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Is Westboro Baptist Chruch a Mind Control Psy-Op?

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:39 AM
After watching the 8-part series The most hated family in America I am wondering whether "Westboro Baptist Church" under the Phelps family is a covert psy-op or a secret mind-control / MKUltra cult. We know that there have been mind control experiments with other religious cults, most notoriously Jim Jones mass-suicide cult or, more recently, Heavens Gate. In the video series itself there are various hints that something is amiss. Here are a few:

* In one of the videos Fred Phelps claims that his church is "the ONLY church that teaches Gods word". Similar is claimed in a later video buy one of the members. This blanket insult at millions of other Christian churches should give you a hint that these people are either mentally ill or under some remote influence. I mean, we know that many ultra-fundamentalist Christians think that Christianity is the only true Religion, but to think that ones church is the only true church is more than just a little extreme.

* All phelps family members seem to have a lot of money, including those who are no longer members of the Church.This is odd since ultras and extremists normally dont have that much money. On the fringe of society nobody wants to give you money. It looked as if every family member sports their own SUV.

* The media are lashing on to these far-out-fringe loons as if they were representative of anything. In the movie its Louis Thereoux, but also other notables such as Michael Moore take "Westboro Baptist Church" as representative of what Religion is all about. Clearly walking around with Pickets saying "God Hates Fags" and "Fags eat Poop" is not what Religion is about. So what is the medias agenda with zooming in on these utter loons as if they were what the majority of religious people are like? If this is a Psy-Op then the goal here would be to increase the divide between the two already extremely conflicted ideological groups (left-wing/right-wing) in America.

* While it is true that there are parts of the Bible that forbid a Christian from having homosexual relationships, emphasizing and exaggerating this particular aspect of the Bible is a sign of either - again - mental illness, or some kind of unsound agenda. Most Christians I know would hold pickets saying "Jesus Loves You", not "God Hates Fags". In fact, quite a number of Christians are tolerant of Homosexuality. But their voices dont get heard in the media. In fact, the Westboro Baptist Church looks more like it was dreamed up as a caricature of an atheists biggest nightmare than anything resembling the normal decency and respect we know from Christians.

Of course I have no evidence that WBC is a secret psy-operation by some agency or rogue agency. Im only seeing the ripples of a stone cast long ago. Im only wondering who cast the stone. Im wondering if we, working together, can research and find evidence for strange ongoings in Westboro. Because there are a number of things seriously wrong with this case. How does a church get this insane? And why do all kinds of well-known journalists zoom in on it as if it represents anything? Its because of the medias cameras that these loons became known in the first place. Without the media they would be nothing. This is indeed how the mass-media manufactures controversy. Its so easy. You just point your camera at the most deranged idiot around and make it into something big.

I will be looking around for any further evidence that might point to what the thread title says and post it here as I find it.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 10:44 AM
All places of worship and mind control operations. 'nuff said.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:03 AM
Its mainly just a single, extended family that has a nut job of a father.
The only thing psy about it is how psycho this guy is.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:04 AM
reply to post by Fiberx

You were close, but I liked where you were going with that.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:05 AM
I dislike christianity.
It is one of the most "brutal" religions we have, but we do not focus on the "brutality" of the Bible, and teach people what the Bible is truly saying, instead, we focus on the same washed up verses that tugs at peoples hearts and keeps them close. Christianity brings up groups like WBC, and quiet honestly, they are the ones practicing the Bible closer than any other Christian group. I am confused on why people tend to think that the bible is so sacred and true. I appreciate WBC for exposing christianity for what it really is, in hopes more will look at it for what it is. (my opinion)
I truly am sorry for if I upset anyone, but look these things up, it teaches you how to sell your daughter as a sex slave, Exodus 21:7-11 NLT, and trust me, this is just a taste, the list literally goes on and on. So I say at the end of this, do not be mad at West Boro Baptist Church, although we obviously know their morales are sh** in our eyes. Instead, be mad at the religion, for it brings these obsurd groups into existence.
I love you all!
Peace and Light
I probably worded this a little bad in areas so bare with me
edit on 10-4-2011 by Ucabearbone because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:10 AM
all things you see on TV are a psy op

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:10 AM
They are a good example of Christian extremist , most Christians that I know would not associate with them because of the way they act. They are not people of God , Jesus didn't preach hate like these people do. They have taken the truth and twisted into hate, I really feel sorry for people like this .

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:16 AM
I think it's more to do with todays media giving too much time and attention to extremist groups, the viewer loves a freak show. The thing is they are just a very small group, basically an extended family, who hold some pretty extreme views. They have managed to get attention, in the same way trolls troll the internet. I would say they have been brain washed by the Patriarch pastor of the group

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:17 AM
Its a problem/reaction/solution and very probably cia/M Kultra, much like Laurel Canyon and the music industry. Of course this represents a ludicrous fringe element and also so far removed from the instructions and examples set by Yeshua, that this could never be said be Christian. Yeshua could harm no one, being one of the Family, teaching us to see through the world, and its traps, and understand what is here, and that War is Not Peace, to know right from wrong, and right was all about serving others, kindness, gentleness, respect for even the sinners, forgiveness for all, non reaction, turn the other cheek, seek within, seek for the inner connection, the kingdom within, the pearl, and unconditional love.

