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How would you invade the USA?

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posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:40 AM
We have been invaded already. What do you call 30 plus million Illegal Aliens living inside the US?

I know you are speaking of a Military invasion, but it would be the same for scenario for a Military as it has been for the civilian invasion. You don’t attack our shores, you send in you units via normal transport, i.e. bus, train, plane, ship. Stage them where you need them and once in place strike all at once. Remember the Ft Hood shooting, if he had not run out of ammo he still be shooting. Our military are not armed while they are at their bases. Remember the OP story of 9/11, that was just 19 men, now multiply that number by thousands. Ever see a container ship port? Hundred of thousands of containers un-inspected, that is how you bring in the hardware. But you really only need five small nukes to send the US back to the stone age. EMP pulse is the greatest threat we face and a rouge unit with the correct hardware could cripple this country beyond repair.

Ever go to a Chinese run container warehouse? At least a hundred of the facilities in southern California alone. There is ALWAYS a Chinese guy who is just standing around watching over everything, reminds me of a “Pit Boss” in Vegas, that guy is Chinese Military or Just watch you local Chinese restaurant, the worker turnover rate is beyond belief. Chinese nationals come here on a work visa, their employeement is the restaurant, once established they just disappear and a whole new batch of nationals come take their place.

WWII style D-Day invasion is never going to happen. The closest thing to that would be the storyline in Red Dawn. First you place your commando units inside the country as sleeper cells, then cripple the Networks, communication, utilities, rail highway, using the commandos. Then your use air-drop units flown in from some South American Country, as a strike force, then you can just send your personal ships in and dock right at Long Beach.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:41 AM
reply to post by phatpackage

an army marches on its stomach Phat
have youze checked the bread box lately?

revolutionary soup is lookin thin and glowey these days
as are the revolutionary bank accounts, credit cards, and...mortgages...

The batf was just busted running guns to these illegal mexican invaders
ooops army
also for the Yankie uber all types...
what is that allows foregn nationals to buy businesses
M5 visa T 5 somehting like that
its called the infaltionizer, as the unbacked QE notes come flooding home
as the chinese quietly unload their treasuries for LAND at rock bottom prices...
Note the word "DING in "Flooding"

ever hear the expression
bringing a gun to an assymetric war fight?
must be the flouride

THEY KNOW you have guns
they are using the money they made selling them to you to beat your

edit on 10-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:42 AM
I would immergrate, send refugees and populate and gain a majority over time and get into political circles and eventualy become president and open the

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:52 AM
I would do it the way Ghandi did with the British Empire, without firing a shot. How does one accomplish that? By invading subtly, from Mexico. One or two or 20 men at a time, in the guise of "immigrants". Then once I've infiltrated the country with several million people, well, use your imagination.

Being the majority demographic, I could then steer the direction of the country and effectively "take it over", right before they're eyes and they wouldn't even know it was happening. I would play on the weaker political party for their votes, aiding in steering the country in the direction I choose. Eventually, one of "my people" would be elected president and would slowly start to destroy the country from within, subtly so nobody would be suspicious and think it's intentional...

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:58 AM
Since the real estate is plunging right along with the value of the dollar,
(the dErivitives thus generated are being used to sink countries all around the world...
no guns about that either)
the CHINES DON"T GET RIPPED OFF when they use thse E5 visas to buy up houses and buinesses and I think they can also bring to whole flam damly with then too, to work there.

While the US peeps who lost their houses are living in tent cities like palistinians or ethiopians eh?

Also the illegal Mexicans can afford to buy these cheap houses with their UNDER the TABLE CASH.
remember those narrowly defeated AMNESTY bills? ( only a matter of time)
While WACHOVIA launders bazillions in one of the PTBs main bullets to the head
Like the stuff in that CIA rendition plane that went down in Mexico carrying 3 plus ton of coke.

Also amoungst the patriots yopu will find a lot of manchurian candidates....
Assymetric invasion...
edit on 10-4-2011 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-4-2011 by Danbones because: total rewrite.......ooops

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:06 AM
Hmmmm, I've asked this question myself a few times.
Since I live on the west coast I'll give it a try from the perspective of a Asia/Pac nation invading the west coast.
Let me set a scene on the fly, Open hostilities have erupted between the United States of America and the trans Asia-pacific Nation of the Peoples Republic Of Sangese. Both countries have signed an agreement to not use Nuclear weapons.

Peoples Republic of Sangese
Capital: Owaking
Largest City: Owaking
Official language: Sangese
Government: Socialist State
President: Hu Bontaru
Premier: Macao Heung
Member of the UN Security Council.

