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Muslim Brotherhood leader talks of applying Sharia law (In Egypt)

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Shadowfoot
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Oh for crying out loud, be afraid, be very afraid, don't step outside of the box or LOOK you will be stamped down by the evil forces of Islam. This site is becoming far too politically polar, and religiously polar. So many threads just trying to work various factions against each other.

The people had a right to do what they did, if in fact they did it and not our own CIA. However if these people want Sharia law, then so be it, its none of your business, if they dont, then they can ask for help and we would then be within rights to offer it.

Christians burned millions to death over the years, where is all the outrage there? In fact I dont put it past christians do murder in the name of fear and control now either. What is the difference? Different color of the same racism?

i agree with you wholeheartedly

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Originally posted by Shadowfoot
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Oh for crying out loud, be afraid, be very afraid, don't step outside of the box or LOOK you will be stamped down by the evil forces of Islam. This site is becoming far too politically polar, and religiously polar. So many threads just trying to work various factions against each other.

The people had a right to do what they did, if in fact they did it and not our own CIA. However if these people want Sharia law, then so be it, its none of your business, if they dont, then they can ask for help and we would then be within rights to offer it.

Christians burned millions to death over the years, where is all the outrage there? In fact I dont put it past christians do murder in the name of fear and control now either. What is the difference? Different color of the same racism?

Oh, the extreme downplay approach with a dash of this site sux nowadays thrown in.
That is a clear sign that you do not like these types of stories posted or people discussing them here. It's a good thing you don't wield a censorship button on this site, that much is clear.

You are not clear what happened in the world are you? "The people had a right to do what they did, if in fact they did it and not our own CIA" you said. How are you supposed to debate something you do not understand? What if they did it knowing the CIA helped in some way but did it anyway?

Toss in a christians were bad boys back in the day and I bet you feel all better now, even though it has no relevance to this thread.

wahh wahh you don't address anything anyone said on here when you retaliate with anything legitimate you just complain and talk about the whole 'oh, the extreme downplay of this..' and the so your gonna play the ol 'blah blah blah card'

your avatar is a joke, you should keep the sheeple and replace the picture of bush with a picture of yourself, that would be pretty accurate

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by emptyOmind

you can't just pick a handful of people and assume that everyone thinks like them, that is ignorant

The sample was designed to accurately represent the Egyptian population, they did not just choose people at random. The estimated error range is +-4%. Metodology is all in the pdf.

Even if they were wrong by 10%, which is more than double the error range, extremists still make up more than 70% of the population.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by emptyOmind

you can't just pick a handful of people and assume that everyone thinks like them, that is ignorant

The sample was designed to accurately represent the Egyptian population, they did not just choose people at random. The estimated error range is +-4%. Metodology is all in the pdf.

Even if they were wrong by 10%, which is more than double the error range, extremists still make up more than 70% of the population.

what makes them correct within a margin of +or- 4% though? you got this information from their website right?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by emptyOmind

Do you have some inside information that the poll was rigged? Pew Research Center is a respected organisation in the field of public opinion survey, so unless you provide evidence for your claims I have no reason to not believe them.

Or do you have other polls that say otherwise?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by Maslo

Originally posted by emptyOmind
have they even defined what their definition of sharia law is? because it pretty much varies A LOT

There are numerous schools of thought regarding what is and is not Sharia, with both minor and major disputes between them being common.

In a country where 82 % of muslims support stoning people for adultery and 84 % support death penalty for apostates, guess which one will it be..

edit on 19/4/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public-opinion surveys and reports aimed at understanding worldwide attitudes on various issues. The Project is chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

Yep, I'd trust them as much as I'd trust Bush or Obama, and that ain't much..

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by backinblack

Originally posted by Maslo

Originally posted by emptyOmind
have they even defined what their definition of sharia law is? because it pretty much varies A LOT

There are numerous schools of thought regarding what is and is not Sharia, with both minor and major disputes between them being common.

In a country where 82 % of muslims support stoning people for adultery and 84 % support death penalty for apostates, guess which one will it be..

edit on 19/4/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)

The Pew Global Attitudes Project is a series of worldwide public-opinion surveys and reports aimed at understanding worldwide attitudes on various issues. The Project is chaired by former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright

Yep, I'd trust them as much as I'd trust Bush or Obama, and that ain't much..

thank you!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by emptyOmind

Do you have some inside information that the poll was rigged? Pew Research Center is a respected organisation in the field of public opinion survey, so unless you provide evidence for your claims I have no reason to not believe them.