This is not being modeled here, something very alarming, and its a sign its a false flag when the media latches onto it like this, and actually depicts this as a typical Christian.

Everything in the media is highly suspect to begin with, even the news.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:31 AM
I believe that the WBC is in fact a cult. After watching the first few parts of The Most Hated Family In America, you can definitely see how ignorant and close minded these people are. It's horrible, scary, and downright SICK.

I believe in God, I am a Christian and these people are not Christian. They are EVIL.

I know many other Christians that do not judge homosexuals or try to shove their belief's down people's throats. Jesus preached about Good and Love. Not judging other people and point the finger at them and tell them in their face that they will burn in hell.

It's the media's fault that these people are well known and are sending out a very negative picture on Christians. There is definitely something more behind this group.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:43 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

With regards to money, arn't many of the family trained lawyers? I dont know who they would represent, maybe they make their money by prosecuting those who seek to deny their 1st Amendment rights? I dont know.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by MWStargazer

It's the media's fault that these people are well known and are sending out a very negative picture on Christians. There is definitely something more behind this group.

I agree with this, but if it were a psy-op in the way the OP suggests, the media would be complicit or else, what's the point. I have contended that the best way to deal with them would be to ignore them but they get media coverage doing what they do. It's like a while back when the guy threatened to burn the Quran. I was amazed at how much media coverage that got. In fact, without the media people wouldn't have even been aware of it beyond a small group and it would have been a non-issue.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by Skyfloating

No, i don't believe it's mind control. These people genuinely believe in the bible. If you believe in and follow a fundamental ancient document, you become fundamental. You woudn't want to anger the fundamental God besides.

Personally, i believe "moderate" Christians or Islamists for example, are just cowards. They refuse to believe what their doctrine and God is telling them, or they pick the parts that suit the modern day zeitgeist.

At least the Westboro Baptist Church are consistent with their beliefs. I'll give them that.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:53 AM
westboro is just another branch off religion using the bible. How many different religions use the same holy book to hold true yet disagree on several things. You can interpret the bible in many different ways, good or bad the bible is quite two-faced. like someone else pointed out selling your daughter as a slave is just the tip of the iceberg. what is in it is just reflective on the views and laws of the people writing at that time, nothing more, not an omnipotent kind and loving god's words passed down to mortals.

i feel sorry for people who's life is controlled by religion and who think that talking in there mind(praying) is going to change any outcome for anything.

Religion is an age old psy-op for power. you control the people, you gain power. You put fear in them, and you can bend and twist there actions to your liking.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by Ucabearbone

There is no religion on earth that I approve of, but Yeshua, a totally different story, and have already had enough of an experience to know that he's not a metaphor. Though if he had been, the way to pass the tests were still given.

They used his message, ministry, for their new sungod religion, because his words held truth and light and drew people, then they abused his words, cut alot of them out, and reformatted this into control, to mean the opposite to what he taught, obey, don't seek within, its occultism, etc etc.

If you did what he said, and even Matthew 13, the sower, the part where he says, that no one here, and that includes in church's, can see, we're blind and deaf, in a matrix, where everything is backwards, where war veterans are heros, where War is Peace, where loving and equalizing people like the Early Christians did is a pink commy thing to do, where the reputation of a person is what they own and how they dress, and the movies they watch, the idols they follow. But he said, the key words, if we asked for healing, to see, we would be healed.

In fact, if your eyes are filled with Light and Love only, and you take out constantly any judgments or negative thoughts, and seek only positive, words can form, reform when you're reading scripture or even any inspiring nonfiction, fiction or poetry, anything. You can always recognize the love and that which is not love.

All religions are coded with black squares and white squares by the controllers, not alot of white mind you. You can choose to see God as a pyramid and miss the words they did let in, that imply more than One Being, the inverted pryamid, Equal and Infinite Progressing Family, you can choose to see someone who is jealous, smiting, and a war general, killing all the conquered races and putting disobedient teens to death, OR, you can actually follow in the footsteps of Yeshua, and practice unconditional love, forgiveness of all, and do what the Sun really does, serve everyone like the Parents do, for it is the Projector of the Hologram and streams this in. Be the sunlight, and serve others, be a warm and loving ray, and serve others, reach into your infinite potential, like Yeshua suggests go within, and connect, find that pearl, and do greater works than he did. For your infinite (there is no time) self, in progression is a superstar. So how you can you fail. Even writing that I need to go back into meditation, and seek more direction. It makes me realize what can we do?

If we're following him and connecting to our infinite potential, what can we do? Well we should be able to do more than this! If we're the only light in a darkness, our infinity is equal to the infinity around us, and we can shine our light.

That is what Yeshua taught. Budda was a seeker, Yeshua, was his Higher Self, superman in the system, and had found, already passed the tests.

