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Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Maslo
ok....lets keep kids out of it
So an Asexual can be straight, gay or bi-sexual but just go for very long periods of time without sex. Botton line, they have no sex drive. There are treatments for that and very successful too but Asexuals probably can't be bothered with treatments hence become celebate until they break the drought.
am I on the right track?edit on 17-4-2011 by bluemirage5 because: (no reason given)
Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by Maslo
No; there are plenty of straight people out there with low or no sex drive
Gay men have the biggest sex drive of all
Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by meeneecat
Psychotherapy is not the same as psychiatrict treatment. It's only my view from what I learned from the videos the parents DID enable these kids and none of them were offered the proper care that should has been available to these kids.
A male child born with XY cromosomes and a girl born with XX cromosomes is not suffering from something biological but most definately more psychological
Originally posted by bluemirage5
reply to post by meeneecat
Your medical "professional" source does seem to help your agenda......
but if I was so show you the opposite medical professional studies; you'd go against it because it does'nt help YOUR agenda. Correct?
It's kind of like circumcisim.....there is plenty of for and against out there; or ADHD do we medicate or not; you have to accept the fact that I could say the exact same for transgenders. There is alot of for and against as well.
You have to accept everyone has an opinion, just because there are "professionals" who agree with you, they are not always right.
Whereas, The American Medical Association opposes discrimination 1 on the basis of
gender identity1 and
Whereas, Gender Identity Disorder (GID) is a serious medical condition recognized as
such in both the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (4th Ed., Text
Revision) (DSM-IV-TR) and the International Classification of Diseases (10th Revision),2
and is characterized in the DSM-IV-TR as a persistent discomfort with one’s assigned
sex and with one’s primary and secondary sex characteristics, which causes intense
emotional pain and suffering;3 and
Whereas, GID, if left untreated, can result in clinically significant psychological distress,
dysfunction, debilitating depression and, for some people without access to appropriate
medical care and treatment, suicidality and death;4 and
Whereas, The World Professional Association For Transgender Health, Inc. (“WPATH”)
is the leading international, interdisciplinary professional organization devoted to the
understanding and treatment of gender identity disorders,5 and has established
internationally accepted Standards of Care 6 for providing medical treatment for people
with GID, including mental health care, hormone therapy and sex reassignment surgery,
which are designed to promote the health and welfare of persons with GID and are
recognized within the medical community to be the standard of care for treating people
22 with GID; and
Whereas, An established body of medical research demonstrates the effectiveness and
medical necessity of mental health care, hormone therapy and sex reassignment
surgery as forms of therapeutic treatment for many people diagnosed with GID; 7 and
Whereas, Health experts in GID, including WPATH, have rejected the myth that such
treatments are “cosmetic” or “experimental” and have recognized that these treatments
can provide safe and effective treatment for a serious health condition;7 and
Whereas, Delaying treatment for GID can cause and/or aggravate additional serious and
expensive health problems, such as stress-related physical illnesses, depression, and
substance abuse problems, which further endanger patients’ health and strain the health
care system
Originally posted by SyphonX
All I can say is, prove it.
I want to hear a 5 year old child claim they want to be of the opposite sex. Then I want to hear this child explain to me everything the operations, therapies, etc entails. Me thinks they'll have a hard time. Most children just start learning to read around 5.
No, I don't want to hear an adult, or a teenager 'claim' they had these thoughts as a child. I want to hear it from a child's mouth.
There is only one group in this thread trying to do any actual damage.
Originally posted by bluemirage5 All transgenda men end up with male partners All transgenda women end up with female partners;
Originally posted by Maslo Any evidence for these claims?
I know afew people who are very much heterosexual and not only do they have no sex drive or low sex drive but they're always been like it all their lives. Suddenly they have a disorder because it does'nt fit the "Asexual" agenda? Come on, you don't seriously believe it do you? I'm not buying it.
HSDD is characterized as a lack or absence of sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity for some period of time. For this to be regarded as a disorder, it must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulties and not be better accounted for by another mental disorder (i.e. depression), a drug (legal or illegal), or some other medical condition.
So that takes me back to you are either heterosexual, gay or bi-sexual. Either three can be celebate by abstaining from sex or just can't be bothered with it all and can go for very long droughts at a time.
So that takes me back to you are either heterosexual, gay or bi-sexual.