reply to post by meeneecat
You're right, there are those cases which are on the brink if they don't get the process going in some way asap, even children. It's a difficult
issue to adresse I think, because on one hand, you don't want to do something out of desperation and really mess yourself up, you want to do the
process right yet on the other hand, you have cases where suicide will be the end result if they don't atleast get some part of the process in action.
With that in mind I re-examine this and think to myself, if it is a life and death situation, maybe this kind of early intervention may be far better
than the alternative consequinces. So I think you are right on this.
Yeah, I don't know what all this hysteria is all about. The hysteria is part of why I posted, I know getting into one of these debates can be iffy
but I felt a need to shed some light on the transgender experience and maybe de-mystify it a little because this subject belongs to trans issues. I
hope others will post as well and help me out.
I think once people realize the reality of transgenderism, they'll realize it's not as skeery as it looks and sounds and that no, we're not out to
convert people and turn them into transfrankensteins, we're not going to eat the children and tern Paul Bunyon into a drag queen *laughs*, that we're
not a bunch of sick perverts and die hard family destroyers. We're perdy normal, we have families, jobs, hobbies, you name it and like everyone else
we stem from all walks of life.
There were many cultures that at one time accepted the view that there was more than two genders and that gender could be more fluid than we give
credit and in many of those cultures, people like transpeople were often respected individuals of their community that had a sacred and important role
to play. They were seen as having a unique perspective because they were often viewed as walking in both worlds of male and female. This double
perspective was also seen as important in shamanic type practice as well. This is not to say this was the case all around but it was the case in many
ancient cultures.
Imagine how radicaly this would change the transgender experience, especially for children, if the message they got were "you're an important part of
our community, you have a place to, and there are others like you who can help instruct you along the path,". That would save lives and alleviate so
much suffering.
edit on 19-4-2011 by Arles Morningside because: (no reason given)