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Overpopulation? Elitest Propaganda and Damned Lies Lies Lies!

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posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by wcitizen

IMO that's what GMO is about. They will totally control the food supply, and pull the plug when and where they want to eliminate populations.

edit on 20-4-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-4-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

If you do the research you will find that no plug need be pulled.
The GMO food causes sterility in the 3rd generation of lab animals.
Serious fertility problems in humans will solve the overpopulation problem.
Ahhh, Earth will be Paradie once again.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by CouncilOfNineSorry buddy but it doesn't really matter, your mind set is still in the dark ages and you will soon see the big picture, I have said this in this topic alone at least 5 times RESEARCH and read, I have done this for a very long time, you guys really have no idea what is actually going on out there and im done trying to give you the initiative to have at least one reasonable thought, it doesn't matter what you have done to make YOUR life better because there is a much bigger picture and your thinking is one letter of the signature in the are in for a hell of a surprise

Paragraph, and/or sentence (not really sure which you are batting for here) structure aside I have no idea what you are saying to be honest.

My mind set is in the dark ages? Ok, so as I understand it this is an accusation of being a backward thinker or having ideas that are out of date.... I think I understand that as an attack.

Then you say I will see the big picture and that you have said "this" in this topic alone at least five times. Do you mean that you have said I will see the big picture five times or that I have a mind set in the dark ages or what? Absent a subject for your "sentence" I am sure I have no clue what you are talking about.

What have you done for a long time - according to this I assume that you have been saying (now we are not talking about me somehow because you now say "you guys") that I will see the big picture and that I am some sort of dark age philosopher for a long time - really that makes little sense; as I don't recall us ever having an exchange before this thread.

I take your next "thought" to mean that you don't want to answer any of the questions I posed. Honestly, unless you mean that you are the single fountain/source of rational thought and I need to listen to you to be able to reason for myself? That would be a little narcissistic of you don't you think?

Finally, I take the last "thought" to mean you feel I am missing the forest for the trees and that my actions matter very little.

That is fairly sad to me since I can only affect my own actions - if I could affect the actions of others perhaps the world would be a different place.

Perhaps you can tell me what the heck you are trying to say - because I am really confused?

I simply opined that while there indeed might be resources and land a plenty getting people to set aside their lives work to just give them to others who have not earned them for free or to have a third party take them by force to affect some master "Kumbahya moment" in which we all get along won't be easy considering its the antithesis to human nature.

edit on 20/4/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by MasloIt depends on the location. Poor people in developing world (and their children) would benefit more from money help and education than fishes and cows.

I will pass this land on to my daughter who will work it as I do and then she will pass it to hers. Likely at some point there will be those who say inherited wealth is wrong and the inheritors do not deserve it as people now do about some of the uber rich. I know that my line will continue and I set them for success if they should squander it they were not fit to have it.

Will you be upset when the bigger dog takes your land and destroys your fairytale future? Or will you cry out for intervention?
edit on 20-4-2011 by rwfresh because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 03:55 PM
If you have ever had an experience of true contentment then you will know that in that state you do not need anything else. You are not lacking. You are ecstatically energized with joy. This state is a state of giving. You cannot experience fear or lack so the automatic expression is empathy and.. to put it simply you have a huge desire to give because you understand that not sharing the truth is to deny your own contentment. And the truth of that energy is that it is in infinite supply. Your level of denial of it's infinite nature directly corresponds to your level of contentment. The more you understand your infinite nature the less you fight against the lie of finite, material resources.

If a person learns and lives only in the shadow of this experience they have the profound and driving urge to collect, hoard, take and control anything and everything they perceive might give them that experience. They identify themselves as finite and so battle to preserve their identity. They are in fact viciously defending their denial of their true infinite nature.

While you might need a Toyota tercel to fullfill a portion of your contentment, others need a Porsche, others need to own the Porsche company. Others need to own the framework in which companies and ownership exist.

Our entire global society is a reflection of the people who created and maintain it. They are living in the shadow of true contentment on a level you and I could literally not comprehend or even recognize. Most of us are literally fodder in their battle to defend their own denial.

The truth is, when you participate in greed, hoarding, gluttony and denial of your infinite nature you are propagating a lie hard wired into your head since birth. Saying we are brainwashed is not a bad analogy. If you woke up and truly understood that money is not actually sustaining or doing anything for your contentment you would quickly be filled with an true abundance.

