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Muslim Brotherhood leader talks of applying Sharia law (In Egypt)

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posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:29 AM

Muslim Brotherhood leader talks of applying Sharia law (In Egypt)

Deputy supreme guide Mahmoud Ezzat said the Brotherhood wanted to transform the country into an Islamic state once its political arm, the Freedom and Justice party, secured widespread popular support.

Al-Masry al-Youm , an independent daily, reported that Sheikh Ezzat also said the movement wanted to apply Muslim canon law (Sharia), but said “enforcement of Sharia punishments will need time and will only come after Islam is planted in every heart and masters the life of the people . . .”
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:29 AM
There you have it from the horses mouths of what will become of Egypt.
Back to the stone age with them is all the foolish youth did by stepping out in the streets and getting beat up, shot and otherwise abused for their efforts.
All the western liberals who thought they were gonna get freedoms can now eat crow, they will get slavery instead.

Hope they enjoy the sharia yoke they called upon themselves, once applied they will never ever get a chance to demonstrate for freedom again.
(visit the link for the full news article)

the Coalition of Revolutionary Youth – organisers of the 18-day uprising that toppled President Hosni Mubarak – called for an apology

edit on 19-4-2011 by TinfoilTP because: added excerpt from story

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:34 AM
People protest and risk their life and limb for freedom and equality, and they are handed Sharia on a silver platter. This is what I thought it would turn out like because its the way the corporate interests want it to. I wouldn't stop protesting there, the people need to stand up enmasse, world wide, for true freedom.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:44 AM
The democracy in the eyes of the muslim is different then we in the west see it.
It is allready discussed in this thread
Oh Muslims, how much longer.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:45 AM
This is of course without a doubt what one faction involved in the Egyptian revolt wants. Whether the powerful Egyptian army now ruling the country wants that is hard to tell.

However one thing that is being overlooked here is the incredible pressure put on Mubarak to step down by our own government and media, and the CIA's involvement in fostering these and other Arab revolts, where it seems that some average Americans rejoice in what is Arab on Arab violence or the notion that Liberal Arabs are tying to overthrow Conservative Arabs and cheer the process on.

In reality we don't know if we are just assisting even harsher groups into power.

Or if the CIA is funding harsher groups into power just so they can later turn around and make a case that these new Regimes are an even greater threat than the ones we helped to replace as the pretext for yet more preemptive war.

Would the Internet Revolution spurred on with HB Gary Department of Defense Internet Software to make Sock Puppet armies on the Internet demanding change appear to be just average Egyptians even though they were a handful of US Military Personnel manipulating popular opinion on the Internet and the CIA funding radical elements on the ground, and Hilary Clinton and Obama and the Western Media demanding Mubarak step down have ever occured or succeeded with out all that manipulation?

Hard to say but doubtful.

Some would say you reap what you sew in such a dishonest, and agressive practice.

Enjoy the bounty that no doubt will just keep on giving.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by DutchBigBoy
The democracy in the eyes of the muslim is different then we in the west see it.
It is allready discussed in this thread
Oh Muslims, how much longer.

This is a current event news item of the 19th of April 2011. So no you cannot derail it by saying it is discussed over there or wherever. Nice try with the nothing to see here agenda, which was predictable.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:04 AM
I recon they all think the Mahdi is here, like that nut in Iran said. This could be a the start of a Islamic world invasion attempt, dangerous of course seeing as these nuts think they are going to heaven if they do kamikaze attacks, except the leaders of course, they seem exempt from such acts I wonder why.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by Unity_99
People protest and risk their life and limb for freedom and equality, and they are handed Sharia on a silver platter. This is what I thought it would turn out like because its the way the corporate interests want it to. I wouldn't stop protesting there, the people need to stand up enmasse, world wide, for true freedom.

Are you sure this isn't what the initiators and many of the people really wanted?
Surely they know what they are getting themselves into, being these protest always happen after they have been talked into a frenzy after Friday prayer.

