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Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by ViperChili
The fact is we can and should let people starve.
No we should not. We must fight against overpopulation, but with humanitarian means like education, birth control and laws. Either the excess growth will be regulated through laws, or through poverty, hunger, diseases and wars. Giving governments the power to regulate human procreation during demographic trap is bad, but alternative is much worse. Just compare China and Iran (both had some form of national population growth control program) with nations that started on the same line and didnt have it.
edit on 19/4/11 by Maslo because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by babybunnies
Massive flaw in your reasoning.
74% is covered by water, sure.
However, only 3% of that water is actually DRINKABLE, fresh water.
It's like saying that 26% of the planet is covered in land, so why can't we grow food. Sure, but very little of this land is actually ARABLE.
Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by rwfresh I was not defending starvation and killing people. I fact, my reply was against it - we should regulate unsustainable population growth through more humanitarian means sooner than it causes poverty, suffering, starvation and wars.
Originally posted by Maslo
Unless your alternative is to have low standard of living everywhere I dont see your point. And densely populated areas have the same if not lower negative externalities than the same population spread over more land, due to better efficiency.
Originally posted by Maslo
More equal distribution of resources without also adressing and preventing overpopulation would cause two things - population in third world overpopulated areas would more rapidly increase, but their quality of life would stay the same (our help will be directed to poor having more children (demographic trap, welfare moms, third world population explosion), not increasing their quality of life), and quality of life in the first world would decrease due to redistribution of their wealth. The net effect is reduction of average quality of life.
Originally posted by Maslo
The problems are caused by people making decisions.
That I agree with.
Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by CouncilOfNine
It depends on the location. Poor people in developing world (and their children) would benefit more from money help and education than fishes and cows. Of course I did not have the third world in mind when I was talking about welfare or child benefits. More poor people need exactly what you said.
Originally posted by spikey
Originally posted by wcitizen
IMO the overpopulation story is a myth designed to form a (sick) rationale for a huge population cull. The real reason for the cull is so they end up with numbers they can FULLY CONTROL. They know they can't control current population numbers if enough of us rebel.
You might be right. Control is and always has been an essential in the elites toolbox.
I feel though that the same old problem, money/wealth, and the personal accumulation of it is at the root of most of the worlds problems, although yeah, control (and fear of losing it) is an issue too.
Another reason to do away with our current corrupt and ego/profit driven systems and start again fresh and focused on everybody, not just a handful at the top.
Cheers for posting.
Originally posted by unityemissions
Originally posted by wcitizen
IMO the overpopulation story is a myth designed to form a (sick) rationale for a huge population cull. The real reason for the cull is so they end up with numbers they can FULLY CONTROL. They know they can't control current population numbers if enough of us rebel.
I'll roll with this reasoning for a second.
So how many of "them" are there?
10,000? 100,000? 1,000,000?
Let's go with a million...
okay, so right now we're almost at 7 billion, so the ratio of "us vs them" would be roughly 7,000-1
so they kill 80% of us, and now the ratio is 1,400-1
How is that much more manageable?
Try again, please.
Originally posted by circuitsports
reply to post by spikey
whats the point of 21 billion people then ? just to exists - if less people means more focus on our future like space travel and science instead of non profits to feed the poor guess which one I want.
Originally posted by ThirdEyeofHorus
reply to post by spikey
DisneyWorld has a special area devoted to hydroponic gardening. People think it's just for kids having fun, but there is real research going on there.
Originally posted by MasloIt depends on the location. Poor people in developing world (and their children) would benefit more from money help and education than fishes and cows.
Originally posted by awake_and_aware
Move it to the rant section.
The earth IS overpopulated with humans, humans that rely on the state, not nature itself. Compare our species to every single other, we're parasitic, worse than ants and termites as far as coverage goes.
Originally posted by spikey
Originally posted by Essan
Try telling all the thousands of species becoming extinct every year due to human activity that there's room a-plenty for billions more of us.
There's more to life than you. In fact, in the overall scheme of things, you're as important as a passenger pigeon. And we all know what happened to them!
But more to the point: why do you want more people? Why would you rather there were 600 million Americans? Wouldn't 200 million leave the country a nicer place for all? More space?edit on 18-4-2011 by Essan because: (no reason given)
Yes, human greed is what is causing flora and fauna to disappear from our world. There are a small number of 'natural' extinctions, but the majority is caused by greed and drive for profits/wealth.