Population: 420,000,000 (est)

Sangese Defense Liberation Forces
Military Age: 16-60
Available for military service: 90,000,000 (est)
Fit for Military service: 70,500,000
Population Eligible for Draft: 100,000,000

Active Duty Personnel: 2,000,000 (est)
Reserve Personnel: 3,000,000 (Fluctuates every two years due to youth 2 compulsory service before or after community college equavilant education)

Defense Budget (peace time): 800Billion USD
Defense Budget (wartime): 1.3Trillion (est)

Likely declarations of War to arise from
U.S./Republic of the Philippines (Mutual Defense Treaty, 1952)
U.S./Australia/New Zealand (ANZUS - U.S., 1952)
U.S./Republic of Korea (Mutual Defense Treaty, 1954)
U.S./Japan (Mutual Defense Treaty, 1960)

These Nations naval strength will be dealt with in Phase 1, neutralize their navy, but avoid any invasion/occupational type forces.

Grand Strategy
Phase 1- Engage the Third and Seventh Fleets and antagonize US intelligence with submarines raiding and sinking any US trade ships in the south pacific. Move one or two fleet to guard Indonesia seas from other US Fleets. Third and Seventh Fleets must be brought into a major battle, or attacked destroyed piece by piece. Gain Operational Superiority around Hawaiian Islands. Mobilize all reserve components, increase recruitment quotas.

Phase 2 - "Liberate" Hawaii, elements of Hawaiian population that opposed US rule having been armed by Sangese Intelligence Agency prior to war, would be given a "Greenlight" to launch a major uprising to disrupt US ground forces. Sangese Fleets will battle Third and/or Seventh Fleet task forces (if any left). Defeat US airforce, avoid destruction of any airfields if possible. Ground Invasion to strike harbors, air drops units in and around airfields and command centers. Land amphibious tanks to support infantry. Avoid major population areas and focus on military targets. Once US Forces overcome, follow through in supporting a new state of Hawaii. Formally request (but firmly remind who is incharge) use of all military installations from the New Hawaiian government.

Phase 3 - Slow momentum, Focus on bringing Hawaii facilities back to adequate use. Consolidate Unit losses from fleet and army/marine forces. Set up supply lines back to homeland, attack and subdue any Island nation that refuses to give port access from hawaii to homeland. Continue to seek and destroy Third/Seventh US Fleets. Deploy submarine forces to Bering strait, Drake Passage, and west Panama coast. Identify US West Coast Military Targets. Identify all Alaskan Oil, Mineral, and Timber resources, their locations, quantity and quality. Identify Mexican drug cartels who are "friendly" to Sangese Intelligence Agency. Increase arm smuggling to mexican drug cartels, in return for continual disruption of Mexican Military and government. In return for "safe" landing sites along Baja California peninsula.

Phase 4 - Probe West coast defenses with two fleets. Launch invasion of Alaska, gain air superiority, subdue airforces, strike all military installations through incremental levels of threat priority. Primary objective is to take all natural resource deposits and facilities intact. Once all goals have been met. Bring in occupational forces.
Rotate "Veteran" units in a time table to homeland. muster army and air forces for the invasion of California, Oregon, and Washington.

Phase 5 - Invade the continental United States from the west coast. Defeat and subdue US Fleet. Gain Air Superiority from Coast to 150 miles inland of US Coast. Begin bombing campaign once Air superiority achieved. Targets include missile silos, military bases (primarily barracks). Commence Division sized amphibious landings at the following locations: Grays Harbor, Washington; Willapa Bay, Washington; Astorias, Oregon: Tillamook Bay; Oregon; Winchester Bay, Oregon; Coos Bay, Oregon; Pelican Bay (Tolawa state park), California; Humboldt Bay, California
San Fransico Bay Area will be attacked from multiple directions. Airborne Divisions deployed to Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Fair Field, and Livermore. These will cut off major high ways from the north and east of the bay.
Brigade strength amphibious landings in Monterey Bay at Santa Cruz, Watsonville and Monterey. Again Brigade strength landings at the following locations; Stinson Beach, Moss Beach, Half Moon bay. Utilize amphibious assault ships to land multiple brigade strength units at san franciso international airport, Almeda, Richmond.
Sangese Navy will target enemy forces in the cities with missile strikes, civilian losses "acceptable" plead human shields are in use to UN Security Council.

