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Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Why would I want to visit Gaul! The people rarely bathe, are rude, and are prone to give up their nation to anyone with an army, while terrified of women wearing burkas.
Originally posted by Maslo
Burqas can also be used to identify potential extremists.
Originally posted by Maslo
reply to post by Nimes
Women who wear burqas, their relatives and associates would be first to consider when identifying potential extremists among muslims They are probably the hardcore ones, so burqas could be used as a clue.
That doesn't have to be the case. What if she was alone in the street or with other female friends? You wouldn't have a clue what's going on.
Here is another reason to wear the Burka you haven't thought of, that in fact leads some women in Afghanistan to wear it, and that's facial disfigurement caused by being the victim of violence not by their husbands but Coalition Bombs dropped on their homes a process often supported by people who imagine the things that you do.
Originally posted by eyesdown
I don't know if this has already been posted but I this really made think about it in a different way.
The following is a view from a woman who lives in Sharia law against her will no chioce of wearing burga or not.
Originally posted by Saracen1
reply to post by coquine
First of all the swastika is not banned in "western" countries. This can easily be seen in regular neo nazi demonstrations and parades, secondly it is impossible to ban a tatoo.
you, like a lot of Islamophobes, wrongly assume that muslims have immigrated to the "west". What you fail to realise is that most muslims in Europe are born here. Not to mention a sizable population who have converted to Islam.So your claptrap about "living in your parents house" is irelevant.
Moreover, your erroneous figures as to the number of muslims dependant on the state is totally unsubstantiated, but why let facts get in the way of a good fairytale eh!
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
When I read that the ban has gone through the French parliament with an overwhelming majority, I was unexpectedly ecstatic about it. I don’t live in France and I don’t even to plan to visit anytime soon and yet it made me happy that women there don’t have a choice. Yes this is one area where I’m anti-choice. Covering the face is the very essence of objectifying women. With her face covered, a woman is reduced to an object that needs to be protected by a male guardian. For every woman who truly chooses of her own freewill to cover her face, there are hundreds if not thousands forced and pressured to by the religious establishment, family and society. Who would you sacrifice, that one woman who can manage to find God in something else or those hundreds, so that one can liberally choose?
The number of times I have heard Saudi women here, who are conditioned to believe that covering is an unquestionable issue, sigh as they watch uncovered women on TV and say لهم الدنبا ولنا الأخرة (they get the world and we get the afterlife). These are the women “choosing” to cover, brainwashed into living to die. I wish I had the power to take the choice away from them.
Originally posted by Saracen1
reply to post by coquine
What we can say with historical certainty, is that France was saved not once but twice, by her muslim subjects.
That is why your still able to speak French today and not German.