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French ban on Islamic face veil comes into force

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posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:30 PM
Yup on the radio today a muslim woman said if they bring the ban to Britain she would leave the country.God I hope they do, I want the normal english christmas' back.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:32 PM
reply to post by torqpoc

As someone who lives in France I just wanted to say thanks for saying so much that makes sense.

Not many Muslims in my area so seeing them covered up isn't something we're used to.

The only drawback I see from this new law is that some Muslims will now not go out in public and the division felt will increase.

Time will tell and hopefully the good effects of this new law will be seen.... Pun intended.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:35 PM
for the reading impaired islam is a choice race isn't a choice and no matter how much people want to be racism its not.

keep trying tho.

good for france just wait for the backlash

people have problems with some muslims there is nothing wrong with that

people have problems with some christians there is nothing wrong with that.

the only thing you people have no right to do its keep labeling people racist over either one and just in case you missed the point : RELIGION IS A CHOICE YOU WEREN'T BORN THAT WAY

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:35 PM
There is an old saying - 'When in Rome do as the Romans do' - France is not a Muslim country living under Sharia law so I can see why a law like this has been passed. Let me give you an example - in London 6 months ago a 6 month old baby was killed by a Muslim woman who was driving whilst wearing a Bhurka. She didn't stop but someone took her license plate number and the police went to her home to arrest her. Unfortunately there were 5 women wearing Bhurkas living at the address and none of them admitted to driving the car at the time and because the eye-witnesses could'nt identify the driver properly because her face was covered the case fell apart and nobody was charged so the parents still have no justice.Within 5 miles of my house are 17 Mosques, 6 churches, 1 Jewish temple and 1 Buddhist temple. In my country - England - the governments pander to nearly every whim of the Muslims but NOT to Christians,Buddists,Shieks or any other religion. Why??

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:42 PM
reply to post by mr-lizard

"no connection to Islam"

"besides cultural association"

Herrrrrr Derrrrr

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by neo96
for the reading impaired islam is a choice race isn't a choice and no matter how much people want to be racism its not.

keep trying tho.

good for france just wait for the backlash

people have problems with some muslims there is nothing wrong with that

people have problems with some christians there is nothing wrong with that.

the only thing you people have no right to do its keep labeling people racist over either one and just in case you missed the point : RELIGION IS A CHOICE YOU WEREN'T BORN THAT WAY

I agree with you that religeon is a choice IF you are an adult - unfortunately the majority of Muslims are indoctrinated from childhood and were given NO choice by their equally indoctrinated parents - a vicious circle doomed to repeat itself until the religeous indoctrination of children is made illegal. I speak from experience. It took me 12 years to recover from the brainwashing I received as a child/teenager from my parents and local church.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:48 PM
I am not a woman and I am not a muslim. If such a ban would be put in place in here thought the first thing I'd do is get me one of those veils and go for the streets. Ridicilous to 'protect womens freedom' by making a free choice illegal.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:50 PM

Saudi Arabia has reportedly spent over $70 billion since 1979 on overseas aid, more than two-thirds of it on its campaign to spread Wahhabism across the world. This programme included the founding of thousands of mosques and madrassas (Islamic schools)

Recent news reports claim that the Saudi prince Al-Waleed Bin Talal Al-Saud, a nephew of the late King Fahd, has donated $20 million each to Harvard and Georgetown universities in the US.

Prince Al-Waleed has recently bought 5.46% of the voting shares of News Corporation, Rupert Murdoch’s diversified international media and entertainment empire that includes Fox News Channel (FNC). Fox had been reporting on the Saudi role in the promotion of Islamist terror, and it is thought that the prince may hope to dampen any potential criticism by his investment. [2] [3] It is claimed that Fox News Channel recently changed its coverage of the Muslim riots in France after he called the network to complain. The Dubai based Khaleej Times quotes the prince as saying:

I was in America watching Fox News when I saw a news report being labelled as Muslim riots. I immediately called up Fox Murdoch and informed him that it was wrong to label any riot caused by whatever reason as Muslim. After a short while, there was a change, and the news report about Muslim riots was simply labelled as riots.

Saudi Arabia has reportedly spent over $70 billion since 1979 on overseas aid, more than two-thirds of it on its campaign to spread Wahhabism across the world

The official Saudi newspaper in English, Ain al-Yaqeen, published an article on March 1, 2002 describing the Kingdom’s efforts at supporting Islam worldwide. It claimed that the Kingdom had spent “astronomical” sums of many billions establishing thousands of mosques, madrassas and Islamic centres in non-Muslim countries in Europe, North and South America, Australia, Africa and Asia

Saudi Arabia’s state religion is Wahhabism, a narrow form of Islam hostile to reforms in Islam and ideologically akin to radical Islamism.