Thus in response to the original post, I would like to say this is how I would conduct an invasion of the United States. Overall goal is to quickly neutralize the US Military, deprive it of resources, and with out using nuclear weapons. More than likely NATO forces would be deployed on US soil, and a war "Front" would eventually appear along the rocky mountains if all goes according plan!
PS: I might post an update to this later on, concerning Southern California/Baja California invasions, but of course you can imagine what that would be like fighting over LA and San Diego/Tijuana.

edit on 10-4-2011 by LordofJayek because: Grammar and spelling (x1)

edit on 10-4-2011 by LordofJayek because: Grammar and spelling (x2)

edit on 10-4-2011 by LordofJayek because: PS

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:32 AM
Any large organized naval assault on any coastal U.S. base or city would be noticed in the middle of the oceans and provide for target practice for the thousands of bomber, fighter, and interdiction air superiority jets laughing their merry old way to refueling for more target practice of a force that likely will be chugging along at about 30 knots.

Any serious warfare of the North American continent has to covertly start innocuously right in the breadbaskets with biological and chemical contamination. If you have a group of suicide volunteers you simply infect them with small pox and send them into the most populous distribution centers of food and fuel. The defenseless reign of terror will create chaos and raiding of outlining areas distributing food and water processing.

You aren't going to stand any chance of going to battle with weaponry enough to first win any ground and second with enough that simply couldn't invade without detection. Outside of the Alaskan coasts there isn't a 20-mile stretch of the U.S. coast vacant a coast guard vessel, and you know if their guns don't take you out their radios will, ushering in an aerial assault that will make Bagdad's Shock and Awe look like a picnic.

If you simply want to kill Americans your most effective method is biological and chemical Asymmetric Warfare.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by LordofJayek

blah blah blah...

let me guess,
U play games and are the king of your world, right,
with special powers?

why not devote that energy to something more constructive?

like maybe how to stop your own leaders from bombing everyone else...

stop worrying about your own puny piece of real estate and wake up to yourselves AMERICA,,,
U are not the world police,
U are the worlds biggest robber...and oppressor.


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:38 AM
I wouldn''d be a waste of bullets!

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 08:42 AM

Originally posted by Silicis n Volvo
reply to post by sonofliberty1776

because its that easy?? you'd wait a month? lol you have enough EMPs to cover the entire US? before that month is over there would be a huge hole in the ground where you used to be.

everyone comment on this thread seems to be in the assumption that the enemy wouldnt fight back.

LOL. Dude, who would the US hit even if they could? It would only take 4 EMP bombs total in my scenario. North Korea already has and Iran likely has the missile and nuclear technology to carry out my plan. 2 false flagged tramp freighters retrofitted to launch missiles about 300 miles up and 500 miles inland from both coasts. For overkill, make it 3 freighters and 6 emp bombs. Send the third freighter into the gulf of mexico and use it's system to provide overlap between the attacks. Now if I was using a nation with tech equivalent to the USA's it would be even easier. 1 Ohio class could handle the whole mission with a few slbms launching only emp. The month wait is for the citizenry to kill itself off.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:06 AM

While I realize some of you are obviously joking, there are other posters that are just plain dumb. Some of you posters play to many video games.

Military invasion of the USA? Sure it is possible but highly improbable. Why? Because of the amount of Americans that own weapons, that's why. Every gang banger, redneck, illegal, and drug dealer (and whoever else you can think of) would be banding together to fight off the invaders.

Let us also not forget any wannabe invaders would have one hell of a time getting anywhere near our coastlines unforeseen. Sure there have been a few rouge submarines, but the forces needed to invade the USA would never make it anywhere close to us undetected.

Where does that leave entry for any wannabe invaders? Well, either from the north or the south. You don't think Canada is going to let some army walk through their country to get to us. Mexico might let them but the invaders need to get through all the drug cartels before hitting the USA.

So that leaves them Alaska and Hawaii.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:11 AM
I just want to add, if someone already hasn't, that we have Chuck Norris.

We're safe.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:16 AM
Puny piece of real estate? LoL

Have you looked at what you got down there in Australia? LoL

At least we were not started as a penal colony.

Originally posted by shaneR
reply to post by LordofJayek

blah blah blah...

let me guess,
U play games and are the king of your world, right,
with special powers?

why not devote that energy to something more constructive?

like maybe how to stop your own leaders from bombing everyone else...

stop worrying about your own puny piece of real estate and wake up to yourselves AMERICA,,,
U are not the world police,
U are the worlds biggest robber...and oppressor.


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:22 AM

Originally posted by Acid_Burn2009
Puny piece of real estate? LoL

Have you looked at what you got down there in Australia? LoL

At least we were not started as a penal colony.

Umm, you may want to look into this. Not 100% accurate. Not 100% inaccurate either, but you do want to do some research on this.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Shamatt

I am aware that it is neither 100% accurate or 100% inaccurate.