Middle East uprisings shift political power toward Iran

The popular revolts shaking the Arab world are also shifting the balance of power in the region, bolstering Iran's position while weakening its bitter rival, Saudi Arabia.

The popular revolts shaking the Arab world have begun to shift the balance of power in the region, bolstering Iran's position while weakening and unnerving its rival, Saudi Arabia, regional experts said.

Tehran supports the Arab spring ... but not in Syria

Iran considers sending first ambassador to Egypt in three decades

Apr 19, 2011, 7:16 GMT

Tehran - Iran said Tuesday that it was considering the appointment of an ambassador to Egypt after more than three decades.

Iran, the Muslim Brotherhood, and revolution

I herewith proclaim to those (Western leaders) who still do not want to see the realities that the political axis of the new Middle East will soon be Islamic rulership and a democracy based on religion," senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said on Friday during public prayers in Tehran.

"All these protests in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordan and Yemen are inspired by Iran's Islamic revolution and these countries are de facto rocked by the aftershock of the Iranian revolution," Khatami

Read more:

edit on 103030p://bTuesday2011 by Stormdancer777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:11 AM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

The ruling millitary will sit back and support whoever emerges on top, just like they dropped Mubarak like a hot potato even though they were the ones who brought him to power. They know how to protect their positions and have supported every leader since the end of WWII without losing their grip on power. Likewise any group wanting to rise to the top needs the millitary to eventually back them. Right now you see the millitary giving concessions to quiet the mobs but they would be all for the Muslim Brotherhood if they show they have the means to quiet the mobs and keep them in check.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:14 AM
A bit early to tell isn't it?
I mean we don't even know the level of support the MB has within Egypt although it was the largest banned opposition movement who knows how the people will vote, and if they vote for it, good luck to them.

"In Egypt today, the Brotherhood counts perhaps some 100,000 adherents out of a population of over 80 million"

"Its failure to support the initial uprising in Cairo on Jan. 25 has made it marginal to the spirit of revolt now spreading through the Arab world"

"such support as it does have among Egyptians — an often cited figure is 20 percent to 30 percent — is less a matter of true attachment than an accident of circumstance"

These are all excerpts from an article by Scott Atran but they do hold some weight in this debate. The MB will not have a hard time establishing themselves again and will probably benefit from all of the chaos which ensued during the fall of Mubarak but it is not too likely that they will take power

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:17 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

However one thing that is being overlooked here is the incredible pressure put on Mubarak to step down by our own government and media, and the CIA's involvement in fostering these and other Arab revolts, where it seems that some average Americans rejoice in what is Arab on Arab violence or the notion that Liberal Arabs are tying to overthrow Conservative Arabs and cheer the process on.

An orchestrated series of revolts that will bring western style democracy to these nations. The thinking was that this was a preferable option to the ongoing conflicts and potential wars disrupting the flow of oil, and causing damage to global economies.

Right now in Syria the CIA involvement is obvious, there is even an opposition television network there that is covertly funded through a global democracy movement organisation based in California, and has ties directly to the US state department, and DOJ.

The Iranian revolution has failed twice, we'll have to see what happens in Libya, Bahrain, Syria and even Saudi Arabia now.

They are working hard to instigate and inspire these revolts... Whether it is good or bad in the long term will remain to be seen... The outcome of any western style democracy in these countries is that once fully implemented it can be much easier to infiltrate, manipulate and control while providing the illusion of democracy to the peoples of the region.

It works well right here in the USA and has for a very long time.

It was either this, or eventually bring democracy to these nations by force, just like in Iraq.

Both options will remain viable should either fail to achieve the objectives in the region the other can be enacted.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:20 AM
I already knew this, as did many others. They along with Libya and all the other western installed governments will be leaning Irans way - towards a so called Islamic republic.