Generous Saudi funding of institutions in the non-Muslim world, and especially in the West, has a long history and is driven by the Saudi state and the royal family. While Saudi sources claim that the funding is given to help remove Western misunderstandings of Islam, evidence suggests that much of the motivation is founded in Islamic doctrines of mission (Da‘wa) and holy war (Jihad) and aims at the spread of Islam (especially in its Wahhabi form) and its political dominance around the world

Interesting reading

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by TattooedWarrior

i will agree to some of that being a westerner myself for the majority of people in this country it is a choice and to a lesser extent its not a choice for some people such as yourself.

however there are more muslims in the world than christians so indoctrination happens more in the east than the west that was until they started migrating to the west.

i will conceed indoctrination happens but it happens on both sides.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 02:54 PM
This does show how it is Hadith that has usurped and diseased Islam, and how Muslims worship Muhammed, maybe not by name, but by deed. The Quran does not say women must mear a head covering, or face covering, but the Hadith does, and why so many Muslim men without a beard, yet their woman is covered? Hadith also says to have a beard. The problem here is the Quran says it is Complete and Full and not to add anything more, yet these manmade innovations like hadith, and sharia have taken presidence of the Quran. The Quran says the role of the Messenger is to ONLY deliver the Message(Quran), not add anything else, yet we see Muslims lives are all about following these man-made innovations like Hadith and sharia, and sunna, yet these actions are against the teaching of the Quran, even the shahada has been perverted because modern Muslims have partnered God with man by putting Muhammed's name in thye shahada, while in the Quran it is not there. Modern Muslims should be called Hadithic Muhammedans, because they follow Muhammed, not the Quran, which teaches not to follow man-mad additions.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Mdv2
. . . . but burqas and niqab are unacceptable since one wearing these could never integrate into Western society and if that's exactly what you want, you shouldn't be living here. The veil on the other hand is generally accepted.

That's ridiculous.

What exactly is Western society - anyway?

And to what degree are people supposed to integrate into another country/culture?

I have Islam women near me - - who completely cover themselves. Some in loose black garments and some in regular clothes with a scarf covering their hair. They do not cover their face.

But it doesn't bother me. Why would I expect them to be any different?

I do support a face not being covered. But that would apply to everyone.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Now you REALLY do need to read this

All those of you who try to portray wahhabism/Saudi funded islam as 'peaceful '

THIS is what they do to their OWN religious icon, Mohammed

IMAGINE what they'll do to YOU

Vandalism In The Name of Allah

In 1924, the Wahhabis had begun a campaign of destruction of graves of Muslim saints and imams.

Even the tomb of Mohammed's daughter Fatima, from whose lineage the Mahdi (Messiah) will be born, was destroyed.

The Ikhwan had even tried to desecrate the tomb of Mohammed, but had been restrained by the Al Saud chief.

Under the rule of King Abdul Aziz and his descendants, the destruction of religious sites has been accelerating up to the present day.

Over the past two decades, according to the Gulf Institute, 95% of the ancient buildings of Mecca have been demolished. Dr Sami Angawi, a Saudi architect, claims that now there are only 20 buildings which remain from the time of Mohammed.

The tomb of Mohammed is in Medina.

In the 1950s, the Saudi establishment decided to build a library over the grave site.

The architect gained a compromise, by allowing the tomb to remain beneath the library.

The authorities intend the tomb to be concreted over and made into a car park.

In 1998, the tomb of Mohammed's mother, Amina bint Wahb, was bulldozed and razed to the ground.

The house of Khadija, Mohammed's wife, is no longer standing. It has been replaced with public toilets.

The house of Abu Bakr, the first Caliph and father of Mohammed's last wife Aisha, has vanished under the foundations of a Hilton hotel

Now, you know

Are you still going to defend muslims for murdering UN staff because some guy in the US said he'd burn a koran ?

Huh ?

Now that you know they were going to RAZE Mohammed's tomb !

Now you know that they've put a building on Mohammed's child bride Aisah ?

Now that you know the house of another of Mohammed's wives is buried under a TOILET ?


You STILL believe now that Mohammed is 'sacred' to them ?

You still justify the murder of Van Gogh in the street by muslims was because he made a movie about them ?

You still justify their threats to murder the guy in Europe who drew a cartoon of the Prophet ?

Hey --- no one in the West has placed a TOILET over Lincoln's grave

No one has buried JFK under a library or building

NOW do you see how the Paid to Posts who take the Saudi dollar have been CONNING YOU and FOOLING you and LYING to you all along ?

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:03 PM
this is good, we dont need crazy savages claiming to be women just to blow up a bus with innocent people in it. this should come into effect in america as well.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:05 PM
Let's calla spade a spade. The REASON that females in the Muslim religion cover themselves up is because the men are tempted by the flesh of the female. The men do not practice this same thing. They are somehow magically exempt from it. Why is this not a two way street? Why do the men not wear a burqa as well? Why do the MEN not cover up all of their body? Are they trying to say that women cannot be tempted by the flesh of the male? That if a female reveals her skin that a Muslim male has no self restraint or self control and will try and rape her? What does that say about Muslim males? That they are no better than a savage animal and have no control over their instincts? That is something that a Dog would do. I expect more from you Muslim men. I expect you to act better than a beast would.

