I have data to back up everything I included in my last post, I did use 4 reams of paper to print it all out though and I find that scanning this much
data and trying to find somewhere to host it just so some of you can chuck a little more rubbish on the pile of rational thought some what daunting
but well below my level of tolerance but also making it very low on my priority list, although it would be more of an effort than the thought process
of some of the people here.
The problem here is most of you are still thinking inside of the little box where your masters want you to be, when you can crawl out of that box then
you will see things in a completely different way, this is why you need to rationally research these areas with an open mind no matter what the end
result reveals, this is what I have done and I am sure a lot of other members have also done, by the way I NEVER stated anywhere in my post that the
end of next year would be the end of the world, this was YOUR thought process alone that brought you to this conclusion, and although I also never
stated this, It WILL be the end of the world AS WE KNOW IT, everyone will finally wake up and see the light for what it is.
Some of you still think that what you see in front of you is real when in actual fact it is an illusion, an illusion in the form of free will, given
to us to make a choice, a choice that will effect where we go and what we will do in our next life, will you ascend or evolve or will you come back
and do it all over again? if you evolve will you take the positive path or the negative path? If you don't make a choice like a lot of the people who
have posted in this thread have obviously not then your next body will not look like this one, although you wont know because you wont remember, such
is the 3rd density or density of choice and of veiling of the memory.
You talk about overpopulation, do any of you know why we have so many people here at this place at this time? maybe some of you but most obviously not
the ones talking of overpopulation..........let me enlighten you a little, this planet is entering the next phase of its evolution into 4th density
(the density of love), in the universe this is a major event, like all your Christmas's, birthdays, and every other event in your life happening only
once on the same day (although this one takes a lot more than one day), consequently entities from all over our galaxy are being incarnated here just
to be a part of this event. This planet is under strict quarantine, a quarantine that will be lifted on the 21st of December 2012, after this date you
can expect first contact on a very public level, unlike first contact between the so called illuminated ones and the Orion confederation, for your
general information these are the negative guys who have influenced them, why do you think we are being bombarded on TV and in Movie's with alien
invasion scenarios, ever noticed that they are ALL completely negative!!....only telling you one thing "these guys are bad", this is what they want
you to think because they know this will be the ultimate final end to their reign and they are not prepared to lose that power.
This was also one of their scenarios for the eradication of at least 4 billion people, drop nukes from their own saucers on large populated areas
around the world and blame it on the aliens, im sure you wouldn't have been to keen on that method of depopulation now would you, you really need to
have a grasp on the big picture and be able to put the puzzle together before making uneducated judgements on subjects you know very little about,
using only programmed thoughts.
edit on 19-4-2011 by CouncilOfNine because: (no reason given)