Does anyone here think that the people that print money and run a financial system for you to play in are concerned with collecting the same things you lust after? Are they hoping to buy some more land? Looking at a new car? Hoping to deposit some more gold into their savings account? That is all for you. Created and operated by them. They are outside that realm.

Their hunger and lack requires much more to be satisfied. They will create wars, they will starve nations, they will poison communities. They will exterminate a population if needed.

So when you are defending depopulation or the overpopulation myth for fear you will not have enough to make you content you are revealing your programming. You are not worried about the future. You are not content with what you have right now. If you are even partially in tune with reality and your true infinite nature you would know that you are in a position of giving and sharing RIGHT NOW that will only bring you more contentment.

People who are truly content are the most productive people in society. Because they understand the true nature of the infinite reality they are able to put that into practice. They can create systems of free energy, sustainable and unlimited agriculture etc.

People who are living in the shadow of contentment can never contribute in this way.
1. they cannot see the infinite so their expression cannot reflect it.
2. if they do recognize the infinite outside of themselves they can only attempt to suppress it and control it.

So do not expect societal discontent (wars, starvation, pollution) to be solved by people who are in complete denial of reality. Do not look to the UN. It has been created by masters of denial.

We are on a collision course with murder/suicide. But the masters of denial will unwittingly die in the finite world they own and operate. What will be left is the infinite reality. Align with what is real now.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by Golf66

Originally posted by CouncilOfNineSorry buddy but it doesn't really matter, your mind set is still in the dark ages and you will soon see the big picture, I have said this in this topic alone at least 5 times RESEARCH and read, I have done this for a very long time, you guys really have no idea what is actually going on out there and im done trying to give you the initiative to have at least one reasonable thought, it doesn't matter what you have done to make YOUR life better because there is a much bigger picture and your thinking is one letter of the signature in the are in for a hell of a surprise

Paragraph, and/or sentence (not really sure which you are batting for here) structure aside I have no idea what you are saying to be honest.

My mind set is in the dark ages? Ok, so as I understand it this is an accusation of being a backward thinker or having ideas that are out of date.... I think I understand that as an attack.

Then you say I will see the big picture and that you have said "this" in this topic alone at least five times. Do you mean that you have said I will see the big picture five times or that I have a mind set in the dark ages or what? Absent a subject for your "sentence" I am sure I have no clue what you are talking about.

What have you done for a long time - according to this I assume that you have been saying (now we are not talking about me somehow because you now say "you guys") that I will see the big picture and that I am some sort of dark age philosopher for a long time - really that makes little sense; as I don't recall us ever having an exchange before this thread.

I take your next "thought" to mean that you don't want to answer any of the questions I posed. Honestly, unless you mean that you are the single fountain/source of rational thought and I need to listen to you to be able to reason for myself? That would be a little narcissistic of you don't you think?

Finally, I take the last "thought" to mean you feel I am missing the forest for the trees and that my actions matter very little.

That is fairly sad to me since I can only affect my own actions - if I could affect the actions of others perhaps the world would be a different place.

Perhaps you can tell me what the heck you are trying to say - because I am really confused?

I simply opined that while there indeed might be resources and land a plenty getting people to set aside their lives work to just give them to others who have not earned them for free or to have a third party take them by force to affect some master "Kumbahya moment" in which we all get along won't be easy considering its the antithesis to human nature.

edit on 20/4/2011 by Golf66 because: (no reason given)

Come on it really is not that hard to understand, the way you broke it down is not how it is written, but nice try!! I am saying that the true meaning of life completely alludes you because you have not done open minded and extensive research in this area.
And finally that I am done with debating semantics with someone who does not see the big picture due to that lack of that clear enough for you!!!!

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 04:42 PM
reply to post by rwfresh

Exquisitely said, you are most definitely inside my head, thank you for laying it out so well

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by OhZone

Originally posted by CouncilOfNine

Originally posted by wiredamerican
reply to post by spikey

......our evolution requires UNITY, there are two paths, the first is "service to others" and the other is "service to self" service to others brings a feeling of joy and service to self only bring loneliness and self absorption

So you are saying that our ideal "evolution" is to become Borg-like; having a Hive mind?

I see things exactly opposite. That is being our own gods and creating our own universes.
Does the Hive-Mind set make you feel secure?
Isn't this what all the problems on Earth are about;
everyone wants to make everyone else just like him/her?
How boring.

Taking your ideal a step further would be to synchronize all frequencies that make up the Universe into one frequency. That is counter to the very nature of the Universe, which is to create diversity and to continue to create ad infinatum.

