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Seattle school renames Easter eggs 'Spring Spheres'

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posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 10:05 PM

Originally posted by dolphinfan
The one thing that is laughable is that an egg is not a sphere.

No kidding, thus the extra layer of stupidity.

Easter doesn't even have anything to do with Christianity. That's what else is funny about it. The Catholic Church just went through lots of effort to paint it as a Christian holiday after they weren't able to torture all the natives to force them to stop celebrating the Spring equinox.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro
If that is the case then one could make connections to a variety of Pagan "religions" if you really want to stretch things. I'd really prefer if they simply stuck to what educators should be doing. Educating them about the world we live in.

There is a difference between religion and culture. Introducing certain aspects of a culture is acceptable and meant to familiarize students with their differences. In some cultures there is a very fine line between culture and its religion.

Paganism could/would be a belief and should not be taught as a religious belief. However - - Festivals of Life - - has practical meaning IMO.

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Annee
There is a difference between religion and culture. Introducing certain aspects of a culture is acceptable and meant to familiarize students with their differences. In some cultures there is a very fine line between culture and its religion.

Paganism could/would be a belief and should not be taught as a religious belief. However - - Festivals of Life - - has practical meaning IMO.

Perhaps, but you seem to be parsing dust here. Is culture and religion so separable? I'm an atheist as well so I'm really just curious and have always found you to be an interesting poster so I thought I'd ask.

Is the problem that government should not include religion or anything affiliated with it in public schools or that government is in the business of schooling? Personally I'd suggest the latter but there are many who think the fabric of reality would crumble at merely mentioning this insane and radical thought. Would it be the same if government simply provided the funds and attached them to the student and all schools were private? Would their funding create a de facto extension of the government as well?

Where do we draw the line? Personally I do not see the secular aspects of these holidays to be anything but secular. The religion in them is dying as is faith in this nation, at least in the more educated areas.


posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 11:38 PM
Ya really gotta hand it to these folks- they've cornered the market on creative and corny ridiculousness. I still can't keep from laughing when I think about PETA's wanting to call fish "sea kittens".
If it weren't so sad and irritating, it would be hysterically funny. No wonder their favorite spokespeople are comedians.

Eostre is a pagan holiday, BTW, and surely no one has ever said or implied that the Easter Bunny is actually Jesus in a rabbit suit.

edit on 9-4-2011 by DogsDogsDogs because: God Help me (that's right. I said God) I just wasn't done

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:10 AM
shes and everyone knows eggs have so much to do with the Resurrection of christ, and not a pagan holiday or anything.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:41 AM

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:54 AM

Originally posted by bandito
. No way i could show up in Saudi Arabia or Pakistan and tell them to cancel Ramadan because i could be offended . My head would be on a pole .

Well, we are not theocracies like those countries, are we?

I'm not even remotely religious but i'm not willing to give up heritage and tradition to accomidate anyone . It isn't seasons greetings , happy holidays or merry x-mas , it's Merry Christmas , Happy Easter and Easter Eggs .

You're 'not even remotely religious' and yet you unquestioningly use Christian terminology? Also, 'merry X-mas' IS Christian terminolgy as well. "X" comes from the Greek letter Chi, which is the first letter of the Greek word Χριστός, translated as "Christ".
edit on 10-4-2011 by incrediblelousminds because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 12:56 AM
While I think this is dumber that asking Obama to balance your checking account, I say if the folks in that area want to have a "coloured sphere with candy but no peanuts because someone might be alergic" day, then let 'em.

Just as long as no-one stops MY family from going to church that day, we're cool. Oh, and the Easter Bunny also visits. Then leg of lamb for dinner.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:04 AM
reply to post by bandito

That's all good and fine, but do you realize that both Easter and Christmas have more historically to do with paganism than anything to do with Christianity?

It's no coincidence they both fall around the Spring Equinox and Winter Solstice, respectively.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:10 AM
An obvious troll story. How's it go again, "obvious troll is obvious"?

I'm surprised that members of ATS can't tell when a story is a farce and designed to troll the media.

So some "16 year old" named Jessica calls up a political talk show and claims a public school (which shall remain nameless) decided, in full-blown marxist/progressive/PC and several other derogatory lefty terms, to rename Easter Eggs as "Spring Spheres", and the right-wing idiocracy is off to the races in another round of bashing those horrible lefties.

Yet not one other witness has come forward to mention this "Spring Spheres" charade? Not one parent? Oh that's right it's a public school, no doubt a bastion of lefty mentality, if only all schools were privatized, sigh...

You have to wonder if this were a true story and some "PC" school functionary wanted to remove all things Christian from the classroom, why they wouldn't still call them "Spring Eggs", I mean they were still eggs, Easter or no. But then I don't believe that this is a true story either, and as a troll it wouldn't illicit the same facepalm reaction as the notion of naming Easter eggs "spring spheres".

