacific coast of the main island of Honshu following Friday's earthquake which struck off the north coast with a magnitude of 8.8, broadcaster NHK reported.

Researchers: 30-meter tsunami in Ofunato

The latest research on the March 11 tsunami that slammed into Ofunato city in Iwate Prefecture, northern Japan shows that it was nearly 30 meters high.

A joint research team from Yokohama National University and University of Tokyo surveying the Ofunato city shoreline made the discovery.

They found fishing equipment scattered on the high cliff of the city's Ryori Bay and have determined the tsunami reached as high as 29.6 meters.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by RicketyCricket

I wonder,the last ones that washed up were 3 days before the Japan quake....There have been sick and dying sharks washing up in redwood city ca.the last few days... so far 12....They do not know why yet.Strange stuff happening.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by kro32

For the life of me i cant understand why you keep reading this stuff if it bothers you this much??!!!

I would think any one with a lick of sense would just stay away......Perhaps you are the one who needs to get a hobby so you will not feel inclined to read these topics. that bother you so much.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by munkey66

You cant say The goverment should warn their people and leave it at that.
If you are so sure you should be at least attampting to contact the seismology department in Japan and put forward your theory for them to look into.
just because you do not have a degree does not mean you will be ignored, there are many here who have looked at your information and starred and flagged you because they see some possibility to your theory.

ITA with the above....I hope you do consider contacting them,if its meant to be they will listen and if they don't then it was not meant to be...At least you tried....

ETA.....I just read where you said the JMA knows all you have posted and they are doing nothing....I guess this i can believe this after all the stuff with the nuke stuff.....The USA is doing the same thing just different secrets......Dont feel you need to contact them now.
edit on 23-4-2011 by StarLightStarBright2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:29 AM
I have been following the quakes that have been hitting Japan from a site I saw in a post somewhere in another thread. I forget from who but here's the link to the site.

It has google earth like qualities if you click the button for it I personally like to use the hybrid version. The images are stamped 2009. There are other options to view like possible biological attacks, gang activity and such. Some topics are off limits unless you are authorized to view it. Quake maps are free. The solomon islands have been hit by three 6.9 earthquakes at 04:16:55 UTC on April 23 2011one at depth 81.6 and two quakes at depth 98.0 according to these maps Japan has been getting in the range of 4.0 quakes regularly. It is updated every 300 seconds or so the site says.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:43 AM

Originally posted by StarLightStarBright2
.I just read where you said the JMA knows all you have posted and they are doing nothing....

And what exactly SHOULD they do? In your opinion?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 03:47 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Any ideas on what to call this impending quake. For terminologys sake. I have an obvious one.
I don't mean this as a joke either.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by zorgon

Thank you for posting this !!...How cool is that!

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by PuterMan

Do you think we can go by historical info in the times we are in now?.....My feeling is we cant...We have the magnetic pole shifting to factor in here dont we?

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:25 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Ok get P*ssed and move on with your work!....DONT reply any more to these jerks ignore them...Do what i am doing and pass up there posts.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:42 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Maybe it WAS there time to go and there soul new it.....

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by zorgon

They should be telling the people on the news what is likely to happen...Let the people decide if they want to leave the country...I realize that most will not be able to leave,but i feel they need to be honest with the people as to what is going on.......

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
So, you mean to tell me that Japan had SEVERAL warnings that they were going to experience earthquakes? Well, I am not surprised - after all, here in America, the people in New Orleans, Louisiana had some warnings that something bad was going to happen. After all, Orleans is a city that is built under sea level, and those levees were only able to hold so much water. It really should not surprise anyone about what happened to Orleans or what happened to that small city over in Thailand, either. I am somehat surprised about what happened with that earthquake over in Haiti though, I never knew that Haiti was on a dangerous fault line. Haiti's story is a sad story.

posted on Apr, 23 2011 @ 07:41 PM
reply to post by Phantomfire707

Lent is nearly over in the States. It is over here in Ireland and of course in Japan.

7 earthquakes of 7.0 or higher during Lent.
77 earthquakes of 6.0 or higher during Lent.

As I stated this was extremely unlikely to happen as it would have meant 2 x 7+ and how ever many 6+ ones it was that I calculated. That was not a prediction but a scientific 'guess' based on my knowledge of earthquakes. I could have been wrong.

This is not by way of gloating. I am genuinely sorry for you as I do believe that you really did think this was going to happen based on the numbers and your religious beliefs. You must feel very let down by your faith system. But look at it this way.

Japan and America would have been in a big mess if what your predicted had come to pass. Looking on the bright side it did not, and that is a good thing. One hell of a huge amount of people would have been dead or feeling very bad if it had come to pass. Because it did not you feel bad, but you are bearing this for them.

Predictions are rarely if ever right,and certainly this is the case with regard to earthquakes. Probably best to steer clear of that line of work!

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