It seems that I have a very different idea to reality than you do. these are not MY thoughts this is how the universe works, it would take me a half a day and at least 20 pages here to elaborate further on this, but suffice to say that you are wrong my friend, very very wrong, it has nothing to do with a hive mind it is about the real power, the power of gods that a societal complex has, and the things they can achieve purely by thought alone.

I have been trying to help people here understand, but I am afraid that the information I have learned is extremely difficult to get across due to the intensity of the subject, I am finding that while I can put the pieces together in my head, what I write is very insufficient to help you understand the true nature of our being.

It all depends on your level of evolution as to how your thought process works, if you want to ascend to the next level of our evolution this is where you need to start. This planet is moving into its next phase of evolution so the whole debate on overpopulation is quite null and void, if you do not evolve with the planet then you can not stay here, as it will shift into a completely different vibratory rate and you will no longer be compatible, somewhere between 100 and 700 years the surface of this planet will be uninhabitable just like Venus, Venus is millions of years ahead of Earth in evolutionary terms.

I could go on and on but I feel that it would be a complete waste of my time and this forums data space as it is highly involved in Quantum Physics, Quantum Biology and Quantum Astrophysics as well as faith, love and compassion.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:18 PM
reply to post by spikey

Im not an elitist, and you arent good at math if you think there is plenty to go around.

SOME people would like to see human beings live a decent quality of life. The Earth is like a pie, and the more people, the smaller the slices. Now I would never want to kill off people for a bigger slice, but we dont have to. We can just use birth control and stop being hysterical twits, and reduce our numbers by attrition, so that future humans can enjoy a spacious planet, lower population stress, better quality of life, and so that other species can thrive as well.

And far from being elitist, Im not a breeder. No kids. I put my money where my mouth is, so Im not even concerned for my own sake at all, but for the children of other people. In fact, I am more concerned about the world we are leaving to future generations than some of their parents are.

All people who KNOW the populations is above the worlds carrying capacity are not elitists wanting the lower classes to stop breeding. Go ahead, breed. Just limit it to one or two little angels, so these children you love so dearly have a good life.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by CouncilOfNineCome on it really is not that hard to understand, the way you broke it down is not how it is written, but nice try!!

Actually, I think it’s portrayed exactly as written, no period multiple comma's, no real clear subject and overall poor structure. That makes it very hard to get your point.

Originally posted by CouncilOfNineI am saying that the true meaning of life completely alludes you because you have not done open minded and extensive research in this area.

Ah, ok got it, you dismiss my thoughts without qualification because I problem. Perhaps you can tell me the meaning of life and while you are at it - tell us all, because a great many people have sought it for a long time.

Originally posted by CouncilOfNineAnd finally that I am done with debating semantics with someone who does not see the big picture due to that lack of that clear enough for you!!!!

Semantics is very important to the communication of thoughts - there are several factors in communication, the transmitter (you), the message (what you didn't get through) and the, receiver (me).

Since, I don't get what you are saying given your inability to use basic grammar and syntax I would assume you haven't really "debated" anything at all let alone including semantics.

Rather, it seems you tossed out a long series of random thoughts poorly joined and difficult to interpret – perhaps that is your intent to seem mysterious and more informed than the rest of us. I mean claiming to know the meaning of life is pretty cool...

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by Golf66

Just accept the fact that our ways of thinking are incompatible and leave it at that, quite frankly this ping pong game is getting exhausting.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:42 PM
While I do completely agree with your idea of MONEY/GREED being the key cause of the problems rather than overpopulation per se, the fact is that over consumption is the real problem. If all countries were like the UK and US the world would be utterly fubar'd. The main reason our societies exist are because of the work of people much worse off than ourselves who are happy to work crazy hours for feck all to fill our shops with tons on food clothing and electrical fun.

However overpopoluation that lives our current lifestyles WILL be a big problem. Unless we all go back to growing our own food and being more self sufficient there sure as hell are going to be a lot of problems, just look at the state of many of the worlds slums now, the giant rubbish tips in third world countries were our 'recycling' tends to end up and the floating plastic waste sheets in the sea.

if we move back to simpler times then yes overpopulation to an extent wouldn't be so bad, or more importantly if we were willing to spend the money for more technologically sustainable solutions... but hey, that's not a big profit maker so it doesn't happen.