I had a meditation where he appeared, and unlocked a city. I meditated in my pool garden in the sun. He put a waterfall there and suddenly levitating monks appeared so the waterfall was about turning all negative to positive.

His robe was whiter than white, pure white, glowing gleaming white. And it mean purity. Pure selfless unconditional love and service to others.

Then in Dec 21, with the red moon eclipse, just after the geminid meteor shower I had a vision akin to the 7th seal, a preshadowing of it. For an hour I was asking my sons what they were seeing and trying to draw what I saw. Not a moon like they did, but these stacking almost like a flexible slinky, slivers of crescent tops, pure, gleaming white. Whiter than White. The Lamb. Purity. Pure gentle love. So much kindness and beautiful love. And these discs formed a dove and then a man shape (those are the words that came in my mind when they changed).

I knew no matter what will happen, to not be afraid. Love is holding his hand to all of us. Will we take the hand of Love, and be Love, be transformed to Love?

These people are so far removed from their concepts of Christianity. They are M Kultra victims, a part of a conspiracy to ridicule Yeshua's message and to add to the negative harvest of the planet. The planet where War is Peace, and Hate is Love, and all is backwards and we're meant to see through it.

We don't have to be religious to do this.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:50 PM

Originally posted by Ucabearbone
I dislike christianity.

quiet honestly, they are the ones practicing the Bible closer than any other Christian group.

Im no Christian, but, as you can glean from my opening post, I take offense to this kind of thinking. I know plenty of Christians who live by Jesus words of "love thy neighbour..." and "don't judge..." etc.

Im concerned about fundamentalist Christians but Im just concerned about what I see as a distortion of what the majority of modern Christians are about.

Ive never, not once in my life heard a Christian say "God hates fags". WBC are the first Ive heard it from.
edit on 10-4-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
I think it's more to do with todays media giving too much time and attention to extremist groups, the viewer loves a freak show. The thing is they are just a very small group, basically an extended family, who hold some pretty extreme views. They have managed to get attention, in the same way trolls troll the internet. I would say they have been brain washed by the Patriarch pastor of the group

I fully agree. Why give these people so much airtime? They certainly dont deserve it. But people prefer a freakshow to the truth.
edit on 10-4-2011 by Skyfloating because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

This is not being modeled here, something very alarming, and its a sign its a false flag when the media latches onto it like this, and actually depicts this as a typical Christian.

Originally posted by MWStargazer
I believe in God, I am a Christian and these people are not Christian. They are EVIL.

Im kind of relieved many of you can see it. If I were a Christian Id consider them under possession of evil spirits.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by awake_and_aware
Personally, i believe "moderate" Christians or Islamists for example, are just cowards. They refuse to believe what their doctrine and God is telling them, or they pick the parts that suit the modern day zeitgeist.

At least the Westboro Baptist Church are consistent with their beliefs. I'll give them that.

In every path and religion you are given the choice which aspects of it to emphasize. Humans have a capability called choice. To chose love over hate may be seen by some as cowardly. Others see it as chosing light over darkness.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:16 PM
reply to post by Skyfloating

Evil spirits, beings, the Empire. The Empire that runs all the slave pens here. But they're just fish in the fishbowl universe school,one of an infinite numbers, for Infinity doe not manifest in singularity, but Infinite One-111111......'s, infinite intelligences, infinite intellects/souls/infinite schools, and infinite Beyonds, our true home. When we pass the tests here, to love and yearn for equality and serve others, not be selfish, to see the basic structures of good and the opposite, love and its opposite. When we do this, Love only progresses, our consciousness, awareness, intellect, senses, sights, colors all of it, only progresses unto higher and higher levels, where in infinity there is no higher/lower, bigger/smaller, since measurements are impossible, but the concept is there.

So overseeing the school is the true Designers/Creators, who have already walked this walk and passed these tests.

Doesn't mean things don't happen here, because its not a permanent home, this is all temporal. But it does mean, that their plans can only occur within certain guidelines.

When there is anything around us, that is metaphorically dark, we need to learn to reach within, to ourselves, our potential and Family.

Its the Empire's work this group is doing. But Yeshua came to write in the sand with his finger, and show that there is something over our laws and rules, and even when he gave his life, that had a metaphor too beyond what the church teaches, but it had to do with his purity. For when an evil empire runs planets and thinks it can code things legalistically to its own dominion and own souls, the Creators could have simply set them straight. Instead, an Adult entered the playground and played the game with the bullies and students, and when they broke their own laws and put an innocent to death, they literally saw all their authority was undermined and crumpled forever, and all the slaves were free. Of course they were already, but they had to have this demonstrated in their minds, for we're in a thoughtscape, highly interactive school, and the slavery relates to hijacked consciousness.

So I see an Empire at work, but it doesnt truly have the power it thinks it has.

I also feel a lot of compassion for this family and the children. The kind of brass, flippy comments the mother makes, reminds me of a few druggies I knew.
edit on 10-4-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

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