Or do you have other polls that say otherwise?

i can see this is a circular argument
just believe what pew research tells you, have it your way

edit on 20/4/11 by emptyOmind because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:13 PM
reply to post by emptyOmind

OK, just immediately discard any objective evidence that conflicts with your petty worldview, have it your way.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by emptyOmind

wahh wahh you don't address anything anyone said on here when you retaliate with anything legitimate you just complain and talk about the whole 'oh, the extreme downplay of this..' and the so your gonna play the ol 'blah blah blah card'

your avatar is a joke, you should keep the sheeple and replace the picture of bush with a picture of yourself, that would be pretty accurate

You must be one of those hopey changey fellas, the angry left that got thrown under the bus.

You can't even attack my avatar without bias, you only see Bush. Hahahaha

And yet again you add nothing but anger and novice insults. The angry lefty infadels will be easy for them to round up should sharia rule come to the West in a big way. It's ironic that the angry left are cutting their own thoats sticking up for sharia at every turn.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Originally posted by infojunkie2

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Muslim Brotherhood leader talks of applying Sharia law (In Egypt)

Deputy supreme guide Mahmoud Ezzat said the Brotherhood wanted to transform the country into an Islamic state once its political arm, the Freedom and Justice party, secured widespread popular support.

Al-Masry al-Youm , an independent daily, reported that Sheikh Ezzat also said the movement wanted to apply Muslim canon law (Sharia), but said “enforcement of Sharia punishments will need time and will only come after Islam is planted in every heart and masters the life of the people . . .”
(visit the link for the full news article)

I know that many here do not believe in the bible,and I don't know if you are one of them,
but in Isaiah19, these are the words of prophecy concerning the future of Eqypt in the last days.

Verse 2 I will stir up the Eqyptians against the Eqyptians,they will fight every one against his brother and every one against his neighbor,city against city,kingdom against kingdom.

Wasn't the above what we saw going down during the uprising,It was Eqyptians against Eqyptians.

Then for the confirmation of your thread title we see, that after the uprising we have verse 4

And I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a hard and cruel master,and a fierce king will rule over them.
This also indicates the same order, meaning that the uprising in Eqypt will come first,then the fierce king.

According to the prophecy,the next thing we should hear about after the new leadership is set up,

Is this...,verse 5 And the waters shall fail from the Nile,and the river shall be wasted and become dry,
verse6 The rivers shall become foul the streams and the canals of Eqypt shall be diminished and dried up.

Interesting although the Aswan dam already destroyed the Nile in that no more silt travels downstream to re-fertilize the riverbank farmlands seasonally. That cycle is what drew civilization to the Nile banks and they purposely disrupted it. Makes you think of the stupidity of human progress. Of course the conspiratorial view is that this action made the nation dependant on world agriculture cartels.

The other prophesies could have been seen as coming before the time of the dam, and Mubarak was the fierce king. The thing about bible prophesy is that in every age people see parallels and believe they are witnessing the end times. The next generation will witness the Aswan dam filled with silt and useless, more mideast turmoil, and think the same prophesy is in their day.

On the other side of the aisle there are the nutjobs in Iran who think they are about to bring in the Mahdi, they just released a video for the dumb masses to soak up. Their signs are Yemen taken over by Islam, the death of one named "Abdullah" (probably the most common name in the Arab world like John in the West) in Saudi Arabia, and some leaders pushing their version of Islam down other peoples throats straight through Bahrain on into Mecca. When this fails miserably the cycle will start over again in future generations.

Prophecies are very specific,and what you said happened did not complete the prophecy, in fact there is no mention of the Nile and the rivers drying up, then there is also the fact, that the last half of the prophecy, which
I did not mention, has definitely not came to pass yet

Then you say that Mubarak is the fierce king,but would he be considered the fierce king, compared to the one who would apply Sharia law as your title suggest? I think not, comparably Mubarak would seem like a kitty cat

Let me just ask you this, if in fact, after the next leadership is set up, if the Nile and the rivers dry up,what would be your response?

Then there is the prophecy concerning Damascus, in Isaiah 17, where Damascus becomes a ruinous heap, and that no man shall ever walk through it again, as you know Damascus is still the capital of Sryia today, so you also know that this prophecy has not come to pass.

I used to think that this would mean that a nuclear bomb would have to be used, but then I always wondered about how the surrounding area would survive,but I changed my thoughts on this after I saw what the crippling of the reactors have done to parts of Japan how they are now uninhabitable.

Then you add that to the fact that Israel recently said that if Sryia continues to arm Hezbollah, then they would
attack Sryia's key nuclear installation targets in Damascus.Can you say melt down?