One issue though is water/rainfall cycles. The more people there are, the more the forests and vegetation gets cut down. And when this happens in coastal areas it will eventually lead to desertification due to the massive impact it has on the water cycles. It's getting bad enough in the rain forests now, if it continues the land is never going to be able to recover to sustain enough rainfall to re-grow.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by CouncilOfNine
reply to post by Golf66

Just accept the fact that our ways of thinking are incompatible and leave it at that, quite frankly this ping pong game is getting exhausting.

Wow, you have figured out the meaning of life already but find typing three posts in a forum exhausting...

No problem - I would like to know the meaning of life if you can fit it into your schedule. I bet you are busy being the one to have figured it out and all; is there a book or something you have published we can reference. Perhaps up there with some works from Plato, Aristotle, or Antisthenes and other great minds.

Sounds to me like your philosophy is that of a Cynic.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by CouncilOfNine

Just out of curiosity, are you related to Jared Laughner?

Your incoherent ramblings and insistence that you have attained some "higher level of thinking and understanding" than everyone else has is very symptomatic of schizophrenic delusions.

Have you had a mental health screening recently?

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by crezo

They will soon discover the world is overpopulated now that China and India has more jobs, and more disposable income. As they begin consuming a greater share of the worlds resources, prices will go up, and there will be less for those in the US.

The problem is a lot of these "there is plenty" people cant see past their own nose. There is plenty for THEM surely that means there is plenty in general. There isnt. Nearly 1/6 of the worlds population is hungry. They have enough to keep them alive, but not enough to be content. With globalization, Europe and America will no longer have the lions share of the resources available to them, and then perhaps, it will suddenly be real to them that what we are doing in madness.

Literally, insane. When you look at stocks of fishes, and oil, and metals and other resources, really look at the numbers, we are well beyond any sane level of population.

posted on Apr, 20 2011 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by CouncilOfNine

Originally posted by OhZone

Originally posted by CouncilOfNine

Originally posted by wiredamerican
reply to post by spikey

......our evolution requires UNITY, there are two paths, the first is "service to others" and the other is "service to self" service to others brings a feeling of joy and service to self only bring loneliness and self absorption

So you are saying that our ideal "evolution" is to become Borg-like; having a Hive mind?

I see things exactly opposite. That is being our own gods and creating our own universes.
Does the Hive-Mind set make you feel secure?
Isn't this what all the problems on Earth are about;
everyone wants to make everyone else just like him/her?
How boring.

Taking your ideal a step further would be to synchronize all frequencies that make up the Universe into one frequency. That is counter to the very nature of the Universe, which is to create diversity and to continue to create ad infinatum.

It seems that I have a very different idea to reality than you do. these are not MY thoughts this is how the universe works, it would take me a half a day and at least 20 pages here to elaborate further on this, but suffice to say that you are wrong my friend, very very wrong, it has nothing to do with a hive mind it is about the real power, the power of gods that a societal complex has, and the things they can achieve purely by thought alone.

I have been trying to help people here understand, but I am afraid that the information I have learned is extremely difficult to get across due to the intensity of the subject, I am finding that while I can put the pieces together in my head, what I write is very insufficient to help you understand the true nature of our being.

It all depends on your level of evolution as to how your thought process works, if you want to ascend to the next level of our evolution this is where you need to start. This planet is moving into its next phase of evolution so the whole debate on overpopulation is quite null and void, if you do not evolve with the planet then you can not stay here, as it will shift into a completely different vibratory rate and you will no longer be compatible, somewhere between 100 and 700 years the surface of this planet will be uninhabitable just like Venus, Venus is millions of years ahead of Earth in evolutionary terms.

I could go on and on but I feel that it would be a complete waste of my time and this forums data space as it is highly involved in Quantum Physics, Quantum Biology and Quantum Astrophysics as well as faith, love and compassion.

This has to be one of the most arrogant, self-righteous posts I have ever read. Quite possibly delusional.

I don't know what else to say

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 05:07 AM
reply to post by Golf66

I simply opined that while there indeed might be resources and land a plenty getting people to set aside their lives work to just give them to others who have not earned them for free or to have a third party take them by force to affect some master "Kumbahya moment" in which we all get along won't be easy considering its the antithesis to human nature.

I see where you're coming from, and from the perspective of looking at the world using our current paradigm, the what is 'ours' and 'theirs' mentality it makes perfect sense and is probably a realistic reflection of how many wealthy people will feel...initially.

Our current system artificially creates a environment where selfishness is an end product, and wealth accumulation is the prime motivational reason to work.

What if there was another global focus, not based on the drive for meaningless paper at the expense of human and environmental life? What would this world look like, if our actions and activities were driven by a desire to elevate ourselves, rather than to subjugate and control us?

