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typical Atheist
Originally posted by Fiberx
All places of worship and mind control operations. 'nuff said.
Though the main purpose of the Priests Rape Boys website is to criticize Catholicism, the WBC also criticizes several mainline Protestant churches on the website, including Methodists, Presbyterians, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Baptists. The WBC states that
...their preachers have shirked their responsibility to tell people the truth about sin, and instead lie to them about what the Lord their God doth require of them. If these lying, false prophets told people the truth about what God says regarding those who suffer sin upon their neighbor (Lev. 19:17–18), there wouldn't be any butts in the seats when the plate got passed. These preachers are not preachers of righteousness, they are teachers having itching ears (2Tim 4:3), and they absolutely count on the abysmal bible illiteracy of their parishioners ... "Priests rape boys" is indeed an air-tight, three word case against all of the mainline "christian" churches – their preachers and members, without exception. They are all going to Hell![
American taxpayers are financing this unholy monument to Jewish mendacity and greed and to filthy fag lust. Homosexuals and Jews dominated Nazi Germany ... The Jews now wander the earth despised, smitten with moral and spiritual blindness by a divine judicial stroke ... And God has smitten Jews with a certain unique madness ... Jews, thus perverted, out of all proportion to their numbers energize the militant sodomite agenda... Jews are the real Nazis
In one of the videos Fred Phelps claims that his church is "the ONLY church that teaches Gods word".
Similar is claimed in a later video buy one of the members
Originally posted by DanUKphd
This claim swayed me towards Psy-op. However, answering "Yes" is no where near good enough for me to base any conclusions on what exactly he was meaning.
Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by Skyfloating
With regards to money, arn't many of the family trained lawyers? I dont know who they would represent, maybe they make their money by prosecuting those who seek to deny their 1st Amendment rights? I dont know.
Originally posted by Fiberx
All places of worship and mind control operations. 'nuff said.
Originally posted by Skyfloating
After watching the 8-part series The most hated family in America I am wondering whether "Westboro Baptist Church" under the Phelps family is a covert psy-op or a secret mind-control / MKUltra cult. We know that there have been mind control experiments with other religious cults, most notoriously Jim Jones mass-suicide cult or, more recently, Heavens Gate. In the video series itself there are various hints that something is amiss. Here are a few:
* In one of the videos Fred Phelps claims that his church is "the ONLY church that teaches Gods word". Similar is claimed in a later video buy one of the members. This blanket insult at millions of other Christian churches should give you a hint that these people are either mentally ill or under some remote influence. I mean, we know that many ultra-fundamentalist Christians think that Christianity is the only true Religion, but to think that ones church is the only true church is more than just a little extreme.
* All phelps family members seem to have a lot of money, including those who are no longer members of the Church.This is odd since ultras and extremists normally dont have that much money. On the fringe of society nobody wants to give you money. It looked as if every family member sports their own SUV.
* The media are lashing on to these far-out-fringe loons as if they were representative of anything. In the movie its Louis Thereoux, but also other notables such as Michael Moore take "Westboro Baptist Church" as representative of what Religion is all about. Clearly walking around with Pickets saying "God Hates Fags" and "Fags eat Poop" is not what Religion is about. So what is the medias agenda with zooming in on these utter loons as if they were what the majority of religious people are like? If this is a Psy-Op then the goal here would be to increase the divide between the two already extremely conflicted ideological groups (left-wing/right-wing) in America.
* While it is true that there are parts of the Bible that forbid a Christian from having homosexual relationships, emphasizing and exaggerating this particular aspect of the Bible is a sign of either - again - mental illness, or some kind of unsound agenda. Most Christians I know would hold pickets saying "Jesus Loves You", not "God Hates Fags". In fact, quite a number of Christians are tolerant of Homosexuality. But their voices dont get heard in the media. In fact, the Westboro Baptist Church looks more like it was dreamed up as a caricature of an atheists biggest nightmare than anything resembling the normal decency and respect we know from Christians.
Of course I have no evidence that WBC is a secret psy-operation by some agency or rogue agency. Im only seeing the ripples of a stone cast long ago. Im only wondering who cast the stone. Im wondering if we, working together, can research and find evidence for strange ongoings in Westboro. Because there are a number of things seriously wrong with this case. How does a church get this insane? And why do all kinds of well-known journalists zoom in on it as if it represents anything? Its because of the medias cameras that these loons became known in the first place. Without the media they would be nothing. This is indeed how the mass-media manufactures controversy. Its so easy. You just point your camera at the most deranged idiot around and make it into something big.
I will be looking around for any further evidence that might point to what the thread title says and post it here as I find it.
Originally posted by dizzylizzy
leave them alone
They've already produced plenty of ripples. I think its time to look into their background.Its time to apply Google with the keywords Westboro and: "mind control" "psy-op" "MK Ultra"
Originally posted by DanUKphd
Some of Louis T's previous Doc's have turned out to be an assault on the truth but that's another issue.
Originally posted by Skyfloating
Originally posted by DanUKphd
Some of Louis T's previous Doc's have turned out to be an assault on the truth but that's another issue.
True. But the pickets and statements speak for themselves imo.
Thanks for the numbers. "Public Service"....OK.
(Proverbs 6:16)
"There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers
Originally posted by hadriana
God works in mysterious ways, and maybe so does the CIA. lol
It's MASS public shunning, the most powerful form of nonviolent aversive social control that I know.edit on 10-4-2011 by hadriana because: typos and misspellings are me.