Vast forests eliminated to clear grazing land for animals destined to become a burger lunch, animal habitats being decimated in the process...hunger driven? No, profit driven. The people that eat the animals farmed on these once flourishing habitats are not the starving...they're the lazy, the 'too busy/overworked' to prepare a proper, healthy meal..we don't need the burgers or the land being killed to 'grow' them.
The rivers and oceans are routinely polluted by industrial activity whose owners and operators drive for more profits and less costs...when faced with a drastic profit loss situation due to expensive waste disposal costs, a cheaper, less ecological solution is the choice that has to be made..and when profit is your driving motivation...
Yes, i agree humanity is responsible for much...that is *precisely* why there is an absolute need to change and employ the measures outlined in this thread...and more besides.
As mentioned already, there is truly an astonishing amount of physical living space on this world of ours, room for people, animals, plants in abundance.
Cheers for your reply Essan, it's appreciated.
Originally posted by Golf66
Originally posted by MasloIt depends on the location. Poor people in developing world (and their children) would benefit more from money help and education than fishes and cows.
Those in the third world need to fend for themselves…
The key to sustainable living is letting the world reach it’s natural equilibrium between the local population and the environment absent the intervention and machinations of governments or groups to “engineer” or “regulate” balance.
We make the issues worse IMO when it comes to resource competition by providing “aid” to struggling nations and people in the name of “good” or “humanity”. It does little good to send food aid to Haiti or other places that are in fact worse (Say, Sudan, Ethiopia and other places I have seen first-hand.) where the people have become dependent on it and have procreated way past the point of providing for themselves.
If we did not sustain their population with aid and let some die off like I do here on my farm with livestock when I don’t have enough fodder the problem would never have surfaced in the first place.
A struggling and hungry heard cannot in nature reproduce quickly. It may sound harsh and cruel and unfair but life is all of those things.
The key to the issue of resource scarcity is the opposite of intervention IMO it is the absence of it so people will have to suffer the consequences of their poor choices. Perhaps if people had to suffer watching their offspring die horribly they would no longer produce more than they can sustain.
We all know where babies come from and to create more than one can provide for with his/her own access to resources is the most selfish and inhumane act I can fathom. If one does not have enough resources to satisfy their own needs then they need to be, either smart enough, driven enough or violent enough (likely all three) to procure them or one will die – it’s fairly simple.
That applies to the individual, a family group, a village, a city, nation or the world itself. We (all of those groups) are not created equal and to force it through some arbitrary desire for the common good is actually a horrible force for evolution of the species.
Not all people (or groups of people) are as intelligent, physically gifted or unfortunately graced with a favorable geography at birth – to sustain artificially the weak, stupid and the lazy at the expense of the others is antithetical to nature and why we are in the current predicament.
It is one thing to posit (as have some in this thread) that all of the human population could indeed fit in X amount of space and opine that divided equitably there is plenty for all; however, it is another thing entirely to affect to take the possessions of others and handle the logistics (likely against much resistance) of rearranging the worlds population to the appropriate zones of profitable habitation. Who will decide who has too much and how to distribute it and who will enforce it and who will submit to it? Not I for one....
It is likely that people to whom the land belongs (me being one of them) would resist this redistribution and setting aside the fact it would be therefore theft immoral of the grandest order and in two generations time we would reach the same place but having already redistributed have no space left.
No, it is better to let things be; to let each nation’s people reach their natural balance with the lands upon which they live. Further, there will be competition (war and other conflicts) for the prime resources and space and this will ensure that the people who are most driven, industrious and intelligent and such will continue and those who are not will perish. The strong will survive.
Bottom line is nature is a magnificent manager and the earth will reach a tipping point and nature herself will cull the human population to the correct size – in the interim some will thrive some will wither and suffer…its simply nature.
Again, many think me cruel for this view; however, in the end it is nature in action and there is in my opinion nothing more perfect than nature and its own ability to manage and regulate its resources.
In the end I deal with what I can affect, which in my case is the 40 acres I live on and a newly acquired 100 acres it is mine; I worked my entire life to reach this point and no one is going to redistribute it to some nere-do-wells and underprivlidged so that they can continue their pathetic genetics of laziness to the world.
Some will opine I have more than my share – to others my lot is a trifle of no consequence. Whatever the imbalance of resources may apear to some I have I earned them through a combination of birth, genetics, providence, hard work and planning. They are mine and mine alone as long as I can hold them - by force if neccessary.
I will pass this land on to my daughter who will work it as I do and then she will pass it to hers. Likely at some point there will be those who say inherited wealth is wrong and the inheritors do not deserve it as people now do about some of the uber rich. I know that my line will continue and I set them for success if they should squander it they were not fit to have it.