What if we all realised there is a simple choice to be made, a change of perspective that we all need to adopt and use as our motivation for getting out of bed in the morning, and getting to work, and doing it for reasons other than a handful of paper at the end of the month. What better reason to get motivated is there, than working to ensure an elevated existence for our children and our species as a whole?

What could be better than people who wish to spend their working lives, dedicated to helping and assisting people, instead of acquiring useless paper?

Doctors and medically orientated people, working because they *desire* to help humanity and to build a better future, rather than to build a useless pile of personal wealth..a system where real cures and medical innovations are sought, in place of expensive/ highly profitable 'treatments'.

Where engineers can plan and build for a more comfortable, safe and inspiring social environment, not constricted by cost or financial considerations. And not just in 'developed' countries, but for all of us.

Why are we fighting for oil/energy reserves, wiping out entire families many thousands of times over, irradiating and poisoning the biosphere with DU weapons, when we have thousands of times more energy than we would need hitting our planet every day? We have made very fast advances in Solar technologies, and very exciting ones too.

What would be a better, more humane and actually much simpler way to obtain our energy? Go into overdrive, and dedicate as many factories as possible, turning out Solar tech like there's no tomorrow, *give* that technology to every single household and person that requires it for their own energy needs, or go to war, kill the indigenous defenders, kill our young men and women sent, poison the biosphere and steal the energy for our own use?

The stark facts are, if we had insisted that the paper that has been used to engineer and maintain this mass slaughter and global destruction in order to steal energy, had been used with a forward looking eye and dedication to humanitarianism, we could have produced enough Solar energy equipment for every single person on our planet to have energy independence.

In as little as a decade the paper used on war, could already have had a massive positive effect on our world and our 'magical' or 'free energy' devices would have been required..A home's roof and walls coated in NanoSolar paints, or roof shingles replaced with Solar 'on a roll' or even simple traditional panels would be more than enough energy for most households.

As shown, the only real reason for fearmongering and 'programming' our populations regarding the overpopulation scam, is limiting expended financial resources and increasing profit, not any lack of tangible resources. A relatively few shareholders and investors will think they are benefiting but most others will suffer in one way or another, and suffering they are..and ironically, the wealthy also have to exist in the same biosphere they are helping to ruin.

Personal paper...lifting of species...lifting of species...personal paper. No comparison is there.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Illusionsaregrander
reply to post by crezo

They will soon discover the world is overpopulated now that China and India has more jobs, and more disposable income. As they begin consuming a greater share of the worlds resources, prices will go up, and there will be less for those in the US.

The problem is a lot of these "there is plenty" people cant see past their own nose. There is plenty for THEM surely that means there is plenty in general. There isnt. Nearly 1/6 of the worlds population is hungry. They have enough to keep them alive, but not enough to be content. With globalization, Europe and America will no longer have the lions share of the resources available to them, and then perhaps, it will suddenly be real to them that what we are doing in madness.

Literally, insane. When you look at stocks of fishes, and oil, and metals and other resources, really look at the numbers, we are well beyond any sane level of population.

It's not surprising that you think this way.

Why would anyone be expected to immediately think any differently, when we have been raised in a selfish, egocentric and 'me, me, me' system all of our lives? It's completely natural that you would say what you did above.

And continuing as we are under the current system would produce a world that is/would be a true reflection of what you say.

What is being discussed in this thread is quite a simple concept. All it requires is a change of attitude about what we think of as 'wealth'.

We have to let go of the ideas of profit/wealth = more resources = more wealth/profit. We have, or can obtain ALL of the WAFLE requirements we need or want, the obstacles lay in the facilitating of proper access to these plentiful resources.

There are the essentials Water, Air, Food, Land and Energy requirements...It is obvious to most people, that with enough of 'E' or energy, we can simple obtain or create the rest of the requirements if we needed to.

With energy, we can produce clean, potable much of it as we need. Solar evaporators and condensers are not a new innovation..the Earth has been incorporating this very method into our water cycle, since water existed here. They're not a magical free energy concept or pipe dream, they are here - now.

In fact, we can produce energy *at the same time* as providing potable, pure water in Solar concentrator power stations.

Here's examples of such a station;



How it works is simplicity itself. Water, any water including sea/salt, waste/polluted water (even urine from our cities) is pumped into the tower, solar radiant energy is captured and reflected at the tower and focused onto a small area. The immense heat vaporises the water and effectively sterilises and purifies it for crops and the same time this is happening, the superheated steam generated turns turbines and produces MW of electrical energy.