No facts, no verification, not one shred of fact to back up this claim. It just doesn't take much to troll the media these days. Shame on everyone who thought this was true without even asking for proof, and all because it catered to your hatred of liberals or

So this story is probably the concoction of a church junkie trying to make the godless lefties look like idiots, I'm surprised "Jessica" (probably a 40-year old bible thumper) didn't end her story with:

God: 1
Atheists: 0

That's usually how the biblical trolls roll on the chans.

My suggestion to the members of ATS is next time treat stories like this with a serious does of skepticism, the signs were all present this story was fake from the anonymous radio call-in, not naming the school, and a lack of anyone else mentioning this. I think if this were true you'd here about it from dozens of parents.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:15 AM
reply to post by Blackmarketeer

yes, but as a bonus we got to see all the people who think that Jesus was a gun toting american who distributed easter eggs to kids dressed as a bunny.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:19 AM
What's really funny is reading all the blogs comments about how "retarded" those lefties are for calling eggs "spheres", but they apparently have no problem brainwashing their children into thinking a magical bunny lays eggs.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 05:00 AM
This is definitely as 'on the horns of a dilemma' situation.

I think the previous poster i very likely correct, its a provocation. The fact of the matter is both the RC and PC camps are full of nut jobs goading each other on.

Since this is a PC extremist post i'll weigh in on that though.

I remember when all this nonsense started in the late 70's suddenly we had Chairwomen and Spokespersons. Now i was always of the belief that we are equal, so it seemed to me that these were silly word games trying to make some people more equal than others. They just bring un-needed attention to the differences, and make the folks using this novel language feel special. Not equal - special.

The final result wasn't to create equality just more and more special interest groups.

The net goal for the PCer is to eliminate any kind of religious culture and i can only assume replace it with more junk to buy, or trumped up causes to support.

I remember learning about the Jewish faith right alongside the Christian, there were no Muslims or Hindus so i learned about those faiths on my own. However i think true tolerance would allow us to discuss and celebrate all our respective traditions and beliefs rather than try to eliminate them.

Maybe we need to create a new holiday for atheist PC types, where we buy each other IPods i don't know, and celebrate their day too. It would make more sense to me to do that than to just deny the existence of the religious question altogether. Maybe if we learned about the different religions we could see that they have more in common than we realize, and just may be we could start to accept one another. And make a true step towards being members of mankind.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 06:23 AM
why are there still religious stat holidays? we need to get rid of those. Christmas break? Needs to be banned. Obviously religious. WHy am I paying for the government worker's time and a have or more on a religious stat? WHy do teachers and students take christmas off?
there comes a point when something isn't religious it's tradtition and it's part of ur culture. Kinda odd what people think is importatnt these days.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

What the helll is offensive about the word Easter egg?
edit on 10-4-2011 by thorazineshuffle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:27 AM
reply to post by heyo

Insane. Just call it what you want to. If you want to call it winter break, go for it. I will callnit whatever I feel. I hate this pc crap anyway.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:31 AM
Hmm wonder what they plan to call Easter?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:32 AM
reply to post by HorizonMan

No, people just need to let people celebrate in peace whatever holiday they choose, with fear of some pc attack. You know? Tolerance. What a novel concept. In other words, just because you do not like the punch, don't piss in it.
edit on 10-4-2011 by thorazineshuffle because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:32 AM

Originally posted by Turq1
The whole Easter egg thing is a part of our culture.

Could you please help me out a little and define "our" for me?

I am having a hard time believing this story as written. I know all about the easter egg hut becoming a spring egg hunt but that was what I had heard. It was change to a Spring EGG hunt. Not a spehere hunt. This is the first I am hearing of anyone trying to change "egg" to "sphere" to cover for the religious connotation of the preceding word that is no longer in use. This is starting sound more like Bill Oreilly's big crusade on the school that banned Christmas that later released photos of their classroom Christmas tree.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by sepermeru

the easter eggs, are not from the christian religion, that date further back,
easter is just the celebration of the first day of spring
ya, the meaning was rewritten, the day was moved a little, but it's still the equinoxes being celebrated, at least much of the traditions were carried over from them...

my question is this, we now have half the world celebrating the "christmas"---the first day of winter----on their first day of summer....
why do you reckon that our ancerstors saw those days, first day of spring, first day of winter, first day of summer, first day of autumn as so important that they were celebrated, long...long before christianity came into being???
growing seasons??
well, my question, could there be more, and have we thrown something off in half our world by forcing them to acknowledge winter, when in reality it is summer that arrives??

maybe we should start calling the holidays by what they are, and well, we can call the eggs fertility eggs!! since that is what they truly represent.....the time of year when the world comes back to life and becomes fertile....
unless of course, you live in the southern hemisphere, and you world is going to sleep at that time of year...

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