Thanks for your concern though.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by CkGordon

And was a ridiculous POS with no attention paid to the logistics of invading a country the size of the US.

And cargo ships to carry troops?

Does anyone here have any idea why that wouldn't work? I'll give you a single clue: Bathrooms.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:44 AM
Blockade oil import would be the first step..
I think there is merit in taking alaska first (both for the oil and as a initial beachhead into the northwest

It all depends really on what lands you got to work with...if its the entire world against the US, that makes it much easier than if you got to work with only a few nations here and there...for instance, if south america is all for it, then you could make a good invasion force for the southern us..moving up into the gulf and hit all the bottom nations with ground troops while moving from russia into the northwest...the hardest to fall would be the east coast, so leave that till the end, but you could quickly have 2/3rds the US if caught off guard before they could even start to put on a plan.

capturing and invading is easy...however, after a week or so, it would be over...holding is very different than capturing. every other yahoo with a gun would be shooting at the troops..

Red Dawn was actually tame. you don't have just some kids in rural america fighting, you got gangbangers in the streets armed almost equal to a proper military force, you got all parts of america armed up already and looking for a fight. america is simply not worth invading given the amount of resources it would take to hold it. should someone go to war on american soil, it isn't to take it...its to anniliate it, which means the invasion force that will effect us long term would not be in the form of troops and tanks, but of nukes.

Still, it could possibly be done if it simply didn't matter how costly it was...would certainly reduce the population significantly with the endless waves of casualtys

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by shaneR
reply to post by LordofJayek

blah blah blah...

let me guess,
U play games and are the king of your world, right,
with special powers?

why not devote that energy to something more constructive?

like maybe how to stop your own leaders from bombing everyone else...

stop worrying about your own puny piece of real estate and wake up to yourselves AMERICA,,,
U are not the world police,
U are the worlds biggest robber...and oppressor.


Strange post

You went onto a thread you don't have interest in
you attack someone whom answered the threads topic with a moanfest of how you don't like the topic..

are you new to ATS, or just manners in general?

and nice rant bout you leave your island and give it back to the aborininal people instead of keeping your enslaved native second class population while you kowtow to the queen
nothing like pointing a shame finger at a nation while you step on the natives of your own place.

hypocrites and bankers make the world go round.

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:51 AM
It all depends on the ultimate goal: to takeover the country or to destroy the country. If you wanted to destroy the country you would use nukes but then you would not be able to take it over and risk total destruction by nuclear retaliation. Given that the world;s elite are bankers and not military men per se (they see the military as their servants) I think that the best way to take over this country (assuming that is the goal for a hypothetical invasion), then I would use the model of a hostile corporate takeover or leveraged buyout instead of the military model. I would take over the country from within: "fundamentally transform" the country by first getting the country into insurmountable debt, then hit it with a false flag attack disguised as a natural disaster (yellowstone caldera, san andreas or new madris fault lines) which would be the economic coup de grace and allow the federal government to take advantage of the crisis to suspend the us constitution (institute martial law and coop state and local government, including law enforcement and state militias and guard units). In order to make the change permanent and not a 6 mo temporary situation the perpetrators would probably destroy the capital in another false flag (taking out the entire congress when in session) eliminating the legislative branch and highest judicial branch of government and destroying cultural icons of democracy and then move the government to another city like Kansas City or Denver (hmmm, Denver airport seems prophetic).

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by shaneR
reply to post by LordofJayek

blah blah blah...

let me guess,
U play games and are the king of your world, right,
with special powers?

hehe, I do blah blah blah. Don't we all? I can't think of day when I haven't blahed to someone!
Seriously though, you can always think of ways on how to "invade america". Yet how likely is that going to happen? Also I found the end of your post just salty about random arbitrary shaped entities that "oppress" and "police", its human nature!

Originally posted by Acid_Burn2009

While I realize some of you are obviously joking, there are other posters that are just plain dumb. Some of you posters play to many video games.


So that leaves them Alaska and Hawaii.

I'm not sure why the disrespect, but I did enjoy your post!
A large scale conventional war does not seem to be on the horizon any time soon. It seems like there are plenty of unconventional or irregular warfare that will plague us all for many years. I may play some strategy games, but it is not difficult in deciding how to plan an attack on an enemy. Again I stress the word PLAN. Implementing any "operation" Or campaign, never goes exactly as thought out, no?

Don't forget that the US during the cold war had contingency plans for a communist invasion from the south (mexico) and north over the arctic seas. The cold war era likely has the best examples of a conventional attack on US soil.

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