All done pollution free, and with no consumables to mine, drill for, fight and kill over. Only abundant sea water or dirty water and abundant sunlight.

And another, not so little bonus presents itself as a result of this process - nutrients for crops is produced. If these concentrators are placed on sea going floating platforms, the sea water is vaporised, turned into fuel to drive turbines, create potable water and what is left over is a quantity of very useful nutrient salts and minerals. Waste water too would leave behind whatever was contained suspended in the water - heavy metals, chemicals, etc. which can be recovered and reused.

Ever heard of any other type of power station that can produce all that we need in terms of pollution free energy *and* clean water *and* useful by-products like fertilisers and minerals while it's doing it?

Now you have!

Here's another version, a Solar convection tower;


The same solar energy can be either directed at the lower sections of the tower, or solar energy in the form of hot air trapped under the plastic or glass panels surrounding the tower (like a huge greenhouse.

The intense, focused heat causes an air pressure change to occur, and sends hot air rushing up the tower in an attempt to equalise with the cooler, surrounding air. (convection)
This causes turbines at the base of the tower, or inside the upper levels to spin and generate MW of clean, pollution free and indefinitely sustainable energy with no further fuel or materials required (apart from maintenance etc).
These stations do not only operate while the sun shines either...tubes of water heated during the day can be used at night to create convection currents and energy can be generated day and night.

If they decide to also wrap Solar roll or paint the tower in nano-solar paint, they can generate more MW of energy.
Now imagine a million of these types of power stations, but positioned off the coast at sea. After the initial cost in paper, we would have a permanent method to create clean water and energy, with which we can grow crops on multi level, floating sea farms that are 2000% more efficient per given area of space, than traditional land based farms.

Energy is the key to our progression and success as a species. And energy is bathing our planet in abundance from the sun. All that is required is the will to change our outlook, to move away from a 'this is mine' attitude and stop killing people to steal what amounts to an unnecessary fossil energy, and build our power structures based on these technologies instead.

Looking at the world's 'problems' from these refreshed perspectives makes us realise there are no problems, at least there doesn't *have* to be.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by crezo

Thanks for your post mate, but read the reply i gave above, as it applies to the points you have raised.


posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by spikey

You dont seem to be factoring into the equation the utter dependence of these new technologies on oil. And the dependence of our food production on oil.

The population began its real spike because of ........oil. You cant make the alternative energy sources you are discussing without oil. Even if you get solar powered combines, and other havesters, trucks to transport, etc., our foods, the whole system is still heavily dependent on oil and the sun and the wind are not going to replace that dependence.

I dont mind at all a shift in what "wealth" means. I just have a pretty good understanding of the depth of our dependence on oil. And how even with relatively cheap oil how precarious our situation already is. Producing "energy" as many of you perceive it is only part of our dependence. Its not all about electricity. We have seriously depleted our stocks of some metals crucial to manufacturing out technology too. Its not JUST oil.

We are blowing through the worlds resources like drunks with a stolen credit card. And we are breeding out of control even now, when the pinch is becoming apparent. Mostly because many of you have been programmed by that same "more more more" system of economic thought you are writing off as "greed." Our overpopulation is a symptom of that greedy mindset. "More humans, more resources for humans." Why do we need more?

Why can we not begin to lower, peaceably, voluntarily, our numbers until we hit a level at which other species who are part of the web of life can maintain THEIR population at levels that allow their continued existence? There is no reason, except for the fact the same pyramid scheme of an economic system has become so ingrained in people that they do everything with the same mindset. Grow, grow, grow.

Human beings actually WANT to lower their population levels, as evidenced by what is happening in virtually all first world countries where people who have access to birth control, and where governments and religion do not prevent it, people are dropping their reproduction levels to below replacement rates.

Which is sanity. This idea that we can support double the population is incorrect, and, quite frankly, not even sane in the fact of the numbers.

posted on Apr, 21 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by OhZone

Originally posted by wcitizen

IMO that's what GMO is about. They will totally control the food supply, and pull the plug when and where they want to eliminate populations.

edit on 20-4-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-4-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

If you do the research you will find that no plug need be pulled.
The GMO food causes sterility in the 3rd generation of lab animals.
Serious fertility problems in humans will solve the overpopulation problem.
Ahhh, Earth will be Paradie once again.

I see your point but disagree. But anyway, good luck with that one. In the scenario you present you'll be under the total control of the Parasites. If that's paradise for you, so be it.

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