How this will fare for Israel remains to be seen. If the PA unilaterally announces a state (against the Oslo agreements), this will lead to war between Israel and Palestine. Already, 500,000 Jews live in the west bank (Judea and Samaria) which the PA plans to kick them out from. They also plan on bringing home the millions of Palestinian nationals, some of which will take land in Israel proper (according to Mahmoud Abbas)..

Its almost as if this Egyptian revolution will cater to exactly this purpose. Once palestine is threatened, Egypt will step in, as they have always done, being Israels greatest military foe.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by TinfoilTP

Not good news at all... once these Country's in the ME all adopt this stance, there will be no more trading going on... only wars i'm afraid.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade

An orchestrated series of revolts that will bring western style democracy to these nations. The thinking was that this was a preferable option to the ongoing conflicts and potential wars disrupting the flow of oil, and causing damage to global economies.

What makes you so sure that western style democracy is the desired end? Have you considered that the "west" may support an Islamic caliphate with Turkey in control, a kind of Pan-Turkism or neo-ottomanism. Something to think about.
edit on 19-4-2011 by deessell because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:33 AM
reply to post by dontreally

If the PA unilaterally announces a state (against the Oslo agreements), this will lead to war between Israel and Palestine.

Wasn't it also against the agreement for Israel to declare themselves a state??
I note you don't mention that..

edit on 19-4-2011 by backinblack because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by backinblack

What are you talking about?

The UN passed resolution 181 in 1947 partitioning the land of Palestine into two states, an Arab and a Jewish one.

Thus Israel HAD APPROVAL to declare their state, just as the Arabs did. Instead of accepting this UN delegatesd plan, they rejected it, and made war upon Israel.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:54 AM
So how long will it take them to blow up the pyramids?


posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by TinfoilTP

Muslim Brotherhood leader talks of applying Sharia law (In Egypt)

Deputy supreme guide Mahmoud Ezzat said the Brotherhood wanted to transform the country into an Islamic state once its political arm, the Freedom and Justice party, secured widespread popular support.

Al-Masry al-Youm , an independent daily, reported that Sheikh Ezzat also said the movement wanted to apply Muslim canon law (Sharia), but said “enforcement of Sharia punishments will need time and will only come after Islam is planted in every heart and masters the life of the people . . .”
(visit the link for the full news article)

I know that many here do not believe in the bible,and I don't know if you are one of them,
but in Isaiah19, these are the words of prophecy concerning the future of Eqypt in the last days.

Verse 2 I will stir up the Eqyptians against the Eqyptians,they will fight every one against his brother and every one against his neighbor,city against city,kingdom against kingdom.

Wasn't the above what we saw going down during the uprising,It was Eqyptians against Eqyptians.

Then for the confirmation of your thread title we see, that after the uprising we have verse 4

And I will give over the Egyptians into the hand of a hard and cruel master,and a fierce king will rule over them.
This also indicates the same order, meaning that the uprising in Eqypt will come first,then the fierce king.

According to the prophecy,the next thing we should hear about after the new leadership is set up,

Is this...,verse 5 And the waters shall fail from the Nile,and the river shall be wasted and become dry,
verse6 The rivers shall become foul the streams and the canals of Eqypt shall be diminished and dried up.

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by dontreally

The UN passed resolution 181 in 1947 partitioning the land of Palestine into two states, an Arab and a Jewish one.

So now you are saying it isn't against the agreement for Palestine to declare a state??

Man you are confusing..

posted on Apr, 19 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by backinblack

Lets say we were brothers and mom brought home a piece of cake. Both of us wanted a piece, so mom broke the cake into two, equally sized pieces. I say thankyou and accept the piece, but you on the other hand attack me to get my piece, and in the process end up losing yours aswell.

Do you deserve your piece after you broke the terms of the agreement? I dont think so. There are rules and laws to live by. If there wasnt any punishments for bad behavior ie; Attacking Israel unprovoked and killing 6000 of its fighting men, there would be anarachy.

You do not get to go back to GO. This isnt a board game, its life.
edit on 19-4-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

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