Regarding what the nut-job in Iran is doing,there is also a war prophecy in Psalms 83,that has the leader of Iran making the same remark that nutjob made a few months ago concerning Israel , that being ,"let us wipe Israel of the map", and it appears that Israel will be the attacker in this war after the statement is made.

I know everybody likes to say that crazies are trying to self fullfill the prophecies,but remember nut-job does not read the bible,so how would he know to self fullfill what David wrote?

Yes I understand that every generation thinks that they are seeing the prophecies coming to pass,but it is also just as naive to say that we are not seeing prophecies coming to pass,because there will come an end,
and anybody who say's that it is not probable, that we could be in the last days,are only lieing to themselves

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by infojunkie2

There are people who think Nero was the anti christ so all them prophesies are open to wide interpretation.
Cities get destroyed and burried over with time so techincally nobody ever inhabits the original city again. Lots of ambiguities make reading prophesies useless unless you claim to have some sort of divine understanding, then only people you can convince will ever believe you anyway.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
reply to post by infojunkie2

There are people who think Nero was the anti christ so all them prophesies are open to wide interpretation.
Cities get destroyed and burried over with time so techincally nobody ever inhabits the original city again. Lots of ambiguities make reading prophesies useless unless you claim to have some sort of divine understanding, then only people you can convince will ever believe you anyway.

No one has to have divine understanding to see that Damscus is still Damascus and has always been inhabited since the prophecy was given.Which means that the prophecy has not be fullfilled yet.

I don't wish to convince you of anything,I just wanted to give you some knowledge that you obviously did not have before. It's no skin off my nose if you choose to ignore it.....have fun in the sand

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Originally posted by emptyOmind

wahh wahh you don't address anything anyone said on here when you retaliate with anything legitimate you just complain and talk about the whole 'oh, the extreme downplay of this..' and the so your gonna play the ol 'blah blah blah card'

your avatar is a joke, you should keep the sheeple and replace the picture of bush with a picture of yourself, that would be pretty accurate

You must be one of those hopey changey fellas, the angry left that got thrown under the bus.

You can't even attack my avatar without bias, you only see Bush. Hahahaha

And yet again you add nothing but anger and novice insults. The angry lefty infadels will be easy for them to round up should sharia rule come to the West in a big way. It's ironic that the angry left are cutting their own thoats sticking up for sharia at every turn.

i realize its bush and obama HAHAHAHAHA

i am a person who has hope and who recognizes change is a part of life to bad you have the same attitude

and novice insults, you act like you are the king of insults or something, your insults are so whack dude they just make you seem dumb just like the first line of your post, your joke didn't even make sense

edit on 20/4/11 by emptyOmind because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by emptyOmind

Change is a part of life you say. That is ambiguous because, as you age you may lose your hair, your teeth, etc and society changes in advancements. There is a reason there are 7 billion people here now instead of less than one billion for thousands of years, it is because of progress forward.
Reverting society back to the stone age with sharia law is an example of bad change that can only be forced onto people.
If you are for that hope and change you better save some more for Obama again, he got lots of the same hope and change you can believe in, hahaha. Then get ready for the bus to role right on over you for a second time as he goes into more wars in muslim nations, keeps up the presence throughout the middle east and keeps the torture cells vibrating down in good ole Guantanimo.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP
reply to post by emptyOmind

Change is a part of life you say. That is ambiguous because, as you age you may lose your hair, your teeth, etc and society changes in advancements. There is a reason there are 7 billion people here now instead of less than one billion for thousands of years, it is because of progress forward.
Reverting society back to the stone age with sharia law is an example of bad change that can only be forced onto people.
If you are for that hope and change you better save some more for Obama again, he got lots of the same hope and change you can believe in, hahaha. Then get ready for the bus to role right on over you for a second time as he goes into more wars in muslim nations, keeps up the presence throughout the middle east and keeps the torture cells vibrating down in good ole Guantanimo.

i'll just let your ignorance speak for itself.

good day

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 08:20 PM
I'd like to say good luck to them trying to do so. The Egyptian people(majority) habe already made it clear that they will not acquise with such intolerant laws and they will not acquise with the seisure of what little civil liberties they already have.

posted on Apr, 24 2011 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by infojunkie2

It really is strange that all this was written thousands of years ago but is happening now.... i ask the question... did it all happen before or was this book written for the future populations to make it reality????

Wonder what happens after the rivers dry up????

posted on Apr, 25 2011 @ 06:50 AM
It will not happen as Modern Islam is against it.

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