posted on Apr, 18 2011 @ 10:56 PM
When i was eight years old i remember going down to the river to shoot carp with a bow. The water was so clear you could see the carp in the sunlight.
Now, that same river ,is green and smells of sewage. It a bio hazzard and nothing gets done. People put fertilizer in their lawns by the river and
also the golf coarse. The sewage plant by the river is supposed to clean the water then empty back into the creek that empties into the river, but i
fear they don't because of money issues these days. I use to fish there when i was young, but now it is a running sewage sesspool. It all goes down
river and people down river get that and then some more. No wonder they are drainning the great lakes and bottlling the water. I personally do not
like them drainning it and selling the water all around the world. We all are contributing to the polutants that go into the rivers and lakes of our
great state of minnesota.I fear that if the population grows any more, pollutants like this will be everywhere. I do not think that the elites should
just kill us off, no. Why can we just make a law that you can only have one child. That in itself will decrease the population. I use to see a green,
pure land and now all it is is a sesspool of sewage. This i so sad peoples do this to the very land they love and have children play on. Now your
children must grow up in a sesspool of sewage, of GOD only knows what is all in that river. I believe population control, yes, BUT limit the amount of
children per family to only one child. But no, this will not work because people will want to f# and f# with no protection. So, what are we to do with
the population cause our environment is taking the toll from all the wasteful peoples,who do not care for anyone but themselves. Pollutants
everywhere. The lakes, the rivers, ground water, wells, and the water in your home. Polluted, because of people who dump, litter,pollute,in some way
shape or form. Even if you think you do not pollute, you lie, you do. Example. You may drive a rusty or old car, well old cars leak oil. That oil gets
into the tar and when it rains it goes into the gutter and travels to a water overflow area or someplace where it gets sent off the streets. This
water then goes into the ground or directly into the river. People do these things. I believe if we could control the populous to one child per family
we would be fine and keep doing that for awhile. The people are so use to the saying, be fruitful. well, there is such a thing as being responsible
for ones actions as are you able to take care of a child financially, and morrally. Not just f# and oooops. I think people need a wake up call. I
suggest that you watch JERRY SPRINGER for a whole year. That , people is your society, OK. Meanning, people just don't care anymore. To many people
here on earth all over the place and the plantlife is dwindling. Make an exsperiment and see how much oxegen it takes for you to breath in an hour.
Find out how many plants it takes to make the oxegen you breath. I'm sure if you stuck yourself in a bubble and filled it with lots of plants, you
would find it takes alot of plants to be in your bubble for you to sustain life. With that said, the destruction of plant life and with natural
dissasters, pollutants and so forth. This is why we need to lower the population. We are Killing it. I am not saying the elites should do us all in,
i'm saying that a family should only have one child for several generations. People are polluting the world and pretty soon your childrens children
will not have a world worth living in. So many pollutants, so many polluters and noone cares. Ever see the movie blade runner? At the ground level the
air and everything was so polluted. Do you want your children living in a place like that. Full of pollutants. NO. I do like the flying cars and
things, gadgets, technology. We need a cleanner society. Technology that is green, not polluted. We have to as a whole meanning the whole planet needs
to dwindle down in population. Mother earth needs to heal from all the polluters. Now we have fukeshema, more pollutants. Gee, now the people cain't
even live there. See the problem. Mother nature needs help, so lets help the earth all together and be responsible for OUR ACTIONS. Do not be a
polluter and have only one child.