GO FRANCE! You do not stand alone, most of the world is with you! Way to stand up to fundamentalist savagery. Force these men to evolve and achieve some semblance of self control over their hormones. I have NEVER seen a full face Burqa in the United States.I have seen them VERY OFTEN in Qatar and Iraq. They look like trash bags and that is how the men want to keep them, as their dehumanized pets and slaves. Time to fight back and the battle is starting now! Lead the way France you take the point we got your back!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:08 PM

Abuse In The Name Of Allah

Saudi Arabia exports its Wahhabist ideology around the world. In 2005, Prince Alaweed bin-Talal made $20 million grants to the US universities of Georgetown and Harvard to promote "Muslim-Christian understanding", yet there is no such tolerance of any other faith within Saudi Arabia. No Bibles or crucifixes can be brought in by visitors, and holding Christian religious services can lead to imprisonment

Did you hear that ?

Better make sure you did

Because when the domination of Wahhabism is complete

you'll die for that crucifix

or for just attending church

And you will die if you dare post in a forum like this about your lost 'freee dums '

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by idonotcollectstamps
Let's calla spade a spade. The REASON that females in the Muslim religion cover themselves up is because the men are tempted by the flesh of the female. The men do not practice this same thing. They are somehow magically exempt from it. Why is this not a two way street? Why do the men not wear a burqa as well? Why do the MEN not cover up all of their body? Are they trying to say that women cannot be tempted by the flesh of the male? That if a female reveals her skin that a Muslim male has no self restraint or self control and will try and rape her? What does that say about Muslim males? That they are no better than a savage animal and have no control over their instincts? That is something that a Dog would do. I expect more from you Muslim men. I expect you to act better than a beast would.

GO FRANCE! You do not stand alone, most of the world is with you! Way to stand up to fundamentalist savagery. Force these men to evolve and achieve some semblance of self control over their hormones. I have NEVER seen a full face Burqa in the United States.I have seen them VERY OFTEN in Qatar and Iraq. They look like trash bags and that is how the men want to keep them, as their dehumanized pets and slaves. Time to fight back and the battle is starting now! Lead the way France you take the point we got your back!

I applaude you and what's more , I am not afraid to applaude you . At last somebody has the balls to write it as it is .

Way to go , buddy

edit on 11-4-2011 by gandalphthegrey because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by TimeCrisis
Yup on the radio today a muslim woman said if they bring the ban to Britain she would leave the country.God I hope they do, I want the normal english christmas' back.

And Being able to display our National flag with pride
And be able to remember our war dead
And to be able to feel safe in your own neighbourhood
And to be able to express yourself without offending
And be able to build more churches
And be able to eat non halal food
And to be treated as equal in OUR country
And to get the same benefits as them in OUR country
And to not worry about prosecution for disagreeing with their views

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by idonotcollectstamps
Let's calla spade a spade. The REASON that females in the Muslim religion cover themselves up is because the men are tempted by the flesh of the female. The men do not practice this same thing. They are somehow magically exempt from it.

That actually applies here in the US too.

It is fairly recent men have been legally expected to be responsible for their actions. And they're still not fully.

People really forget - - or they aren't old enough to have experienced this in the US.

When I was in high school in the early 60s - - - it was still the woman's fault if she got pregnant. It was still her fault for enticing the man - - by her dress - - by flirting - - etc.

We are not so advanced - - as we seem to claim at times.

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:13 PM
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet because I'm lazy to read 4 pages of replies, but is it not convenient that this happened on the same day French forces stormed the capital of Ivory Coast with both Air and ground forces?

Wag the dog, wag the dog...

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 03:14 PM

When not seeking out witches, the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice targets people who are considered to be acting immorally. They commonly seek out people who are "in seclusion." This breach of morality, called "khalwat", happens when a man and woman are found to be in each other's company when they are neither married nor blood relatives. How the muttawa assess "khalwat" is – to Western minds – bizarre.

In June, 2006 a disabled 70-year old woman entered a shop in Al Deira market in Riyadh while unaccompanied by a man. In the shop was the male shopkeeper. As a result, the woman (and not the man) was accused of "khalwat". Her relatives were not informed of her arrest. They found her a few days later in a jail.

Don't entertain the notion that old age will save you, either

If you're a three year old girl or an old girl of 90 --- better not let the Wahhabists catch you talking to a man on your own, or you'll be done for

Sex is on their minds constantly

Sick perverts

Women haters

Closet gay misognyists

Do you really want them calling the shots in your life ?

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